UART PRINTF demo example Description of example project ============================== This example shows how to retarget standard C printf and the usage of the XMC_ASSERT. Hardware Setup =============== XMC4500 CPU board / XMC4500 Relax Kit Rx Pin : 1.4 , Tx Pin : 1.5 (connected through Debug & Com part to the USB connection) Use a teminal program and configure the COM port using 115200 baud rate, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity. How to test the application ============================ a. Import the project b. Define the macros, XMC_ASSERT_ENABLE and XMC_USER_ASSERT_FUNCTION c. Compile and flash the application onto the device d. Run the application. e. In the terminal program appears a welcome message, and the error message reported by a failed assertion