Configure SWD Protocol.
Configure SWD Protocol.
The DAP_SWD_Configure Command sets the SWD protocol configuration. For more information about the SWD protocol refer to the ARM Debug Interface v5 - Interface Specification.
DAP_SWD_Configure Command:
BYTE | BYTE *********|
> 0x13 | Configuration |
- Configuration: Contains information about SWD specific features
- Bit 1 .. 0: Turnaround clock period of the SWD device (should be identical with the WCR [Write Control Register] value of the target): 0 = 1 clock cycle (default), 1 = 2 clock cycles, 2 = 3 clock cycles, 3 = 4 clock cycles.
- Bit 2: DataPhase: 0 = Do not generate Data Phase on WAIT/FAULT (default), 1 = Always generate Data Phase (also on WAIT/FAULT; Required for Sticky Overrun behavior).
DAP_SWD_Configure Response:
< 0x13 | Status |