/* * Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Infineon Technologies AG. All rights reserved. * * Infineon Technologies AG (Infineon) is supplying this software for use with * Infineon's microcontrollers. * This file can be freely distributed within development tools that are * supporting such microcontrollers. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS". NO WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED * OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE. * INFINEON SHALL NOT, IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, * OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER. * */ /** * @file * @date 07 August,2017 * @version 1.2.0 * * @brief ETH HTTP server demo example using the netconn interface * * History
* * Version 1.0.0 * - Initial * * Version 1.0.2 * - Stability and speed improvements * * Version 1.1.0 * - lwIP 2.0.2 * * Version 1.2.0 * - Changed the way the interface features are assigned * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "httpserver_raw/httpd.h" #if LWIP_DHCP == 1 #include #endif #define LED1 P5_9 #define LED2 P5_8 #define BUTTON1 P15_13 #define BUTTON2 P15_12 /*Static IP ADDRESS*/ #define IP_ADDR0 192 #define IP_ADDR1 168 #define IP_ADDR2 0 #define IP_ADDR3 10 /*NETMASK*/ #define NETMASK_ADDR0 255 #define NETMASK_ADDR1 255 #define NETMASK_ADDR2 255 #define NETMASK_ADDR3 0 /*Gateway Address*/ #define GW_ADDR0 192 #define GW_ADDR1 168 #define GW_ADDR2 0 #define GW_ADDR3 1 #define BUTTONS_TMR_INTERVAL 100 int8_t bx = 0; extern struct netif xnetif; static void buttons_timer(void *arg) { XMC_UNUSED_ARG(arg); if (XMC_GPIO_GetInput(BUTTON1) != 0) { bx++; } if (XMC_GPIO_GetInput(BUTTON2) != 0) { bx--; } sys_timeout(BUTTONS_TMR_INTERVAL, buttons_timer, NULL); } static void LWIP_Init(void) { ip_addr_t ipaddr; ip_addr_t netmask; ip_addr_t gw; #if LWIP_DHCP == 0 IP4_ADDR(&ipaddr, IP_ADDR0, IP_ADDR1, IP_ADDR2, IP_ADDR3); IP4_ADDR(&netmask, NETMASK_ADDR0, NETMASK_ADDR1 , NETMASK_ADDR2, NETMASK_ADDR3); IP4_ADDR(&gw, GW_ADDR0, GW_ADDR1, GW_ADDR2, GW_ADDR3); #else ipaddr.addr = 0; netmask.addr = 0; gw.addr = 0; #endif lwip_init(); /* - netif_add(struct netif *netif, struct ip_addr *ipaddr, struct ip_addr *netmask, struct ip_addr *gw, void *state, err_t (* init)(struct netif *netif), err_t (* input)(struct pbuf *p, struct netif *netif)) Adds your network interface to the netif_list. Allocate a struct netif and pass a pointer to this structure as the first argument. Give pointers to cleared ip_addr structures when using DHCP, or fill them with sane numbers otherwise. The state pointer may be NULL. The init function pointer must point to a initialization function for your ethernet netif interface. The following code illustrates it's use.*/ netif_add(&xnetif, &ipaddr, &netmask, &gw, NULL, ðernetif_init, ðernet_input); /* Registers the default network interface.*/ netif_set_default(&xnetif); /* If callback enabled */ #if LWIP_NETIF_STATUS_CALLBACK == 1 /* Initialize interface status change callback */ netif_set_status_callback(&xnetif, ETH_NETIF_STATUS_CB_FUNCTION); #endif } /* Initialisation of functions to be used with CGi*/ // CGI handler to switch LED status const char *ledcontrol_handler(int iIndex, int iNumParams, char *pcParam[], char *pcValue[]) { if(strcmp(pcValue[0], "led1") == 0) { XMC_GPIO_ToggleOutput(LED1); } else { XMC_GPIO_ToggleOutput(LED2); } return "/cgi.htm"; } const char *data_handler(int iIndex, int iNumParams, char *pcParam[], char *pcValue[]) { return "/data.ssi"; } tCGI led_handler_struct[] = { { .pcCGIName = "/ledcontrol.cgi", .pfnCGIHandler = ledcontrol_handler }, { .pcCGIName = "/data.cgi", .pfnCGIHandler = data_handler } }; int cgi_init(void) { http_set_cgi_handlers(led_handler_struct, 2); return 0; } /** * Initialize SSI handlers */ const char *TAGS[]={"bx"}; static uint16_t ssi_handler(int iIndex, char *pcInsert, int iInsertLen) { return (sprintf(pcInsert, "%d", bx)); } void ssi_init(void) { http_set_ssi_handler(ssi_handler, (char const **)TAGS, 1); } int main(void) { XMC_GPIO_CONFIG_t config; config.mode = XMC_GPIO_MODE_INPUT_TRISTATE; XMC_GPIO_Init(BUTTON1, &config); XMC_GPIO_Init(BUTTON2, &config); config.mode = XMC_GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_PUSH_PULL; config.output_level = XMC_GPIO_OUTPUT_LEVEL_LOW; config.output_strength = XMC_GPIO_OUTPUT_STRENGTH_MEDIUM; XMC_GPIO_Init(LED1, &config); XMC_GPIO_Init(LED2, &config); SysTick_Config(SystemCoreClock / 1000); LWIP_Init(); httpd_init(); cgi_init(); ssi_init(); sys_timeout(BUTTONS_TMR_INTERVAL, buttons_timer, NULL); while(1) { sys_check_timeouts(); } }