/* * Copyright (C) 2014-2017 Infineon Technologies AG. All rights reserved. * * Infineon Technologies AG (Infineon) is supplying this software for use with * Infineon's microcontrollers. * This file can be freely distributed within development tools that are * supporting such microcontrollers. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS". NO WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED * OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE. * INFINEON SHALL NOT, IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, * OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER. * */ /** * @file * @date 04 Aug, 2017 * @version 1.0.0 * * @brief XMC4200 Application kit SCU HIB example * * The device starts showing the LED1 on, and will enter internal hibernate after ~5s, indicated by the RESET led. * After ~30s a wakeup event from the RTC will trigger and restart the device. * Additionaly the HIB_IO_0 button can be used to wake up the device before expiring the 30s. * * History <br> * * Version 1.0.0 Initial <br> * */ #include <xmc_gpio.h> #include <xmc_scu.h> #include <xmc_rtc.h> #define LED1 P2_1 const XMC_RTC_CONFIG_t rtc_config = { .alarm.seconds = 30U, .prescaler = 0x7fffU }; const XMC_GPIO_CONFIG_t gpio_config = { .mode = XMC_GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_PUSH_PULL, .output_level = XMC_GPIO_OUTPUT_LEVEL_LOW }; int main(void) { // Check to see if hibernate domain is already active, which could mean // that the processor is waking from a hibernation. if (XMC_SCU_HIB_IsHibernateDomainEnabled() == true) { // Read the status bits to see what caused the wake. Clear the wake // source so that the device can be put into hibernation again. XMC_SCU_HIB_EVENT_t event = XMC_SCU_HIB_GetEventStatus(); XMC_SCU_HIB_ClearEventStatus(event); XMC_RTC_ClearEvent(XMC_RTC_EVENT_ALARM); XMC_SCU_HIB_ClearWakeupEventDetectionStatus(); XMC_SCU_RESET_ClearDeviceResetReason(); } else { XMC_SCU_HIB_EnableHibernateDomain(); XMC_SCU_HIB_SetStandbyClockSource(XMC_SCU_HIB_STDBYCLKSRC_OSI); XMC_SCU_HIB_SetRtcClockSource(XMC_SCU_HIB_RTCCLKSRC_OSI); } XMC_RTC_Stop(); // Do stuff XMC_GPIO_Init(LED1, &gpio_config); for(int i = 0; i < (SystemCoreClock / 2); ++i) { __NOP(); } XMC_SCU_HIB_EnableEvent(XMC_SCU_HIB_EVENT_WAKEUP_ON_RTC); XMC_RTC_Init(&rtc_config); XMC_RTC_EnableHibernationWakeUp(XMC_RTC_WAKEUP_EVENT_ON_ALARM); XMC_RTC_Start(); XMC_SCU_HIB_EnterHibernateStateEx(XMC_SCU_HIB_HIBERNATE_MODE_INTERNAL); while(1); }