/****************************************************************************** * @file Main.c * @brief Easy Start project: changes the color in "inLight Colour LED Card". * @version V1.0 * @date 01 Dec 2014 * @note * Copyright (C) 2014 Infineon Technologies AG. All rights reserved. ****************************************************************************** * @par * Infineon Technologies AG (Infineon) is supplying this software for use with * Infineon’s microcontrollers. * This file can be freely distributed within development tools that are * supporting such microcontrollers. * @par * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS". NO WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED * OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE. * INFINEON SHALL NOT, IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, * OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER. *****************************************************************************/ #include <xmc_gpio.h> #include <xmc_bccu.h> /* Linear Walk Time: 7sec */ #define LINEAR_WALK_PRESCALER 214 //7Sec @ 32 MHz CPU Clock #define R_LED1 P0_4 #define G_LED1 P0_11 #define B_LED1 P0_1 #define R_LED2 P0_5 #define G_LED2 P0_6 #define B_LED2 P0_7 #define R_LED3 P0_8 #define G_LED3 P0_9 #define B_LED3 P0_10 /* BCCU Configuration Handles */ /* --------------------------- */ XMC_BCCU_GLOBAL_CONFIG_t bccu_global_config = { .fclk_ps = 0x40, //1MHz @PCLK=64MHz .dclk_ps = 0xdb, //292.237KHz @PCLK=64MHz .bclk_sel = XMC_BCCU_BCLK_MODE_NORMAL, //250KHz @PCLK=64MHz .maxzero_at_output = 0x3e8 }; XMC_BCCU_CH_CONFIG_t bccu_redch_config = { .pack_thresh = 0x2, .dim_sel = 0x0, //DE0 .flick_wd_en = 0x1, .pack_offcnt_val = 0xf6, .pack_offcmp_lev = 0xff, .pack_oncmp_lev = 0x27 }; XMC_BCCU_CH_CONFIG_t bccu_greench_config = { .pack_thresh = 0x2, .dim_sel = 0x0, //DE0 .flick_wd_en = 0x1, .pack_offcnt_val = 0xf6, .pack_offcmp_lev = 0xff, .pack_oncmp_lev = 0x27 }; XMC_BCCU_CH_CONFIG_t bccu_bluech_config = { .pack_thresh = 0x2, .dim_sel = 0x0, //DE0 .flick_wd_en = 0x1, .pack_offcnt_val = 0xf6, .pack_offcmp_lev = 0xff, .pack_oncmp_lev = 0x27 }; XMC_BCCU_DIM_CONFIG_t bccu_dim_config = { .dim_div = 0x20 }; int main(void) { XMC_GPIO_SetMode(R_LED1, XMC_GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_PUSH_PULL_ALT1); XMC_GPIO_SetMode(G_LED1, XMC_GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_PUSH_PULL_ALT1); XMC_GPIO_SetMode(B_LED1, XMC_GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_PUSH_PULL_ALT6); /* Switch off LED2 and LED3, control signals driving a zero */ XMC_GPIO_SetMode(R_LED2, XMC_GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_PUSH_PULL); XMC_GPIO_SetMode(G_LED2, XMC_GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_PUSH_PULL); XMC_GPIO_SetMode(B_LED2, XMC_GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_PUSH_PULL); XMC_GPIO_SetMode(R_LED3, XMC_GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_PUSH_PULL); XMC_GPIO_SetMode(G_LED3, XMC_GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_PUSH_PULL); XMC_GPIO_SetMode(B_LED3, XMC_GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_PUSH_PULL); /* BCCU Configuration */ XMC_BCCU_GlobalInit(BCCU0, &bccu_global_config); /* Red - CH0, Green - CH7, Blue - CH8 */ XMC_BCCU_CH_Init(BCCU0_CH0, &bccu_redch_config); XMC_BCCU_CH_Init(BCCU0_CH7, &bccu_greench_config); XMC_BCCU_CH_Init(BCCU0_CH8, &bccu_bluech_config); /* Set 7Sec linear walk */ XMC_BCCU_CH_SetLinearWalkPrescaler(BCCU0_CH0, LINEAR_WALK_PRESCALER); XMC_BCCU_CH_SetLinearWalkPrescaler(BCCU0_CH7, LINEAR_WALK_PRESCALER); XMC_BCCU_CH_SetLinearWalkPrescaler(BCCU0_CH8, LINEAR_WALK_PRESCALER); XMC_BCCU_DIM_Init(BCCU0_DE0, &bccu_dim_config); /* Enable RGB channels, dimming engine */ XMC_BCCU_ConcurrentEnableChannels(BCCU0, 0x181); XMC_BCCU_EnableDimmingEngine(BCCU0, XMC_BCCU_CH_DIMMING_SOURCE_DE0); XMC_BCCU_CH_SetTargetIntensity(BCCU0_CH0, 0x555); XMC_BCCU_DIM_SetTargetDimmingLevel(BCCU0_DE0, 1024); /* Start linear walk at the same time */ XMC_BCCU_ConcurrentStartLinearWalk(BCCU0, 0x181); XMC_BCCU_StartDimming(BCCU0, 0); /* 500 ms timer interrupt assuming that SystemCoreClock is 32 MHz (default) */ SysTick_Config(SystemCoreClock >> 1UL); while(1) { /* Infinite loop */ } } /* 500 ms interrupt */ void SysTick_Handler(void) { static uint8_t step = 0; /* Change Slowly to Red */ if (++step == 1) { XMC_BCCU_CH_SetTargetIntensity(BCCU0_CH0, 4095); XMC_BCCU_CH_SetTargetIntensity(BCCU0_CH7, 0); XMC_BCCU_CH_SetTargetIntensity(BCCU0_CH8, 0); XMC_BCCU_ConcurrentStartLinearWalk(BCCU0, 0x181); } /* Change Slowly to Green */ else if (step == 18) { XMC_BCCU_CH_SetTargetIntensity(BCCU0_CH0, 0); XMC_BCCU_CH_SetTargetIntensity(BCCU0_CH7, 4095); XMC_BCCU_CH_SetTargetIntensity(BCCU0_CH8, 0); XMC_BCCU_ConcurrentStartLinearWalk(BCCU0, 0x181); } /* Change Slowly to Blue */ else if (step == 34) { XMC_BCCU_CH_SetTargetIntensity(BCCU0_CH0, 0); XMC_BCCU_CH_SetTargetIntensity(BCCU0_CH7, 0); XMC_BCCU_CH_SetTargetIntensity(BCCU0_CH8, 4095); XMC_BCCU_ConcurrentStartLinearWalk(BCCU0, 0x181); } /* Change Slowly to White */ else if (step == 50) { XMC_BCCU_CH_SetTargetIntensity(BCCU0_CH0, 1365); XMC_BCCU_CH_SetTargetIntensity(BCCU0_CH7, 1365); XMC_BCCU_CH_SetTargetIntensity(BCCU0_CH8, 1365); XMC_BCCU_ConcurrentStartLinearWalk(BCCU0, 0x181); } /* Dim Down Slowly to 0% */ else if (step == 66) { /* dim down slowly to 0% */ XMC_BCCU_DIM_SetTargetDimmingLevel(BCCU0_DE0, 0); XMC_BCCU_StartDimming(BCCU0, 0); } /* Dim Up Slowly to 25% */ else if (step == 80) { XMC_BCCU_DIM_SetTargetDimmingLevel(BCCU0_DE0, 1024); XMC_BCCU_StartDimming(BCCU0, 0); } else if (step == 94) { step = 0; } }