/** * @file xmc_usbd.h * @date 2015-06-20 * ********************************************************************************************************************* * XMClib v2.1.16 - XMC Peripheral Driver Library * * Copyright (c) 2015-2017, Infineon Technologies AG * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,are permitted provided that the * following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote * products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY,OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * To improve the quality of the software, users are encouraged to share modifications, enhancements or bug fixes with * Infineon Technologies AG dave@infineon.com). ********************************************************************************************************************* * * Change History * -------------- * * 2015-02-16: * - Initial Version.<br> * 2015-03-18: * - Updated the doxygen comments for documentation. <br> * - Updated the XMC_USBD_PATCH_VERSION to 4. <br> * * 2015-06-20: * - Removed version macros and declaration of GetDriverVersion API.<br> * - Updated the doxygen comments for API XMC_USBD_IsEnumDone().<br> * - Updated the copy right in the file header.<br> * * @endcond * */ #ifndef XMC_USBD_H #define XMC_USBD_H /********************************************************************************************************************** * HEADER FILES *********************************************************************************************************************/ #include "xmc_common.h" #if defined(USB0) #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "xmc_usbd_regs.h" #include "xmc_scu.h" /** * @addtogroup XMClib XMC Peripheral Library * @{ */ /** * @addtogroup USBD * @brief Universal Serial Bus Device (USBD) driver for the XMC4000 microcontroller family. * * The USBD is the device driver for the USB0 hardware module on XMC4000 family of microcontrollers. * The USB0 module can be used to establish a USB interface between outside world and XMC4000 family of controllers. * The USB module includes the following features in device mode: * -# Complies with the USB 2.0 Specification. * -# Support for the Full-Speed (12-Mbps) mode. * -# Supports up to 7 bidirectional endpoints, including control endpoint 0. * -# Supports SOFs in Full-Speed modes. * -# Supports clock gating for power saving. * -# Supports USB suspend/resume. * -# Supports USB soft disconnect. * -# Supports DMA mode. * -# Supports FIFO mode. * * The below figure shows the overview of USB0 module in XMC4 microntroller. * @image html USB_module_overview.png * @image latex ../images/USB_module_overview.png * * The below figure shows the USB device connection of USB0 module. * @image html USB_device_connection.png * @image latex ../images/USB_device_connection.png * * The USBD device driver supports the following features:\n * -# Initialize/Uninitialize the USB0 module on XMC4000 device. * -# Connect the USB device to host. * -# Get USB device state. * -# Set the USB device address. * -# Configure/Unconfigure the USB endpoints. * -# Stall/Abort the USB endpoints. * -# USB IN transfers on EP0 and non EP0 endpoints. * -# USB OUT transfers on EP0 and non EP0 endpoints. * * The USBD device driver provides the configuration structure ::XMC_USBD_t which user need to configure before initializing the USB.\n * The following elements of configuration structure need to be initialized before calling the ::XMC_USBD_Init API: * -# cb_xmc_device_event of type ::XMC_USBD_SignalDeviceEvent_t. * -# cb_endpoint_event of type ::XMC_USBD_SignalEndpointEvent_t. * -# usbd_max_num_eps of type ::XMC_USBD_MAX_NUM_EPS_t. * -# usbd_transfer_mode of type ::XMC_USBD_TRANSFER_MODE_t. * * @{ */ /********************************************************************************************************************** * MACROS *********************************************************************************************************************/ #define XMC_USBD_NUM_TX_FIFOS (7U) /**< Number of hardware transmission endpoint fifos */ #define XMC_USBD_MAX_FIFO_SIZE (2048U) /**< Maximum USBD endpoint fifo size */ #define XMC_USBD_NUM_EPS (7U) /**< Number of hardware endpoints */ #define XMC_USBD_MAX_PACKET_SIZE (64U) /**< Maximum packet size for all endpoints (including ep0) */ /**< Maximum transfer size for endpoints. * * It's based on the maximum payload, due to the fact, * that we only can transfer 2^10 - 1 packets and this is less than the * transfer size field can hold. */ #define XMC_USBD_MAX_TRANSFER_SIZE (((uint32_t)((uint32_t)1U << (uint32_t)10U) - 1U) * (uint32_t)XMC_USBD_MAX_PACKET_SIZE) #define XMC_USBD_MAX_TRANSFER_SIZE_EP0 (64U) /**< Maximum transfer size for endpoint 0*/ #define XMC_USBD_SETUP_COUNT (3U) /**< The number of USB setup packets */ #define XMC_USBD_SETUP_SIZE (8U) /**< The size of USB setup data */ #define XMC_USBD_EP_NUM_MASK (0x0FU) /**< USB Endpoint number mask. */ #define XMC_USBD_EP_DIR_MASK (0x80U) /**< USB Endpoint direction mask */ #define XMC_USBD_DCFG_DEVSPD_FS (0x3U) /*USB Full Speed device flag in DCFG register */ #define XMC_USBD_TX_FIFO_REG_OFFSET (0x1000U)/* First endpoint fifo register offset from base address */ #define XMC_USBD_TX_FIFO_OFFSET (0x1000U)/* Offset for each fifo register */ #define XMC_USBD_ENDPOINT_NUMBER_MASK (0x0FU) /**< USB Endpoint number mask to get the EP number from address. */ #define XMC_USBD_ENDPOINT_DIRECTION_MASK (0x80U) /**< USB Endpoint direction mask to get the EP direction from address. */ #define XMC_USBD_ENDPOINT_MAX_PACKET_SIZE_MASK (0x07FFU)/**< USB Endpoint Maximum Packet Size mask */ #define XMC_USBD_ENDPOINT_MFRAME_TR_MASK (0x1800U)/* USB Endpoint micro frame TR mask */ #define XMC_USBD_ENDPOINT_MFRAME_TR_1 (0x0000U)/* Selects USB Endpoint micro frame TR1 */ #define XMC_USBD_ENDPOINT_MFRAME_TR_2 (0x0800U)/* Selects USB Endpoint micro frame TR2 */ #define XMC_USBD_ENDPOINT_MFRAME_TR_3 (0x1000U)/* Selects USB Endpoint micro frame TR3 */ #define XMC_USBD_SPEED_FULL (1U) /**< Speed Mode. Full Speed */ #define XMC_USBD_EP0_BUFFER_SIZE (64U) /* Endpoint 0 buffer size */ #define XMC_USBD_EP1_BUFFER_SIZE (64U) /* Endpoint 1 buffer size */ #define XMC_USBD_EP2_BUFFER_SIZE (64U) /* Endpoint 2 buffer size */ #define XMC_USBD_EP3_BUFFER_SIZE (64U) /* Endpoint 3 buffer size */ #define XMC_USBD_EP4_BUFFER_SIZE (64U) /* Endpoint 4 buffer size */ #define XMC_USBD_EP5_BUFFER_SIZE (64U) /* Endpoint 5 buffer size */ #define XMC_USBD_EP6_BUFFER_SIZE (64U) /* Endpoint 6 buffer size */ /********************************************************************************************************************** * ENUMS *********************************************************************************************************************/ /** * Defines the options for the global receive fifo packet status. * Use type ::XMC_USBD_GRXSTS_PKTSTS_t for this enum. * */ typedef enum XMC_USBD_GRXSTS_PKTSTS { XMC_USBD_GRXSTS_PKTSTS_GOUTNAK = 0x1U, /**< Global out nack send ( triggers an interrupt ) */ XMC_USBD_GRXSTS_PKTSTS_OUTDATA = 0x2U, /**< OUT data packet received */ XMC_USBD_GRXSTS_PKTSTS_OUTCMPL = 0x3U, /**< OUT transfer completed (triggers an interrupt) */ XMC_USBD_GRXSTS_PKTSTS_SETUPCMPL = 0x4U, /**< SETUP transaction completed (triggers an interrupt) */ XMC_USBD_GRXSTS_PKTSTS_SETUP = 0x6U /**< SETUP data packet received */ } XMC_USBD_GRXSTS_PKTSTS_t; /** * Defines the options for the USB endpoint type. The values are from the USB 2.0 specification. * Use type ::XMC_USBD_ENDPOINT_TYPE_t for this enum. */ typedef enum XMC_USBD_ENDPOINT_TYPE { XMC_USBD_ENDPOINT_TYPE_CONTROL = 0x0U, /**< Control endpoint */ XMC_USBD_ENDPOINT_TYPE_ISOCHRONOUS = 0x01U, /**< Isochronous endpoint */ XMC_USBD_ENDPOINT_TYPE_BULK = 0x02U, /**< Bulk endpoint */ XMC_USBD_ENDPOINT_TYPE_INTERRUPT = 0x03U /**< Interrupt endpoint */ } XMC_USBD_ENDPOINT_TYPE_t; /** * Defines the options for USB device state while setting the address. * Use type ::XMC_USBD_SET_ADDRESS_STAGE_t for this enum. */ typedef enum XMC_USBD_SET_ADDRESS_STAGE { XMC_USBD_SET_ADDRESS_STAGE_SETUP, /**< Setup address */ XMC_USBD_SET_ADDRESS_STAGE_STATUS /**< Status address */ } XMC_USBD_SET_ADDRESS_STAGE_t; /** * Defines the USB Device Status of executed operation. * Use type ::XMC_USBD_STATUS_t for this enum. */ typedef enum XMC_USBD_STATUS { XMC_USBD_STATUS_OK = 0U, /**< USBD Status: Operation succeeded*/ XMC_USBD_STATUS_BUSY = 2U, /**< Driver is busy and cannot handle request */ XMC_USBD_STATUS_ERROR = 1U /**< USBD Status: Unspecified error*/ } XMC_USBD_STATUS_t; /** * Defines the USB Device events. * Use type ::XMC_USBD_EVENT_t for this enum. */ typedef enum XMC_USBD_EVENT { XMC_USBD_EVENT_POWER_ON, /**< USB Device Power On */ XMC_USBD_EVENT_POWER_OFF, /**< USB Device Power Off */ XMC_USBD_EVENT_CONNECT, /**< USB Device connected */ XMC_USBD_EVENT_DISCONNECT, /**< USB Device disconnected */ XMC_USBD_EVENT_RESET, /**< USB Reset occurred */ XMC_USBD_EVENT_HIGH_SPEED, /**< USB switch to High Speed occurred */ XMC_USBD_EVENT_SUSPEND, /**< USB Suspend occurred */ XMC_USBD_EVENT_RESUME, /**< USB Resume occurred */ XMC_USBD_EVENT_REMOTE_WAKEUP, /**< USB Remote wakeup */ XMC_USBD_EVENT_SOF, /**< USB Start of frame event */ XMC_USBD_EVENT_EARLYSUSPEND, /**< USB Early suspend */ XMC_USBD_EVENT_ENUMDONE, /**< USB enumeration done */ XMC_USBD_EVENT_ENUMNOTDONE, /**< USB enumeration not done */ XMC_USBD_EVENT_OUTEP, /**< USB OUT endpoint */ XMC_USBD_EVENT_INEP /**< USB IN endpoint */ } XMC_USBD_EVENT_t; /** * Defines the USB IN endpoint events. * Use type ::XMC_USBD_EVENT_IN_EP_t for this enum. */ typedef enum XMC_USBD_EVENT_IN_EP { XMC_USBD_EVENT_IN_EP_TX_COMPLET = 1U, /**< USB IN ep transmission complete */ XMC_USBD_EVENT_IN_EP_DISABLED = 2U, /**< USB IN ep disabled */ XMC_USBD_EVENT_IN_EP_AHB_ERROR = 4U, /**< USB IN ep AHB error */ XMC_USBD_EVENT_IN_EP_TIMEOUT = 8U, /**< USB IN ep timeout */ } XMC_USBD_EVENT_IN_EP_t; /** * Defines the USB OUT endpoint events. * Use type ::XMC_USBD_EVENT_OUT_EP_t for this enum. */ typedef enum XMC_USBD_EVENT_OUT_EP { XMC_USBD_EVENT_OUT_EP_TX_COMPLET = 1U, /**< USB OUT ep transmission complete */ XMC_USBD_EVENT_OUT_EP_DISABLED = 2U, /**< USB OUT ep disabled */ XMC_USBD_EVENT_OUT_EP_AHB_ERROR = 4U, /**< USB OUT ep AHB error */ XMC_USBD_EVENT_OUT_EP_SETUP = 8U, /**< USB OUT ep setup */ } XMC_USBD_EVENT_OUT_EP_t; /** * Defines the generic USB endpoint events. * Use type ::XMC_USBD_EP_EVENT_t for this enum. */ typedef enum XMC_USBD_EP_EVENT { XMC_USBD_EP_EVENT_SETUP, /**< SETUP packet*/ XMC_USBD_EP_EVENT_OUT, /**< OUT packet*/ XMC_USBD_EP_EVENT_IN /**< IN packet*/ } XMC_USBD_EP_EVENT_t; /** * Defines the options for the USB data transfer modes. * Use type ::XMC_USBD_TRANSFER_MODE_t for this enum. */ typedef enum XMC_USBD_TRANSFER_MODE { XMC_USBD_USE_DMA, /**< Transfer by DMA*/ XMC_USBD_USE_FIFO /**< Transfer by FIFO*/ } XMC_USBD_TRANSFER_MODE_t; /** * Defines the options for the maximum number of endpoints used. * Use type ::XMC_USBD_MAX_NUM_EPS_t for this enum. */ typedef enum XMC_USBD_MAX_NUM_EPS { XMC_USBD_MAX_NUM_EPS_1 = 1U, /**< Maximum 1 endpoint used*/ XMC_USBD_MAX_NUM_EPS_2 = 2U, /**< Maximum 2 endpoints used*/ XMC_USBD_MAX_NUM_EPS_3 = 3U, /**< Maximum 3 endpoints used*/ XMC_USBD_MAX_NUM_EPS_4 = 4U, /**< Maximum 4 endpoints used*/ XMC_USBD_MAX_NUM_EPS_5 = 5U, /**< Maximum 5 endpoints used*/ XMC_USBD_MAX_NUM_EPS_6 = 6U, /**< Maximum 6 endpoints used*/ XMC_USBD_MAX_NUM_EPS_7 = 7U /**< Maximum 2 endpoints used*/ } XMC_USBD_MAX_NUM_EPS_t; /** * USB device/endpoint event function pointers */ typedef void (*XMC_USBD_SignalDeviceEvent_t) (XMC_USBD_EVENT_t event);/**< Pointer to USB device event call back. Uses type ::XMC_USBD_EVENT_t as the argument of callback.*/ typedef void (*XMC_USBD_SignalEndpointEvent_t) (uint8_t ep_addr, XMC_USBD_EP_EVENT_t ep_event);/**< Pointer to USB endpoint event call back. Uses type ::XMC_USBD_EP_EVENT_t and EP address as the argument of callback.*/ /********************************************************************************************************************** * DATA STRUCTURES *********************************************************************************************************************/ /** * Describes the USB Device Driver Capabilities. */ typedef struct XMC_USBD_CAPABILITIES { uint32_t event_power_on : 1; /**< Signal Power On event*/ uint32_t event_power_off : 1; /**< Signal Power Off event*/ uint32_t event_connect : 1; /**< Signal Connect event*/ uint32_t event_disconnect : 1; /**< Signal Disconnect event*/ uint32_t event_reset : 1; /**< Signal Reset event*/ uint32_t event_high_speed : 1; /**< Signal switch to High-speed event*/ uint32_t event_suspend : 1; /**< Signal Suspend event*/ uint32_t event_resume : 1; /**< Signal Resume event*/ uint32_t event_remote_wakeup : 1; /**< Signal Remote Wake up event*/ uint32_t reserved : 23; /**< Reserved for future use*/ } XMC_USBD_CAPABILITIES_t; /** * Describes the current USB Device State. */ typedef struct XMC_USBD_STATE { uint32_t powered : 1; /**< USB Device powered flag*/ uint32_t connected : 1; /**< USB Device connected flag*/ uint32_t active : 1; /**< USB Device active lag*/ uint32_t speed : 2; /**< USB Device speed */ } XMC_USBD_STATE_t; /** * Describes a USB endpoint<BR> * * All information to control an endpoint is stored in this structure. * It contains information about the endpoints and the status of the device. */ typedef struct { union { uint32_t address : 8; /**< The endpoint address including the direction */ struct { uint32_t number : 4; /**< The endpoint number.It can be from 0 to 6 */ uint32_t pading : 3; /**< Padding between number and direction */ uint32_t direction : 1; /**< The endpoint direction */ } address_st; } address_u; uint32_t type : 2; /**< The endpoint type */ uint32_t isConfigured : 1; /**< The flag showing, if the endpoint is configured */ volatile uint32_t inInUse : 1; /**< Sets if the selected USB IN endpoint is currently in use */ volatile uint32_t outInUse : 1; /**< Sets if the selected USB OUT endpoint is currently in use */ uint32_t isStalled : 1; /**< Sets if the selected USB endpoint is stalled. */ uint32_t txFifoNum : 4; /**< Endpoint transmit Fifo Number */ uint32_t sendZeroLengthPacket : 1; /**< If set, a zero length packet will be send at the end of the transfer */ uint32_t maxPacketSize : 7; /**< The maximum size of packet for USB endpoint ( due to FS Speed device only 64 Byte )*/ uint32_t maxTransferSize : 19; /**< The maximum amount of data the core can send at once.*/ uint8_t *outBuffer; /**< The buffer for operation as OUT endpoint */ uint32_t outBytesAvailable; /**< The number of bytes available in the EP OUT buffer */ uint32_t outBufferSize; /**< The size of the EP OUT buffer */ uint32_t outOffset; /**< The read offset of the EP OUT buffer */ uint8_t *inBuffer; /**< The buffer for operation as IN endpoint */ uint32_t inBufferSize; /**< The size of the EP IN buffer */ uint8_t *xferBuffer; /**< The buffer of the current transfer */ uint32_t xferLength; /**< The length of the current transfer */ uint32_t xferCount; /**< Bytes transfered of the current USB data transfer */ uint32_t xferTotal; /**< The length of total data in buffer */ } XMC_USBD_EP_t; /** * Describes the XMC USB device<BR> * * All information to control an XMC USB device is stored in * this structure. It contains register, callbacks, information * about the endpoints and the status of the device. */ typedef struct XMC_USBD_DEVICE { XMC_USBD_EP_t ep[8]; /**< Endpoints of the USB device. It is of type ::XMC_USBD_EP_t */ dwc_otg_core_global_regs_t *global_register; /**< Global register interface */ dwc_otg_device_global_regs_t *device_register; /**< Device register interface */ dwc_otg_dev_in_ep_regs_t *endpoint_in_register[(uint8_t)XMC_USBD_NUM_EPS];/**< IN Endpoint register interface */ dwc_otg_dev_out_ep_regs_t *endpoint_out_register[(uint8_t)XMC_USBD_NUM_EPS];/**< OUT Endpoint register interface */ volatile uint32_t *fifo[(uint8_t)XMC_USBD_NUM_TX_FIFOS]; /**< Transmit fifo interface */ uint16_t txfifomsk; /**< Mask of used TX fifos */ uint32_t IsConnected : 1; /**< Sets if device is connected */ uint32_t IsActive : 1; /**< Sets if device is currently active */ uint32_t IsPowered : 1; /**< Sets if device is powered by Vbus */ XMC_USBD_SignalDeviceEvent_t DeviceEvent_cb; /**< The USB device event callback. */ XMC_USBD_SignalEndpointEvent_t EndpointEvent_cb; /**< The USB endpoint event callback. */ } XMC_USBD_DEVICE_t; /** * USB device initialization structure */ typedef struct XMC_USBD_OBJ { USB0_GLOBAL_TypeDef *const usbd; /**< USB Module Pointer. The USB0 module base address. */ XMC_USBD_SignalDeviceEvent_t cb_xmc_device_event; /**< USB device event callback. Use ::XMC_USBD_SignalDeviceEvent_t type of function pointer. */ XMC_USBD_SignalEndpointEvent_t cb_endpoint_event; /**< USB endpoint event callback. Use ::XMC_USBD_SignalEndpointEvent_t type of function pointer.*/ XMC_USBD_MAX_NUM_EPS_t usbd_max_num_eps; /**< Maximum number of end points used. The maximum range can be 7.*/ XMC_USBD_TRANSFER_MODE_t usbd_transfer_mode; /**< USB data transfer mode.Use ::XMC_USBD_TRANSFER_MODE_t type to specify the transfer mode. */ } XMC_USBD_t; /** * Defines the access structure of the USB Device Driver. */ typedef struct XMC_USBD_DRIVER { XMC_USBD_CAPABILITIES_t (*GetCapabilities) (void); /**< Pointer to @ref XMC_USBD_GetCapabilities : Get driver capabilities.*/ XMC_USBD_STATUS_t (*Initialize) (XMC_USBD_t *obj); /**< Pointer to @ref XMC_USBD_Init : Initialize USB Device Interface.*/ XMC_USBD_STATUS_t (*Uninitialize) (void); /**< Pointer to @ref XMC_USBD_Uninitialize : De-initialize USB Device Interface.*/ XMC_USBD_STATUS_t (*DeviceConnect) (void); /**< Pointer to @ref XMC_USBD_DeviceConnect : Connect USB Device.*/ XMC_USBD_STATUS_t (*DeviceDisconnect) (void); /**< Pointer to @ref XMC_USBD_DeviceDisconnect : Disconnect USB Device.*/ XMC_USBD_STATE_t (*DeviceGetState) (const XMC_USBD_t *const obj); /**< Pointer to @ref XMC_USBD_DeviceGetState : Get current USB Device State.*/ XMC_USBD_STATUS_t (*DeviceSetAddress) (uint8_t dev_addr, XMC_USBD_SET_ADDRESS_STAGE_t stage);/**< Pointer to @ref XMC_USBD_DeviceSetAddress : Set USB Device Address.*/ XMC_USBD_STATUS_t (*EndpointConfigure) (uint8_t ep_addr,XMC_USBD_ENDPOINT_TYPE_t ep_type, uint16_t ep_max_packet_size);/**< Pointer to @ref XMC_USBD_EndpointConfigure : Configure USB Endpoint.*/ XMC_USBD_STATUS_t (*EndpointUnconfigure)(uint8_t ep_addr); /**< Pointer to @ref XMC_USBD_EndpointUnconfigure : Unconfigure USB Endpoint.*/ XMC_USBD_STATUS_t (*EndpointStall) (uint8_t ep_addr, bool stall); /**< Pointer to @ref XMC_USBD_EndpointStall : Set/Clear Stall for USB Endpoint.*/ XMC_USBD_STATUS_t (*EndpointReadStart) (uint8_t ep_addr, uint32_t len); /**< Pointer to @ref XMC_USBD_EndpointReadStart : Start USB Endpoint Read operation.*/ int32_t (*EndpointRead) (uint8_t ep_addr, uint8_t *buf, uint32_t len);/**< Pointer to @ref XMC_USBD_EndpointRead : Read data from USB Endpoint.*/ int32_t (*EndpointWrite) (uint8_t ep_addr, const uint8_t *buf, uint32_t len); /**< Pointer to @ref XMC_USBD_EndpointWrite : Write data to USB Endpoint.*/ XMC_USBD_STATUS_t (*EndpointAbort) (uint8_t ep_addr); /**< Pointer to @ref XMC_USBD_EndpointAbort : Abort current USB Endpoint transfer.*/ uint16_t (*GetFrameNumber) (void); /**< Pointer to @ref XMC_USBD_GetFrameNumber : Get current USB Frame Number.*/ uint32_t (*IsEnumDone) (void); /**< Pointer to @ref XMC_USBD_IsEnumDone : Is enumeration done in Host?.*/ } const XMC_USBD_DRIVER_t; /** * Defines the driver interface function table. * To access the XMC device controller driver interface use this table of functions. **/ extern const XMC_USBD_DRIVER_t Driver_USBD0; /** * Defines the XMC USB device data * The instance of ::XMC_USBD_DEVICE_t structure describing the XMC device. **/ extern XMC_USBD_DEVICE_t xmc_device; /********************************************************************************************************************** * API PROTOTYPES *********************************************************************************************************************/ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /** * @param None. * * @return None. * * \par<b>Description:</b><BR> * Enables the USB module in the XMC controller.<BR> * It de-asserts the peripheral reset on USB0 module and enables the USB power. * * \par<b>Note:</b><BR> * This API is called inside the XMC_USBD_Init().\n * * \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR> * XMC_USBD_Disable()\n **/ void XMC_USBD_Enable(void); /** * @param None. * * @return None. * * \par<b>Description:</b><BR> * Disables the USB module in the XMC controller.<BR> * It asserts the peripheral reset on USB0 module and disables the USB power. * * \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR> * XMC_USBD_Enable()\n **/ void XMC_USBD_Disable(void); /** * @param event The single event that needs to be cleared. Use ::XMC_USBD_EVENT_t as argument.\n * * @return None. * * \par<b>Description:</b><BR> * Clears the selected USBD \a event.<BR> * It clears the event by writing to the GINTSTS register. * * \par<b>Note:</b><BR> * This API is called inside the USB interrupt handler to clear the event XMC_USBD_EVENT_t * and maintain the device state machine.\n * * \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR> * ::XMC_USBD_ClearEventOUTEP(),::XMC_USBD_ClearEventINEP()\n **/ void XMC_USBD_ClearEvent(XMC_USBD_EVENT_t event); /** * @param event The single event or multiple events that need to be cleared. * * @param ep_num The IN endpoint number on which the events to be cleared. * * @return None. * * \par<b>Description:</b><BR> * Clears the single event or multiple events of the selected IN endpoint.<BR> * The multiple events can be selected by the bitwise OR operation of ::XMC_USBD_EVENT_IN_EP_t elements.\n * It clears the event by programming DIEPINT register.\n * * \par<b>Note:</b><BR> * This API is called inside the USB IN EP interrupt handler to clear the ::XMC_USBD_EVENT_IN_EP_t event * and maintain the device state machine.\n * * \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR> * ::XMC_USBD_ClearEventOUTEP()\n **/ void XMC_USBD_ClearEventINEP(uint32_t event,uint8_t ep_num); /** * @param event The single event or multiple events that need to be cleared. * * @param ep_num The OUT endpoint number on which the events to be cleared. * * @return None. * * \par<b>Description:</b><BR> * Clears the single \a event or multiple events of the selected OUT endpoint.<BR> * The multiple events can be selected by the bitwise OR operation of ::XMC_USBD_EVENT_OUT_EP_t elements. * It clears the event by writing to DOEPINT register. * * \par<b>Note:</b><BR> * This API is called inside the USB OUT EP interrupt handler to clear the ::XMC_USBD_EVENT_OUT_EP_t event * and maintain the device state machine.\n * * \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR> * ::XMC_USBD_ClearEventINEP()\n **/ void XMC_USBD_ClearEventOUTEP(uint32_t event,uint8_t ep_num); /** * @param event The single event or multiple events that need to be enabled. * * @return None. * * \par<b>Description:</b><BR> * Enables the event or multiple events of the OUT endpoints.<BR> * The multiple events can be selected by the bitwise OR operation of ::XMC_USBD_EVENT_OUT_EP_t elements. * It enables the event by programming DOEPMSK register. * * \par<b>Note:</b><BR> * This API is called inside the ::XMC_USBD_Init() to enable the OUT EP interrupts.\n * * \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR> * ::XMC_USBD_EnableEventINEP()\n **/ void XMC_USBD_EnableEventOUTEP(uint32_t event); /** * @param event The single event or multiple events that need to be enabled. * * @return None. * * \par<b>Description:</b><BR> * Enables the \a event or multiple events of the USB IN endpoints.<BR> * The multiple events can be selected by the bitwise OR operation of ::XMC_USBD_EVENT_IN_EP_t elements. * It enables the event by programming DIEPMSK register. * * \par<b>Note:</b><BR> * This API is called inside the ::XMC_USBD_Init() to enable the IN EP interrupts.\n * * \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR> * ::XMC_USBD_EnableEventOUTEP()\n **/ void XMC_USBD_EnableEventINEP(uint32_t event); /** * @param None. * * @return ::XMC_USBD_CAPABILITIES_t. * * \par<b>Description:</b><BR> * Retrieves the USB device capabilities of type \a XMC_USBD_CAPABILITIES_t<BR> * The USB device capabilities supported by the USBD driver, like power on/off, connect/disconnect, * reset,suspend/resume,USB speed etc are retrieved. * * It can be called after initializing the USB device to get the information on the USBD capabilities. * **/ XMC_USBD_CAPABILITIES_t XMC_USBD_GetCapabilities(void); /** * @param obj The pointer to the USB device handle ::XMC_USBD_t. * * @return XMC_USBD_STATUS_t The USB device status of type ::XMC_USBD_STATUS_t. * * \par<b>Description:</b><BR> * Initializes the USB device to get ready for connect to USB host.<BR> * Enables the USB module,sets the EP buffer sizes,registers the device and EP event call backs. * Initializes the global,device and FIFO register base addresses. * Configures the global AHB,enables the global interrupt and DMA by programming GAHBCFG register. * Configures the USB in to device mode and enables the session request protocol by programming GUSBCFG register. * Configures the USB device speed to full speed by programming DCFG register. * Disconnects the USB device by programming DCTL register. * Enables the USB common and device interrupts by programming GINTMSK register. * * \par<b>Note:</b><BR> * This API makes the USB device ready to connect to host.The user has to explicitly call * the ::XMC_USBD_DeviceConnect() after the USB initialization to connect to USB host.\n * * \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR> * ::XMC_USBD_DeviceConnect()\n **/ XMC_USBD_STATUS_t XMC_USBD_Init(XMC_USBD_t *obj); /** * @param None. * * @return ::XMC_USBD_STATUS_t. * * \par<b>Description:</b><BR> * Uninitialises the USB device.<BR> * Disconnects the USB device by programming DCTL register and resets the XMC USB device data. * * \par<b>Note:</b><BR> * Once this API is called, USB device will not be accessible from host.\n * * \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR> * ::XMC_USBD_Init()\n **/ XMC_USBD_STATUS_t XMC_USBD_Uninitialize(void); /** * @param None. * * @return ::XMC_USBD_STATUS_t. * * \par<b>Description:</b><BR> * Connects the USB device to host and triggers the USB enumeration.<BR> * Connects the USB device to host by programming DCTL register.\n * It resets the soft disconnect bit, which activates the speed pull up at d+ line of USB. * ::XMC_USBD_Init() should be called before calling this API. * * \par<b>Note:</b><BR> * Once this API is called, USB host starts the enumeration process and the device should * handle the descriptor requests.\n * * \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR> * ::XMC_USBD_Init()\n **/ XMC_USBD_STATUS_t XMC_USBD_DeviceConnect(void); /** * @param None. * * @return ::XMC_USBD_STATUS_t. * * \par<b>Description:</b><BR> * Disconnects the USB device from host.<BR> * By programming DCTL register, it sets the soft disconnect bit, which deactivates\n * the speed pull up at d+ line of USB. * * \par<b>Note:</b><BR> * Once this API is called, USB device will not be accessible from host.\n * * \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR> * ::XMC_USBD_DeviceConnect()\n **/ XMC_USBD_STATUS_t XMC_USBD_DeviceDisconnect(void); /** * @param obj The pointer to the USB device handle structure \a XMC_USBD_t. * * @return ::XMC_USBD_STATE_t. * * \par<b>Description:</b><BR> * Retrieves the current USB device state.<BR> * Power,active,speed and connection status data are retrieved.\n * * \par<b>Note:</b><BR> * Before calling this API, USB should be initialized with ::XMC_USBD_Init.\n * * \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR> * ::XMC_USBD_Init()\n **/ XMC_USBD_STATE_t XMC_USBD_DeviceGetState(const XMC_USBD_t *const obj); /** * @param address The address to be set for the USB device . * @param stage The device request stage-setup or status ::XMC_USBD_SET_ADDRESS_STAGE_t. * * @return ::XMC_USBD_STATUS_t. * * \par<b>Description:</b><BR> * Sets the USB device address.<BR> * The device address is programmed in the DCFG register.<BR> * * The address should be more than 0; as 0 is the default USB device address at the starting of enumeration. * As part of enumeration, host sends the control request to the device to set the USB address; and in turn,\n * in the USB device event call back handler, user has to set the address using this API for the set address request.<BR> * * The stage parameter should be XMC_USBD_SET_ADDRESS_STAGE_SETUP from the enum ::XMC_USBD_SET_ADDRESS_STAGE_t. * * \par<b>Note:</b><BR> * Before calling this API, USB should be initialized with ::XMC_USBD_Init () and connected to * USB host using ::XMC_USBD_DeviceConnect() \n * * \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR> * ::XMC_USBD_Init(), ::XMC_USBD_DeviceConnect()\n **/ XMC_USBD_STATUS_t XMC_USBD_DeviceSetAddress(uint8_t address,XMC_USBD_SET_ADDRESS_STAGE_t stage); /** * @param ep_addr The address of the USB endpoint, which needs to be configured. * @param ep_type The ::XMC_USBD_ENDPOINT_TYPE_t. * @param ep_max_packet_size The maximum packet size of endpoint in USB full speed. * * @return ::XMC_USBD_STATUS_t. * * \par<b>Description:</b><BR> * Configures the USB endpoint.<BR> * The endpoint is configured by programming the DAINT,DIEPCTL and DOEPCTL registers.<BR> * * Configures the EP type, FIFO number,maximum packet size, enables endpoint and sets the DATA0 PID. * This function also initializes the internal buffer handling for the specified endpoint, * but does not start any transfers.<BR> * * As part of enumeration, host sends the control request to the device to set the configuration; and in turn,\n * in the USB device event call back handler, user has to set the configuration and configure the endpoints \n * required for the device.\n * * \par<b>Note:</b><BR> * This API should only be used as part of enumeration.\n * * \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR> * ::XMC_USBD_Init(),::XMC_USBD_DeviceConnect(),::XMC_USBD_EndpointUnconfigure()\n **/ XMC_USBD_STATUS_t XMC_USBD_EndpointConfigure(uint8_t ep_addr, XMC_USBD_ENDPOINT_TYPE_t ep_type, uint16_t ep_max_packet_size); /** * @param ep_addr The address of the USB endpoint, which needs to be unconfigured. * * @return ::XMC_USBD_STATUS_t. * * \par<b>Description:</b><BR> * Unconfigures the USB endpoint.<BR> * The endpoint is unconfigured by programming the DAINT,DIEPCTL and DOEPCTL registers.\n * Disables the endpoint, unassign the fifo, deactivate it and only send nacks.\n * Waits until the endpoint has finished operation and disables it. All (eventuallly) allocated buffers gets freed. * Forces the endpoint to stop immediately, any pending transfers are killed(Can cause device reset). * * \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR> * ::XMC_USBD_EndpointConfigure()\n **/ XMC_USBD_STATUS_t XMC_USBD_EndpointUnconfigure(uint8_t ep_addr); /** * @param ep_addr The address of the USB endpoint, on which stall needs to be set or cleared. * @param stall The boolean variable to decide on set or clear of stall on EP. * * @return ::XMC_USBD_STATUS_t. * * \par<b>Description:</b><BR> * Set or Clear stall on the USB endpoint \a ep_addr, based on \a stall parameter.<BR> * * By programming stall bit in the doepctl and diepctl, it sets or clears the stall on the endpoint. * The endpoint can be stalled when a non supported request comes from the USB host. * The XMC_USBD_EndpointStall() should be called with \a stall set to 0, in the clear feature standard request * in the USB device event call back handler. * * * \par<b>Note:</b><BR> * The host should clear the stall set on the endpoint by sending the clear feature standard * request on the non EP0 endpoints. On EP0, the stall will automatically gets cleared on the next control request.\n * * \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR> * ::XMC_USBD_EndpointAbort()\n **/ XMC_USBD_STATUS_t XMC_USBD_EndpointStall(uint8_t ep_addr, bool stall); /** * @param ep_addr The address of the USB endpoint, from which data need to be read. * @param size The number of bytes to be read. * * @return ::XMC_USBD_STATUS_t. * * \par<b>Description:</b><BR> * Prepares an endpoint to receive OUT tokens from the USB host.<BR> * The selected endpoint gets configured, so that it receives the specified amount of data from the host. * As part of streaming of OUT data, after reading the current OUT buffer using ::XMC_USBD_EndpointRead(),\n * user can prepare endpoint for the next OUT packet by using ::XMC_USBD_EndpointReadStart(). * * The registers DOEPDMA,DOEPTSIZ and DOEPCTL are programmed to start a new read request. * * \par<b>Note:</b><BR> * For the data received on OUT EP buffer, use ::XMC_USBD_EndpointRead().\n * * \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR> * XMC_USBD_EndpointRead()\n **/ XMC_USBD_STATUS_t XMC_USBD_EndpointReadStart(const uint8_t ep_addr, uint32_t size); /** * @param ep_addr The address of the USB OUT endpoint, from which data need to be read. * @param buffer The pointer to the user buffer,in which data need to be received. * @param length The number of bytes to be read from OUT EP. * * @return <BR> * The actual number of bytes received. * * \par<b>Description:</b><BR> * Read \a length number of bytes from an OUT endpoint \a ep_addr.<BR> * If data has been received for this endpoint, it gets copied into the user buffer until its full * or no data is left in the driver buffer. * * \par<b>Note:</b><BR> * For preparing the next OUT token, use ::XMC_USBD_EndpointReadStart() after ::XMC_USBD_EndpointRead().\n * * * \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR> * ::XMC_USBD_EndpointReadStart()\n **/ int32_t XMC_USBD_EndpointRead(const uint8_t ep_addr,uint8_t * buffer, uint32_t length); /** * @param ep_addr The address of the USB IN endpoint, on which data should be sent. * @param buffer The pointer to the data buffer, to write to the endpoint. * @param length The number of bytes to be written to IN EP. * * @return <BR> * The actual amount of data written to the endpoint buffer. * * \par<b>Description:</b><BR> * Write the \a length bytes of data to an IN endpoint \a ep_addr.<BR> * The User data gets copied into the driver buffer or will be send directly based on the buffer concept * selected in the ::XMC_USBD_TRANSFER_MODE_t configuration. * * Then the endpoint is set up to transfer the data to the host.\n * DIEPDMA,DIEPTSIZ and DIEPCTL registers are programmed to start the IN transfer. * * * \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR> * ::XMC_USBD_EndpointRead()\n **/ int32_t XMC_USBD_EndpointWrite(const uint8_t ep_addr,const uint8_t * buffer,uint32_t length); /** * @param ep_addr The address of the USB endpoint, on which the data need to be aborted. * * @return ::XMC_USBD_STATUS_t * * \par<b>Description:</b><BR> * Abort the transfer on endpoint \a ep_addr.<BR> * On any failure with the USB transmission user can reset the endpoint into default state and clear all * assigned buffers, to start from a clean point. The endpoint will not be unconfigured or disabled. * * \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR> * ::XMC_USBD_EndpointUnconfigure()\n **/ XMC_USBD_STATUS_t XMC_USBD_EndpointAbort(uint8_t ep_addr); /** * @param None. * * @return The 16 bit current USB frame number. * * \par<b>Description:</b><BR> * Read the current USB frame number.<BR> * * Reads the device status register (DSTS) and returns the SOFFN field. * **/ uint16_t XMC_USBD_GetFrameNumber(void); /** * @param None. * * @return Returns 1, if the speed enumeration is done and 0 otherwise. * * \par<b>Description:</b><BR> * Gets the speed enumeration completion status of the USB device.<BR> * * \par<b>Note:</b><BR> * This should not be used for the actual USB enumeration completion status. For the actual USB enumeration status, * the application layer should check for the completion of USB standard request 'Set configuration'.\n * **/ uint32_t XMC_USBD_IsEnumDone(void); /** * @param obj The pointer to the USB device handle structure. * * @return None. * * \par<b>Description:</b><BR> * USB device default IRQ handler.<BR> * USBD Peripheral LLD provides default implementation of ISR. * The user needs to explicitly either use our default implementation or use its own one using the LLD APIs. * * For example: * XMC_USBD_t *obj; * void USB0_0_IRQHandler(void) * { * XMC_USBD_IRQHandler(obj); * } * * \par<b>Note:</b><BR> * The user should initialize the XMC USB device configuration structure before calling * ::XMC_USBD_IRQHandler() in the actual USB0 IRQ handler. * **/ void XMC_USBD_IRQHandler(const XMC_USBD_t *const obj); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /** * MISRA C 2004 Deviations * * 1. Function like macro- defined- MISRA Advisory Rule 19.7 * 2. usage of unions - MISRA Required Rule 18.4 */ /** * @} */ /** * @} */ #endif /* defined(USB0) */ #endif /* XMC_USBD_H */