# Franz

Collection of Docker Compose files for my homeserver

## Structure The server is divided into several modular components which can be startet and stopped almost independently from one another. Some are optional, while others are mandatory. ## Modules ### [dns](/dns) An instance of pihole with unbound as a recursive dns for more privacy. ### [infrastructure](/infrastructure) Traefik runs as a reverse proxy with pihole supplying the custom domain. Homarr was chosen as a dashboard for all services. ### [media](/media) (Optional) An automated media server setup with jellyfin, radarr, sonarr, bazarr, prowlarr, transmission and windscribe ### [nas](/nas) (Optional) An instance of nextcloud and a smb share. ### [volman](/volman) (Optional) My default setup to manage docker volume contents. Mount several data volumes or path mappings to exchangel, position and backup data. ## Setup Use `sudo docker network create -d bridge traefik-net` to create network for traefik. In every module subfolder you can run `sudo docker compose up -d` to start a module and `sudo docker compose down` to stop it. ## License Distributed under the MIT License. See `LICENSE` for more information.