##### Student Makefile for the ESS deliverables ##### # Change this file to match your requirements # Name of your project LD_NAME = dimming # Add lists of space separated source files # Own sources, e.g. main.c SRCS = dimming.c # Library sources, e.g. xmc_gpio.c LIBSRCS = # Precompiled libraries, e.g. -lm for math functions LIBLNK = # Change this line if the path to your XMC-Library differs, it will be overwritten before grading to # match the system the grading is performed on. XMC_LIBDIR = /home/ghoscht/Coding/embedded/ccu/xmclib/ # Language dialect SCFLAGS = -std=gnu99 # Optimization level, remember that enabling optimization will stirr up the assembly code and thus # debugging is more difficult SCFLAGS += -O0 # If you like, you can enable even more warnings, e.g. -Wextra, but for grading -Wall will be used SCFLAGS +=