2024-10-17 17:09:59 +02:00

5152 lines
373 KiB

* @file TLE987x.h
* @brief CMSIS Cortex-M3 Peripheral Access Layer Header File for
* Infineon Technologies ePower Family TLE987x
* @version V2.10
* @date 14. Jan 2016
* @note Generated with SVDConv V2.78b
* @note: Generated for MISRA Compliance, this File is NOT CMSIS compliant.
/** @addtogroup (null)
* @{
/** @addtogroup TLE987x
* @{
#ifndef TLE987x_H
#define TLE987x_H
#include <tle_device.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
Define Memory
#define ProgFlashStart (0x11000000U) /* Start Address of the flash */
#define DataFlashSize (0x1000U) /* 4KB Data Flash */
#define DataFlashStart (ProgFlashStart + ProgFlashSize)
#define NACStart (DataFlashStart - 4U)
#define NADStart (DataFlashStart - 2U)
#define RAMStart (0x18000000UL) /* Start Address of the SRAM */
/* ------------------------- Interrupt Number Definition ------------------------ */
typedef enum {
/* ------------------- Cortex-M3 Processor Exceptions Numbers ------------------- */
Reset_IRQn = -15, /*!< 1 Reset Vector, invoked on Power up and warm reset */
NonMaskableInt_IRQn = -14, /*!< 2 Non maskable Interrupt, cannot be stopped or preempted */
HardFault_IRQn = -13, /*!< 3 Hard Fault, all classes of Fault */
MemoryManagement_IRQn = -12, /*!< 4 Memory Management, MPU mismatch, including Access Violation
and No Match */
BusFault_IRQn = -11, /*!< 5 Bus Fault, Pre-Fetch-, Memory Access Fault, other address/memory
related Fault */
UsageFault_IRQn = -10, /*!< 6 Usage Fault, i.e. Undef Instruction, Illegal State Transition */
SVCall_IRQn = -5, /*!< 11 System Service Call via SVC instruction */
DebugMonitor_IRQn = -4, /*!< 12 Debug Monitor */
PendSV_IRQn = -2, /*!< 14 Pendable request for system service */
SysTick_IRQn = -1, /*!< 15 System Tick Timer */
/* -------------------- TLE987x Specific Interrupt Numbers -------------------- */
GPT1_Int = 0, /*!< Interrupt node 0: GPT1 Block */
GPT2_Int = 1, /*!< Interrupt node 1: GPT2 Block */
ADC2_Tmr3_Int = 2, /*!< Interrupt node 2: ADC2, Timer3, BEMF */
ADC1_VREF5_Int = 3, /*!< Interrupt node 3: ADC1, VREF5V */
CCU6_SR0_Int = 4, /*!< Interrupt node 4: CCU6 node0 */
CCU6_SR1_Int = 5, /*!< Interrupt node 5: CCU6 node1 */
CCU6_SR2_Int = 6, /*!< Interrupt node 6: CCU6 node2 */
CCU6_SR3_Int = 7, /*!< Interrupt node 7: CCU6 node3 */
SSC1_Int = 8, /*!< Interrupt node 8: SSC1 */
SSC2_Int = 9, /*!< Interrupt node 9: SSC2 */
UART1_LIN_Tmr2_Int =10, /*!< Interrupt node10: UART1(ASC,LIN), Timer2 */
UART2_Tmr21_EINT2_Int =11, /*!< Interrupt node11: UART2, Timer21, EINT2 */
EXINT0_MON_Int =12, /*!< Interrupt node12: EINT0, MON */
EXINT1_Int =13, /*!< Interrupt node13: EINT1 */
BDRV_CP_Int =14, /*!< Interrupt node14: BDRV, Charge Pump */
DMA_Int =15, /*!< Interrupt node15: DMA */
} IRQn_Type;
/** @addtogroup Configuration_of_CMSIS
* @{
/* ================================================================================ */
/* ================ Processor and Core Peripheral Section ================ */
/* ================================================================================ */
/* ----------------Configuration of the Cortex-M3 Processor and Core Peripherals---------------- */
#define __CM3_REV 0x0000 /*!< Cortex-M3 Core Revision */
#define __MPU_PRESENT 0 /*!< MPU present or not */
#define __NVIC_PRIO_BITS 4 /*!< Number of Bits used for Priority Levels */
#define __Vendor_SysTickConfig 0 /*!< Set to 1 if different SysTick Config is used */
/** @} */ /* End of group Configuration_of_CMSIS */
#include <core_cm3.h> /*!< Cortex-M3 processor and core peripherals */
#include "system_TLE987x.h" /*!< TLE987x System */
/* ================================================================================ */
/* ================ Device Specific Peripheral Section ================ */
/* ================================================================================ */
/** @addtogroup Device_Peripheral_Registers
* @{
#if defined(__CC_ARM)
#pragma push
#pragma anon_unions
#elif defined(__ICCARM__)
#pragma language=extended
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
/* anonymous unions are enabled by default */
#elif defined(__TMS470__)
/* anonymous unions are enabled by default */
#elif defined(__TASKING__)
/* TBD. pragmas for anonymous unions */
#warning Not supported compiler type
/* ================================================================================ */
/* ================ SCU ================ */
/* ================================================================================ */
* @brief SCU (SCU)
typedef struct { /*!< (@ 0x50005000) SCU Structure */
union {
__O uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50005000) NMI Clear Register, RESET_TYPE_3 */
struct {
__O uint8_t NMIWDTC : 1; /*!< [0..0] Watchdog Timer NMI Clear */
__O uint8_t NMIPLLC : 1; /*!< [1..1] PLL Loss of Lock NMI Clear */
__O uint8_t NMINVMC : 1; /*!< [2..2] NVM Operation Complete NMI Clear */
__O uint8_t NMIOTC : 1; /*!< [3..3] NMI OT Clear */
__O uint8_t NMIOWDC : 1; /*!< [4..4] Oscillator Watchdog NMI Clear */
__O uint8_t NMIMAPC : 1; /*!< [5..5] NVM Map Error NMI Clear */
__O uint8_t NMIECCC : 1; /*!< [6..6] ECC Error NMI Clear */
__O uint8_t NMISUPC : 1; /*!< [7..7] Supply Prewarning NMI Clear */
} bit; /*!< [8] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED0[3];
union {
__I uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50005004) Interrupt Request Register 0, RESET_TYPE_3 */
struct {
__I uint8_t EXINT0R : 1; /*!< [0..0] Interrupt Flag for External Interrupt 0x on rising edge */
__I uint8_t EXINT0F : 1; /*!< [1..1] Interrupt Flag for External Interrupt 0x on falling edge */
__I uint8_t EXINT1R : 1; /*!< [2..2] Interrupt Flag for External Interrupt 1x on rising edge */
__I uint8_t EXINT1F : 1; /*!< [3..3] Interrupt Flag for External Interrupt 1x on falling edge */
__I uint8_t EXINT2R : 1; /*!< [4..4] Interrupt Flag for External Interrupt 2x on rising edge */
__I uint8_t EXINT2F : 1; /*!< [5..5] Interrupt Flag for External Interrupt 2x on falling edge */
__I uint8_t MONR : 1; /*!< [6..6] Interrupt Flag for External Interrupt MON on rising edge */
__I uint8_t MONF : 1; /*!< [7..7] Interrupt Flag for External Interrupt MON on falling
edge */
} bit; /*!< [8] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED1[3];
union {
__I uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50005008) Interrupt Request Register 1, RESET_TYPE_3 */
struct {
__I uint8_t EIR : 1; /*!< [0..0] Error Interrupt Flag for SSC1 */
__I uint8_t TIR : 1; /*!< [1..1] Transmit Interrupt Flag for SSC1 */
__I uint8_t RIR : 1; /*!< [2..2] Receive Interrupt Flag for SSC1 */
} bit; /*!< [3] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED2[3];
union {
__I uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x5000500C) Interrupt Request Register 2, RESET_TYPE_3 */
struct {
__I uint8_t EIR : 1; /*!< [0..0] Error Interrupt Flag for SSC2 */
__I uint8_t TIR : 1; /*!< [1..1] Transmit Interrupt Flag for SSC2 */
__I uint8_t RIR : 1; /*!< [2..2] Receive Interrupt Flag for SSC2 */
} bit; /*!< [3] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED3[3];
union {
__I uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50005010) Interrupt Request Register 3, RESET_TYPE_3 */
struct {
__I uint8_t CCU6SR0 : 1; /*!< [0..0] Interrupt Flag 0 for CCU6 */
uint8_t : 3;
__I uint8_t CCU6SR1 : 1; /*!< [4..4] Interrupt Flag 1 for CCU6 */
} bit; /*!< [5] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED4[3];
union {
__I uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50005014) Interrupt Request Register 4, RESET_TYPE_3 */
struct {
__I uint8_t CCU6SR2 : 1; /*!< [0..0] Interrupt Flag 2 for CCU6 */
uint8_t : 3;
__I uint8_t CCU6SR3 : 1; /*!< [4..4] Interrupt Flag 3 for CCU6 */
} bit; /*!< [5] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED5[3];
union {
__I uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50005018) NMI Status Register, RESET_TYPE_4 */
struct {
__I uint8_t FNMIWDT : 1; /*!< [0..0] Watchdog Timer NMI Flag */
__I uint8_t FNMIPLL : 1; /*!< [1..1] PLL NMI Flag */
__I uint8_t FNMINVM : 1; /*!< [2..2] NVM Operation Complete NMI Flag */
__I uint8_t FNMIOT : 1; /*!< [3..3] Over-temperature NMI Flag */
__I uint8_t FNMIOWD : 1; /*!< [4..4] Oscillator Watchdog or MI_CLK Watchdog NMI Flag */
__I uint8_t FNMIMAP : 1; /*!< [5..5] NVM Map Error NMI Flag */
__I uint8_t FNMIECC : 1; /*!< [6..6] ECC Error NMI Flag */
__I uint8_t FNMISUP : 1; /*!< [7..7] Supply Prewarning NMI Flag */
} bit; /*!< [8] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED6[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x5000501C) Interrupt Enable Register 0, RESET_TYPE_4 */
struct {
uint8_t : 7;
__IO uint8_t EA : 1; /*!< [7..7] Global Interrupt Mask */
} bit; /*!< [8] BitSize */
} IEN0;
__I uint8_t RESERVED7[7];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50005024) NMI Control Register, RESET_TYPE_4 */
struct {
__IO uint8_t NMIWDT : 1; /*!< [0..0] Watchdog Timer NMI Enable */
__IO uint8_t NMIPLL : 1; /*!< [1..1] PLL Loss of Lock NMI Enable */
__IO uint8_t NMINVM : 1; /*!< [2..2] NVM Operation Complete NMI Enable */
__IO uint8_t NMIOT : 1; /*!< [3..3] NMI OT Enable */
__IO uint8_t NMIOWD : 1; /*!< [4..4] Oscillator Watchdog NMI Enable */
__IO uint8_t NMIMAP : 1; /*!< [5..5] NVM Map Error NMI Enable */
__IO uint8_t NMIECC : 1; /*!< [6..6] ECC Error NMI Enable */
__IO uint8_t NMISUP : 1; /*!< [7..7] Supply Prewarning NMI Enable */
} bit; /*!< [8] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED8[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50005028) External Interrupt Control Register 0, RESET_TYPE_3 */
struct {
__IO uint8_t EXINT0 : 2; /*!< [0..1] External Interrupt 0 Trigger Select */
__IO uint8_t EXINT1 : 2; /*!< [2..3] External Interrupt 1 Trigger Select */
__IO uint8_t EXINT2 : 2; /*!< [4..5] External Interrupt 2 Trigger Select */
__IO uint8_t MON : 2; /*!< [6..7] MON Input Trigger Select */
} bit; /*!< [8] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED9[3];
union {
__O uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x5000502C) Interrupt Request 0 Clear Register, RESET_TYPE_3 */
struct {
__O uint8_t EXINT0RC : 1; /*!< [0..0] Interrupt Flag for External Interrupt 0x on rising edge
clear */
__O uint8_t EXINT0FC : 1; /*!< [1..1] Interrupt Flag for External Interrupt 0x on falling edge
clear */
__O uint8_t EXINT1RC : 1; /*!< [2..2] Interrupt Flag for External Interrupt 1x on rising edge
clear */
__O uint8_t EXINT1FC : 1; /*!< [3..3] Interrupt Flag for External Interrupt 1x on falling edge
clear */
__O uint8_t EXINT2RC : 1; /*!< [4..4] Interrupt Flag for External Interrupt 2x on rising edge
clear */
__O uint8_t EXINT2FC : 1; /*!< [5..5] Interrupt Flag for External Interrupt 2x on falling edge
clear */
__O uint8_t MONRC : 1; /*!< [6..6] Interrupt Flag for External Interrupt MON on rising edge
clear */
__O uint8_t MONFC : 1; /*!< [7..7] Interrupt Flag for External Interrupt MON on falling
edge clear */
} bit; /*!< [8] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED10[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50005030) Peripheral Interrupt Enable Register 1, RESET_TYPE_3 */
struct {
__IO uint8_t EIREN1 : 1; /*!< [0..0] SSC 1 Error Interrupt Enable */
__IO uint8_t TIREN1 : 1; /*!< [1..1] SSC 1 Transmit Interrupt Enable */
__IO uint8_t RIREN1 : 1; /*!< [2..2] SSC 1 Receive Interrupt Enable */
uint8_t : 3;
__IO uint8_t RIEN1 : 1; /*!< [6..6] UART 1 Receive Interrupt Enable */
__IO uint8_t TIEN1 : 1; /*!< [7..7] UART 1 Transmit Interrupt Enable */
} bit; /*!< [8] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED11[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50005034) Peripheral Interrupt Enable Register 2, RESET_TYPE_3 */
struct {
__IO uint8_t EIREN2 : 1; /*!< [0..0] SSC 2 Error Interrupt Enable */
__IO uint8_t TIREN2 : 1; /*!< [1..1] SSC 2 Transmit Interrupt Enable */
__IO uint8_t RIREN2 : 1; /*!< [2..2] SSC 2 Receive Interrupt Enable */
uint8_t : 2;
__IO uint8_t EXINT2_EN : 1; /*!< [5..5] External Interrupt 2 Enable */
__IO uint8_t RIEN2 : 1; /*!< [6..6] UART 2 Receive Interrupt Enable */
__IO uint8_t TIEN2 : 1; /*!< [7..7] UART 2 Transmit Interrupt Enable */
} bit; /*!< [8] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED12[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50005038) Peripheral Interrupt Enable Register 3, RESET_TYPE_3 */
struct {
__IO uint8_t IE0 : 1; /*!< [0..0] External Interrupt Enable */
uint8_t : 3;
__IO uint8_t MONIE : 1; /*!< [4..4] MON Interrupt Enable */
__I uint8_t MONSTS : 1; /*!< [5..5] MON Input Status */
} bit; /*!< [6] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED13[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x5000503C) Peripheral Interrupt Enable Register 4, RESET_TYPE_3 */
struct {
__IO uint8_t IE1 : 1; /*!< [0..0] External Interrupt Enable */
} bit; /*!< [1] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED14[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50005040) Power Mode Control Register 0, RESET_TYPE_3 */
struct {
__IO uint8_t XTAL_ON : 1; /*!< [0..0] OSC_HP Operation in Power Down Mode */
__IO uint8_t SL : 1; /*!< [1..1] Sleep Mode Enable. Active High. */
__IO uint8_t PD : 1; /*!< [2..2] Power Down Mode Enable. Active High. */
__IO uint8_t SD : 1; /*!< [3..3] Slow Down Mode Enable. Active High. */
} bit; /*!< [4] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED15[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50005044) PLL Control Register, RESET_TYPE_4 */
struct {
__I uint8_t LOCK : 1; /*!< [0..0] PLL Lock Status Flag */
__IO uint8_t RESLD : 1; /*!< [1..1] Restart Lock Detection */
__IO uint8_t OSCDISC : 1; /*!< [2..2] Oscillator Disconnect */
__IO uint8_t VCOBYP : 1; /*!< [3..3] PLL VCO Bypass Mode Select */
__IO uint8_t NDIV : 4; /*!< [4..7] PLL N-Divider */
} bit; /*!< [8] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED16[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50005048) Clock Control Register 1, RESET_TYPE_4 */
struct {
__IO uint8_t CLKREL : 4; /*!< [0..3] Slow Down Clock Divider for fCCLK Generation */
__IO uint8_t K2DIV : 2; /*!< [4..5] PLL K2-Divider */
__IO uint8_t K1DIV : 1; /*!< [6..6] PLL K1-Divider */
__IO uint8_t VCOSEL : 1; /*!< [7..7] VCOSEL Setting */
} bit; /*!< [8] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED17[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x5000504C) Clock Control Register 2, RESET_TYPE_4 */
struct {
__IO uint8_t PBA0CLKREL : 1; /*!< [0..0] PBA0 Clock Divider */
} bit; /*!< [1] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED18[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50005050) Watchdog Timer Control Register, RESET_TYPE_3 */
struct {
__IO uint8_t WDTIN : 1; /*!< [0..0] Watchdog Timer Input Frequency Selection */
__IO uint8_t WDTRS : 1; /*!< [1..1] WDT Refresh Start */
__IO uint8_t WDTEN : 1; /*!< [2..2] WDT Enable */
uint8_t : 1;
__I uint8_t WDTPR : 1; /*!< [4..4] Watchdog Prewarning Mode Flag */
__IO uint8_t WINBEN : 1; /*!< [5..5] Watchdog Window-Boundary Enable */
} bit; /*!< [6] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED19[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50005054) Analog Peripheral Clock Control 1 Register, RESET_TYPE_4 */
struct {
__I uint8_t PLL_LOCK : 1; /*!< [0..0] PLL Lock Indicator */
__IO uint8_t APCLK_SET : 1; /*!< [1..1] Set and Overtake Flag for Clock Settings */
__IO uint8_t T3CLK_SEL : 1; /*!< [2..2] Timer 3 Clock Selection */
__IO uint8_t CLKWDT_IE : 1; /*!< [3..3] Clock Watchdog Interrupt Enable */
__IO uint8_t BGCLK_SEL : 1; /*!< [4..4] Bandgap Clock Selection */
__IO uint8_t BGCLK_DIV : 1; /*!< [5..5] Bandgap Clock Divider */
__IO uint8_t CPCLK_SEL : 1; /*!< [6..6] Charge Pump Clock Selection */
__IO uint8_t CPCLK_DIV : 1; /*!< [7..7] Charge Pump Clock Divider */
} bit; /*!< [8] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED20[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50005058) Analog Peripheral Clock Register 1, RESET_TYPE_4 */
struct {
__IO uint8_t APCLK1FAC : 2; /*!< [0..1] Analog Module Clock Factor */
__O uint8_t APCLK1SCLR : 1; /*!< [2..2] Analog Peripherals Clock Status Clear */
uint8_t : 1;
__I uint8_t APCLK1STS : 2; /*!< [4..5] Analog Peripherals Clock Status */
__I uint8_t APCLK3STS : 1; /*!< [6..6] Loss of Clock Status */
__O uint8_t APCLK3SCLR : 1; /*!< [7..7] Analog Peripherals Clock Status Clear */
} bit; /*!< [8] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED21[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x5000505C) Analog Peripheral Clock Register 2, RESET_TYPE_4 */
struct {
__IO uint8_t APCLK2FAC : 5; /*!< [0..4] Slow Down Clock Divider for TFILT_CLK Generation */
__I uint8_t APCLK2STS : 2; /*!< [5..6] Analog Peripherals Clock Status */
__O uint8_t APCLK2SCLR : 1; /*!< [7..7] Analog Peripherals Clock Status Clear */
} bit; /*!< [8] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED22[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50005060) Peripheral Management Control Register 1, RESET_TYPE_3 */
struct {
__IO uint8_t ADC1_DIS : 1; /*!< [0..0] ADC1 Disable Request. Active high. */
__IO uint8_t SSC1_DIS : 1; /*!< [1..1] SSC1 Disable Request. Active high. */
__IO uint8_t CCU6_DIS : 1; /*!< [2..2] CCU6 Disable Request. Active high. */
__IO uint8_t T2_DIS : 1; /*!< [3..3] T2 Disable Request. Active high. */
__IO uint8_t GPT12_DIS : 1; /*!< [4..4] General Purpose Timer 12 Disable Request. Active high. */
} bit; /*!< [5] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED23[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50005064) Peripheral Management Control Register 2, RESET_TYPE_3 */
struct {
uint8_t : 1;
__IO uint8_t SSC2_DIS : 1; /*!< [1..1] SSC2 Disable Request. Active high. */
uint8_t : 1;
__IO uint8_t T21_DIS : 1; /*!< [3..3] T21 Disable Request. Active high. */
uint8_t : 1;
__IO uint8_t T3_DIS : 1; /*!< [5..5] T3 Disable Request. Active high. */
} bit; /*!< [6] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED24[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50005068) Reset Control Register, RESET_TYPE_3 */
struct {
__IO uint8_t LOCKUP : 1; /*!< [0..0] Lockup Flag */
uint8_t : 6;
__IO uint8_t LOCKUP_EN : 1; /*!< [7..7] Lockup Reset Enable Flag */
} bit; /*!< [8] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED25[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x5000506C) Analog Peripheral Clock Control 2 Register, RESET_TYPE_4 */
struct {
uint8_t : 2;
__IO uint8_t T3CLK_DIV : 2; /*!< [2..3] Timer 3 Clock Divider */
} bit; /*!< [4] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED26[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50005070) System Control Register 0, RESET_TYPE_4 */
struct {
uint8_t : 4;
__IO uint8_t NVMCLKFAC : 2; /*!< [4..5] NVM Access Clock Factor */
__IO uint8_t SYSCLKSEL : 2; /*!< [6..7] System Clock Select */
} bit; /*!< [8] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED27[3];
union {
__I uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50005074) System Startup Status Register */
struct {
__I uint8_t INIT_FAIL : 1; /*!< [0..0] Initialization at startup failed */
__I uint8_t MRAMINITSTS: 1; /*!< [1..1] Map RAM Initialization Status */
__I uint8_t PG100TP_CHKS_ERR: 1; /*!< [2..2] 100 TP Page Checksum Error */
} bit; /*!< [3] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED28[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50005078) Watchdog Timer Reload Register, RESET_TYPE_3 */
struct {
__IO uint8_t WDTREL : 8; /*!< [0..7] Watchdog Timer Reload Value */
} bit; /*!< [8] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED29[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x5000507C) Watchdog Window-Boundary Count, RESET_TYPE_3 */
struct {
__IO uint8_t WDTWINB : 8; /*!< [0..7] Watchdog Window-Boundary Count Value */
} bit; /*!< [8] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED30[3];
union {
__I uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50005080) Watchdog Timer, Low Byte, RESET_TYPE_3 */
struct {
__I uint8_t WDT : 8; /*!< [0..7] Watchdog Timer Current Value */
} bit; /*!< [8] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED31[3];
union {
__I uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50005084) Watchdog Timer, High Byte, RESET_TYPE_3 */
struct {
__I uint8_t WDT : 8; /*!< [0..7] Watchdog Timer Current Value */
} bit; /*!< [8] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED32[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50005088) Baud Rate Control Register 1, RESET_TYPE_3 */
struct {
__IO uint8_t R : 1; /*!< [0..0] Baud Rate Generator Run Control Bit */
__IO uint8_t BRPRE : 3; /*!< [1..3] Prescaler Bit */
} bit; /*!< [4] BitSize */
} BCON1;
__I uint8_t RESERVED33[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x5000508C) Baud Rate Timer/Reload Register, Low Byte 1,
struct {
__IO uint8_t FD_SEL : 5; /*!< [0..4] Fractional Divider Selection */
__IO uint8_t BR_VALUE : 3; /*!< [5..7] Baud Rate Timer/Reload Value */
} bit; /*!< [8] BitSize */
} BGL1;
__I uint8_t RESERVED34[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50005090) Baud Rate Timer/Reload Register, High Byte, RESET_TYPE_3 */
struct {
__IO uint8_t BR_VALUE : 8; /*!< [0..7] Baud Rate Timer/Reload Value */
} bit; /*!< [8] BitSize */
} BGH1;
__I uint8_t RESERVED35[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50005094) LIN Status Register, RESET_TYPE_3 */
struct {
__IO uint8_t BRDIS : 1; /*!< [0..0] Baud Rate Detection Disable */
__IO uint8_t BGSEL : 2; /*!< [1..2] Baud Rate Select for Detection */
__I uint8_t BRK : 1; /*!< [3..3] Break Field Flag */
__I uint8_t EOFSYN : 1; /*!< [4..4] End of SYN Byte Interrupt Flag */
__I uint8_t ERRSYN : 1; /*!< [5..5] SYN Byte Error Interrupt Flag */
__IO uint8_t SYNEN : 1; /*!< [6..6] End of SYN Byte and SYN Byte Error Interrupts Enable */
} bit; /*!< [7] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED36[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50005098) Baud Rate Control Register 2, RESET_TYPE_3 */
struct {
__IO uint8_t R : 1; /*!< [0..0] Baud Rate Generator Run Control Bit */
__IO uint8_t BRPRE : 3; /*!< [1..3] Prescaler Bit */
} bit; /*!< [4] BitSize */
} BCON2;
__I uint8_t RESERVED37[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x5000509C) Baud Rate Timer/Reload Register, Low Byte 2,
struct {
__IO uint8_t FD_SEL : 5; /*!< [0..4] Fractional Divider Selection */
__IO uint8_t BR_VALUE : 3; /*!< [5..7] Baud Rate Timer/Reload Value */
} bit; /*!< [8] BitSize */
} BGL2;
__I uint8_t RESERVED38[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x500050A0) Baud Rate Timer/Reload Register, High Byte, RESET_TYPE_3 */
struct {
__IO uint8_t BR_VALUE : 8; /*!< [0..7] Baud Rate Timer/Reload Value */
} bit; /*!< [8] BitSize */
} BGH2;
__I uint8_t RESERVED39[3];
union {
__O uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x500050A4) LIN Status Clear Register, RESET_TYPE_3 */
struct {
uint8_t : 3;
__O uint8_t BRKC : 1; /*!< [3..3] Break Field Flag Clear */
__O uint8_t EOFSYNC : 1; /*!< [4..4] End of SYN Byte Interrupt Flag Clear */
__O uint8_t ERRSYNC : 1; /*!< [5..5] SYN Byte Error Interrupt Flag */
} bit; /*!< [6] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED40[3];
union {
__I uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x500050A8) Identity Register, RESET_TYPE_3 */
struct {
__I uint8_t VERID : 3; /*!< [0..2] Version ID */
__I uint8_t PRODID : 5; /*!< [3..7] Product ID */
} bit; /*!< [8] BitSize */
} ID;
__I uint8_t RESERVED41[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x500050AC) Password Register, RESET_TYPE_3 */
struct {
__IO uint8_t MODE : 2; /*!< [0..1] Bit-Protection Scheme Control Bit */
__I uint8_t PROTECT_S : 1; /*!< [2..2] Bit-Protection Signal Status Bit */
__O uint8_t PASS : 5; /*!< [3..7] Password Bits */
} bit; /*!< [8] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED42[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x500050B0) OSC Control Register, RESET_TYPE_4 */
struct {
__IO uint8_t OSCSS : 2; /*!< [0..1] Oscillator Source Select */
__IO uint8_t OSCWDTRST : 1; /*!< [2..2] Oscillator Watchdog Reset */
__I uint8_t OSC2L : 1; /*!< [3..3] OSC-Too-Low Condition Flag */
__IO uint8_t XPD : 1; /*!< [4..4] XTAL (OSC_HP) Power Down Control */
uint8_t : 2;
__IO uint8_t OSCTRIM_8 : 1; /*!< [7..7] OSC_PLL Trim Configuration Bit [8] */
} bit; /*!< [8] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED43[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x500050B4) Clock Output Control Register, RESET_TYPE_4 */
struct {
__IO uint8_t COREL : 4; /*!< [0..3] Clock Output Divider */
__IO uint8_t COUTS0 : 1; /*!< [4..4] Clock Out Source Select Bit 0 */
__IO uint8_t TLEN : 1; /*!< [5..5] Toggle Latch Enable */
__IO uint8_t COUTS1 : 1; /*!< [6..6] Clock Out Source Select Bit 1 */
__IO uint8_t EN : 1; /*!< [7..7] CLKOUT Enable */
} bit; /*!< [8] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED44[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x500050B8) Peripheral Input Select Register, RESET_TYPE_3 */
struct {
__IO uint8_t EXINT0IS : 2; /*!< [0..1] External Interrupt 0 Input Select */
__IO uint8_t EXINT1IS : 2; /*!< [2..3] External Interrupt 1 Input Select */
__IO uint8_t EXINT2IS : 2; /*!< [4..5] External Interrupt 2 Input Select */
__IO uint8_t URIOS1 : 1; /*!< [6..6] UART1 Input/Output Select */
__IO uint8_t U_TX_CONDIS: 1; /*!< [7..7] UART1 TxD Connection Disable */
} bit; /*!< [8] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED45[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x500050BC) Peripheral Input Select Register 1, RESET_TYPE_3 */
struct {
uint8_t : 6;
__IO uint8_t T2EXCON : 1; /*!< [6..6] Timer 2 External Input Control */
__IO uint8_t T21EXCON : 1; /*!< [7..7] Timer 21 External Input Control */
} bit; /*!< [8] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED46[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x500050C0) Peripheral Input Select Register 2, RESET_TYPE_3 */
struct {
__IO uint8_t T2IS : 2; /*!< [0..1] Timer 2 Input Select */
__IO uint8_t T21IS : 2; /*!< [2..3] Timer 21 Input Select */
__IO uint8_t T2EXIS : 2; /*!< [4..5] Timer 2 External Input Select */
__IO uint8_t T21EXIS : 2; /*!< [6..7] Timer 21 External Input Select */
} bit; /*!< [8] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED47[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x500050C4) Peripheral Input Select Register, RESET_TYPE_3 */
struct {
uint8_t : 6;
__IO uint8_t URIOS2 : 1; /*!< [6..6] UART2 Input/Output Select */
} bit; /*!< [7] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED48[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x500050C8) Module Suspend Control Register 1, RESET_TYPE_3 */
struct {
__IO uint8_t WDTSUSP : 1; /*!< [0..0] SCU Watchdog Timer Debug Suspend Bit */
__IO uint8_t T12SUSP : 1; /*!< [1..1] Timer 12 Debug Suspend Bit */
__IO uint8_t T13SUSP : 1; /*!< [2..2] Timer 13 Debug Suspend Bit */
__IO uint8_t T2_SUSP : 1; /*!< [3..3] Timer2 Debug Suspend Bit */
__IO uint8_t GPT12_SUSP : 1; /*!< [4..4] GPT12 Debug Suspend Bit */
uint8_t : 1;
__IO uint8_t T21_SUSP : 1; /*!< [6..6] Timer21 Debug Suspend Bit */
} bit; /*!< [7] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED49[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x500050CC) Module Suspend Control Register 2, RESET_TYPE_3 */
struct {
__IO uint8_t T3_SUSP : 1; /*!< [0..0] Measurement Unit Debug Suspend Bit */
__IO uint8_t MU_SUSP : 1; /*!< [1..1] Measurement Unit Debug Suspend Bit */
__IO uint8_t ADC1_SUSP : 1; /*!< [2..2] ADC1 Unit Debug Suspend Bit */
} bit; /*!< [3] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED50[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x500050D0) GPT12 Peripheral Input Select Register, RESET_TYPE_3 */
struct {
__IO uint8_t GPT12 : 4; /*!< [0..3] GPT12 TIN3B / TIN4D Input Select */
__IO uint8_t TRIG_CONF : 1; /*!< [4..4] CCU6 Trigger Configuration. */
__IO uint8_t T3_GPT12_SEL: 1; /*!< [5..5] CCU6_INT_SEL. */
} bit; /*!< [6] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED51[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x500050D4) Error Detection and Correction Control Register,
struct {
__IO uint8_t RIE : 1; /*!< [0..0] RAM Double Bit ECC Error Interrupt Enable */
uint8_t : 1;
__IO uint8_t NVMIE : 1; /*!< [2..2] NVM Double Bit ECC Error Interrupt Enable */
} bit; /*!< [3] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED52[3];
union {
__I uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x500050D8) Error Detection and Correction Status Register,
struct {
__I uint8_t RDBE : 1; /*!< [0..0] RAM Double Bit Error */
uint8_t : 1;
__I uint8_t NVMDBE : 1; /*!< [2..2] NVM Double Bit Error */
uint8_t : 1;
__I uint8_t RSBE : 1; /*!< [4..4] RAM Single Bit Error */
} bit; /*!< [5] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED53[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x500050DC) Memory Status Register */
struct {
__IO uint8_t SECTORINFO: 6; /*!< [0..5] Sector Information */
__IO uint8_t SASTATUS : 2; /*!< [6..7] Service Algorithm Status */
} bit0; /*!< [8] BitSize */
struct {
__IO uint8_t NVMPROP : 1; /*!< [0..0] NVM Program Operation Status Bit */
__IO uint8_t EMPROP : 1; /*!< [1..1] Emergency Program Operation Status Bit */
} bit1; /*!< [2] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED54[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x500050E0) NVM Protection Status Register, RESET_TYPE_4 */
struct {
__IO uint8_t NVMPROTSTSL_0: 1; /*!< [0..0] NVM Protection Status Register Low Flags */
__IO uint8_t NVMPROTSTSL_1: 1; /*!< [1..1] NVM Protection Status Register Low Flags */
__IO uint8_t NVMPROTSTSL_2: 1; /*!< [2..2] NVM Protection Status Register Low Flags */
__IO uint8_t NVMPROTSTSL_3: 1; /*!< [3..3] NVM Protection Status Register Low Flags */
} bit; /*!< [4] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED55[3];
union {
__I uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x500050E4) Memory Access Status Register, RESET_TYPE_3 */
struct {
__I uint8_t NVM_PROT_ERR: 1; /*!< [0..0] NVM Access Protection */
__I uint8_t NVM_ADDR_ERR: 1; /*!< [1..1] NVM Address Protection */
__I uint8_t NVM_SFR_PROT_ERR: 1; /*!< [2..2] NVM SFR Access Protection */
__I uint8_t NVM_SFR_ADDR_ERR: 1; /*!< [3..3] NVM SFR Address Protection */
__I uint8_t ROM_PROT_ERR: 1; /*!< [4..4] ROM Access Protection */
__I uint8_t ROM_ADDR_ERR: 1; /*!< [5..5] ROM Address Protection */
__I uint8_t RAM_PROT_ERR: 1; /*!< [6..6] RAM Access Protection */
__I uint8_t RAM_ADDR_ERR: 1; /*!< [7..7] RAM Address Protection */
} bit; /*!< [8] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED56[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x500050E8) Port Output Control Register, RESET_TYPE_3 */
struct {
__IO uint8_t PDM0 : 3; /*!< [0..2] P0.0 Port Driver Mode */
uint8_t : 1;
__IO uint8_t PDM1 : 3; /*!< [4..6] P0.1 Port Driver Mode */
} bit; /*!< [7] BitSize */
} P0_POCON0;
__I uint8_t RESERVED57[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x500050EC) Port Output Control Register, RESET_TYPE_3 */
struct {
__IO uint8_t PDM2 : 3; /*!< [0..2] P0.2 Port Driver Mode */
uint8_t : 1;
__IO uint8_t PDM3 : 3; /*!< [4..6] P0.3 Port Driver Mode */
} bit; /*!< [7] BitSize */
} P0_POCON1;
__I uint8_t RESERVED58[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x500050F0) Port Output Control Register, RESET_TYPE_3 */
struct {
__IO uint8_t PDM4 : 3; /*!< [0..2] P0.4 Port Driver Mode */
} bit; /*!< [3] BitSize */
} P0_POCON2;
__I uint8_t RESERVED59[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x500050F4) Temperature Compensation Control Register, RESET_TYPE_3 */
struct {
__IO uint8_t TCC : 2; /*!< [0..1] Temperature Compensation Control */
} bit; /*!< [2] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED60[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x500050F8) Port Output Control Register, RESET_TYPE_3 */
struct {
__IO uint8_t PDM0 : 3; /*!< [0..2] P1.0 Port Driver Mode */
uint8_t : 1;
__IO uint8_t PDM1 : 3; /*!< [4..6] P1.1 Port Driver Mode */
} bit; /*!< [7] BitSize */
} P1_POCON0;
__I uint8_t RESERVED61[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x500050FC) Port Output Control Register, RESET_TYPE_3 */
struct {
__IO uint8_t PDM2 : 3; /*!< [0..2] P1.2 Port Driver Mode */
uint8_t : 1;
__IO uint8_t PDM3 : 3; /*!< [4..6] P1.3 Port Driver Mode */
} bit; /*!< [7] BitSize */
} P1_POCON1;
__I uint8_t RESERVED62[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50005100) Port Output Control Register, RESET_TYPE_3 */
struct {
__IO uint8_t PDM4 : 3; /*!< [0..2] P1.4 Port Driver Mode */
} bit; /*!< [3] BitSize */
} P1_POCON2;
__I uint8_t RESERVED63[11];
union {
__O uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x5000510C) Error Detection and Correction Status Clear Register,
struct {
__O uint8_t RDBEC : 1; /*!< [0..0] RAM Double Bit Error Clear */
uint8_t : 1;
__O uint8_t NVMDBEC : 1; /*!< [2..2] NVM Double Bit Error Clear */
uint8_t : 1;
__O uint8_t RSBEC : 1; /*!< [4..4] RAM Single Bit Error Clear */
} bit; /*!< [5] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED64[55];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50005144) DMA Interrupt Enable Register 1, RESET_TYPE_3 */
struct {
__IO uint8_t CH1IE : 1; /*!< [0..0] DMA Channel 1 Interrupt Enable */
__IO uint8_t CH2IE : 1; /*!< [1..1] DMA Channel 2 Interrupt Enable */
__IO uint8_t CH3IE : 1; /*!< [2..2] DMA Channel 3 Interrupt Enable */
__IO uint8_t CH4IE : 1; /*!< [3..3] DMA Channel 4 Interrupt Enable */
__IO uint8_t CH5IE : 1; /*!< [4..4] DMA Channel 5 Interrupt Enable */
__IO uint8_t CH6IE : 1; /*!< [5..5] DMA Channel 6 Interrupt Enable */
__IO uint8_t CH7IE : 1; /*!< [6..6] DMA Channel 7 Interrupt Enable */
__IO uint8_t CH8IE : 1; /*!< [7..7] DMA Channel 8 Interrupt Enable */
} bit; /*!< [8] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED65[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50005148) DMA Interrupt Enable Register 2, RESET_TYPE_3 */
struct {
__IO uint8_t TRERRIE : 1; /*!< [0..0] DMA Transfer Error Interrupt Enable */
__IO uint8_t TRSEQ1RDYIE: 1; /*!< [1..1] DMA Transfer Sequence 1 Ready Interrupt Enable */
__IO uint8_t TRSEQ2RDYIE: 1; /*!< [2..2] DMA Transfer Sequence 2 Ready Interrupt Enable */
__IO uint8_t SSCTXIE : 1; /*!< [3..3] DMA SSC Transmit Transfer Interrupt Enable */
__IO uint8_t SSCRXIE : 1; /*!< [4..4] DMA SSC Receive Transfer Interrupt Enable */
__IO uint8_t GPT12IE : 1; /*!< [5..5] DMA GPT12 triggered Transfer Interrupt Enable */
} bit; /*!< [6] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED66[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x5000514C) DMA Source Selection Register, RESET_TYPE_3 */
struct {
__IO uint8_t SSCTXSRCSEL: 1; /*!< [0..0] SSCx Transmit Source Select */
__IO uint8_t SSCRXSRCSEL: 1; /*!< [1..1] SSCx Receive Source Select */
__IO uint8_t T12ZM_DMAEN: 1; /*!< [2..2] CC6_T12_ZM (Zero Match) DMA muxer, DMA channel 10 */
__IO uint8_t T12PM_DMAEN: 1; /*!< [3..3] CC6_T12_PM (Period Match) DMA muxer, DMA channel 11 */
uint8_t : 1;
__I uint8_t SSCTX : 1; /*!< [5..5] SSC Transmit Request */
__I uint8_t SSCRX : 1; /*!< [6..6] SSC Receive Request */
__I uint8_t GPT12_T3 : 1; /*!< [7..7] GPT12 Transmit Request */
} bit; /*!< [8] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED67[7];
union {
__I uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50005154) DMA Interrupt Control Register 1, RESET_TYPE_3 */
struct {
__I uint8_t CH1 : 1; /*!< [0..0] DMA ADC Channel 1 Interrupt Status (DMA channel 4) */
__I uint8_t CH2 : 1; /*!< [1..1] DMA ADC Channel 2 Interrupt Status (DMA channel 5) */
__I uint8_t CH3 : 1; /*!< [2..2] DMA ADC Channel 3 Interrupt Status (DMA channel 6) */
__I uint8_t CH4 : 1; /*!< [3..3] DMA ADC Channel 4 Interrupt Status (DMA channel 7) */
__I uint8_t CH5 : 1; /*!< [4..4] DMA ADC Channel 5 Interrupt Status (DMA channel 8) */
__I uint8_t CH6 : 1; /*!< [5..5] DMA ADC Channel 6 Interrupt Status (DMA channel 9) */
__I uint8_t CH7 : 1; /*!< [6..6] DMA ADC Channel 7 Interrupt Status (DMA channel 10) */
__I uint8_t CH8 : 1; /*!< [7..7] DMA ADC Channel 8 Interrupt Status (DMA channel 11) */
} bit; /*!< [8] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED68[3];
union {
__I uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50005158) ADC1 Interrupt Control Register 2, RESET_TYPE_3 */
struct {
__I uint8_t STRDY : 1; /*!< [0..0] DMA Single Transfer Ready */
__I uint8_t TRSEQ1DY : 1; /*!< [1..1] DMA Transfer Sequence 1 Ready (DMA channel 0) */
__I uint8_t TRSEQ2DY : 1; /*!< [2..2] DMA Transfer Sequence 2 Ready (DMA channel 1) */
__I uint8_t SSC1 : 1; /*!< [3..3] DMA SSC1 Transfer Ready (DMA channel 2) */
__I uint8_t SSC2 : 1; /*!< [4..4] DMA SSC2 Transfer Ready (DMA channel 3) */
__I uint8_t GPT12 : 1; /*!< [5..5] DMA GPT12 Transfer Ready (DMA channel 12) */
} bit; /*!< [6] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED69[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x5000515C) General Purpose Timer 12 Interrupt Enable Register
struct {
__IO uint8_t T2IE : 1; /*!< [0..0] General Purpose Timer 12 T2 Interrupt Enable */
__IO uint8_t T3IE : 1; /*!< [1..1] General Purpose Timer 12 T3 Interrupt Enable */
__IO uint8_t T4IE : 1; /*!< [2..2] General Purpose Timer 12 T4 Interrupt Enable */
__IO uint8_t T5IE : 1; /*!< [3..3] General Purpose Timer 12 T5 Interrupt Enable */
__IO uint8_t T6IE : 1; /*!< [4..4] General Purpose Timer 12 T6 Interrupt Enable */
__IO uint8_t CRIE : 1; /*!< [5..5] General Purpose Timer 12 Capture and Reload Interrupt
Enable */
} bit; /*!< [6] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED70[3];
union {
__I uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50005160) Timer and Counter Control/Status Register, RESET_TYPE_3 */
struct {
__I uint8_t T2 : 1; /*!< [0..0] GPT Module 1 Timer 2 Interrupt Status */
__I uint8_t T3 : 1; /*!< [1..1] GPT Module 1 Timer3 Interrupt Status */
__I uint8_t T4 : 1; /*!< [2..2] GPT Module 1 Timer4 Interrupt Status */
__I uint8_t T5 : 1; /*!< [3..3] GPT Module 2 Timer5 Interrupt Status */
__I uint8_t T6 : 1; /*!< [4..4] GPT Module 2Timer6 Interrupt Status */
__I uint8_t CR : 1; /*!< [5..5] GPT Module 2 Capture Reload Interrupt Status */
} bit; /*!< [6] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED71[3];
union {
__O uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50005164) Timer and Counter Control/Status Clear Register,
struct {
__O uint8_t T2C : 1; /*!< [0..0] GPT Module 1 Timer 2 Interrupt Status Clear */
__O uint8_t T3C : 1; /*!< [1..1] GPT Module 1 Timer3 Interrupt Status Clear */
__O uint8_t T4C : 1; /*!< [2..2] GPT Module 1 Timer4 Interrupt Status Clear */
__O uint8_t T5C : 1; /*!< [3..3] GPT Module 2 Timer5 Interrupt Status Clear */
__O uint8_t T6C : 1; /*!< [4..4] GPT Module 2Timer6 Interrupt Status Clear */
__O uint8_t CRC : 1; /*!< [5..5] GPT Module 2 Capture Reload Interrupt Status Clear */
} bit; /*!< [6] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED72[19];
union {
__O uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50005178) Interrupt Request 1 Clear Register, RESET_TYPE_3 */
struct {
__O uint8_t EIRC : 1; /*!< [0..0] Error Interrupt Flag for SSC1 Clear */
__O uint8_t TIRC : 1; /*!< [1..1] Transmit Interrupt Flag for SSC1 Clear */
__O uint8_t RIRC : 1; /*!< [2..2] Receive Interrupt Flag for SSC1 Clear */
} bit; /*!< [3] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED73[3];
union {
__O uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x5000517C) Interrupt Request 2 Clear Register, RESET_TYPE_3 */
struct {
__O uint8_t EIRC : 1; /*!< [0..0] Error Interrupt Flag for SSC2 Clear */
__O uint8_t TIRC : 1; /*!< [1..1] Transmit Interrupt Flag for SSC2 Clear */
__O uint8_t RIRC : 1; /*!< [2..2] Receive Interrupt Flag for SSC2 Clear */
} bit; /*!< [3] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED74[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50005180) DMA Source Selection Register 2, RESET_TYPE_3 */
struct {
__IO uint8_t GPT12_DMAEN: 2; /*!< [0..1] GPT12 T3 DMA muxer, DMA channel 12 */
} bit; /*!< [2] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED75[3];
union {
__O uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50005184) DMA Interrupt Control 1 Clear Register, RESET_TYPE_3 */
struct {
__O uint8_t CH1C : 1; /*!< [0..0] DMA ADC Channel 1 Interrupt Status (DMA channel 4) Clear */
__O uint8_t CH2C : 1; /*!< [1..1] DMA ADC Channel 2 Interrupt Status (DMA channel 5) Clear */
__O uint8_t CH3C : 1; /*!< [2..2] DMA ADC Channel 3 Interrupt Status (DMA channel 6) Clear */
__O uint8_t CH4C : 1; /*!< [3..3] DMA ADC Channel 4 Interrupt Status (DMA channel 7) Clear */
__O uint8_t CH5C : 1; /*!< [4..4] DMA ADC Channel 5 Interrupt Status (DMA channel 8) Clear */
__O uint8_t CH6C : 1; /*!< [5..5] DMA ADC Channel 6 Interrupt Status (DMA channel 9) Clear */
__O uint8_t CH7C : 1; /*!< [6..6] DMA ADC Channel 7 Interrupt Status (DMA channel 10) Clear */
__O uint8_t CH8C : 1; /*!< [7..7] DMA ADC Channel 8 Interrupt Status (DMA channel 11) Clear */
} bit; /*!< [8] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED76[3];
union {
__O uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50005188) ADC1 Interrupt Control 2 Clear Register, RESET_TYPE_3 */
struct {
uint8_t : 1;
__O uint8_t TRSEQ1DYC : 1; /*!< [1..1] DMA Transfer Sequence 1 Ready (DMA channel 0) Clear */
__O uint8_t TRSEQ2DYC : 1; /*!< [2..2] DMA Transfer Sequence 2 Ready (DMA channel 1) Clear */
__O uint8_t SSC1C : 1; /*!< [3..3] DMA SSC1 Transfer Ready (DMA channel 2) Clear */
__O uint8_t SSC2C : 1; /*!< [4..4] DMA SSC2 Transfer Ready (DMA channel 3) Clear */
__O uint8_t GPT12C : 1; /*!< [5..5] DMA GPT12 Transfer Ready (DMA channel 12) Clear */
} bit; /*!< [6] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED77[7];
union {
__O uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50005190) Interrupt Request 3 Clear Register, RESET_TYPE_3 */
struct {
__O uint8_t CCU6SR0C : 1; /*!< [0..0] Interrupt Flag 0 for CCU6 Clear */
uint8_t : 3;
__O uint8_t CCU6SR1C : 1; /*!< [4..4] Interrupt Flag 1 for CCU6 Clear */
} bit; /*!< [5] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED78[3];
union {
__O uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50005194) Interrupt Request 4 Clear Register, RESET_TYPE_3 */
struct {
__O uint8_t CCU6SR2C : 1; /*!< [0..0] Interrupt Flag 2 for CCU6 Clear */
uint8_t : 3;
__O uint8_t CCU6SR3C : 1; /*!< [4..4] Interrupt Flag 3 for CCU6 Clear */
} bit; /*!< [5] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED79[3];
union {
__O uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50005198) DMA Source Selection Clear Register, RESET_TYPE_3 */
struct {
uint8_t : 5;
__O uint8_t SSCTXC : 1; /*!< [5..5] SSC Transmit Request Clear */
__O uint8_t SSCRXC : 1; /*!< [6..6] SSC Receive Request Clear */
__O uint8_t GPT12_T3C : 1; /*!< [7..7] GPT12 Transmit Request Clear */
} bit; /*!< [8] BitSize */
} SCU_Type;
/* ================================================================================ */
/* ================ PORT ================ */
/* ================================================================================ */
* @brief PORT (PORT)
typedef struct { /*!< (@ 0x48028000) PORT Structure */
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x48028000) Port 0 Data Register */
struct {
__IO uint8_t P0 : 1; /*!< [0..0] Port 0 Pin 0 Data Value */
__IO uint8_t P1 : 1; /*!< [1..1] Port 0 Pin 1 Data Value */
__IO uint8_t P2 : 1; /*!< [2..2] Port 0 Pin 2 Data Value */
__IO uint8_t P3 : 1; /*!< [3..3] Port 0 Pin 3 Data Value */
__IO uint8_t P4 : 1; /*!< [4..4] Port 0 Pin 4 Data Value */
} bit; /*!< [5] BitSize */
} P0_DATA;
__I uint8_t RESERVED0[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x48028004) Port 0 Direction Register */
struct {
__IO uint8_t P0 : 1; /*!< [0..0] Port 0 Pin 0 Direction Control */
__IO uint8_t P1 : 1; /*!< [1..1] Port 0 Pin 1 Direction Control */
__IO uint8_t P2 : 1; /*!< [2..2] Port 0 Pin 2 Direction Control */
__IO uint8_t P3 : 1; /*!< [3..3] Port 0 Pin 3 Direction Control */
__IO uint8_t P4 : 1; /*!< [4..4] Port 0 Pin 4 Direction Control */
} bit; /*!< [5] BitSize */
} P0_DIR;
__I uint8_t RESERVED1[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x48028008) Port 1 Data Register */
struct {
__IO uint8_t P0 : 1; /*!< [0..0] Port 1 Pin 0 Data Value */
__IO uint8_t P1 : 1; /*!< [1..1] Port 1 Pin 1 Data Value */
__IO uint8_t P2 : 1; /*!< [2..2] Port 1 Pin 2 Data Value */
__IO uint8_t P3 : 1; /*!< [3..3] Port 1 Pin 3 Data Value */
__IO uint8_t P4 : 1; /*!< [4..4] Port 1 Pin 4 Data Value */
} bit; /*!< [5] BitSize */
} P1_DATA;
__I uint8_t RESERVED2[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4802800C) Port 1 Direction Register */
struct {
__IO uint8_t P0 : 1; /*!< [0..0] Port 1 Pin 0 Direction Control */
__IO uint8_t P1 : 1; /*!< [1..1] Port 1 Pin 1 Direction Control */
__IO uint8_t P2 : 1; /*!< [2..2] Port 1 Pin 2 Direction Control */
__IO uint8_t P3 : 1; /*!< [3..3] Port 1 Pin 3 Direction Control */
__IO uint8_t P4 : 1; /*!< [4..4] Port 1 Pin 4 Direction Control */
} bit; /*!< [5] BitSize */
} P1_DIR;
__I uint8_t RESERVED3[3];
union {
__I uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x48028010) Port 2 Data Register */
struct {
__I uint8_t P0 : 1; /*!< [0..0] Port 2 Pin 0 Data Value */
uint8_t : 1;
__I uint8_t P2 : 1; /*!< [2..2] Port 2 Pin 2 Data Value */
__I uint8_t P3 : 1; /*!< [3..3] Port 2 Pin 3 Data Value */
__I uint8_t P4 : 1; /*!< [4..4] Port 2 Pin 4 Data Value */
__I uint8_t P5 : 1; /*!< [5..5] Port 2 Pin 5 Data Value */
} bit; /*!< [6] BitSize */
} P2_DATA;
__I uint8_t RESERVED4[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x48028014) Port 2 Direction Register */
struct {
__IO uint8_t P0 : 1; /*!< [0..0] Port 2 Pin 0 Driver Control */
uint8_t : 1;
__IO uint8_t P2 : 1; /*!< [2..2] Port 2 Pin 2 Driver Control */
__IO uint8_t P3 : 1; /*!< [3..3] Port 2 Pin 3 Driver Control */
__IO uint8_t P4 : 1; /*!< [4..4] Port 2 Pin 4 Driver Control */
__IO uint8_t P5 : 1; /*!< [5..5] Port 2 Pin 5 Driver Control */
} bit; /*!< [6] BitSize */
} P2_DIR;
__I uint8_t RESERVED5[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x48028018) Port 0 Pull-Up/Pull-Down Select Register */
struct {
__IO uint8_t P0 : 1; /*!< [0..0] Pull-Up/Pull-Down Select Port 0 Bit 0 */
__IO uint8_t P1 : 1; /*!< [1..1] Pull-Up/Pull-Down Select Port 0 Bit 1 */
__IO uint8_t P2 : 1; /*!< [2..2] Pull-Up/Pull-Down Select Port 0 Bit 2 */
__IO uint8_t P3 : 1; /*!< [3..3] Pull-Up/Pull-Down Select Port 0 Bit 3 */
__IO uint8_t P4 : 1; /*!< [4..4] Pull-Up/Pull-Down Select Port 0 Bit 4 */
} bit; /*!< [5] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED6[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4802801C) Port 0 Pull-Up/Pull-Down Enable Register */
struct {
__IO uint8_t P0 : 1; /*!< [0..0] Pull-Up/Pull-Down Enable at Port 0 Bit 0 */
__IO uint8_t P1 : 1; /*!< [1..1] Pull-Up/Pull-Down Enable at Port 0 Bit 1 */
__IO uint8_t P2 : 1; /*!< [2..2] Pull-Up/Pull-Down Enable at Port 0 Bit 2 */
__IO uint8_t P3 : 1; /*!< [3..3] Pull-Up/Pull-Down Enable at Port 0 Bit 3 */
__IO uint8_t P4 : 1; /*!< [4..4] Pull-Up/Pull-Down Enable at Port 0 Bit 4 */
} bit; /*!< [5] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED7[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x48028020) Port 1 Pull-Up/Pull-Down Select Register */
struct {
__IO uint8_t P0 : 1; /*!< [0..0] Pull-Up/Pull-Down Select Port 1 Bit 0 */
__IO uint8_t P1 : 1; /*!< [1..1] Pull-Up/Pull-Down Select Port 1 Bit 1 */
__IO uint8_t P2 : 1; /*!< [2..2] Pull-Up/Pull-Down Select Port 1 Bit 2 */
__IO uint8_t P3 : 1; /*!< [3..3] Pull-Up/Pull-Down Select Port 1 Bit 3 */
__IO uint8_t P4 : 1; /*!< [4..4] Pull-Up/Pull-Down Select Port 1 Bit 4 */
} bit; /*!< [5] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED8[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x48028024) Port 1 Pull-Up/Pull-Down Enable Register */
struct {
__IO uint8_t P0 : 1; /*!< [0..0] Pull-Up/Pull-Down Enable at Port 1 Bit 0 */
__IO uint8_t P1 : 1; /*!< [1..1] Pull-Up/Pull-Down Enable at Port 1 Bit 1 */
__IO uint8_t P2 : 1; /*!< [2..2] Pull-Up/Pull-Down Enable at Port 1 Bit 2 */
__IO uint8_t P3 : 1; /*!< [3..3] Pull-Up/Pull-Down Enable at Port 1 Bit 3 */
__IO uint8_t P4 : 1; /*!< [4..4] Pull-Up/Pull-Down Enable at Port 1 Bit 4 */
} bit; /*!< [5] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED9[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x48028028) Port 2 Pull-Up/Pull-Down Select Register */
struct {
__IO uint8_t P0 : 1; /*!< [0..0] Pull-Up/Pull-Down Select Port 2 Bit 0 */
uint8_t : 1;
__IO uint8_t P2 : 1; /*!< [2..2] Pull-Up/Pull-Down Select Port 2 Bit 2 */
__IO uint8_t P3 : 1; /*!< [3..3] Pull-Up/Pull-Down Select Port 2 Bit 3 */
__IO uint8_t P4 : 1; /*!< [4..4] Pull-Up/Pull-Down Select Port 2 Bit 4 */
__IO uint8_t P5 : 1; /*!< [5..5] Pull-Up/Pull-Down Select Port 2 Bit 5 */
} bit; /*!< [6] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED10[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4802802C) Port 2 Pull-Up/Pull-Down Enable Register */
struct {
__IO uint8_t P0 : 1; /*!< [0..0] Pull-Up/Pull-Down Enable at Port 2 Bit 0 */
uint8_t : 1;
__IO uint8_t P2 : 1; /*!< [2..2] Pull-Up/Pull-Down Enable at Port 2 Bit 2 */
__IO uint8_t P3 : 1; /*!< [3..3] Pull-Up/Pull-Down Enable at Port 2 Bit 3 */
__IO uint8_t P4 : 1; /*!< [4..4] Pull-Up/Pull-Down Enable at Port 2 Bit 4 */
__IO uint8_t P5 : 1; /*!< [5..5] Pull-Up/Pull-Down Enable at Port 2 Bit 5 */
} bit; /*!< [6] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED11[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x48028030) Port 0 Alternate Select Register */
struct {
__IO uint8_t P0 : 1; /*!< [0..0] Alternate Select Port 0 Bit 0 */
__IO uint8_t P1 : 1; /*!< [1..1] Alternate Select Port 0 Bit 1 */
__IO uint8_t P2 : 1; /*!< [2..2] Alternate Select Port 0 Bit 2 */
__IO uint8_t P3 : 1; /*!< [3..3] Alternate Select Port 0 Bit 3 */
__IO uint8_t P4 : 1; /*!< [4..4] Alternate Select Port 0 Bit 4 */
} bit; /*!< [5] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED12[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x48028034) Port 0 Alternate Select Register */
struct {
__IO uint8_t P0 : 1; /*!< [0..0] Alternate Select Port 0 Bit 0 */
__IO uint8_t P1 : 1; /*!< [1..1] Alternate Select Port 0 Bit 1 */
__IO uint8_t P2 : 1; /*!< [2..2] Alternate Select Port 0 Bit 2 */
__IO uint8_t P3 : 1; /*!< [3..3] Alternate Select Port 0 Bit 3 */
__IO uint8_t P4 : 1; /*!< [4..4] Alternate Select Port 0 Bit 4 */
} bit; /*!< [5] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED13[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x48028038) Port 1 Alternate Select Register */
struct {
__IO uint8_t P0 : 1; /*!< [0..0] Alternate Select Port 1 Bit 0 */
__IO uint8_t P1 : 1; /*!< [1..1] Alternate Select Port 1 Bit 1 */
__IO uint8_t P2 : 1; /*!< [2..2] Alternate Select Port 1 Bit 2 */
__IO uint8_t P3 : 1; /*!< [3..3] Alternate Select Port 1 Bit 3 */
__IO uint8_t P4 : 1; /*!< [4..4] Alternate Select Port 1 Bit 4 */
} bit; /*!< [5] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED14[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4802803C) Port 1 Alternate Select Register */
struct {
__IO uint8_t P0 : 1; /*!< [0..0] Alternate Select Port 1 Bit 0 */
__IO uint8_t P1 : 1; /*!< [1..1] Alternate Select Port 1 Bit 1 */
__IO uint8_t P2 : 1; /*!< [2..2] Alternate Select Port 1 Bit 2 */
__IO uint8_t P3 : 1; /*!< [3..3] Alternate Select Port 1 Bit 3 */
__IO uint8_t P4 : 1; /*!< [4..4] Alternate Select Port 1 Bit 4 */
} bit; /*!< [5] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED15[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x48028040) Port 0 Open Drain Control Register */
struct {
__IO uint8_t P0 : 1; /*!< [0..0] Port 0 Pin 0 Open Drain Mode */
__IO uint8_t P1 : 1; /*!< [1..1] Port 0 Pin 1 Open Drain Mode */
__IO uint8_t P2 : 1; /*!< [2..2] Port 0 Pin 2 Open Drain Mode */
__IO uint8_t P3 : 1; /*!< [3..3] Port 0 Pin 3 Open Drain Mode */
__IO uint8_t P4 : 1; /*!< [4..4] Port 0 Pin 4 Open Drain Mode */
} bit; /*!< [5] BitSize */
} P0_OD;
__I uint8_t RESERVED16[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x48028044) Port 1 Open Drain Control Register */
struct {
__IO uint8_t P0 : 1; /*!< [0..0] Port 1 Pin 0 Open Drain Mode */
__IO uint8_t P1 : 1; /*!< [1..1] Port 1 Pin 1 Open Drain Mode */
__IO uint8_t P2 : 1; /*!< [2..2] Port 1 Pin 2 Open Drain Mode */
__IO uint8_t P3 : 1; /*!< [3..3] Port 1 Pin 3 Open Drain Mode */
__IO uint8_t P4 : 1; /*!< [4..4] Port 1 Pin 4 Open Drain Mode */
} bit; /*!< [5] BitSize */
} P1_OD;
} PORT_Type;
/* ================================================================================ */
/* ================ GPT12E ================ */
/* ================================================================================ */
* @brief GPT12E (GPT12E)
typedef struct { /*!< (@ 0x40010000) GPT12E Structure */
union {
__I uint16_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x40010000) Module Identification Register */
struct {
__I uint16_t MOD_REV : 8; /*!< [0..7] Module Revision Number */
__I uint16_t MOD_TYPE : 8; /*!< [8..15] Module Identification Number */
} bit; /*!< [16] BitSize */
} ID;
__I uint16_t RESERVED0;
union {
__IO uint16_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x40010004) Port Input Select Register */
struct {
__IO uint16_t IST2IN : 1; /*!< [0..0] Input Select for T2IN */
__IO uint16_t IST2EUD : 1; /*!< [1..1] Input Select for T2EUD */
__IO uint16_t IST3IN : 2; /*!< [2..3] Input Select for T3IN */
__IO uint16_t IST3EUD : 2; /*!< [4..5] Input Select for T3EUD */
__IO uint16_t IST4IN : 2; /*!< [6..7] Input Select for T4IN */
__IO uint16_t IST4EUD : 2; /*!< [8..9] Input Select for T4EUD */
__IO uint16_t IST5IN : 1; /*!< [10..10] Input Select for T5IN */
__IO uint16_t IST5EUD : 1; /*!< [11..11] Input Select for T5EUD */
__IO uint16_t IST6IN : 1; /*!< [12..12] Input Select for T6IN */
__IO uint16_t IST6EUD : 1; /*!< [13..13] Input Select for T6EUD */
__IO uint16_t ISCAPIN : 2; /*!< [14..15] Input Select for CAPIN */
} bit; /*!< [16] BitSize */
__I uint16_t RESERVED1;
union {
__IO uint16_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x40010008) Timer T2 Control Register */
struct {
__IO uint16_t T2I : 3; /*!< [0..2] Timer T2 Input Parameter Selection */
__IO uint16_t T2M : 3; /*!< [3..5] Timer T2 Mode Control (Basic Operating Mode) */
__IO uint16_t T2R : 1; /*!< [6..6] Timer T2 Run Bit */
__IO uint16_t T2UD : 1; /*!< [7..7] Timer T2 Up/Down Control */
__IO uint16_t T2UDE : 1; /*!< [8..8] Timer T2 External Up/Down Enable */
__IO uint16_t T2RC : 1; /*!< [9..9] Timer T2 Remote Control */
uint16_t : 2;
__IO uint16_t T2IRDIS : 1; /*!< [12..12] Timer T2 Interrupt Disable */
__IO uint16_t T2EDGE : 1; /*!< [13..13] Timer T2 Edge Detection */
__IO uint16_t T2CHDIR : 1; /*!< [14..14] Timer T2 Count Direction Change */
__I uint16_t T2RDIR : 1; /*!< [15..15] Timer T2 Rotation Direction */
} bit; /*!< [16] BitSize */
} T2CON;
__I uint16_t RESERVED2;
union {
__IO uint16_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4001000C) Timer T3 Control Register */
struct {
__IO uint16_t T3I : 3; /*!< [0..2] Timer T3 Input Parameter Selection */
__IO uint16_t T3M : 3; /*!< [3..5] Timer T3 Mode Control */
__IO uint16_t T3R : 1; /*!< [6..6] Timer T3 Run Bit */
__IO uint16_t T3UD : 1; /*!< [7..7] Timer T3 Up/Down Control */
__IO uint16_t T3UDE : 1; /*!< [8..8] Timer T3 External Up/Down Enable */
__IO uint16_t T3OE : 1; /*!< [9..9] Overflow/Underflow Output Enable */
__IO uint16_t T3OTL : 1; /*!< [10..10] Timer T3 Overflow Toggle Latch */
__IO uint16_t BPS1 : 2; /*!< [11..12] GPT1 Block Prescaler Control */
__IO uint16_t T3EDGE : 1; /*!< [13..13] Timer T3 Edge Detection Flag */
__IO uint16_t T3CHDIR : 1; /*!< [14..14] Timer T3 Count Direction Change Flag */
__I uint16_t T3RDIR : 1; /*!< [15..15] Timer T3 Rotation Direction Flag */
} bit; /*!< [16] BitSize */
} T3CON;
__I uint16_t RESERVED3;
union {
__IO uint16_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x40010010) Timer T4 Control Register */
struct {
__IO uint16_t T4I : 3; /*!< [0..2] Timer T4 Input Parameter Selection */
__IO uint16_t T4M : 3; /*!< [3..5] Timer T4 Mode Control (Basic Operating Mode) */
__IO uint16_t T4R : 1; /*!< [6..6] Timer T4 Run Bit */
__IO uint16_t T4UD : 1; /*!< [7..7] Timer T4 Up/Down Control */
__IO uint16_t T4UDE : 1; /*!< [8..8] Timer T4 External Up/Down Enable */
__IO uint16_t T4RC : 1; /*!< [9..9] Timer T4 Remote Control */
__IO uint16_t CLRT2EN : 1; /*!< [10..10] Clear Timer T2 Enable */
__IO uint16_t CLRT3EN : 1; /*!< [11..11] Clear Timer T3 Enable */
__IO uint16_t T4IRDIS : 1; /*!< [12..12] Timer T4 Interrupt Disable */
__IO uint16_t T4EDGE : 1; /*!< [13..13] Timer T4 Edge Detection */
__IO uint16_t T4CHDIR : 1; /*!< [14..14] Timer T4 Count Direction Change */
__I uint16_t T4RDIR : 1; /*!< [15..15] Timer T4 Rotation Direction */
} bit; /*!< [16] BitSize */
} T4CON;
__I uint16_t RESERVED4;
union {
__IO uint16_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x40010014) Timer 5 Control Register */
struct {
__IO uint16_t T5I : 3; /*!< [0..2] Timer T5 Input Parameter Selection */
__IO uint16_t T5M : 2; /*!< [3..4] Timer T5 Mode Control (Basic Operating Mode) */
uint16_t : 1;
__IO uint16_t T5R : 1; /*!< [6..6] Timer T5 Run Bit */
__IO uint16_t T5UD : 1; /*!< [7..7] Timer T5 Up/Down Control */
__IO uint16_t T5UDE : 1; /*!< [8..8] Timer T5 External Up/Down Enable */
__IO uint16_t T5RC : 1; /*!< [9..9] Timer T5 Remote Control */
__IO uint16_t CT3 : 1; /*!< [10..10] Timer T3 Capture Trigger Enable */
uint16_t : 1;
__IO uint16_t CI : 2; /*!< [12..13] Register CAPREL Capture Trigger Selection */
__IO uint16_t T5CLR : 1; /*!< [14..14] Timer T5 Clear Enable Bit */
__IO uint16_t T5SC : 1; /*!< [15..15] Timer T5 Capture Mode Enable */
} bit; /*!< [16] BitSize */
} T5CON;
__I uint16_t RESERVED5;
union {
__IO uint16_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x40010018) Timer T6 Control Register */
struct {
__IO uint16_t T6I : 3; /*!< [0..2] Timer T6 Input Parameter Selection */
__IO uint16_t T6M : 3; /*!< [3..5] Timer T6 Mode Control (Basic Operating Mode) */
__IO uint16_t T6R : 1; /*!< [6..6] Timer T6 Run Bit */
__IO uint16_t T6UD : 1; /*!< [7..7] Timer T6 Up/Down Control */
__IO uint16_t T6UDE : 1; /*!< [8..8] Timer T6 External Up/Down Enable */
__IO uint16_t T6OE : 1; /*!< [9..9] Overflow/Underflow Output Enable */
__IO uint16_t T6OTL : 1; /*!< [10..10] Timer T6 Overflow Toggle Latch */
__IO uint16_t BPS2 : 2; /*!< [11..12] GPT2 Block Prescaler Control */
uint16_t : 1;
__IO uint16_t T6CLR : 1; /*!< [14..14] Timer T6 Clear Enable Bit */
__IO uint16_t T6SR : 1; /*!< [15..15] Timer T6 Reload Mode Enable */
} bit; /*!< [16] BitSize */
} T6CON;
__I uint16_t RESERVED6;
union {
__IO uint16_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4001001C) Capture/Reload Register */
struct {
__IO uint16_t CAPREL : 16; /*!< [0..15] Current reload value or Captured value */
} bit; /*!< [16] BitSize */
__I uint16_t RESERVED7;
union {
__IO uint16_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x40010020) Timer T2 Count Register */
struct {
__IO uint16_t T2 : 16; /*!< [0..15] Timer T2 Current Value */
} bit; /*!< [16] BitSize */
} T2;
__I uint16_t RESERVED8;
union {
__IO uint16_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x40010024) Timer T3 Count Register */
struct {
__IO uint16_t T3 : 16; /*!< [0..15] Timer T3 Current Value */
} bit; /*!< [16] BitSize */
} T3;
__I uint16_t RESERVED9;
union {
__IO uint16_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x40010028) Timer T4 Count Register */
struct {
__IO uint16_t T4 : 16; /*!< [0..15] Timer T4 Current Value */
} bit; /*!< [16] BitSize */
} T4;
__I uint16_t RESERVED10;
union {
__IO uint16_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4001002C) Timer 5 Count Register */
struct {
__IO uint16_t T5 : 16; /*!< [0..15] Timer T5 Current Value */
} bit; /*!< [16] BitSize */
} T5;
__I uint16_t RESERVED11;
union {
__IO uint16_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x40010030) Timer T6 Count Register */
struct {
__IO uint16_t T6 : 16; /*!< [0..15] Timer T6 Current Value */
} bit; /*!< [16] BitSize */
} T6;
} GPT12E_Type;
/* ================================================================================ */
/* ================ TIMER2x ================ */
/* ================================================================================ */
* @brief TIMER2x (TIMER2x)
typedef struct { /*!< (@ 0x48004000) TIMER2 Structure */
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x48004000) Timer 2 Control Register */
struct {
__IO uint8_t CP_RL2 : 1; /*!< [0..0] Capture/Reload Select */
__IO uint8_t C_T2 : 1; /*!< [1..1] Timer or Counter Select */
__IO uint8_t TR2 : 1; /*!< [2..2] Timer 2 Start/Stop Control */
__IO uint8_t EXEN2 : 1; /*!< [3..3] Timer 2 External Enable Control */
uint8_t : 2;
__I uint8_t EXF2 : 1; /*!< [6..6] Timer 2 External Flag */
__I uint8_t TF2 : 1; /*!< [7..7] Timer 2 Overflow/Underflow Flag */
} bit; /*!< [8] BitSize */
} T2CON;
__I uint8_t RESERVED0[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x48004004) Timer 2 Mode Register */
struct {
__IO uint8_t DCEN : 1; /*!< [0..0] Up/Down Counter Enable */
__IO uint8_t T2PRE : 3; /*!< [1..3] Timer 2 Prescaler Bit */
__IO uint8_t PREN : 1; /*!< [4..4] Prescaler Enable */
__IO uint8_t EDGESEL : 1; /*!< [5..5] Edge Select in Capture Mode/Reload Mode */
__IO uint8_t T2RHEN : 1; /*!< [6..6] Timer 2 External Start Enable */
__IO uint8_t T2REGS : 1; /*!< [7..7] Edge Select for Timer 2 External Start */
} bit; /*!< [8] BitSize */
} T2MOD;
__I uint8_t RESERVED1[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x48004008) Timer 2 Reload/Capture Register, Low Byte */
struct {
__IO uint8_t RC2 : 8; /*!< [0..7] Reload/Capture Value */
} bit; /*!< [8] BitSize */
} RC2L;
__I uint8_t RESERVED2[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4800400C) Timer 2 Reload/Capture Register, High Byte */
struct {
__IO uint8_t RC2 : 8; /*!< [0..7] Reload/Capture Value */
} bit; /*!< [8] BitSize */
} RC2H;
__I uint8_t RESERVED3[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x48004010) Timer 2, Low Byte */
struct {
__IO uint8_t T2L : 8; /*!< [0..7] Timer 2 Value */
} bit; /*!< [8] BitSize */
} T2L;
__I uint8_t RESERVED4[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x48004014) Timer 2, High Byte */
struct {
__IO uint8_t T2H : 8; /*!< [0..7] Timer 2 Value */
} bit; /*!< [8] BitSize */
} T2H;
__I uint8_t RESERVED5[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x48004018) Timer 2 Control Register 1 */
struct {
__IO uint8_t EXF2EN : 1; /*!< [0..0] External Interrupt Enable */
__IO uint8_t TF2EN : 1; /*!< [1..1] Overflow/Underflow Interrupt Enable */
} bit; /*!< [2] BitSize */
} T2CON1;
__I uint8_t RESERVED6[3];
union {
__O uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4800401C) Timer 2 Interrupt Clear Register */
struct {
uint8_t : 6;
__O uint8_t EXF2CLR : 1; /*!< [6..6] External Interrupt Clear Flag */
__O uint8_t TF2CLR : 1; /*!< [7..7] Overflow/Underflow Interrupt Clear Flag */
} bit; /*!< [8] BitSize */
} TIMER2x_Type;
/* ================================================================================ */
/* ================ CCU6 ================ */
/* ================================================================================ */
* @brief CCU6 (CCU6)
typedef struct { /*!< (@ 0x4000C000) CCU6 Structure */
union {
__I uint16_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4000C000) Capture/Compare Register for Channel CC63 */
struct {
__I uint16_t CCV : 16; /*!< [0..15] Channel CC63 Compare Value */
} bit; /*!< [16] BitSize */
} CC63R;
__I uint16_t RESERVED0;
union {
__O uint16_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4000C004) Timer Control Register 4 */
struct {
__O uint16_t T12RR : 1; /*!< [0..0] Timer T12 Run Reset */
__O uint16_t T12RS : 1; /*!< [1..1] Timer T12 Run Set */
__O uint16_t T12RES : 1; /*!< [2..2] Timer T12 Reset */
__O uint16_t DTRES : 1; /*!< [3..3] Dead-Time Counter Reset */
uint16_t : 1;
__O uint16_t T12CNT : 1; /*!< [5..5] Timer T12 Count Event */
__O uint16_t T12STR : 1; /*!< [6..6] Timer T12 Shadow Transfer Request */
__O uint16_t T12STD : 1; /*!< [7..7] Timer T12 Shadow Transfer Disable */
__O uint16_t T13RR : 1; /*!< [8..8] Timer T13 Run Reset */
__O uint16_t T13RS : 1; /*!< [9..9] Timer T13 Run Set */
__O uint16_t T13RES : 1; /*!< [10..10] Timer T13 Reset */
uint16_t : 2;
__O uint16_t T13CNT : 1; /*!< [13..13] Timer T13 Count Event */
__O uint16_t T13STR : 1; /*!< [14..14] Timer T13 Shadow Transfer Request */
__O uint16_t T13STD : 1; /*!< [15..15] Timer T13 Shadow Transfer Disable */
} bit; /*!< [16] BitSize */
} TCTR4;
__I uint16_t RESERVED1;
union {
__IO uint16_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4000C008) Multi-Channel Mode Output Shadow Register */
struct {
__IO uint16_t MCMPS : 6; /*!< [0..5] Multi-Channel PWM Pattern Shadow */
uint16_t : 1;
__O uint16_t STRMCM : 1; /*!< [7..7] Shadow Transfer Request for MCMPS */
__IO uint16_t EXPHS : 3; /*!< [8..10] Expected Hall Pattern Shadow */
__IO uint16_t CURHS : 3; /*!< [11..13] Current Hall Pattern Shadow */
uint16_t : 1;
__O uint16_t STRHP : 1; /*!< [15..15] Shadow Transfer Request for the Hall Pattern */
} bit; /*!< [16] BitSize */
__I uint16_t RESERVED2;
union {
__O uint16_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4000C00C) Capture/Compare Interrupt Status Reset Register */
struct {
__O uint16_t RCC60R : 1; /*!< [0..0] Reset Capture, Compare-Match Rising Edge Flag */
__O uint16_t RCC60F : 1; /*!< [1..1] Reset Capture, Compare-Match Falling Edge Flag */
__O uint16_t RCC61R : 1; /*!< [2..2] Reset Capture, Compare-Match Rising Edge Flag */
__O uint16_t RCC61F : 1; /*!< [3..3] Reset Capture, Compare-Match Falling Edge Flag */
__O uint16_t RCC62R : 1; /*!< [4..4] Reset Capture, Compare-Match Rising Edge Flag */
__O uint16_t RCC62F : 1; /*!< [5..5] Reset Capture, Compare-Match Falling Edge Flag */
__O uint16_t RT12OM : 1; /*!< [6..6] Reset Timer T12 One-Match Flag */
__O uint16_t RT12PM : 1; /*!< [7..7] Reset Timer T12 Period-Match Flag */
__O uint16_t RT13CM : 1; /*!< [8..8] Reset Timer T13 Compare-Match Flag */
__O uint16_t RT13PM : 1; /*!< [9..9] Reset Timer T13 Period-Match Flag */
__O uint16_t RTRPF : 1; /*!< [10..10] Reset Trap Flag */
uint16_t : 1;
__O uint16_t RCHE : 1; /*!< [12..12] Reset Correct Hall Event Flag */
__O uint16_t RWHE : 1; /*!< [13..13] Reset Wrong Hall Event Flag */
__O uint16_t RIDLE : 1; /*!< [14..14] Reset IDLE Flag */
__O uint16_t RSTR : 1; /*!< [15..15] Reset STR Flag */
} bit; /*!< [16] BitSize */
} ISR;
__I uint16_t RESERVED3;
union {
__O uint16_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4000C010) Compare State Modification Register */
struct {
__O uint16_t MCC60S : 1; /*!< [0..0] Capture/Compare Status Modification Bits (Set) (x = 0,
1, 2, 3) */
__O uint16_t MCC61S : 1; /*!< [1..1] Capture/Compare Status Modification Bits (Set) (x = 0,
1, 2, 3) */
__O uint16_t MCC62S : 1; /*!< [2..2] Capture/Compare Status Modification Bits (Set) (x = 0,
1, 2, 3) */
uint16_t : 3;
__O uint16_t MCC63S : 1; /*!< [6..6] Capture/Compare Status Modification Bits (Set) (x = 0,
1, 2, 3) */
uint16_t : 1;
__O uint16_t MCC60R : 1; /*!< [8..8] Capture/Compare Status Modification Bits (Reset) (x =
0, 1, 2, 3) */
__O uint16_t MCC61R : 1; /*!< [9..9] Capture/Compare Status Modification Bits (Reset) (x =
0, 1, 2, 3) */
__O uint16_t MCC62R : 1; /*!< [10..10] Capture/Compare Status Modification Bits (Reset) (x
= 0, 1, 2, 3) */
uint16_t : 3;
__O uint16_t MCC63R : 1; /*!< [14..14] Capture/Compare Status Modification Bits (Reset) (x
= 0, 1, 2, 3) */
} bit; /*!< [15] BitSize */
__I uint16_t RESERVED4;
union {
__IO uint16_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4000C014) Capture/Compare Shadow Register for Channel CC60 */
struct {
__IO uint16_t CCS : 16; /*!< [0..15] Shadow Register for Channel x Capture/Compare Value */
} bit; /*!< [16] BitSize */
} CC60SR;
__I uint16_t RESERVED5;
union {
__IO uint16_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4000C018) Capture/Compare Shadow Register for Channel CC61 */
struct {
__IO uint16_t CCS : 16; /*!< [0..15] Shadow Register for Channel x Capture/Compare Value */
} bit; /*!< [16] BitSize */
} CC61SR;
__I uint16_t RESERVED6;
union {
__IO uint16_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4000C01C) Capture/Compare Shadow Register for Channel CC62 */
struct {
__IO uint16_t CCS : 16; /*!< [0..15] Shadow Register for Channel x Capture/Compare Value */
} bit; /*!< [16] BitSize */
} CC62SR;
__I uint16_t RESERVED7;
union {
__IO uint16_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4000C020) Capture/Compare Shadow Register for Channel CC63 */
struct {
__IO uint16_t CCS : 16; /*!< [0..15] Shadow Register for Channel CC63 Compare Value */
} bit; /*!< [16] BitSize */
} CC63SR;
__I uint16_t RESERVED8;
union {
__IO uint16_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4000C024) Timer T12 Period Register */
struct {
__IO uint16_t T12PV : 16; /*!< [0..15] T12 Period Value */
} bit; /*!< [16] BitSize */
} T12PR;
__I uint16_t RESERVED9;
union {
__IO uint16_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4000C028) Timer T13 Period Register */
struct {
__IO uint16_t T13PV : 16; /*!< [0..15] T13 Period Value */
} bit; /*!< [16] BitSize */
} T13PR;
__I uint16_t RESERVED10;
union {
__IO uint16_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4000C02C) Timer T12 Dead-Time Control Register */
struct {
__IO uint16_t DTM : 8; /*!< [0..7] Dead-Time */
__IO uint16_t DTE0 : 1; /*!< [8..8] Dead-Time Enable Bits */
__IO uint16_t DTE1 : 1; /*!< [9..9] Dead-Time Enable Bits */
__IO uint16_t DTE2 : 1; /*!< [10..10] Dead-Time Enable Bits */
uint16_t : 1;
__I uint16_t DTR0 : 1; /*!< [12..12] Dead-Time Run Indication Bits */
__I uint16_t DTR1 : 1; /*!< [13..13] Dead-Time Run Indication Bits */
__I uint16_t DTR2 : 1; /*!< [14..14] Dead-Time Run Indication Bits */
} bit; /*!< [15] BitSize */
} T12DTC;
__I uint16_t RESERVED11;
union {
__IO uint16_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4000C030) Timer Control Register 0 */
struct {
__IO uint16_t T12CLK : 3; /*!< [0..2] Timer T12 Input Clock Select */
__IO uint16_t T12PRE : 1; /*!< [3..3] Timer T12 Prescaler Bit */
__I uint16_t T12R : 1; /*!< [4..4] Timer T12 Run Bit */
__I uint16_t STE12 : 1; /*!< [5..5] Timer T12 Shadow Transfer Enable */
__I uint16_t CDIR : 1; /*!< [6..6] Count Direction of Timer T12 */
__IO uint16_t CTM : 1; /*!< [7..7] T12 Operating Mode */
__IO uint16_t T13CLK : 3; /*!< [8..10] Timer T13 Input Clock Select */
__IO uint16_t T13PRE : 1; /*!< [11..11] Timer T13 Prescaler Bit */
__I uint16_t T13R : 1; /*!< [12..12] Timer T13 Run Bit */
__I uint16_t STE13 : 1; /*!< [13..13] Timer T13 Shadow Transfer Enable */
} bit; /*!< [14] BitSize */
} TCTR0;
__I uint16_t RESERVED12;
union {
__I uint16_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4000C034) Capture/Compare Register for Channel CC60 */
struct {
__I uint16_t CCV : 16; /*!< [0..15] Channel x Capture/Compare Value */
} bit; /*!< [16] BitSize */
} CC60R;
__I uint16_t RESERVED13;
union {
__I uint16_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4000C038) Capture/Compare Register for Channel CC61 */
struct {
__I uint16_t CCV : 16; /*!< [0..15] Channel x Capture/Compare Value */
} bit; /*!< [16] BitSize */
} CC61R;
__I uint16_t RESERVED14;
union {
__I uint16_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4000C03C) Capture/Compare Register for Channel CC62 */
struct {
__I uint16_t CCV : 16; /*!< [0..15] Channel x Capture/Compare Value */
} bit; /*!< [16] BitSize */
} CC62R;
__I uint16_t RESERVED15;
union {
__IO uint16_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4000C040) Capture/Compare T12 Mode Select Register */
struct {
__IO uint16_t MSEL60 : 4; /*!< [0..3] Capture/Compare Mode Selection */
__IO uint16_t MSEL61 : 4; /*!< [4..7] Capture/Compare Mode Selection */
__IO uint16_t MSEL62 : 4; /*!< [8..11] Capture/Compare Mode Selection */
__IO uint16_t HSYNC : 3; /*!< [12..14] Hall Synchronization */
__IO uint16_t DBYP : 1; /*!< [15..15] Delay Bypass */
} bit; /*!< [16] BitSize */
} T12MSEL;
__I uint16_t RESERVED16;
union {
__IO uint16_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4000C044) Capture/Compare Interrupt Enable Register */
struct {
__IO uint16_t ENCC60R : 1; /*!< [0..0] Capture, Compare-Match Rising Edge Interrupt Enable for
Channel 0 */
__IO uint16_t ENCC60F : 1; /*!< [1..1] Capture, Compare-Match Falling Edge Interrupt Enable
for Channel 0 */
__IO uint16_t ENCC61R : 1; /*!< [2..2] Capture, Compare-Match Rising Edge Interrupt Enable for
Channel 1 */
__IO uint16_t ENCC61F : 1; /*!< [3..3] Capture, Compare-Match Falling Edge Interrupt Enable
for Channel 1 */
__IO uint16_t ENCC62R : 1; /*!< [4..4] Capture, Compare-Match Rising Edge Interrupt Enable for
Channel 2 */
__IO uint16_t ENCC62F : 1; /*!< [5..5] Capture, Compare-Match Falling Edge Interrupt Enable
for Channel 2 */
__IO uint16_t ENT12OM : 1; /*!< [6..6] Enable Interrupt for T12 One-Match */
__IO uint16_t ENT12PM : 1; /*!< [7..7] Enable Interrupt for T12 Period-Match */
__IO uint16_t ENT13CM : 1; /*!< [8..8] Enable Interrupt for T13 Compare-Match */
__IO uint16_t ENT13PM : 1; /*!< [9..9] Enable Interrupt for T13 Period-Match */
__IO uint16_t ENTRPF : 1; /*!< [10..10] Enable Interrupt for Trap Flag */
uint16_t : 1;
__IO uint16_t ENCHE : 1; /*!< [12..12] Enable Interrupt for Correct Hall Event */
__IO uint16_t ENWHE : 1; /*!< [13..13] Enable Interrupt for Wrong Hall Event */
__IO uint16_t ENIDLE : 1; /*!< [14..14] Enable Idle */
__IO uint16_t ENSTR : 1; /*!< [15..15] Enable Multi-Channel Mode Shadow Transfer Interrupt */
} bit; /*!< [16] BitSize */
} IEN;
__I uint16_t RESERVED17;
union {
__IO uint16_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4000C048) Capture/Compare Interrupt Node Pointer Register */
struct {
__IO uint16_t INPCC60 : 2; /*!< [0..1] Interrupt Node Pointer for Channel 0 Interrupts */
__IO uint16_t INPCC61 : 2; /*!< [2..3] Interrupt Node Pointer for Channel 1 Interrupts */
__IO uint16_t INPCC62 : 2; /*!< [4..5] Interrupt Node Pointer for Channel 2 Interrupts */
__IO uint16_t INPCHE : 2; /*!< [6..7] Interrupt Node Pointer for the CHE Interrupt */
__IO uint16_t INPERR : 2; /*!< [8..9] Interrupt Node Pointer for Error Interrupts */
__IO uint16_t INPT12 : 2; /*!< [10..11] Interrupt Node Pointer for Timer T12 Interrupts */
__IO uint16_t INPT13 : 2; /*!< [12..13] Interrupt Node Pointer for Timer T13 Interrupts */
} bit; /*!< [14] BitSize */
} INP;
__I uint16_t RESERVED18;
union {
__O uint16_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4000C04C) Capture/Compare Interrupt Status Set Register */
struct {
__O uint16_t SCC60R : 1; /*!< [0..0] Set Capture, Compare-Match Rising Edge Flag */
__O uint16_t SCC60F : 1; /*!< [1..1] Set Capture, Compare-Match Falling Edge Flag */
__O uint16_t SCC61R : 1; /*!< [2..2] Set Capture, Compare-Match Rising Edge Flag */
__O uint16_t SCC61F : 1; /*!< [3..3] Set Capture, Compare-Match Falling Edge Flag */
__O uint16_t SCC62R : 1; /*!< [4..4] Set Capture, Compare-Match Rising Edge Flag */
__O uint16_t SCC62F : 1; /*!< [5..5] Set Capture, Compare-Match Falling Edge Flag */
__O uint16_t ST12OM : 1; /*!< [6..6] Set Timer T12 One-Match Flag */
__O uint16_t ST12PM : 1; /*!< [7..7] Set Timer T12 Period-Match Flag */
__O uint16_t ST13CM : 1; /*!< [8..8] Set Timer T13 Compare-Match Flag */
__O uint16_t ST13PM : 1; /*!< [9..9] Set Timer T13 Period-Match Flag */
__O uint16_t STRPF : 1; /*!< [10..10] Set Trap Flag */
__O uint16_t SWHC : 1; /*!< [11..11] Software Hall Compare */
__O uint16_t SCHE : 1; /*!< [12..12] Set Correct Hall Event Flag */
__O uint16_t SWHE : 1; /*!< [13..13] Set Wrong Hall Event Flag */
__O uint16_t SIDLE : 1; /*!< [14..14] Set IDLE Flag */
__O uint16_t SSTR : 1; /*!< [15..15] Set STR Flag */
} bit; /*!< [16] BitSize */
} ISS;
__I uint16_t RESERVED19;
union {
__IO uint16_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4000C050) Passive State Level Register */
struct {
__IO uint16_t PSL : 6; /*!< [0..5] Compare Outputs Passive State Level */
uint16_t : 1;
__IO uint16_t PSL63 : 1; /*!< [7..7] Passive State Level of Output COUT63 */
} bit; /*!< [8] BitSize */
__I uint16_t RESERVED20;
union {
__IO uint16_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4000C054) Multi-Channel Mode Control Register */
struct {
__IO uint16_t SWSEL : 3; /*!< [0..2] Switching Selection */
uint16_t : 1;
__IO uint16_t SWSYN : 2; /*!< [4..5] Switching Synchronization */
uint16_t : 2;
__IO uint16_t STE12U : 1; /*!< [8..8] Shadow Transfer Enable for T12 Upcounting */
__IO uint16_t STE12D : 1; /*!< [9..9] Shadow Transfer Enable for T12 Downcounting */
__IO uint16_t STE13U : 1; /*!< [10..10] Shadow Transfer Enable for T13 Upcounting */
} bit; /*!< [11] BitSize */
__I uint16_t RESERVED21;
union {
__IO uint16_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4000C058) Timer Control Register 2 */
struct {
__IO uint16_t T12SSC : 1; /*!< [0..0] Timer T12 Single Shot Control */
__IO uint16_t T13SSC : 1; /*!< [1..1] Timer T13 Single Shot Control */
__IO uint16_t T13TEC : 3; /*!< [2..4] T13 Trigger Event Control */
__IO uint16_t T13TED : 2; /*!< [5..6] Timer T13 Trigger Event Direction */
uint16_t : 1;
__IO uint16_t T12RSEL : 2; /*!< [8..9] Timer T12 External Run Selection */
__IO uint16_t T13RSEL : 2; /*!< [10..11] Timer T13 External Run Selection */
} bit; /*!< [12] BitSize */
} TCTR2;
__I uint16_t RESERVED22;
union {
__IO uint16_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4000C05C) Modulation Control Register */
struct {
__IO uint16_t T12MODEN : 6; /*!< [0..5] T12 Modulation Enable */
uint16_t : 1;
__IO uint16_t MCMEN : 1; /*!< [7..7] Multi-Channel Mode Enable */
__IO uint16_t T13MODEN : 6; /*!< [8..13] T13 Modulation Enable */
uint16_t : 1;
__IO uint16_t ECT13O : 1; /*!< [15..15] Enable Compare Timer T13 Output */
} bit; /*!< [16] BitSize */
__I uint16_t RESERVED23;
union {
__IO uint16_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4000C060) Trap Control Register */
struct {
__IO uint16_t TRPM0 : 1; /*!< [0..0] Trap Mode Control Bits 1, 0 */
__IO uint16_t TRPM1 : 1; /*!< [1..1] Trap Mode Control Bits 1, 0 */
__IO uint16_t TRPM2 : 1; /*!< [2..2] Trap Mode Control Bit 2 */
uint16_t : 5;
__IO uint16_t TRPEN : 6; /*!< [8..13] Trap Enable Control */
__IO uint16_t TRPEN13 : 1; /*!< [14..14] Trap Enable Control for Timer T13 */
__IO uint16_t TRPPEN : 1; /*!< [15..15] Trap Pin Enable */
} bit; /*!< [16] BitSize */
__I uint16_t RESERVED24;
union {
__I uint16_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4000C064) Multi-Channel Mode Output Register */
struct {
__I uint16_t MCMP : 6; /*!< [0..5] Multi-Channel PWM Pattern */
__I uint16_t R : 1; /*!< [6..6] Reminder Flag */
uint16_t : 1;
__I uint16_t EXPH : 3; /*!< [8..10] Expected Hall Pattern */
__I uint16_t CURH : 3; /*!< [11..13] Current Hall Pattern */
} bit; /*!< [14] BitSize */
__I uint16_t RESERVED25;
union {
__I uint16_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4000C068) Capture/Compare Interrupt Status Register */
struct {
__I uint16_t ICC60R : 1; /*!< [0..0] Capture, Compare-Match Rising Edge Flag (x = 0, 1, 2) */
__I uint16_t ICC60F : 1; /*!< [1..1] Capture, Compare-Match Falling Edge Flag (x = 0, 1, 2) */
__I uint16_t ICC61R : 1; /*!< [2..2] Capture, Compare-Match Rising Edge Flag (x = 0, 1, 2) */
__I uint16_t ICC61F : 1; /*!< [3..3] Capture, Compare-Match Falling Edge Flag (x = 0, 1, 2) */
__I uint16_t ICC62R : 1; /*!< [4..4] Capture, Compare-Match Rising Edge Flag (x = 0, 1, 2) */
__I uint16_t ICC62F : 1; /*!< [5..5] Capture, Compare-Match Falling Edge Flag (x = 0, 1, 2) */
__I uint16_t T12OM : 1; /*!< [6..6] Timer T12 One-Match Flag */
__I uint16_t T12PM : 1; /*!< [7..7] Timer T12 Period-Match Flag */
__I uint16_t T13CM : 1; /*!< [8..8] Timer T13 Compare-Match Flag */
__I uint16_t T13PM : 1; /*!< [9..9] Timer T13 Period-Match Flag */
__I uint16_t TRPF : 1; /*!< [10..10] Trap Flag */
__I uint16_t TRPS : 1; /*!< [11..11] Trap State */
__I uint16_t CHE : 1; /*!< [12..12] Correct Hall Event */
__I uint16_t WHE : 1; /*!< [13..13] Wrong Hall Event */
__I uint16_t IDLE : 1; /*!< [14..14] IDLE State */
__I uint16_t STR : 1; /*!< [15..15] Multi-Channel Mode Shadow Transfer Request */
} bit; /*!< [16] BitSize */
} IS;
__I uint16_t RESERVED26;
union {
__IO uint16_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4000C06C) Port Input Select Register 0 */
struct {
__IO uint16_t ISCC60 : 2; /*!< [0..1] Input Select for CC60 */
__IO uint16_t ISCC61 : 2; /*!< [2..3] Input Select for CC61 */
__IO uint16_t ISCC62 : 2; /*!< [4..5] Input Select for CC62 */
__IO uint16_t ISTRP : 2; /*!< [6..7] Input Select for CTRAP */
__IO uint16_t ISPOS0 : 2; /*!< [8..9] Input Select for CCPOS0 */
__IO uint16_t ISPOS1 : 2; /*!< [10..11] Input Select for CCPOS1 */
__IO uint16_t ISPOS2 : 2; /*!< [12..13] Input Select for CCPOS2 */
__IO uint16_t IST12HR : 2; /*!< [14..15] Input Select for T12HR */
} bit; /*!< [16] BitSize */
__I uint16_t RESERVED27[3];
union {
__IO uint16_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4000C074) Port Input Select Register 2 */
struct {
__IO uint16_t IST13HR : 2; /*!< [0..1] Input Select for T13HR */
__IO uint16_t ISCNT12 : 2; /*!< [2..3] Input Select for T12 Counting Input */
__IO uint16_t ISCNT13 : 2; /*!< [4..5] Input Select for T13 Counting Input */
__IO uint16_t T12EXT : 1; /*!< [6..6] Extension for T12HR Inputs */
__IO uint16_t T13EXT : 1; /*!< [7..7] Extension for T13HR Inputs */
} bit; /*!< [8] BitSize */
__I uint16_t RESERVED28;
union {
__IO uint16_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4000C078) Timer T12 Counter Register */
struct {
__IO uint16_t T12CV : 16; /*!< [0..15] Timer T12 Counter Value */
} bit; /*!< [16] BitSize */
} T12;
__I uint16_t RESERVED29;
union {
__IO uint16_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4000C07C) Timer T13 Counter Register */
struct {
__IO uint16_t T13CV : 16; /*!< [0..15] Timer T13 Counter Value */
} bit; /*!< [16] BitSize */
} T13;
__I uint16_t RESERVED30;
union {
__IO uint16_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4000C080) Compare State Register */
struct {
__I uint16_t CC60ST : 1; /*!< [0..0] Capture/Compare State Bits (x = 0, 1, 2, 3) */
__I uint16_t CC61ST : 1; /*!< [1..1] Capture/Compare State Bits (x = 0, 1, 2, 3) */
__I uint16_t CC62ST : 1; /*!< [2..2] Capture/Compare State Bits (x = 0, 1, 2, 3) */
__I uint16_t CCPOS0 : 1; /*!< [3..3] Sampled Hall Pattern Bits (x = 0, 1, 2) */
__I uint16_t CCPOS1 : 1; /*!< [4..4] Sampled Hall Pattern Bits (x = 0, 1, 2) */
__I uint16_t CCPOS2 : 1; /*!< [5..5] Sampled Hall Pattern Bits (x = 0, 1, 2) */
__I uint16_t CC63ST : 1; /*!< [6..6] Capture/Compare State Bits (x = 0, 1, 2, 3) */
uint16_t : 1;
__IO uint16_t CC60PS : 1; /*!< [8..8] Passive State Select for Compare Outputs */
__IO uint16_t COUT60PS : 1; /*!< [9..9] Passive State Select for Compare Outputs */
__IO uint16_t CC61PS : 1; /*!< [10..10] Passive State Select for Compare Outputs */
__IO uint16_t COUT61PS : 1; /*!< [11..11] Passive State Select for Compare Outputs */
__IO uint16_t CC62PS : 1; /*!< [12..12] Passive State Select for Compare Outputs */
__IO uint16_t COUT62PS : 1; /*!< [13..13] Passive State Select for Compare Outputs */
__IO uint16_t COUT63PS : 1; /*!< [14..14] Passive State Select for Compare Outputs */
__IO uint16_t T13IM : 1; /*!< [15..15] T13 Inverted Modulation */
} bit; /*!< [16] BitSize */
} CCU6_Type;
/* ================================================================================ */
/* ================ UARTx ================ */
/* ================================================================================ */
* @brief UARTx (UARTx)
typedef struct { /*!< (@ 0x48022000) UART2 Structure */
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x48022000) Serial Channel Control Register */
struct {
__IO uint8_t RI : 1; /*!< [0..0] Receive Interrupt Flag */
__IO uint8_t TI : 1; /*!< [1..1] Transmit Interrupt Flag */
__IO uint8_t RB8 : 1; /*!< [2..2] Serial Port Receiver Bit 9 */
__IO uint8_t TB8 : 1; /*!< [3..3] Serial Port Transmitter Bit 9 */
__IO uint8_t REN : 1; /*!< [4..4] Enable Receiver of Serial Port */
__IO uint8_t SM2 : 1; /*!< [5..5] Enable Serial Port Multiprocessor Communication in Modes
2 and 3 */
__IO uint8_t SM1 : 1; /*!< [6..6] Serial Port Operating Mode Selection */
__IO uint8_t SM0 : 1; /*!< [7..7] Serial Port Operating Mode Selection */
} bit; /*!< [8] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED0[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x48022004) Serial Data Buffer */
struct {
__IO uint8_t VAL : 8; /*!< [0..7] Serial Interface Buffer Register */
} bit; /*!< [8] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED1[3];
union {
__O uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x48022008) Serial Channel Control Clear Register */
struct {
__O uint8_t RICLR : 1; /*!< [0..0] Receive Interrupt Clear Flag */
__O uint8_t TICLR : 1; /*!< [1..1] Transmit Interrupt Clear Flag */
} bit; /*!< [2] BitSize */
} UART_Type;
/* ================================================================================ */
/* ================ SSCx ================ */
/* ================================================================================ */
* @brief SSCx (SSCx)
typedef struct { /*!< (@ 0x48026000) SSC2 Structure */
union {
__IO uint16_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x48026000) Port Input Select Register, RESET_TYPE_3 */
struct {
__IO uint16_t MIS_0 : 1; /*!< [0..0] Master Mode Receiver Input Select: 0b0=see (SSC1)., 0b1=see
(SSC1)., 0b0=Receiver input (Port A: P1.2) is selected (SSC2).,
0b1=Receiver input (Port B: P2.5) is selected (SSC2)., */
__IO uint16_t SIS : 1; /*!< [1..1] Slave Mode Receiver Input Select: 0b0=Receiver input
(Port A: P0.2) is selected (SSC1)., 0b1=Receiver input (Port
B: P0.2) is selected (SSC1)., 0b0=Receiver input (Port A: P1.1)
is selected (SSC2)., 0b1=Receiver input (Port B: P1.1) is selected
(SSC2)., */
__IO uint16_t CIS : 1; /*!< [2..2] Slave Mode Clock Input Select: 0b0=Clock input (Port
A: P0.3) is selected (SSC1)., 0b1=Clock input (Port B: P0.3)
is selected (SSC1)., 0b0=Clock input (Port A: P1.0) is selected
(SSC2)., 0b1=Clock input (Port B: P1.0) is selected (SSC2).,
__IO uint16_t MIS_1 : 1; /*!< [3..3] Master Mode Receiver Input Select: 0b0=see (SSC1)., 0b1=see
(SSC1)., 0b0=n/a (SSC2)., 0b1=n/a (SSC2)., */
} bit; /*!< [4] BitSize */
__I uint16_t RESERVED0;
union {
__IO uint16_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x48026004) Control Register */
struct {
__I uint16_t BC : 4; /*!< [0..3] Bit Count Field */
uint16_t : 4;
__IO uint16_t TE : 1; /*!< [8..8] Transmit Error Flag */
__IO uint16_t RE : 1; /*!< [9..9] Receive Error Flag */
__IO uint16_t PE : 1; /*!< [10..10] Phase Error Flag */
__IO uint16_t BE : 1; /*!< [11..11] Baud Rate Error Flag */
__I uint16_t BSY : 1; /*!< [12..12] Busy Flag */
uint16_t : 1;
__IO uint16_t MS : 1; /*!< [14..14] Master Select Bit */
__IO uint16_t EN : 1; /*!< [15..15] Enable Bit = 1 */
} RUN_bit; /*!< [16] BitSize */
struct {
__IO uint16_t BM : 4; /*!< [0..3] Data Width Selection */
__IO uint16_t HB : 1; /*!< [4..4] Heading Control */
__IO uint16_t PH : 1; /*!< [5..5] Clock Phase Control */
__IO uint16_t PO : 1; /*!< [6..6] Clock Polarity Control */
__IO uint16_t LB : 1; /*!< [7..7] Loop Back Control */
__IO uint16_t TEN : 1; /*!< [8..8] Transmit Error Enable */
__IO uint16_t REN : 1; /*!< [9..9] Receive Error Enable */
__IO uint16_t PEN : 1; /*!< [10..10] Phase Error Enable */
__IO uint16_t BEN : 1; /*!< [11..11] Baud Rate Error Enable */
__IO uint16_t AREN : 1; /*!< [12..12] Automatic Reset Enable */
uint16_t : 1;
__IO uint16_t MS : 1; /*!< [14..14] Master Select */
__IO uint16_t EN : 1; /*!< [15..15] Enable Bit = 0 */
} PRG_bit; /*!< [16] BitSize */
} CON;
__I uint16_t RESERVED1;
union {
__IO uint16_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x48026008) Transmitter Buffer Register */
struct {
__IO uint16_t TB_VALUE : 16; /*!< [0..15] Transmit Data Register Value */
} bit; /*!< [16] BitSize */
} TB;
__I uint16_t RESERVED2;
union {
__I uint16_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4802600C) Receiver Buffer Register */
struct {
__I uint16_t RB_VALUE : 16; /*!< [0..15] Receive Data Register Value */
} bit; /*!< [16] BitSize */
} RB;
__I uint16_t RESERVED3;
union {
__IO uint16_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x48026010) Baud Rate Timer Reload Register */
struct {
__IO uint16_t BR_VALUE : 16; /*!< [0..15] Baud Rate Timer/Reload Register Value */
} bit; /*!< [16] BitSize */
} BR;
__I uint16_t RESERVED4;
union {
__O uint16_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x48026014) Interrupt Status Register Clear */
struct {
uint16_t : 8;
__O uint16_t TECLR : 1; /*!< [8..8] Transmit Error Flag Clear */
__O uint16_t RECLR : 1; /*!< [9..9] Receive Error Flag Clear */
__O uint16_t PECLR : 1; /*!< [10..10] Phase Error Flag Clear */
__O uint16_t BECLR : 1; /*!< [11..11] Baud Rate Error Flag Clear */
} bit; /*!< [12] BitSize */
} SSC_Type;
/* ================================================================================ */
/* ================ PMU ================ */
/* ================================================================================ */
* @brief PMU (PMU)
typedef struct { /*!< (@ 0x50004000) PMU Structure */
union {
__I uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50004000) Main wake status register */
struct {
__I uint8_t LIN_WAKE : 1; /*!< [0..0] Wake-up via LIN- Message */
__I uint8_t MON_WAKE : 1; /*!< [1..1] Wake-up via MON */
__I uint8_t GPIO0 : 1; /*!< [2..2] Wake-up via GPIO0 which is a logical OR combination of
all Wake_STS_GPIO0 bits */
__I uint8_t GPIO1 : 1; /*!< [3..3] Wake-up via GPIO1 which is a logical OR combination of
all Wake_STS_GPIO1 bits */
__I uint8_t CYC_WAKE : 1; /*!< [4..4] Wake-up caused by Cyclic Wake */
__I uint8_t FAIL : 1; /*!< [5..5] Wake-up after VDDEXT Fail */
} bit; /*!< [6] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED0[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50004004) Voltage Reg Status Register */
struct {
__I uint8_t PMU_1V5_OVERVOLT: 1; /*!< [0..0] Overvoltage at VDDC regulator */
__I uint8_t PMU_1V5_OVERLOAD: 1; /*!< [1..1] Overload at VDDC regulator */
__IO uint8_t PMU_1V5_FAIL_EN: 1; /*!< [2..2] Enabling of VDDC status information as interrupt source */
uint8_t : 1;
__I uint8_t PMU_5V_OVERVOLT: 1; /*!< [4..4] Overvoltage at VDDP regulator */
__I uint8_t PMU_5V_OVERLOAD: 1; /*!< [5..5] Overload at VDDP regulator */
__IO uint8_t PMU_5V_FAIL_EN: 1; /*!< [6..6] Enabling of VDDP status information as interrupt source */
} bit; /*!< [7] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED1[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50004008) VDDEXT Control */
struct {
__IO uint8_t ENABLE : 1; /*!< [0..0] VDDEXT Supply Enable */
__IO uint8_t CYC_EN : 1; /*!< [1..1] VDDEXT Supply for Cyclic Sense Enable */
__IO uint8_t FAIL_EN : 1; /*!< [2..2] Enabling of VDDEXT Supply status information as interrupt
source */
__IO uint8_t SHORT : 1; /*!< [3..3] VDDEXT Supply Shorted Output */
__IO uint8_t OVERVOLT : 1; /*!< [4..4] VDDEXT Supply Overvoltage */
__IO uint8_t OVERLOAD : 1; /*!< [5..5] VDDEXT Supply Overload */
__I uint8_t OK : 1; /*!< [6..6] VDDEXT Supply works inside its specified range 2 */
__I uint8_t STABLE : 1; /*!< [7..7] VDDEXT Supply works inside its specified range 1 */
} bit; /*!< [8] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED2[7];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50004010) Reset Status Hard Register */
struct {
__IO uint8_t SYS_FAIL : 1; /*!< [0..0] Flag which indicates a reset caused by a System Fail
reported in the corresponding Fail Register */
__IO uint8_t PMU_WAKE : 1; /*!< [1..1] Flag which indicates a reset caused by Stop-Exit */
__IO uint8_t PMU_SleepEX: 1; /*!< [2..2] Flag which indicates a reset caused by Sleep-Exit */
__IO uint8_t PMU_LPR : 1; /*!< [3..3] Low Priority Resets (see PMU_RESET_STS2) */
__IO uint8_t PMU_ClkWDT : 1; /*!< [4..4] Clock Watchdog (CLKWDT) Reset Flag */
__IO uint8_t PMU_ExtWDT : 1; /*!< [5..5] External Watchdog (WDT1) Reset Flag */
__IO uint8_t PMU_PIN : 1; /*!< [6..6] PIN-Reset Flag */
__IO uint8_t PMU_1V5DidPOR: 1; /*!< [7..7] Power-On Reset Flag */
} bit; /*!< [8] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED3[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50004014) Reset Status Soft Register */
struct {
__IO uint8_t PMU_IntWDT : 1; /*!< [0..0] Internal Watchdog Reset Flag */
__IO uint8_t PMU_SOFT : 1; /*!< [1..1] Soft-Reset Flag */
__IO uint8_t LOCKUP : 1; /*!< [2..2] Lockup-Reset Flag */
} bit; /*!< [3] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED4[11];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50004020) PMU Settings Register */
struct {
__IO uint8_t WAKE_W_RST : 1; /*!< [0..0] Wake-up with reset execution */
__IO uint8_t EN_0V9_N : 1; /*!< [1..1] Disables the reduction of the VDDC regulator output to
0.9 V during Stop-Mode */
__IO uint8_t CYC_WAKE_EN: 1; /*!< [2..2] Enabling Cyclic Wake */
__IO uint8_t CYC_SENSE_EN: 1; /*!< [3..3] Enabling Cyclic Sense */
uint8_t : 3;
__IO uint8_t EN_VDDEXT_OC_OFF_N: 1; /*!< [7..7] Disabling VDDEXT Shutdown in Overload Condition */
} bit; /*!< [8] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED5[7];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50004028) Dead Time in Cyclic Sense Register */
struct {
__IO uint8_t M03 : 4; /*!< [0..3] Mantissa */
__IO uint8_t E01 : 2; /*!< [4..5] Exponent */
uint8_t : 1;
__IO uint8_t OSC_100kHz_EN: 1; /*!< [7..7] 100 kHz Oscillator Enable */
} bit; /*!< [8] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED6[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x5000402C) Dead Time in Cyclic Wake Register */
struct {
__IO uint8_t M03 : 4; /*!< [0..3] Mantissa */
__IO uint8_t E01 : 2; /*!< [4..5] Exponent */
} bit; /*!< [6] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED7[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50004030) Sample Delay in Cyclic Sense Register */
struct {
__IO uint8_t M03 : 4; /*!< [0..3] Mantissa */
} bit; /*!< [4] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED8[31];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50004050) LIN Wake Enable */
struct {
uint8_t : 7;
__IO uint8_t LIN_EN : 1; /*!< [7..7] Lin Wake enable */
} bit; /*!< [8] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED9[27];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x5000406C) Reset Blind Time Register */
struct {
__IO uint8_t RST_TFB : 2; /*!< [0..1] Reset Pin Blind Time Selection Bits */
} bit; /*!< [2] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED10[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50004070) System Fail Status Register */
struct {
__IO uint8_t SUPP_SHORT : 1; /*!< [0..0] Supply Short */
__IO uint8_t SUPP_TMOUT : 1; /*!< [1..1] Supply Time Out */
__IO uint8_t PMU_1V5_OVL: 1; /*!< [2..2] VDDC Overload Flag */
__IO uint8_t PMU_5V_OVL : 1; /*!< [3..3] VDDP Overload Flag */
uint8_t : 1;
__IO uint8_t SYS_OT : 1; /*!< [5..5] System Overtemperature Indication Flag */
__IO uint8_t WDT1_SEQ_FAIL: 1; /*!< [6..6] External Watchdog (WDT1) Sequential Fail */
} bit; /*!< [7] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED11[15];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50004080) Wake Status Fail Register */
struct {
__IO uint8_t SUPPFAIL : 1; /*!< [0..0] Stop-Exit due to overvoltage at the VDDEXT Supply */
uint8_t : 1;
__IO uint8_t VDDEXTSHORT: 1; /*!< [2..2] Stop-Exit due to short circuit at the VDDEXT Supply */
} bit; /*!< [3] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED12[3];
union {
__I uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50004084) Wake Source MON Input Register */
struct {
__I uint8_t WAKE_STS : 1; /*!< [0..0] Status of MON */
} bit; /*!< [1] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED13[3];
union {
__I uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50004088) Wake Status GPIO 0 Register */
struct {
__I uint8_t GPIO0_STS_0: 1; /*!< [0..0] Status of GPIO0_0 */
__I uint8_t GPIO0_STS_1: 1; /*!< [1..1] Status of GPIO0_1 */
__I uint8_t GPIO0_STS_2: 1; /*!< [2..2] Status of GPIO0_2 */
__I uint8_t GPIO0_STS_3: 1; /*!< [3..3] Status of GPIO0_3 */
__I uint8_t GPIO0_STS_4: 1; /*!< [4..4] Status of GPIO0_4 */
} bit; /*!< [5] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED14[3];
union {
__I uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x5000408C) Wake Status GPIO 1 Register */
struct {
__I uint8_t GPIO1_STS_0: 1; /*!< [0..0] Wake GPIO1_0 */
__I uint8_t GPIO1_STS_1: 1; /*!< [1..1] Wake GPIO1_1 */
__I uint8_t GPIO1_STS_2: 1; /*!< [2..2] Wake GPIO1_2 */
__I uint8_t GPIO1_STS_3: 1; /*!< [3..3] Wake GPIO1_3 */
__I uint8_t GPIO1_STS_4: 1; /*!< [4..4] Wake GPIO1_4 */
} bit; /*!< [5] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED15[31];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x500040AC) PMU Wake-up Timing Register */
struct {
__IO uint8_t CNF_LIN_FT : 1; /*!< [0..0] Wake-up Filter time for LIN WAKE */
__IO uint8_t CNF_MON_FT : 1; /*!< [1..1] Wake-up Filter time for Monitoring Inputs */
__IO uint8_t CNF_GPIO_FT: 2; /*!< [2..3] Wake-up Filter time for General Purpose IO */
} bit; /*!< [4] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED16[19];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x500040C0) General Purpose User DATA0 */
struct {
__IO uint8_t DATA0 : 8; /*!< [0..7] DATA0 Storage Byte */
} bit; /*!< [8] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED17[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x500040C4) General Purpose User DATA1 */
struct {
__IO uint8_t DATA1 : 8; /*!< [0..7] DATA1 Storage Byte */
} bit; /*!< [8] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED18[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x500040C8) General Purpose User DATA2 */
struct {
__IO uint8_t DATA2 : 8; /*!< [0..7] DATA2 Storage Byte */
} bit; /*!< [8] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED19[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x500040CC) General Purpose User DATA3 */
struct {
__IO uint8_t DATA3 : 8; /*!< [0..7] DATA3 Storage Byte */
} bit; /*!< [8] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED20[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x500040D0) General Purpose User DATA4 */
struct {
__IO uint8_t DATA4 : 8; /*!< [0..7] DATA4 Storage Byte */
} bit; /*!< [8] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED21[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x500040D4) General Purpose User DATA5 */
struct {
__IO uint8_t DATA5 : 8; /*!< [0..7] DATA5 Storage Byte */
} bit; /*!< [8] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED22[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x500040D8) Wake Configuration GPIO Port 0 Rising Edge Register */
struct {
__IO uint8_t GPIO0_RI_0 : 1; /*!< [0..0] Port 0_0 Wake-up on Rising Edge enable */
__IO uint8_t GPIO0_RI_1 : 1; /*!< [1..1] Port 0_1 Wake-up on Rising Edge enable */
__IO uint8_t GPIO0_RI_2 : 1; /*!< [2..2] Port 0_2 Wake-up on Rising Edge enable */
__IO uint8_t GPIO0_RI_3 : 1; /*!< [3..3] Port 0_3 Wake-up on Rising Edge enable */
__IO uint8_t GPIO0_RI_4 : 1; /*!< [4..4] Port 0_4 Wake-up on Rising Edge enable */
} bit; /*!< [5] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED23[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x500040DC) Wake Configuration GPIO Port 0 Falling Edge Register */
struct {
__IO uint8_t GPIO0_FA_0 : 1; /*!< [0..0] Port 0_0 Wake-up on Falling Edge enable */
__IO uint8_t GPIO0_FA_1 : 1; /*!< [1..1] Port 0_1 Wake-up on Falling Edge enable */
__IO uint8_t GPIO0_FA_2 : 1; /*!< [2..2] Port 0_2 Wake-up on Falling Edge enable */
__IO uint8_t GPIO0_FA_3 : 1; /*!< [3..3] Port 0_3 Wake-up on Falling Edge enable */
__IO uint8_t GPIO0_FA_4 : 1; /*!< [4..4] Port 0_4 Wake-up on Falling Edge enable */
} bit; /*!< [5] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED24[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x500040E0) Wake Port 0 Cycle Enabled Register */
struct {
__IO uint8_t GPIO0_CYC_0: 1; /*!< [0..0] GPIO0_0 input for cycle sense enable */
__IO uint8_t GPIO0_CYC_1: 1; /*!< [1..1] GPIO0_1 input for cycle sense enable */
__IO uint8_t GPIO0_CYC_2: 1; /*!< [2..2] GPIO0_2 input for cycle sense enable */
__IO uint8_t GPIO0_CYC_3: 1; /*!< [3..3] GPIO0_3 input for cycle sense enable */
__IO uint8_t GPIO0_CYC_4: 1; /*!< [4..4] GPIO0_4 input for cycle sense enable */
} bit; /*!< [5] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED25[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x500040E4) Wake Configuration GPIO Port 1 Rising Edge Register */
struct {
__IO uint8_t GPIO1_RI_0 : 1; /*!< [0..0] Port 1_0 Wake-up on Rising Edge enable */
__IO uint8_t GPIO1_RI_1 : 1; /*!< [1..1] Port 1_1 Wake-up on Rising Edge enable */
__IO uint8_t GPIO1_RI_2 : 1; /*!< [2..2] Port 1_2 Wake-up on Rising Edge enable */
__IO uint8_t GPIO1_RI_3 : 1; /*!< [3..3] Port 1_3 Wake-up on Rising Edge enable */
__IO uint8_t GPIO1_RI_4 : 1; /*!< [4..4] Port 1_4 Wake-up on Rising Edge enable */
} bit; /*!< [5] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED26[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x500040E8) Wake Configuration GPIO Port 1 Falling Edge Register */
struct {
__IO uint8_t GPIO1_FA_0 : 1; /*!< [0..0] Port 1_0 Wake-up on Falling Edge enable */
__IO uint8_t GPIO1_FA_1 : 1; /*!< [1..1] Port 1_1 Wake-up on Falling Edge enable */
__IO uint8_t GPIO1_FA_2 : 1; /*!< [2..2] Port 1_2 Wake-up on Falling Edge enable */
__IO uint8_t GPIO1_FA_3 : 1; /*!< [3..3] Port 1_3 Wake-up on Falling Edge enable */
__IO uint8_t GPIO1_FA_4 : 1; /*!< [4..4] Port 1_4 Wake-up on Falling Edge enable */
} bit; /*!< [5] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED27[3];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x500040EC) Wake Port 1 Cycle Enabled Register */
struct {
__IO uint8_t GPIO1_CYC_0: 1; /*!< [0..0] GPIO1_0 input for cycle sense enable */
__IO uint8_t GPIO1_CYC_1: 1; /*!< [1..1] GPIO1_1 input for cycle sense enable */
__IO uint8_t GPIO1_CYC_2: 1; /*!< [2..2] GPIO1_2 input for cycle sense enable */
__IO uint8_t GPIO1_CYC_3: 1; /*!< [3..3] GPIO1_3 input for cycle sense enable */
__IO uint8_t GPIO1_CYC_4: 1; /*!< [4..4] GPIO1_4 input for cycle sense enable */
} bit; /*!< [5] BitSize */
__I uint8_t RESERVED28[487];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x500042D4) System Startup Config */
struct {
__IO uint8_t MBIST_EN : 1; /*!< [0..0] System Startup Configuration Bit for RAM MBIST at Sleep
Mode exit */
} bit; /*!< [1] BitSize */
} SystemStartConfig;
} PMU_Type;
/* ================================================================================ */
/* ================ SCUPM ================ */
/* ================================================================================ */
* @brief SCUPM (SCUPM)
typedef struct { /*!< (@ 0x50006000) SCUPM Structure */
union {
__I uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50006000) Analog Module Clock Frequency Status Register */
struct {
__I uint32_t AMCLK1_FREQ: 6; /*!< [0..5] Current frequency of Analog Module Clock System Clock
(MI_CLK) */
uint32_t : 2;
__I uint32_t AMCLK2_FREQ: 6; /*!< [8..13] Current frequency of Analog Module Clock 2 (TFILT_CLK) */
} bit; /*!< [14] BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50006004) Analog Module Clock Control */
struct {
__IO uint32_t CLKWDT_PD_N: 1; /*!< [0..0] Clock Watchdog Powerdown */
} bit; /*!< [1] BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED0;
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x5000600C) Analog Module Clock Limit Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t AMCLK1_UP_TH: 6; /*!< [0..5] Analog Module Clock 1 (MI_CLK) Upper Limit Threshold */
__IO uint32_t AMCLK1_UP_HYS: 2; /*!< [6..7] Analog Module Clock 1 (MI_CLK) Upper Hysteresis */
__IO uint32_t AMCLK1_LOW_TH: 6; /*!< [8..13] Analog Module Clock 1 (MI_CLK) Lower Limit Threshold */
__IO uint32_t AMCLK1_LOW_HYS: 2; /*!< [14..15] Analog Module Clock 1 (MI_CLK) Lower Hysteresis */
__IO uint32_t AMCLK2_UP_TH: 6; /*!< [16..21] Analog Module Clock 2 (TFILT_CLK) Upper Limit Threshold */
__IO uint32_t AMCLK2_UP_HYS: 2; /*!< [22..23] Analog Module Clock 2 (TFILT_CLK) Upper Hysteresis */
__IO uint32_t AMCLK2_LOW_TH: 6; /*!< [24..29] Analog Module Clock 2 (TFILT_CLK) Lower Limit Threshold */
__IO uint32_t AMCLK2_LOW_HYS: 2; /*!< [30..31] Analog Module Clock 2 (TFILT_CLK) Lower Hysteresis */
} bit; /*!< [32] BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED1;
union {
__O uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50006014) System Interrupt Status Clear */
struct {
__O uint32_t LIN_OC_ICLR: 1; /*!< [0..0] LIN Overcurrent interrupt status */
__O uint32_t LIN_OT_ICLR: 1; /*!< [1..1] LIN Overtemperature interrupt status */
__O uint32_t LIN_TMOUT_ICLR: 1; /*!< [2..2] LIN TXD timeout */
uint32_t : 3;
__O uint32_t PMU_OTWARN_ICLR: 1; /*!< [6..6] PMU Regulator Overtemperature Prewarning (ADC2, Channel
9) interrupt status */
__O uint32_t PMU_OT_ICLR: 1; /*!< [7..7] PMU Regulator Overtemperature Shutdown (ADC2, Channel
9) interrupt status */
__O uint32_t SYS_OTWARN_ICLR: 1; /*!< [8..8] System Overtemperature Prewarning (ADC2, Channel 8) interrupt
status */
__O uint32_t SYS_OT_ICLR: 1; /*!< [9..9] System Overtemperature Shutdown (ADC2, Channel 8) interrupt
status */
__O uint32_t REFBG_LOTHWARN_ICLR: 1; /*!< [10..10] 8 Bit ADC2 Reference Undervoltage (ADC2, Channel 5)
interrupt status */
__O uint32_t REFBG_UPTHWARN_ICLR: 1; /*!< [11..11] 8 Bit ADC2 Reference Overvoltage (ADC2, Channel 5)
interrupt status */
__O uint32_t VREF5V_LOWTH_ICLR: 1; /*!< [12..12] VREF5V ADC1 Reference Undervoltage (ADC2, Channel 4)
Interrupt Status */
__O uint32_t VREF5V_UPTH_ICLR: 1; /*!< [13..13] VREF5V ADC1 Reference Overvoltage (ADC2, Channel 4)
Interrupt Status */
__O uint32_t VREF5V_OVL_ICLR: 1; /*!< [14..14] VREF5V Overload Interrupt Status */
__O uint32_t ADC2_ESM_ICLR: 1; /*!< [15..15] ADC2 Exceptional Sequence Measurement Interrupt Status */
__O uint32_t PHU_ZCLOW_ICLR: 1; /*!< [16..16] Phase U Zero Crossing Comperator Low Interrupt Status */
__O uint32_t PHU_ZCHI_ICLR: 1; /*!< [17..17] Phase U Zero Crossing Comperator High Interrupt Status */
__O uint32_t PHV_ZCLOW_ICLR: 1; /*!< [18..18] Phase V Zero Crossing Comperator Low Interrupt Status */
__O uint32_t PHV_ZCHI_ICLR: 1; /*!< [19..19] Phase V Zero Crossing Comperator High Interrupt Status */
__O uint32_t PHW_ZCLOW_ICLR: 1; /*!< [20..20] Phase W Zero Crossing Comperator Low Interrupt Status */
__O uint32_t PHW_ZCHI_ICLR: 1; /*!< [21..21] Phase W Zero Crossing Comperator High Interrupt Status */
uint32_t : 2;
__O uint32_t PHU_ZCLOW_SCLR: 1; /*!< [24..24] Phase U Zero Crossing Comperator Low Status */
__O uint32_t PHU_ZCHI_SCLR: 1; /*!< [25..25] Phase U Zero Crossing Comperator High Status */
__O uint32_t PHV_ZCLOW_SCLR: 1; /*!< [26..26] Phase V Zero Crossing Comperator Low Status */
__O uint32_t PHV_ZCHI_SCLR: 1; /*!< [27..27] Phase V Zero Crossing Comperator High Status */
__O uint32_t PHW_ZCLOW_SCLR: 1; /*!< [28..28] Phase W Zero Crossing Comperator Low Status */
__O uint32_t PHW_ZCHI_SCLR: 1; /*!< [29..29] Phase W Zero Crossing Comperator High Status */
} bit; /*!< [30] BitSize */
union {
__I uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50006018) System Interrupt Status */
struct {
__I uint32_t LIN_OC_IS : 1; /*!< [0..0] LIN Overcurrent interrupt status */
__I uint32_t LIN_OT_IS : 1; /*!< [1..1] LIN Overtemperature interrupt status */
__I uint32_t LIN_TMOUT_IS: 1; /*!< [2..2] LIN TXD timeout */
uint32_t : 3;
__I uint32_t PMU_OTWARN_IS: 1; /*!< [6..6] PMU Regulator Overtemperature Prewarning (ADC2, Channel
9) interrupt status */
__I uint32_t PMU_OT_IS : 1; /*!< [7..7] PMU Regulator Overtemperature Shutdown (ADC2, Channel
9) interrupt status */
__I uint32_t SYS_OTWARN_IS: 1; /*!< [8..8] System Overtemperature Prewarning (ADC2, Channel 8) interrupt
status */
__I uint32_t SYS_OT_IS : 1; /*!< [9..9] System Overtemperature Shutdown (ADC2, Channel 8) interrupt
status */
__I uint32_t REFBG_LOTHWARN_IS: 1; /*!< [10..10] 8 Bit ADC2 Reference Undervoltage (ADC2, Channel 5)
interrupt status */
__I uint32_t REFBG_UPTHWARN_IS: 1; /*!< [11..11] 8 Bit ADC2 Reference Overvoltage (ADC2, Channel 5)
interrupt status */
__I uint32_t VREF5V_LOWTH_IS: 1; /*!< [12..12] VREF5V ADC1 Reference Undervoltage (ADC2, Channel 4)
Interrupt Status */
__I uint32_t VREF5V_UPTH_IS: 1; /*!< [13..13] VREF5V ADC1 Reference Overvoltage (ADC2, Channel 4)
Interrupt Status */
__I uint32_t VREF5V_OVL_IS: 1; /*!< [14..14] VREF5V Overload Interrupt Status */
__I uint32_t ADC2_ESM_IS: 1; /*!< [15..15] ADC2 Exceptional Sequence Measurement Interrupt Status */
__I uint32_t PHU_ZCLOW_IS: 1; /*!< [16..16] Phase U Zero Crossing Comperator Low Interrupt Status */
__I uint32_t PHU_ZCHI_IS: 1; /*!< [17..17] Phase U Zero Crossing Comperator High Interrupt Status */
__I uint32_t PHV_ZCLOW_IS: 1; /*!< [18..18] Phase V Zero Crossing Comperator Low Interrupt Status */
__I uint32_t PHV_ZCHI_IS: 1; /*!< [19..19] Phase V Zero Crossing Comperator High Interrupt Status */
__I uint32_t PHW_ZCLOW_IS: 1; /*!< [20..20] Phase W Zero Crossing Comperator Low Interrupt Status */
__I uint32_t PHW_ZCHI_IS: 1; /*!< [21..21] Phase W Zero Crossing Comperator High Interrupt Status */
uint32_t : 2;
__I uint32_t PHU_ZCLOW_STS: 1; /*!< [24..24] Phase U Zero Crossing Comperator Low Status */
__I uint32_t PHU_ZCHI_STS: 1; /*!< [25..25] Phase U Zero Crossing Comperator High Status */
__I uint32_t PHV_ZCLOW_STS: 1; /*!< [26..26] Phase V Zero Crossing Comperator Low Status */
__I uint32_t PHV_ZCHI_STS: 1; /*!< [27..27] Phase V Zero Crossing Comperator High Status */
__I uint32_t PHW_ZCLOW_STS: 1; /*!< [28..28] Phase W Zero Crossing Comperator Low Status */
__I uint32_t PHW_ZCHI_STS: 1; /*!< [29..29] Phase W Zero Crossing Comperator High Status */
} bit; /*!< [30] BitSize */
union {
__I uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x5000601C) System Supply Interrupt Status */
struct {
uint32_t : 1;
__I uint32_t VS_UV_IS : 1; /*!< [1..1] VS Undervoltage Interrupt Status (ADC2 channel 1) */
__I uint32_t VDD5V_UV_IS: 1; /*!< [2..2] VDDP Undervoltage Interrupt Status (ADC2 channel 2) */
__I uint32_t VDD1V5_UV_IS: 1; /*!< [3..3] VDDC Undervoltage Interrupt Status (ADC2 channel 3) */
uint32_t : 1;
__I uint32_t VS_OV_IS : 1; /*!< [5..5] VS Overvoltage Interrupt Status (ADC2 channel 1) */
__I uint32_t VDD5V_OV_IS: 1; /*!< [6..6] VDDP Overvoltage Interrupt Status (ADC2 channel 2) */
__I uint32_t VDD1V5_OV_IS: 1; /*!< [7..7] VDDC Overvoltage Interrupt Status (ADC2 channel 3) */
uint32_t : 9;
__I uint32_t VS_UV_STS : 1; /*!< [17..17] VS Undervoltage Status */
__I uint32_t VDD5V_UV_STS: 1; /*!< [18..18] VDDP Undervoltage Status */
__I uint32_t VDD1V5_UV_STS: 1; /*!< [19..19] VDDC Undervoltage Status */
uint32_t : 1;
__I uint32_t VS_OV_STS : 1; /*!< [21..21] VS Overvoltage Interrupt Status */
__I uint32_t VDD5V_OV_STS: 1; /*!< [22..22] VDDP Overvoltage Status */
__I uint32_t VDD1V5_OV_STS: 1; /*!< [23..23] VDDC Overvoltage Status */
} bit; /*!< [24] BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50006020) System Supply Interrupt Control */
struct {
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t VS_UV_IE : 1; /*!< [1..1] VS Undervoltage Interrupt Enable */
__IO uint32_t VDD5V_UV_IE: 1; /*!< [2..2] VDD5V Undervoltage Interrupt Enable */
__IO uint32_t VDD1V5_UV_IE: 1; /*!< [3..3] VDD1V5 Undervoltage Interrupt Enable */
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t VS_OV_IE : 1; /*!< [5..5] VS Overvoltage Interrupt Enable */
__IO uint32_t VDD5V_OV_IE: 1; /*!< [6..6] VDD5V Overvoltage Interrupt Enable */
__IO uint32_t VDD1V5_OV_IE: 1; /*!< [7..7] VDD1V5 Overvoltage Interrupt Enable */
} bit; /*!< [8] BitSize */
union {
__O uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50006024) System Supply Interrupt Status Clear */
struct {
uint32_t : 1;
__O uint32_t VS_UV_ICLR : 1; /*!< [1..1] VS Undervoltage Interrupt Status (ADC2 channel 1) */
__O uint32_t VDD5V_UV_ICLR: 1; /*!< [2..2] VDDP Undervoltage Interrupt Status (ADC2 channel 2) */
__O uint32_t VDD1V5_UV_ICLR: 1; /*!< [3..3] VDDC Undervoltage Interrupt Status (ADC2 channel 3) */
uint32_t : 1;
__O uint32_t VS_OV_ICLR : 1; /*!< [5..5] VS Overvoltage Interrupt Status (ADC2 channel 1) */
__O uint32_t VDD5V_OV_ICLR: 1; /*!< [6..6] VDDP Overvoltage Interrupt Status (ADC2 channel 2) */
__O uint32_t VDD1V5_OV_ICLR: 1; /*!< [7..7] VDDC Overvoltage Interrupt Status (ADC2 channel 3) */
uint32_t : 9;
__O uint32_t VS_UV_SCLR : 1; /*!< [17..17] VS Undervoltage Status */
__O uint32_t VDD5V_UV_SCLR: 1; /*!< [18..18] VDDP Undervoltage Status */
__O uint32_t VDD1V5_UV_SCLR: 1; /*!< [19..19] VDDC Undervoltage Status */
uint32_t : 1;
__O uint32_t VS_OV_SCLR : 1; /*!< [21..21] VS Overvoltage Interrupt Status */
__O uint32_t VDD5V_OV_SCLR: 1; /*!< [22..22] VDDP Overvoltage Status */
__O uint32_t VDD1V5_OV_SCLR: 1; /*!< [23..23] VDDC Overvoltage Status */
} bit; /*!< [24] BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50006028) System Interrupt Control */
struct {
__IO uint32_t LIN_OC_IE : 1; /*!< [0..0] LIN Overcurrent Interrupt Enable */
__IO uint32_t LIN_OT_IE : 1; /*!< [1..1] LIN Overtemperature Interrupt Enable */
__IO uint32_t LIN_TMOUT_IE: 1; /*!< [2..2] LIN TXD timeout Interrupt Enable */
uint32_t : 3;
__IO uint32_t PMU_OTWARN_IE: 1; /*!< [6..6] PMU Regulator Overtemperature Warning Interrupt Enable */
__IO uint32_t PMU_OT_IE : 1; /*!< [7..7] PMU Regulator Overtemperature Shutdown Interrupt Enable
(leads to shutdown of System) */
__IO uint32_t SYS_OTWARN_IE: 1; /*!< [8..8] System Overtemperature Warning Interrupt Enable */
__IO uint32_t SYS_OT_IE : 1; /*!< [9..9] System Overtemperature Shutdown Interrupt Enable (leads
to shutdown of System) */
__IO uint32_t REFBG_LOTHWARN_IE: 1; /*!< [10..10] Reference Voltage Undervoltage Interrupt Enable */
__IO uint32_t REFBG_UPTHWARN_IE: 1; /*!< [11..11] Reference Voltage Overvoltage Interrupt Enable */
__IO uint32_t VREF5V_LOWTH_IE: 1; /*!< [12..12] VREF5V ADC1 Reference Undervoltage (ADC2, Channel 4)
Interrupt Enable */
__IO uint32_t VREF5V_UPTH_IE: 1; /*!< [13..13] VREF5V ADC1 Reference Overvoltage (ADC2, Channel 4)
Interrupt Enable */
__IO uint32_t VREF5V_OVL_IE: 1; /*!< [14..14] VREF5V Overload Interrupt Enable */
__IO uint32_t ADC2_ESM_IE: 1; /*!< [15..15] ADC2 Exceptional Sequence Measurement Interrupt Enable */
__IO uint32_t PHU_ZCLOW_IE: 1; /*!< [16..16] Phase U Zero Crossing Comperator Low Interrupt Enable */
__IO uint32_t PHU_ZCHI_IE: 1; /*!< [17..17] Phase U Zero Crossing Comperator High Interrupt Enable */
__IO uint32_t PHV_ZCLOW_IE: 1; /*!< [18..18] Phase V Zero Crossing Comperator Low Interrupt Enable */
__IO uint32_t PHV_ZCHI_IE: 1; /*!< [19..19] Phase V Zero Crossing Comperator High Interrupt Enable */
__IO uint32_t PHW_ZCLOW_IE: 1; /*!< [20..20] Phase W Zero Crossing Comperator Low Interrupt Enable */
__IO uint32_t PHW_ZCHI_IE: 1; /*!< [21..21] Phase W Zero Crossing Comperator High Interrupt Enable */
} bit; /*!< [22] BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED2;
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50006030) Power Control Unit Control Status */
struct {
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t CLKWDT_SD_DIS: 1; /*!< [1..1] Power Modules Clock Watchdog Shutdown Disable */
uint32_t : 5;
__IO uint32_t FAIL_PS_DIS: 1; /*!< [7..7] Disable LIN, BDRV and CP because of Overtemperature */
__IO uint32_t LIN_VS_UV_SD_DIS: 1; /*!< [8..8] LIN Module VS Undervoltage Transmitter Shutdown */
uint32_t : 5;
__IO uint32_t SYS_VSD_OV_SLM_DIS: 1; /*!< [14..14] VSD Overvoltage Shutdown for Peripherals Disable */
uint32_t : 9;
__IO uint32_t SYS_OT_PS_DIS: 1; /*!< [24..24] System Overtemperature Power Switches Shutdown Disable */
__IO uint32_t CLKLOSS_SD_DIS: 1; /*!< [25..25] Power Switches Loss of Clock Shutdown Disable (AMCLK3) */
__IO uint32_t CLKWDT_RES_SD_DIS: 1; /*!< [26..26] Clock Watchdog Reset Disable */
} bit; /*!< [27] BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50006034) WDT1 Watchdog Control */
struct {
__IO uint32_t WDP_SEL : 6; /*!< [0..5] Watchdog Period Selection and trigger */
__IO uint32_t SOWCONF : 2; /*!< [6..7] Short Open Window Configuration */
} bit; /*!< [8] BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED3[7];
union {
__O uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50006054) Bridge Driver Interrrupt Status Clear */
struct {
__O uint32_t LS1_DS_ICLR: 1; /*!< [0..0] Bridge Driver Low Side 1 Pre-Driver short Interrupt Status */
__O uint32_t LS2_DS_ICLR: 1; /*!< [1..1] Bridge Driver Low Side 2 Pre-Driver short Interrupt Status */
__O uint32_t HS1_DS_ICLR: 1; /*!< [2..2] Bridge Driver High Side 1 Pre-Driver short Interrupt
Status */
__O uint32_t HS2_DS_ICLR: 1; /*!< [3..3] Bridge Driver High Side 2 Pre-Driver short Interrupt
Status */
__O uint32_t LS3_DS_ICLR: 1; /*!< [4..4] Bridge Driver Low Side 3 Pre-Driver short Interrupt Status */
__O uint32_t HS3_DS_ICLR: 1; /*!< [5..5] Bridge Driver High Side 3 Pre-Driver short Interrupt
Status */
uint32_t : 4;
__O uint32_t LS1_OC_ICLR: 1; /*!< [10..10] External Low Side 1 FET Over-current Status */
__O uint32_t LS2_OC_ICLR: 1; /*!< [11..11] External Low Side 2 FET Over-current Status */
__O uint32_t HS1_OC_ICLR: 1; /*!< [12..12] External High 1 FET Over-current Status */
__O uint32_t HS2_OC_ICLR: 1; /*!< [13..13] External High Side 2 FET Over-current Status */
__O uint32_t LS3_OC_ICLR: 1; /*!< [14..14] External Low Side 3 FET Over-current Status */
__O uint32_t HS3_OC_ICLR: 1; /*!< [15..15] External High Side 3 FET Over-current Status */
__O uint32_t VCP_LOWTH2_ICLR: 1; /*!< [16..16] Warning for VCP Lower Threshold 2 Measurement (VCP_LOW
Signal from CP) Interrupt Status */
__O uint32_t VCP_LOWTH1_ICLR: 1; /*!< [17..17] Warning for VCP Lower Threshold 1 Measurement (ADC2
channel 7) Interrupt Status */
__O uint32_t VCP_UPTH_ICLR: 1; /*!< [18..18] Warning for VCP Upper Threshold Measurement (ADC2 channel
7) Interrupt Status */
__O uint32_t VSD_LOWTH_ICLR: 1; /*!< [19..19] Warning for VSD Lower Threshold Measurement (ADC2 channel
6) Interrupt Status */
__O uint32_t VSD_UPTH_ICLR: 1; /*!< [20..20] Warning for VSD Upper Threshold Measurement (ADC2 channel
6) Interrupt Status */
uint32_t : 3;
__O uint32_t VCP_LOWTH2_SCLR: 1; /*!< [24..24] Warning for VCP Lower Threshold 2 Measurement (VCP_LOW
Signal from CP) Status */
__O uint32_t VCP_LOWTH1_SCLR: 1; /*!< [25..25] Warning for VCP Lower Threshold 1 Measurement (ADC2
channel 7) Status */
__O uint32_t VCP_UPTH_SCLR: 1; /*!< [26..26] Warning for VCP Upper Threshold Measurement (ADC2 channel
7) Status */
__O uint32_t VSD_LOWTH_SCLR: 1; /*!< [27..27] Warning for VSD Lower Threshold Measurement (ADC2 channel
6) Status */
__O uint32_t VSD_UPTH_SCLR: 1; /*!< [28..28] Warning for VSD Upper Threshold Measurement (ADC2 channel
6) Status */
} bit; /*!< [29] BitSize */
union {
__I uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50006058) Bridge Driver Interrrupt Status */
struct {
__I uint32_t LS1_DS_IS : 1; /*!< [0..0] Bridge Driver Low Side 1 Pre-Driver short Interrupt Status */
__I uint32_t LS2_DS_IS : 1; /*!< [1..1] Bridge Driver Low Side 2 Pre-Driver short Interrupt Status */
__I uint32_t HS1_DS_IS : 1; /*!< [2..2] Bridge Driver High Side 1 Pre-Driver short Interrupt
Status */
__I uint32_t HS2_DS_IS : 1; /*!< [3..3] Bridge Driver High Side 2 Pre-Driver short Interrupt
Status */
__I uint32_t LS3_DS_IS : 1; /*!< [4..4] Bridge Driver Low Side 3 Pre-Driver short Interrupt Status */
__I uint32_t HS3_DS_IS : 1; /*!< [5..5] Bridge Driver High Side 3 Pre-Driver short Interrupt
Status */
uint32_t : 4;
__I uint32_t LS1_OC_IS : 1; /*!< [10..10] External Low Side 1 FET Over-current Status */
__I uint32_t LS2_OC_IS : 1; /*!< [11..11] External Low Side 2 FET Over-current Status */
__I uint32_t HS1_OC_IS : 1; /*!< [12..12] External High 1 FET Over-current Status */
__I uint32_t HS2_OC_IS : 1; /*!< [13..13] External High Side 2 FET Over-current Status */
__I uint32_t LS3_OC_IS : 1; /*!< [14..14] External Low Side 3 FET Over-current Status */
__I uint32_t HS3_OC_IS : 1; /*!< [15..15] External High Side 3 FET Over-current Status */
__I uint32_t VCP_LOWTH2_IS: 1; /*!< [16..16] Warning for VCP Lower Threshold 2 Measurement (VCP_LOW
Signal from CP) Interrupt Status */
__I uint32_t VCP_LOWTH1_IS: 1; /*!< [17..17] Warning for VCP Lower Threshold 1 Measurement (ADC2
channel 7) Interrupt Status */
__I uint32_t VCP_UPTH_IS: 1; /*!< [18..18] Warning for VCP Upper Threshold Measurement (ADC2 channel
7) Interrupt Status */
__I uint32_t VSD_LOWTH_IS: 1; /*!< [19..19] Warning for VSD Lower Threshold Measurement (ADC2 channel
6) Interrupt Status */
__I uint32_t VSD_UPTH_IS: 1; /*!< [20..20] Warning for VSD Upper Threshold Measurement (ADC2 channel
6) Interrupt Status */
uint32_t : 3;
__I uint32_t VCP_LOWTH2_STS: 1; /*!< [24..24] Warning for VCP Lower Threshold 2 Measurement (VCP_LOW
Signal from CP) Status */
__I uint32_t VCP_LOWTH1_STS: 1; /*!< [25..25] Warning for VCP Lower Threshold 1 Measurement (ADC2
channel 7) Status */
__I uint32_t VCP_UPTH_STS: 1; /*!< [26..26] Warning for VCP Upper Threshold Measurement (ADC2 channel
7) Status */
__I uint32_t VSD_LOWTH_STS: 1; /*!< [27..27] Warning for VSD Lower Threshold Measurement (ADC2 channel
6) Status */
__I uint32_t VSD_UPTH_STS: 1; /*!< [28..28] Warning for VSD Upper Threshold Measurement (ADC2 channel
6) Status */
} bit; /*!< [29] BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x5000605C) Bridge Driver Interrupt Control */
struct {
__IO uint32_t LS1_DS_IE : 1; /*!< [0..0] Bridge Driver Low Side 1 Pre-Driver Short Interrupt Enable */
__IO uint32_t LS2_DS_IE : 1; /*!< [1..1] Bridge Driver Low Side 2 Pre-Driver Short Interrupt Enable */
__IO uint32_t HS1_DS_IE : 1; /*!< [2..2] Bridge Driver High Side 1 Pre-Driver Short Interrupt
Enable */
__IO uint32_t HS2_DS_IE : 1; /*!< [3..3] Bridge Driver High Side 2 Pre-Driver Short Interrupt
Enable */
__IO uint32_t LS3_DS_IE : 1; /*!< [4..4] Bridge Driver Low Side 3 Pre-Driver Short Interrupt Enable */
__IO uint32_t HS3_DS_IE : 1; /*!< [5..5] Bridge Driver High Side 3 Pre-Driver Short Interrupt
Enable */
uint32_t : 4;
__IO uint32_t LS1_OC_IE : 1; /*!< [10..10] External Low Side 1 FET Over-current Interrupt Enable */
__IO uint32_t LS2_OC_IE : 1; /*!< [11..11] External Low Side 2 FET Over-current Interrupt Enable */
__IO uint32_t HS1_OC_IE : 1; /*!< [12..12] External High Side 1 FET Over-current Interrupt Enable */
__IO uint32_t HS2_OC_IE : 1; /*!< [13..13] External High Side 2 FET Over-current Interrupt Enable */
__IO uint32_t LS3_OC_IE : 1; /*!< [14..14] External Low Side 3 FET Over-current Interrupt Enable */
__IO uint32_t HS3_OC_IE : 1; /*!< [15..15] External High Side 3 FET Over-current Interrupt Enable */
__IO uint32_t VCP_LOWTH2_IE: 1; /*!< [16..16] VCP Measurement Lower Threshold 2 Interrupt Enable */
__IO uint32_t VCP_LOWTH1_IE: 1; /*!< [17..17] VCP Measurement Lower Threshold 1 Interrupt Enable */
__IO uint32_t VCP_UPTH_IE: 1; /*!< [18..18] VCP Measurement Upper Threshold Interrupt Enable */
__IO uint32_t VSD_LOWTH_IE: 1; /*!< [19..19] VSD Measurement Lower Threshold Interrupt Enable */
__IO uint32_t VSD_UPTH_IE: 1; /*!< [20..20] VSD Measurement Upper Threshold Interrupt Enable */
} bit; /*!< [21] BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED4[3];
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x5000606C) System Tick Calibration Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t STCALIB : 26; /*!< [0..25] System Tick Calibration */
} bit; /*!< [26] BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED5[4];
union {
__I uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50006080) Bus Fault Status */
struct {
__I uint32_t DBFSTS : 1; /*!< [0..0] Data Bus Fault Status Valid Flag */
__I uint32_t SBFSTS : 1; /*!< [1..1] System Bus Fault Status Valid Flag */
} bit; /*!< [2] BitSize */
union {
__I uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50006084) Data Bus Fault Address Register */
struct {
__I uint32_t DBFA : 32; /*!< [0..31] Reserved */
} bit; /*!< [32] BitSize */
union {
__I uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50006088) System Bus Fault Address Register */
struct {
__I uint32_t SBFA : 32; /*!< [0..31] Reserved */
} bit; /*!< [32] BitSize */
union {
__O uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x5000608C) Bus Fault Status Clear Register */
struct {
__O uint32_t DBFSTSCLR : 1; /*!< [0..0] Data Bus Fault Status Clear Flag */
__O uint32_t SBFSTSCLR : 1; /*!< [1..1] System Bus Fault Status Clear Flag */
} bit; /*!< [2] BitSize */
} SCUPM_Type;
/* ================================================================================ */
/* ================ CPU ================ */
/* ================================================================================ */
* @brief CPU (CPU)
typedef struct { /*!< (@ 0xE000E000) CPU Structure */
__I uint32_t RESERVED0;
union {
__I uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0xE000E004) Interrupt Controller Type */
struct {
__I uint32_t INTLINESNUM: 5; /*!< [0..4] Interrupt Lines */
} bit; /*!< [5] BitSize */
} ICT;
__I uint32_t RESERVED1[2];
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0xE000E010) SysTick Control and Status */
struct {
__IO uint32_t ENABLE : 1; /*!< [0..0] Enable */
__IO uint32_t TICKINT : 1; /*!< [1..1] TICKINT */
__IO uint32_t CLKSOURCE : 1; /*!< [2..2] CLK Source */
uint32_t : 13;
__IO uint32_t COUNTFLAG : 1; /*!< [16..16] Count Flag */
} bit; /*!< [17] BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0xE000E014) SysTick Reload Value */
struct {
__IO uint32_t RELOAD : 24; /*!< [0..23] Reload */
} bit; /*!< [24] BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0xE000E018) SysTick Current Value */
struct {
__IO uint32_t CURRENT : 24; /*!< [0..23] Current */
} bit; /*!< [24] BitSize */
union {
__I uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0xE000E01C) SysTick Calibration Value */
struct {
__I uint32_t TENMS : 24; /*!< [0..23] Tenms */
uint32_t : 6;
__I uint32_t SKEW : 1; /*!< [30..30] Skew */
__I uint32_t NOREF : 1; /*!< [31..31] No Reference Clock */
} bit; /*!< [32] BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED2[56];
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0xE000E100) Interrupt Set-Enable */
struct {
__IO uint32_t Int_GPT1 : 1; /*!< [0..0] Interrupt Set for GPT1 */
__IO uint32_t Int_GPT2 : 1; /*!< [1..1] Interrupt Set for GPT2 */
__IO uint32_t Int_ADC2 : 1; /*!< [2..2] Interrupt Set for MU, ADC2 */
__IO uint32_t Int_ADC1 : 1; /*!< [3..3] Interrupt Set for ADC1 */
__IO uint32_t Int_CCU6SR0: 1; /*!< [4..4] Interrupt Set for CCU6 SR0 */
__IO uint32_t Int_CCU6SR1: 1; /*!< [5..5] Interrupt Set for CCU6 SR1 */
__IO uint32_t Int_CCU6SR2: 1; /*!< [6..6] Interrupt Set for CCU6 SR2 */
__IO uint32_t Int_CCU6SR3: 1; /*!< [7..7] Interrupt Set for CCU6 SR3 */
__IO uint32_t Int_SSC1 : 1; /*!< [8..8] Interrupt Set for SSC1 */
__IO uint32_t Int_SSC2 : 1; /*!< [9..9] Interrupt Set for SSC2 */
__IO uint32_t Int_UART1 : 1; /*!< [10..10] Interrupt Set for UART1 */
__IO uint32_t Int_UART2 : 1; /*!< [11..11] Interrupt Set for UART2 */
__IO uint32_t Int_EXINT0 : 1; /*!< [12..12] Interrupt Set for External Int 0 */
__IO uint32_t Int_EXINT1 : 1; /*!< [13..13] Interrupt Set for External Int 1 */
__IO uint32_t Int_BDRV : 1; /*!< [14..14] Interrupt Set for Bridge Driver */
__IO uint32_t Int_DMA : 1; /*!< [15..15] Interrupt Set for DMA */
} bit; /*!< [16] BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED3[31];
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0xE000E180) Interrupt Clear-Enable */
struct {
__IO uint32_t Int_GPT1 : 1; /*!< [0..0] Interrupt Clear for GPT1 */
__IO uint32_t Int_GPT2 : 1; /*!< [1..1] Interrupt Clear for GPT2 */
__IO uint32_t Int_ADC2 : 1; /*!< [2..2] Interrupt Clear for MU, ADC2 */
__IO uint32_t Int_ADC1 : 1; /*!< [3..3] Interrupt Clear for ADC1 */
__IO uint32_t Int_CCU6SR0: 1; /*!< [4..4] Interrupt Clear for CCU6 SR0 */
__IO uint32_t Int_CCU6SR1: 1; /*!< [5..5] Interrupt Clear for CCU6 SR1 */
__IO uint32_t Int_CCU6SR2: 1; /*!< [6..6] Interrupt Clear for CCU6 SR2 */
__IO uint32_t Int_CCU6SR3: 1; /*!< [7..7] Interrupt Clear for CCU6 SR3 */
__IO uint32_t Int_SSC1 : 1; /*!< [8..8] Interrupt Clear for SSC1 */
__IO uint32_t Int_SSC2 : 1; /*!< [9..9] Interrupt Clear for SSC2 */
__IO uint32_t Int_UART1 : 1; /*!< [10..10] Interrupt Clear for UART1 */
__IO uint32_t Int_UART2 : 1; /*!< [11..11] Interrupt Clear for UART2 */
__IO uint32_t Int_EXINT0 : 1; /*!< [12..12] Interrupt Clear for External Int 0 */
__IO uint32_t Int_EXINT1 : 1; /*!< [13..13] Interrupt Clear for External Int 1 */
__IO uint32_t Int_BDRV : 1; /*!< [14..14] Interrupt Clear for Bridge Driver */
__IO uint32_t Int_DMA : 1; /*!< [15..15] Interrupt Clr for DMA */
} bit; /*!< [16] BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED4[31];
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0xE000E200) Interrupt Set-Pending */
struct {
__IO uint32_t Int_GPT1 : 1; /*!< [0..0] Interrupt Set Pending for GPT1 */
__IO uint32_t Int_GPT2 : 1; /*!< [1..1] Interrupt Set Pending for GPT2 */
__IO uint32_t Int_ADC2 : 1; /*!< [2..2] Interrupt Set Pending for MU, ADC2 */
__IO uint32_t Int_ADC1 : 1; /*!< [3..3] Interrupt Set Pending for ADC1 */
__IO uint32_t Int_CCU6SR0: 1; /*!< [4..4] Interrupt Set Pending for CCU6 SR0 */
__IO uint32_t Int_CCU6SR1: 1; /*!< [5..5] Interrupt Set Pending for CCU6 SR1 */
__IO uint32_t Int_CCU6SR2: 1; /*!< [6..6] Interrupt Set Pending for CCU6 SR2 */
__IO uint32_t Int_CCU6SR3: 1; /*!< [7..7] Interrupt Set Pending for CCU6 SR3 */
__IO uint32_t Int_SSC1 : 1; /*!< [8..8] Interrupt Set Pending for SSC1 */
__IO uint32_t Int_SSC2 : 1; /*!< [9..9] Interrupt Set Pending for SSC2 */
__IO uint32_t Int_UART1 : 1; /*!< [10..10] Interrupt Set Pending for UART1 */
__IO uint32_t Int_UART2 : 1; /*!< [11..11] Interrupt Set Pending for UART2 */
__IO uint32_t Int_EXINT0 : 1; /*!< [12..12] Interrupt Set Pending for External Int 0 */
__IO uint32_t Int_EXINT1 : 1; /*!< [13..13] Interrupt Set Pending for External Int 1 */
__IO uint32_t Int_BDRV : 1; /*!< [14..14] Interrupt Set Pending for Bridge Driver */
__IO uint32_t Int_DMA : 1; /*!< [15..15] Interrupt Set Pend for DMA */
} bit; /*!< [16] BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED5[6];
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0xE000E21C) System Handler Priority Register 2 */
struct {
__IO uint32_t PRI_8 : 8; /*!< [0..7] Reserved for Priority of System Handler 8 */
__IO uint32_t PRI_9 : 8; /*!< [8..15] Reserved for Priority of System Handler 9 */
__IO uint32_t PRI_10 : 8; /*!< [16..23] Reserved for Priority of System Handler 10 */
__IO uint32_t PRI_11 : 8; /*!< [24..31] Priority of System Handler 11, SVCall */
} bit; /*!< [32] BitSize */
} SHPR2;
__I uint32_t RESERVED6[24];
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0xE000E280) Interrupt Clear-Pending */
struct {
__IO uint32_t Int_GPT1 : 1; /*!< [0..0] Interrupt Clear Pending for GPT1 */
__IO uint32_t Int_GPT2 : 1; /*!< [1..1] Interrupt Clear Pending for GPT2 */
__IO uint32_t Int_ADC2 : 1; /*!< [2..2] Interrupt Clear Pending for MU, ADC2 */
__IO uint32_t Int_ADC1 : 1; /*!< [3..3] Interrupt Clear Pending for ADC1 */
__IO uint32_t Int_CCU6SR0: 1; /*!< [4..4] Interrupt Clear Pending for CCU6 SR0 */
__IO uint32_t Int_CCU6SR1: 1; /*!< [5..5] Interrupt Clear Pending for CCU6 SR1 */
__IO uint32_t Int_CCU6SR2: 1; /*!< [6..6] Interrupt Clear Pending for CCU6 SR2 */
__IO uint32_t Int_CCU6SR3: 1; /*!< [7..7] Interrupt Clear Pending for CCU6 SR3 */
__IO uint32_t Int_SSC1 : 1; /*!< [8..8] Interrupt Clear Pending for SSC1 */
__IO uint32_t Int_SSC2 : 1; /*!< [9..9] Interrupt Clear Pending for SSC2 */
__IO uint32_t Int_UART1 : 1; /*!< [10..10] Interrupt Clear Pending for UART1 */
__IO uint32_t Int_UART2 : 1; /*!< [11..11] Interrupt Clear Pending for UART2 */
__IO uint32_t Int_EXINT0 : 1; /*!< [12..12] Interrupt Clear Pending for External Int 0 */
__IO uint32_t Int_EXINT1 : 1; /*!< [13..13] Interrupt Clear Pending for External Int 1 */
__IO uint32_t Int_BDRV : 1; /*!< [14..14] Interrupt Clear Pending for Bridge Driver */
__IO uint32_t Int_DMA : 1; /*!< [15..15] Interrupt Clr Pend for DMA */
} bit; /*!< [16] BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED7[31];
union {
__I uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0xE000E300) Active Bit Register Interrupt Active Flags */
struct {
__I uint32_t Int_GPT1 : 1; /*!< [0..0] Interrupt Active for GPT1 */
__I uint32_t Int_GPT2 : 1; /*!< [1..1] Interrupt Active for GPT2 */
__I uint32_t Int_ADC2 : 1; /*!< [2..2] Interrupt Active for MU, ADC2 */
__I uint32_t Int_ADC1 : 1; /*!< [3..3] Interrupt Active for ADC1 */
__I uint32_t Int_CCU6SR0: 1; /*!< [4..4] Interrupt Active for CCU6 SR0 */
__I uint32_t Int_CCU6SR1: 1; /*!< [5..5] Interrupt Active for CCU6 SR1 */
__I uint32_t Int_CCU6SR2: 1; /*!< [6..6] Interrupt Active for CCU6 SR2 */
__I uint32_t Int_CCU6SR3: 1; /*!< [7..7] Interrupt Active for CCU6 SR3 */
__I uint32_t Int_SSC1 : 1; /*!< [8..8] Interrupt Active for SSC1 */
__I uint32_t Int_SSC2 : 1; /*!< [9..9] Interrupt Active for SSC2 */
__I uint32_t Int_UART1 : 1; /*!< [10..10] Interrupt Active for UART1 */
__I uint32_t Int_UART2 : 1; /*!< [11..11] Interrupt Active for UART2 */
__I uint32_t Int_EXINT0 : 1; /*!< [12..12] Interrupt Active for External Int 0 */
__I uint32_t Int_EXINT1 : 1; /*!< [13..13] Interrupt Active for External Int 1 */
__I uint32_t Int_BDRV : 1; /*!< [14..14] Interrupt Active for Bridge Driver */
__I uint32_t Int_DMA : 1; /*!< [15..15] Interrupt Active for DMA */
} bit; /*!< [16] BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED8[63];
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0xE000E400) Interrupt Priority */
struct {
__IO uint32_t PRI_GPT1 : 8; /*!< [0..7] Priority for GPT1 */
__IO uint32_t PRI_GPT2 : 8; /*!< [8..15] Priority for GPT2 */
__IO uint32_t PRI_ADC2 : 8; /*!< [16..23] Priority for MU, ADC2 */
__IO uint32_t PRI_ADC1 : 8; /*!< [24..31] Priority for ADC1 */
} bit; /*!< [32] BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0xE000E404) Interrupt Priority */
struct {
__IO uint32_t PRI_CCU6SR0: 8; /*!< [0..7] Priority for CCU6 SR0 */
__IO uint32_t PRI_CCU6SR1: 8; /*!< [8..15] Priority for CCU6 SR1 */
__IO uint32_t PRI_CCU6SR2: 8; /*!< [16..23] Priority for CCU6 SR2 */
__IO uint32_t PRI_CCU6SR3: 8; /*!< [24..31] Priority for CCU6 SR3 */
} bit; /*!< [32] BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0xE000E408) Interrupt Priority */
struct {
__IO uint32_t PRI_SSC1 : 8; /*!< [0..7] Priority for SSC1 */
__IO uint32_t PRI_SSC2 : 8; /*!< [8..15] Priority for SSC2 */
__IO uint32_t PRI_UART1 : 8; /*!< [16..23] Priority for UART1 */
__IO uint32_t PRI_UART2 : 8; /*!< [24..31] Priority for UART2 */
} bit; /*!< [32] BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0xE000E40C) Interrupt Priority */
struct {
__IO uint32_t PRI_EXINT0 : 8; /*!< [0..7] Priority for Ext. Int 0 */
__IO uint32_t PRI_EXINT1 : 8; /*!< [8..15] Priority for Ext. Int 1 */
__IO uint32_t PRI_BDRV : 8; /*!< [16..23] Priority for Bridge Driver */
__IO uint32_t PRI_DMA : 8; /*!< [24..31] Priority for DMA */
} bit; /*!< [32] BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED9[572];
union {
__I uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0xE000ED00) CPU ID Base Register */
struct {
__I uint32_t REVISION : 4; /*!< [0..3] Revision Number */
__I uint32_t PARTNO : 12; /*!< [4..15] Part Number */
__I uint32_t ARCHITECTURE: 4; /*!< [16..19] Architecture */
__I uint32_t VARIANT : 4; /*!< [20..23] Variant Number */
__I uint32_t IMPLEMENTER: 8; /*!< [24..31] Implementer Code */
} bit; /*!< [32] BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0xE000ED04) Interrupt Control State Register */
struct {
__I uint32_t VECTACTIVE : 9; /*!< [0..8] VECTACTIVE */
uint32_t : 2;
__I uint32_t RETTOBASE : 1; /*!< [11..11] RETTOBASE */
__I uint32_t VECTPENDING: 9; /*!< [12..20] VECTPENDING */
uint32_t : 1;
__I uint32_t ISRPENDING : 1; /*!< [22..22] ISRPENDING */
__I uint32_t ISRPREEMPT : 1; /*!< [23..23] ISRPREEMPT */
uint32_t : 1;
__O uint32_t PENDSTCLR : 1; /*!< [25..25] PENDSTCLR */
__IO uint32_t PENDSTSET : 1; /*!< [26..26] PENDSTSET */
__O uint32_t PENDSVCLR : 1; /*!< [27..27] PENDSVCLR */
__IO uint32_t PENDSVSET : 1; /*!< [28..28] PENDSVSET */
uint32_t : 2;
__IO uint32_t NMIPENDSET : 1; /*!< [31..31] NMI PendSet */
} bit; /*!< [32] BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0xE000ED08) Vector Table Offset Register */
struct {
uint32_t : 7;
__IO uint32_t TBLOFF : 25; /*!< [7..31] Vector Table Offset */
} bit; /*!< [32] BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0xE000ED0C) Application Interrupt/Reset Control Register */
struct {
__O uint32_t VECTRESET : 1; /*!< [0..0] VECTRESET */
__O uint32_t VECTCLRACTIVE: 1; /*!< [1..1] VECTCLRACTIVE */
__IO uint32_t SYSRESETREQ: 1; /*!< [2..2] System Reset Request */
uint32_t : 5;
__IO uint32_t PRIGROUP : 3; /*!< [8..10] Priority Grouping */
uint32_t : 4;
__I uint32_t ENDIANNESS : 1; /*!< [15..15] Memory System Endianness */
__IO uint32_t VECTKEY : 16; /*!< [16..31] Vector Key */
} bit; /*!< [32] BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0xE000ED10) System Control Register */
struct {
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t SLEEPONEXIT: 1; /*!< [1..1] Sleep on Exit */
__IO uint32_t SLEEPDEEP : 1; /*!< [2..2] Sleep Deep */
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t SEVONPEND : 1; /*!< [4..4] SEVONPEND */
} bit; /*!< [5] BitSize */
} SCR;
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0xE000ED14) Configuration Control Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t NONBASETHRDENA: 1; /*!< [0..0] NONBASETHRDENA */
__IO uint32_t USERSETMPEND: 1; /*!< [1..1] USERSETMPEND */
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t UNALIGN_TRP: 1; /*!< [3..3] UNALIGN_TRP */
__IO uint32_t DIV_0_TRP : 1; /*!< [4..4] DIV_0_TRP */
uint32_t : 3;
__IO uint32_t BFHFMIGN : 1; /*!< [8..8] BFHFMIGN */
__IO uint32_t STKALIGN : 1; /*!< [9..9] STKALIGN */
} bit; /*!< [10] BitSize */
} CCR;
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0xE000ED18) System Handler Priority Register 1 */
struct {
__IO uint32_t PRI_4 : 8; /*!< [0..7] Priority of System Handler 4, MemManage */
__IO uint32_t PRI_5 : 8; /*!< [8..15] Priority of System Handler 5, BusFault */
__IO uint32_t PRI_6 : 8; /*!< [16..23] Priority of System Handler 6, UsageFault */
__IO uint32_t PRI_7 : 8; /*!< [24..31] Reserved for Priority of System Handler 7 */
} bit; /*!< [32] BitSize */
} SHPR1;
__I uint32_t RESERVED10;
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0xE000ED20) System Handler Priority Register 3 */
struct {
__IO uint32_t PRI_12 : 8; /*!< [0..7] Priority of System Handler 12, DebugMonitor */
__IO uint32_t PRI_13 : 8; /*!< [8..15] Reserved for Priority of System Handler 13 */
__IO uint32_t PRI_14 : 8; /*!< [16..23] Priority of System Handler 14, PendSV */
__IO uint32_t PRI_15 : 8; /*!< [24..31] Priority of System Handler 15, SysTick */
} bit; /*!< [32] BitSize */
} SHPR3;
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0xE000ED24) System Handler Control and State Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t MEMFAULTACT: 1; /*!< [0..0] MEMFAULTACT */
__IO uint32_t BUSFAULTACT: 1; /*!< [1..1] BUSFAULTACT */
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t USGFAULTACT: 1; /*!< [3..3] USGFAULTACT */
uint32_t : 3;
__IO uint32_t SVCALLACT : 1; /*!< [7..7] SVCALLACT */
__IO uint32_t MONITORACT : 1; /*!< [8..8] MONITORACT */
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t PENDSVACT : 1; /*!< [10..10] PENDSVACT */
__IO uint32_t SYSTICKACT : 1; /*!< [11..11] SYSTICKACT */
__IO uint32_t USGFAULTPENDED: 1; /*!< [12..12] USGFAULTPENDED */
__IO uint32_t MEMFAULTPENDED: 1; /*!< [13..13] MEMFAULTPENDED */
__IO uint32_t BUSFAULTPENDED: 1; /*!< [14..14] BUSFAULTPENDED */
__IO uint32_t SVCALLPENDED: 1; /*!< [15..15] SVCALLPENDED */
__IO uint32_t MEMFAULTENA: 1; /*!< [16..16] MEMFAULTENA */
__IO uint32_t BUSFAULTENA: 1; /*!< [17..17] BUSFAULTENA */
__IO uint32_t USGFAULTENA: 1; /*!< [18..18] USGFAULTENA */
} bit; /*!< [19] BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0xE000ED28) Configurable Fault Status Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t IACCVIOL : 1; /*!< [0..0] IACCVIOL */
__IO uint32_t DACCVIOL : 1; /*!< [1..1] DACCVIOL */
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t MUNSTKERR : 1; /*!< [3..3] MUNSTKERR */
__IO uint32_t MSTERR : 1; /*!< [4..4] MSTERR */
__IO uint32_t MLSPERR : 1; /*!< [5..5] MLSPERR */
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t MMARVALID : 1; /*!< [7..7] MMARVALID */
__IO uint32_t IBUSERR : 1; /*!< [8..8] IBUSERR */
__IO uint32_t PRECISERR : 1; /*!< [9..9] PRECISERR */
__IO uint32_t IMPRECISERR: 1; /*!< [10..10] IMPRECISERR */
__IO uint32_t UNSTKERR : 1; /*!< [11..11] UNSTKERR */
__IO uint32_t STKERR : 1; /*!< [12..12] STKERR */
__IO uint32_t LSPERR : 1; /*!< [13..13] LSPERR */
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t BFARVALID : 1; /*!< [15..15] BFAR Valid */
__IO uint32_t UNDEFINSTR : 1; /*!< [16..16] Undefined Instruction */
__IO uint32_t INVSTATE : 1; /*!< [17..17] INVSTATE */
__IO uint32_t INVPC : 1; /*!< [18..18] INVPC */
__IO uint32_t NOCP : 1; /*!< [19..19] No CP */
uint32_t : 4;
__IO uint32_t UNALIGNED : 1; /*!< [24..24] Unaligned */
__IO uint32_t DIVBYZERO : 1; /*!< [25..25] Divide by Zero */
} bit; /*!< [26] BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0xE000ED2C) Hard Fault Status Register */
struct {
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t VECTTBL : 1; /*!< [1..1] VECTTBL */
uint32_t : 28;
__IO uint32_t FORCED : 1; /*!< [30..30] Forced */
__IO uint32_t DEBUGEVT : 1; /*!< [31..31] Debug Event */
} bit; /*!< [32] BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0xE000ED30) Debug Fault Status Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t HALTED : 1; /*!< [0..0] HALTED */
__IO uint32_t BKPT : 1; /*!< [1..1] BKPT */
__IO uint32_t DWTTRAP : 1; /*!< [2..2] DWTTRAP */
__IO uint32_t VCATCH : 1; /*!< [3..3] Vector Catch */
__IO uint32_t EXTERNAL : 1; /*!< [4..4] External */
} bit; /*!< [5] BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0xE000ED34) MemManage Fault Status Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t ADDRESS : 32; /*!< [0..31] Data Address for an MPU Fault */
} bit; /*!< [32] BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0xE000ED38) Bus Fault Status Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t ADDRESS : 32; /*!< [0..31] Data Address for a precise BusFault */
} bit; /*!< [32] BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0xE000ED3C) Auxiliary Fault Status Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t CP0 : 2; /*!< [0..1] Access Privileges for Coprocessor 0 (n= 0-7, 10, 11) */
__IO uint32_t CP1 : 2; /*!< [2..3] Access Privileges for Coprocessor 1 (n= 0-7, 10, 11) */
__IO uint32_t CP2 : 2; /*!< [4..5] Access Privileges for Coprocessor 2 (n= 0-7, 10, 11) */
__IO uint32_t CP3 : 2; /*!< [6..7] Access Privileges for Coprocessor 3 (n= 0-7, 10, 11) */
__IO uint32_t CP4 : 2; /*!< [8..9] Access Privileges for Coprocessor 4 (n= 0-7, 10, 11) */
__IO uint32_t CP5 : 2; /*!< [10..11] Access Privileges for Coprocessor 5 (n= 0-7, 10, 11) */
__IO uint32_t CP6 : 2; /*!< [12..13] Access Privileges for Coprocessor 6 (n= 0-7, 10, 11) */
__IO uint32_t CP7 : 2; /*!< [14..15] Access Privileges for Coprocessor 7 (n= 0-7, 10, 11) */
uint32_t : 4;
__IO uint32_t CP10 : 2; /*!< [20..21] Access Privileges for Coprocessor 10 (n= 0-7, 10, 11) */
__IO uint32_t CP11 : 2; /*!< [22..23] Access Privileges for Coprocessor 11 (n= 0-7, 10, 11) */
} bit; /*!< [24] BitSize */
} CPU_Type;
/* ================================================================================ */
/* ================ DMA ================ */
/* ================================================================================ */
* @brief DMA (DMA)
typedef struct { /*!< (@ 0x50014000) DMA Structure */
union {
__I uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50014000) DMA Status */
struct {
__I uint32_t MASTER_ENABLE: 1; /*!< [0..0] Enable Status of the Controller */
uint32_t : 3;
__I uint32_t STATE : 4; /*!< [4..7] Current State of the Control State Machine */
uint32_t : 8;
__I uint32_t CHNLS_MINUS1: 5; /*!< [16..20] Available Channels minus 1 */
} bit; /*!< [21] BitSize */
union {
__O uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50014004) DMA Configuration */
struct {
__O uint32_t MASTER_ENABLE: 1; /*!< [0..0] Enable for the Controller */
uint32_t : 4;
__O uint32_t CHN1_PROT_CTRL: 3; /*!< [5..7] CHN1_PROT_CTRL */
} bit; /*!< [8] BitSize */
} CFG;
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50014008) Channel Control Data Base Pointer */
struct {
uint32_t : 9;
__IO uint32_t CTRL_BASE_PTR: 23; /*!< [9..31] CTRL_BASE_PTR */
} bit; /*!< [32] BitSize */
union {
__I uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x5001400C) Channel Alternate Control Data Base Pointer */
struct {
__I uint32_t ALT_CTRL_BASE_PTR: 32; /*!< [0..31] Base Address of the Alternate Data Structure */
} bit; /*!< [32] BitSize */
union {
__I uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50014010) Channel Wait on Request Status */
struct {
__I uint32_t WAITONREQ_STATUS: 14; /*!< [0..13] Channel Wait on Request Status */
} bit; /*!< [14] BitSize */
union {
__O uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50014014) Channel Software Request */
struct {
__O uint32_t CHNL_SW_REQUEST: 14; /*!< [0..13] CHNL_SW_REQUEST */
} bit; /*!< [14] BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50014018) Channel Useburst Set */
struct {
__IO uint32_t CHNL_USEBURST_SET: 14; /*!< [0..13] CHNL_USEBURST_SET: 0b0=on read: DMA channel n responds
to requests that it receives on dma_req[C] or dma_sreq[C]. The
controller performs 2, or single, bus transfers., 0b1=on read:
DMA channel n does not respond to requests that it receives
on dma_req[C] or dma_sreq[C]. The controller only reponds to
dma_req[C] requests and performs 2 transfers., 0b0=on write:
No effect. Use the CHNL_USEBURST_CLR Register to set bit [C]
to 0., 0b1=on write: Disables dma_sreq[C] from generating DMA
requests. The controller */
} bit; /*!< [14] BitSize */
union {
__O uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x5001401C) Channel Useburst Clear */
struct {
__O uint32_t CHNL_USEBURST_CLR: 14; /*!< [0..13] CHNL_USEBURST_CLR */
} bit; /*!< [14] BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50014020) Channel Request Mask Set */
struct {
__IO uint32_t CHNL_REQ_MASK_SET: 14; /*!< [0..13] CHNL_REQ_MASK_SET: 0b0=on read: External requests are
enabled for channel C., 0b1=on read: External requests are disabled
for channel C., 0b0=on write: No effect. Use the CHNL_REQ_MASK_CLR
Register to enable DMA requests., 0b1=on write: Disables dma_req[C]
and dma_sreq[C] from generating DMA requests., */
} bit; /*!< [14] BitSize */
union {
__O uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50014024) Channel Request Mask Clear */
struct {
__O uint32_t CHNL_REQ_MASK_CLR: 14; /*!< [0..13] CHNL_REQ_MASK_CLR */
} bit; /*!< [14] BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50014028) Channel Enable Set */
struct {
__IO uint32_t CHNL_ENABLE_SET: 14; /*!< [0..13] CHNL_ENABLE_SET: 0b0=on read: Channel C is disabled.,
0b1=on read: Channel C is enabled., 0b0=on write: No effect.
Use the CHNL_ENABLE_CLR Register to disable a channel., 0b1=on
write: Enables channel C., */
} bit; /*!< [14] BitSize */
union {
__O uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x5001402C) Channel Enable Clear */
struct {
__O uint32_t CHNL_ENABLE_CLR: 14; /*!< [0..13] CHNL_ENABLE_CLR */
} bit; /*!< [14] BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50014030) Channel Primary-Alternate Set */
struct {
__IO uint32_t CHNL_PRI_ALT_SET: 14; /*!< [0..13] CHNL_PRI_ALT_SET: 0b0=on read: DMA channel C is using
the primary data structure., 0b1=on read: DMA channel C is using
the alternate data structure., 0b0=on write: No effect. Use
the CHNL_PRI_ALT_CLR Register to set bit [C] to 0., 0b1=on write:
Selects the alternate data structure for channel C., */
} bit; /*!< [14] BitSize */
union {
__O uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50014034) Channel Primary-Alternate Clear */
struct {
__O uint32_t CHNL_PRI_ALT_CLR: 14; /*!< [0..13] CHNL_PRI_ALT_CLR */
} bit; /*!< [14] BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50014038) Channel Priority Set */
struct {
__IO uint32_t CHNL_PRIORITY_SET: 14; /*!< [0..13] CHNL_PRIORITY_SET: 0b0=on read: DMA channel C is using
the default priority level., 0b1=on read: DMA channel C is using
a high priority level., 0b0=on write: No effect. Use the CHNL_ENABLE_CLR
Register to set channel C to the default priority level., 0b1=on
write: Channel C uses the high priority level., */
} bit; /*!< [14] BitSize */
union {
__O uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x5001403C) Channel Priority Clear */
struct {
__O uint32_t CHNL_PRIORITY_CLR: 14; /*!< [0..13] CHNL_PRIORITY_CLR */
} bit; /*!< [14] BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED0[3];
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x5001404C) Bus Error Clear */
struct {
__IO uint32_t ERR_CLR : 1; /*!< [0..0] ERR_CLR: 0b0=on read: dma_err is LOW., 0b1=on read: dma_err
is HIGH., 0b0=on write: No effect, status of dma_err is unchanged.,
0b1=on write: Sets dma_err LOW., */
} bit; /*!< [1] BitSize */
} DMA_Type;
/* ================================================================================ */
/* ================ TIMER3 ================ */
/* ================================================================================ */
* @brief TIMER3 (TIMER3)
typedef struct { /*!< (@ 0x48006000) TIMER3 Structure */
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x48006000) T3 Trigger Control */
struct {
__IO uint32_t T3_TRIGG_INP_SEL: 3; /*!< [0..2] Timer 3 Trigger Input Event Selection (only in mode3b) */
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t T3_RES_CONF: 2; /*!< [4..5] Timer 3 Trigger Reset Selection for Mode 1b */
__IO uint32_t RETRIG : 1; /*!< [6..6] Retrigger Condition (in mode 1b) for CCU6-T12 ZM and
CCU6 PM */
} bit; /*!< [7] BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x48006004) Timer 3 Compare Value */
struct {
__IO uint32_t LO : 8; /*!< [0..7] Timer 3 Compare Value Low Byte */
__IO uint32_t HI : 8; /*!< [8..15] Timer 3 Compare Value High Byte */
} bit; /*!< [16] BitSize */
} CMP;
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x48006008) Timer 3 */
struct {
__IO uint32_t LO : 8; /*!< [0..7] Timer 3 Low Register or Preload Value */
__IO uint32_t HI : 8; /*!< [8..15] Timer 3 High Register or Preload Value */
} bit; /*!< [16] BitSize */
} CNT;
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4800600C) Timer 3 Control Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t T3_PD_N : 1; /*!< [0..0] Timer 3 Power Down */
__IO uint32_t T3_RD_REQ : 1; /*!< [1..1] Timer 3 Value Read Request */
__IO uint32_t T3_RD_REQ_CONF: 1; /*!< [2..2] Timer 3 Read Mode */
__IO uint32_t CNT_RDY : 1; /*!< [3..3] Timer 3 Count Ready */
__IO uint32_t TR3H : 1; /*!< [4..4] Timer 3 Run Control (High Byte Timer) */
__I uint32_t T3H_OVF_STS: 1; /*!< [5..5] Timer 3 Overflow Flag (High Byte Timer) */
__IO uint32_t TR3L : 1; /*!< [6..6] Timer 3 Run Control (Low Byte Timer) */
__I uint32_t T3L_OVF_STS: 1; /*!< [7..7] Timer 3 Overflow Flag (Low Byte Timer) */
__IO uint32_t T3L_OVF_IE : 1; /*!< [8..8] Timer 3 Overflow Interrupt Enable (Low Byte Timer) */
__IO uint32_t T3H_OVF_IE : 1; /*!< [9..9] Timer 3 Overflow Interrupt Enable (High Byte Timer) */
} bit; /*!< [10] BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x48006010) Timer 3 Mode Configuration Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t T3M : 2; /*!< [0..1] Mode Select Bits */
uint32_t : 4;
__IO uint32_t T3_SUBM : 2; /*!< [6..7] Sub-Mode Select Bits */
} bit; /*!< [8] BitSize */
union {
__O uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x48006014) Timer 3 Interrupt Status Clear Register */
struct {
uint32_t : 5;
__O uint32_t T3H_OVF_ICLR: 1; /*!< [5..5] Timer 3 Overflow Flag (High Byte Timer) Interrupt Clear */
uint32_t : 1;
__O uint32_t T3L_OVF_ICLR: 1; /*!< [7..7] Timer 3 Overflow Flag (Low Byte Timer) Interrupt Clear */
} bit; /*!< [8] BitSize */
} TIMER3_Type;
/* ================================================================================ */
/* ================ LIN ================ */
/* ================================================================================ */
* @brief LIN (LIN)
typedef struct { /*!< (@ 0x4801E000) LIN Structure */
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4801E000) LIN Transceiver Control and Status */
struct {
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t MODE : 2; /*!< [1..2] LIN transceiver power mode control */
__I uint32_t M_SM_ERR : 1; /*!< [3..3] LIN Transceiver Mode or Slope Mode Error */
__I uint32_t OT_STS : 1; /*!< [4..4] LIN Receiver Overtemperature Status */
__I uint32_t OC_STS : 1; /*!< [5..5] LIN Receiver Overcurrent Status */
__I uint32_t TXD_TMOUT_STS: 1; /*!< [6..6] LIN TXD time-out status */
uint32_t : 2;
__IO uint32_t TXD : 1; /*!< [9..9] LIN Transmitter switch on (only used when LIN_HV_MODE
is set) */
__I uint32_t RXD : 1; /*!< [10..10] Output Signal of Receiver */
__IO uint32_t SM : 2; /*!< [11..12] LIN Transmitter Slope mode control */
__I uint32_t FB_SM1 : 1; /*!< [13..13] Feedback Signal 1 for Slope Mode Setting */
__I uint32_t FB_SM2 : 1; /*!< [14..14] Feedback Signal 2 for Slope Mode Setting */
__I uint32_t FB_SM3 : 1; /*!< [15..15] Feedback Signal 3 for Slope Mode Setting */
__I uint32_t MODE_FB : 3; /*!< [16..18] Feedback Signals for LIN Transmitter Mode Settings */
uint32_t : 2;
__IO uint32_t HV_MODE : 1; /*!< [21..21] LIN Transceiver High Voltage Input - Output Mode */
uint32_t : 2;
__O uint32_t M_SM_ERR_CLR: 1; /*!< [24..24] LIN Transceiver Mode or Slope Mode Error Clear */
} bit; /*!< [25] BitSize */
} LIN_Type;
/* ================================================================================ */
/* ================ MF ================ */
/* ================================================================================ */
* @brief MF (MF)
typedef struct { /*!< (@ 0x48018000) MF Structure */
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x48018000) Port 2 ADC Selection Control Register */
struct {
uint32_t : 10;
__IO uint32_t ADC1_CH1_SEL: 1; /*!< [10..10] ADC1 Channel 1 Input Selection */
} bit; /*!< [11] BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x48018004) Supply Sense Control Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t VMON_SEN_PD_N: 1; /*!< [0..0] Monitoring Input Attenuator enable */
uint32_t : 3;
__IO uint32_t VMON_SEN_HRESO_5V: 1; /*!< [4..4] Monitoring Input Attenuator High Impedance Output Control */
__IO uint32_t VMON_SEN_SEL_INRANGE: 1; /*!< [5..5] Monitoring Input Attenuator Select Inputrange */
} bit; /*!< [6] BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x48018008) BEMF Comparator Control Status Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t PHUCOMP_EN : 1; /*!< [0..0] Phase U Comparator enable */
__IO uint32_t PHVCOMP_EN : 1; /*!< [1..1] Phase V Comparator enable */
__IO uint32_t PHWCOMP_EN : 1; /*!< [2..2] Phase W Comparator enable */
__IO uint32_t DEMGFILTDIS: 1; /*!< [3..3] BEMF Comparator Demagnetisation (Demag) Filter Disable */
__IO uint32_t FILTBYPS : 1; /*!< [4..4] BEMF Comparator Output Filter Bypass */
__IO uint32_t GPT12CAPINB: 1; /*!< [5..5] GPT12 CAPINB Value */
uint32_t : 2;
__IO uint32_t PHUCOMP_ON : 1; /*!< [8..8] Phase U Comparator on */
__IO uint32_t PHVCOMP_ON : 1; /*!< [9..9] Phase V Comparator on */
__IO uint32_t PHWCOMP_ON : 1; /*!< [10..10] Phase W Comparator on */
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t CCPOS_INSEL: 1; /*!< [12..12] CCPOSx_3 INSEL select, x = 0,1,2 */
uint32_t : 3;
__I uint32_t PHU_ZC_STS : 1; /*!< [16..16] Phase U Comparator zero crossing status */
__I uint32_t PHV_ZC_STS : 1; /*!< [17..17] Phase V Comparator zero crossing status */
__I uint32_t PHW_ZC_STS : 1; /*!< [18..18] Phase W Comparator zero crossing status */
} bit; /*!< [19] BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED0;
union {
__I uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x48018010) Temperature Sensor Control Register */
struct {
uint32_t : 4;
__I uint32_t PMU_OTWARN_STS: 1; /*!< [4..4] PMU Regulator Overtemperature Warning (MU) Status */
__I uint32_t PMU_OT_STS : 1; /*!< [5..5] PMU Regulator Overtemperature (MU) Status */
__I uint32_t SYS_OTWARN_STS: 1; /*!< [6..6] System Overtemperature Warning (MU) Status */
__I uint32_t SYS_OT_STS : 1; /*!< [7..7] System Overtemperature (MU) Status */
} bit; /*!< [8] BitSize */
union {
__I uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x48018014) Reference 1 Status Register */
struct {
uint32_t : 4;
__I uint32_t REFBG_LOTHWARN_STS: 1; /*!< [4..4] Status for Undervoltage Threshold Measurement of internal
__I uint32_t REFBG_UPTHWARN_STS: 1; /*!< [5..5] Status for Overvoltage Threshold Measurement of internal
} bit; /*!< [6] BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x48018018) Reference 2 Control Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t VREF5V_PD_N: 1; /*!< [0..0] ADC1 Bit Reference Voltage Generation Power Down Bit */
__I uint32_t VREF5V_OVL_STS: 1; /*!< [1..1] ADC1 Bit Reference Voltage Generation Over Load Bit */
__I uint32_t VREF5V_UV_STS: 1; /*!< [2..2] ADC1 Bit Reference Voltage Generation Undervoltage Bit */
__I uint32_t VREF5V_OV_STS: 1; /*!< [3..3] ADC1 Bit Reference Voltage Generation Overvoltage Bit */
} bit; /*!< [4] BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED1;
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x48018020) Trimming of Driver */
struct {
__IO uint32_t BEMF_BT_TFILT_SEL: 3; /*!< [0..2] Blanking Time for BEMF Comparator Output Signal */
uint32_t : 5;
__IO uint32_t BEMF_TFILT_SEL: 2; /*!< [8..9] Filter Time for BEMF Comparator Output Signal */
} bit; /*!< [10] BitSize */
} MF_Type;
/* ================================================================================ */
/* ================ ADC2 ================ */
/* ================================================================================ */
* @brief ADC2 (ADC2)
typedef struct { /*!< (@ 0x4801C000) ADC2 Structure */
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4801C000) ADC2 Control and Status Register */
struct {
uint32_t : 17;
__IO uint32_t VS_RANGE : 1; /*!< [17..17] ADC2 Channel 1 Range Selection */
} bit; /*!< [18] BitSize */
union {
__I uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4801C004) Sequencer Feedback Register */
struct {
__I uint32_t SQ_FB : 4; /*!< [0..3] Current Sequence that caused software mode */
uint32_t : 4;
__I uint32_t SQ_STOP : 1; /*!< [8..8] ADC2 Sequencer Stop Signal for DPP */
__I uint32_t EIM_ACTIVE : 1; /*!< [9..9] ADC2 EIM active */
__I uint32_t ESM_ACTIVE : 1; /*!< [10..10] ADC2 ESM active */
__I uint32_t SQx : 4; /*!< [11..14] Current Active Sequencer */
uint32_t : 1;
__I uint32_t CHx : 5; /*!< [16..20] Current ADC2 Channel */
} bit; /*!< [21] BitSize */
} SQ_FB;
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4801C008) Channel Settings Bits for Exceptional Interrupt
Measurement */
struct {
__IO uint32_t CHx : 5; /*!< [0..4] Channel set for exceptional interrupt measurement (EIM) */
uint32_t : 3;
__IO uint32_t REP : 3; /*!< [8..10] Repeat count for exceptional interrupt measurement (EIM) */
__IO uint32_t EN : 1; /*!< [11..11] Exceptional interrupt measurement (EIM) Trigger Event
enable */
__IO uint32_t SEL : 1; /*!< [12..12] Exceptional interrupt measurement (EIM) Trigger Trigger
select */
} bit; /*!< [13] BitSize */
} CHx_EIM;
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4801C00C) Channel Settings Bits for Exceptional Sequence
Measurement */
struct {
__IO uint32_t ESM_0 : 6; /*!< [0..5] Channel Sequence for Exceptional Sequence Measurement
(ESM) */
__IO uint32_t ESM_1 : 4; /*!< [6..9] Channel Sequence for Exceptional Sequence Measurement
(ESM) */
__IO uint32_t SEL : 1; /*!< [10..10] Exceptional Sequence Measurement Trigger Select */
uint32_t : 5;
__IO uint32_t EN : 1; /*!< [16..16] Enable for Exceptional Sequence Measurement Trigger
Event */
__I uint32_t STS : 1; /*!< [17..17] Exceptional Sequence Measurement is finished */
} bit; /*!< [18] BitSize */
} CHx_ESM;
__I uint32_t RESERVED0;
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4801C014) Measurement Unit Control Register 1 */
struct {
__IO uint32_t CALIB_EN : 6; /*!< [0..5] Calibration Enable for Channels 0 to 5 */
} bit; /*!< [6] BitSize */
} CTRL1;
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4801C018) Measurement Unit Control Register 2 */
struct {
__IO uint32_t MCM_PD_N : 1; /*!< [0..0] Power Down Signal for MCM */
__IO uint32_t TS_SD_SEL_CONF: 1; /*!< [1..1] Temperature Sensor Control Configuration */
__IO uint32_t TSENSE_SD_SEL: 1; /*!< [2..2] TSENSE select for channel 9 */
uint32_t : 4;
__I uint32_t MCM_RDY : 1; /*!< [7..7] Ready Signal for MCM after Power On or Reset */
__IO uint32_t SAMPLE_TIME_int: 4; /*!< [8..11] Sample time of ADC2 */
uint32_t : 4;
__IO uint32_t SEL_TS_COUNT: 4; /*!< [16..19] Time for Automatic Muxing of SEL_TS */
} bit; /*!< [20] BitSize */
} CTRL2;
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4801C01C) Measurement Unit Control Register 4 */
struct {
__IO uint32_t FILT_OUT_SEL_5_0: 6; /*!< [0..5] Output Filter Selection for Channels 0 to 5 */
uint32_t : 2;
__IO uint32_t FILT_OUT_SEL_9_6: 4; /*!< [8..11] Output Filter Selection for Channels 6 to 9 */
} bit; /*!< [12] BitSize */
} CTRL4;
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4801C020) Measurement Channel Enable Bits for Cycle 1-4 */
struct {
__IO uint32_t SQ1 : 6; /*!< [0..5] Sequence 1 channel enable */
uint32_t : 2;
__IO uint32_t SQ2 : 6; /*!< [8..13] Sequence 2 channel enable */
uint32_t : 2;
__IO uint32_t SQ3 : 6; /*!< [16..21] Sequence 3 channel enable */
uint32_t : 2;
__IO uint32_t SQ4 : 6; /*!< [24..29] Sequence 4 channel enable */
} bit; /*!< [30] BitSize */
} SQ1_4;
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4801C024) Measurement Channel Enable Bits for Cycle 5 -
8 */
struct {
__IO uint32_t SQ5 : 6; /*!< [0..5] Sequence 5 channel enable */
uint32_t : 2;
__IO uint32_t SQ6 : 6; /*!< [8..13] Sequence 6 channel enable */
uint32_t : 2;
__IO uint32_t SQ7 : 6; /*!< [16..21] Sequence 7 channel enable */
uint32_t : 2;
__IO uint32_t SQ8 : 6; /*!< [24..29] Sequence 8 channel enable */
} bit; /*!< [30] BitSize */
} SQ5_8;
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4801C028) Measurement Channel Enable Bits for Cycle 9 -
10 */
struct {
__IO uint32_t SQ9 : 6; /*!< [0..5] Sequence 9 channel enable */
uint32_t : 2;
__IO uint32_t SQ10 : 6; /*!< [8..13] Sequence 10 channel enable */
} bit; /*!< [14] BitSize */
} SQ9_10;
union {
__I uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4801C02C) Measurement Channel Enable Bits for Cycle 1 -
8 */
struct {
__I uint32_t SQ1_int : 4; /*!< [0..3] Sequence 1 channel enable */
__I uint32_t SQ2_int : 4; /*!< [4..7] Sequence 2 channel enable */
__I uint32_t SQ3_int : 4; /*!< [8..11] Sequence 3 channel enable */
__I uint32_t SQ4_int : 4; /*!< [12..15] Sequence 4 channel enable */
__I uint32_t SQ5_int : 4; /*!< [16..19] Sequence 5 channel enable */
__I uint32_t SQ6_int : 4; /*!< [20..23] Sequence 6 channel enable */
__I uint32_t SQ7_int : 4; /*!< [24..27] Sequence 7 channel enable */
__I uint32_t SQ8_int : 4; /*!< [28..31] Sequence 8 channel enable */
} bit; /*!< [32] BitSize */
} SQ1_8_int;
union {
__I uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4801C030) Measurement Channel Enable Bits for Cycle 9 and
10 */
struct {
__I uint32_t SQ9_int : 4; /*!< [0..3] Sequence 9 channel enable */
__I uint32_t SQ10_int : 4; /*!< [4..7] Sequence 10 channel enable */
} bit; /*!< [8] BitSize */
} SQ9_10_int;
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4801C034) Calibration for Channel 0 & 1 */
struct {
__IO uint32_t OFFS_CH0 : 8; /*!< [0..7] Offset Calibration for channel 0 */
__IO uint32_t GAIN_CH0 : 8; /*!< [8..15] Gain Calibration for channel 0 */
__IO uint32_t OFFS_CH1 : 8; /*!< [16..23] Offset Calibration for channel 1 */
__IO uint32_t GAIN_CH1 : 8; /*!< [24..31] Gain Calibration for channel 1 */
} bit; /*!< [32] BitSize */
} CAL_CH0_1;
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4801C038) Calibration for Channel 2 & 3 */
struct {
__IO uint32_t OFFS_CH2 : 8; /*!< [0..7] Offset Calibration for channel 2 */
__IO uint32_t GAIN_CH2 : 8; /*!< [8..15] Gain Calibration for channel 2 */
__IO uint32_t OFFS_CH3 : 8; /*!< [16..23] Offset Calibration for channel 3 */
__IO uint32_t GAIN_CH3 : 8; /*!< [24..31] Gain Calibration for channel 3 */
} bit; /*!< [32] BitSize */
} CAL_CH2_3;
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4801C03C) Calibration for Channel 4 & 5 */
struct {
__IO uint32_t OFFS_CH4 : 8; /*!< [0..7] Offset Calibration for channel 4 */
__IO uint32_t GAIN_CH4 : 8; /*!< [8..15] Gain Calibration for channel 4 */
__IO uint32_t OFFS_CH5 : 8; /*!< [16..23] Offset Calibration for channel 5 */
__IO uint32_t GAIN_CH5 : 8; /*!< [24..31] Gain Calibration for channel 5 */
} bit; /*!< [32] BitSize */
} CAL_CH4_5;
union {
__I uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4801C040) Calibration for Channel 6 & 7 */
struct {
__I uint32_t OFFS_CH6 : 8; /*!< [0..7] Offset Calibration for channel 6 */
__I uint32_t GAIN_CH6 : 8; /*!< [8..15] Gain Calibration for channel 6 */
__I uint32_t OFFS_CH7 : 8; /*!< [16..23] Offset Calibration for channel 7 */
__I uint32_t GAIN_CH7 : 8; /*!< [24..31] Gain Calibration for channel 7 */
} bit; /*!< [32] BitSize */
} CAL_CH6_7;
union {
__I uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4801C044) Calibration for Channel 8 & 9 */
struct {
__I uint32_t OFFS_CH8 : 8; /*!< [0..7] Offset Calibration for channel 8 */
__I uint32_t GAIN_CH8 : 8; /*!< [8..15] Gain Calibration for channel 8 */
__I uint32_t OFFS_CH9 : 8; /*!< [16..23] Offset Calibration for channel 9 */
__I uint32_t GAIN_CH9 : 8; /*!< [24..31] Gain Calibration for channel 9 */
} bit; /*!< [32] BitSize */
} CAL_CH8_9;
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4801C048) Filter Coefficients ADC Channel 0-5 */
struct {
__IO uint32_t CH0 : 2; /*!< [0..1] Filter Coefficients ADC channel 0 */
__IO uint32_t CH1 : 2; /*!< [2..3] Filter Coefficients ADC channel 1 */
__IO uint32_t CH2 : 2; /*!< [4..5] Filter Coefficients ADC channel 2 */
__IO uint32_t CH3 : 2; /*!< [6..7] Filter Coefficients ADC channel 3 */
__IO uint32_t CH4 : 2; /*!< [8..9] Filter Coefficients ADC channel 4 */
__IO uint32_t CH5 : 2; /*!< [10..11] Filter Coefficients ADC channel 5 */
} bit; /*!< [12] BitSize */
union {
__I uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4801C04C) Filter Coefficents ADC Channel 6-9 */
struct {
__I uint32_t CH6 : 2; /*!< [0..1] Filter Coefficients ADC channel 6 */
__I uint32_t CH7 : 2; /*!< [2..3] Filter Coefficients ADC channel 7 */
__I uint32_t CH8 : 2; /*!< [4..5] Filter Coefficients ADC channel 8 */
__I uint32_t CH9 : 2; /*!< [6..7] Filter Coefficients ADC channel 9 */
} bit; /*!< [8] BitSize */
union {
__I uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4801C050) ADC or Filter Output Channel 0 */
struct {
__I uint32_t OUT_CH0 : 10; /*!< [0..9] ADC or filter output value channel 0 */
} bit; /*!< [10] BitSize */
union {
__I uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4801C054) ADC or Filter Output Channel 1 */
struct {
__I uint32_t OUT_CH1 : 10; /*!< [0..9] ADC or filter output value channel 1 */
} bit; /*!< [10] BitSize */
union {
__I uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4801C058) ADC or Filter Output Channel 2 */
struct {
__I uint32_t OUT_CH2 : 10; /*!< [0..9] ADC or filter output value channel 2 */
} bit; /*!< [10] BitSize */
union {
__I uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4801C05C) ADC or Filter Output Channel 3 */
struct {
__I uint32_t OUT_CH3 : 10; /*!< [0..9] ADC or filter output value channel 3 */
} bit; /*!< [10] BitSize */
union {
__I uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4801C060) ADC or Filter Output Channel 4 */
struct {
__I uint32_t OUT_CH4 : 10; /*!< [0..9] ADC or filter output value channel 4 */
} bit; /*!< [10] BitSize */
union {
__I uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4801C064) ADC or Filter Output Channel 5 */
struct {
__I uint32_t OUT_CH5 : 10; /*!< [0..9] ADC or filter output value channel 5 */
} bit; /*!< [10] BitSize */
union {
__I uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4801C068) ADC or Filter Output Channel 6 */
struct {
__I uint32_t OUT_CH6 : 10; /*!< [0..9] ADC or filter output value channel 6 */
} bit; /*!< [10] BitSize */
union {
__I uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4801C06C) ADC or Filter Output Channel 7 */
struct {
__I uint32_t OUT_CH7 : 10; /*!< [0..9] ADC or filter output value channel 7 */
} bit; /*!< [10] BitSize */
union {
__I uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4801C070) ADC or Filter Output Channel 8 */
struct {
__I uint32_t OUT_CH8 : 10; /*!< [0..9] ADC or filter output value channel 8 */
} bit; /*!< [10] BitSize */
union {
__I uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4801C074) ADC or Filter Output Channel 9 */
struct {
__I uint32_t OUT_CH9 : 10; /*!< [0..9] ADC or filter output value channel 9 */
} bit; /*!< [10] BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4801C078) Upper Threshold Filter Enable */
struct {
__IO uint32_t Ch0_EN : 1; /*!< [0..0] Upper threshold IIR filter enable ch 0 */
__IO uint32_t Ch1_EN : 1; /*!< [1..1] Upper threshold IIR filter enable ch 1 */
__IO uint32_t Ch2_EN : 1; /*!< [2..2] Upper threshold IIR filter enable ch 2 */
__IO uint32_t Ch3_EN : 1; /*!< [3..3] Upper threshold IIR filter enable ch 3 */
__IO uint32_t Ch4_EN : 1; /*!< [4..4] Upper threshold IIR filter enable ch 4 */
__IO uint32_t Ch5_EN : 1; /*!< [5..5] Upper threshold IIR filter enable ch 5 */
} bit; /*!< [6] BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4801C07C) Lower Threshold Filter Enable */
struct {
__IO uint32_t Ch0_EN : 1; /*!< [0..0] Lower threshold IIR filter enable ch 0 */
__IO uint32_t Ch1_EN : 1; /*!< [1..1] Lower threshold IIR filter enable ch 1 */
__IO uint32_t Ch2_EN : 1; /*!< [2..2] Lower threshold IIR filter enable ch 2 */
__IO uint32_t Ch3_EN : 1; /*!< [3..3] Lower threshold IIR filter enable ch 3 */
__IO uint32_t Ch4_EN : 1; /*!< [4..4] Lower threshold IIR filter enable ch 4 */
__IO uint32_t Ch5_EN : 1; /*!< [5..5] Lower threshold IIR filter enable ch 5 */
} bit; /*!< [6] BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4801C080) Lower Comparator Trigger Level Channel 0 -3 */
struct {
__IO uint32_t CH0 : 8; /*!< [0..7] Channel 0 lower trigger level */
__IO uint32_t CH1 : 8; /*!< [8..15] Channel 1 lower trigger level */
__IO uint32_t CH2 : 8; /*!< [16..23] Channel 2 lower trigger level */
__IO uint32_t CH3 : 8; /*!< [24..31] Channel 3 lower trigger level */
} bit; /*!< [32] BitSize */
} TH0_3_LOWER;
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4801C084) Lower Comparator Trigger Level Channel 4 & 5 */
struct {
__IO uint32_t CH4 : 8; /*!< [0..7] Channel 4 lower trigger level */
__IO uint32_t CH5 : 8; /*!< [8..15] Channel 5 lower trigger level */
} bit; /*!< [16] BitSize */
} TH4_5_LOWER;
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4801C088) Lower Comparator Trigger Level Channel 6 -9 */
struct {
__IO uint32_t CH6 : 8; /*!< [0..7] Channel 6 lower trigger level */
__I uint32_t CH7 : 8; /*!< [8..15] Channel 7 lower trigger level */
__IO uint32_t CH8 : 8; /*!< [16..23] Channel 8 lower trigger level */
__IO uint32_t CH9 : 8; /*!< [24..31] Channel 9 lower trigger level */
} bit; /*!< [32] BitSize */
} TH6_9_LOWER;
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4801C08C) Upper Comparator Trigger Level Channel 0-3 */
struct {
__IO uint32_t CH0 : 8; /*!< [0..7] Channel 0 upper trigger level */
__IO uint32_t CH1 : 8; /*!< [8..15] Channel 1 upper trigger level */
__IO uint32_t CH2 : 8; /*!< [16..23] Channel 2 upper trigger level */
__IO uint32_t CH3 : 8; /*!< [24..31] Channel 3 upper trigger level */
} bit; /*!< [32] BitSize */
} TH0_3_UPPER;
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4801C090) Upper Comparator Trigger Level Channel 4 -5 */
struct {
__IO uint32_t CH4 : 8; /*!< [0..7] Channel 4 upper trigger level */
__IO uint32_t CH5 : 8; /*!< [8..15] Channel 5 upper trigger level */
} bit; /*!< [16] BitSize */
} TH4_5_UPPER;
union {
__I uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4801C094) Upper Comparator Trigger Level Channel 6 -9 */
struct {
__I uint32_t CH6 : 8; /*!< [0..7] Channel 6 upper trigger level */
__I uint32_t CH7 : 8; /*!< [8..15] Channel 7 upper trigger level */
__I uint32_t CH8 : 8; /*!< [16..23] Channel 8 upper trigger level */
__I uint32_t CH9 : 8; /*!< [24..31] Channel 9 upper trigger level */
} bit; /*!< [32] BitSize */
} TH6_9_UPPER;
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4801C098) Lower Counter Trigger Level Channel 0 - 3 */
struct {
__IO uint32_t CNT_LO_CH0 : 3; /*!< [0..2] Lower timer trigger threshold channel 0 */
__IO uint32_t HYST_LO_CH0: 2; /*!< [3..4] Channel 0 lower hysteresis */
uint32_t : 3;
__IO uint32_t CNT_LO_CH1 : 3; /*!< [8..10] Lower timer trigger threshold channel 1 */
__IO uint32_t HYST_LO_CH1: 2; /*!< [11..12] Channel 1 lower hysteresis */
uint32_t : 3;
__IO uint32_t CNT_LO_CH2 : 3; /*!< [16..18] Lower timer trigger threshold channel 2 */
__IO uint32_t HYST_LO_CH2: 2; /*!< [19..20] Channel 2 lower hysteresis */
uint32_t : 3;
__IO uint32_t CNT_LO_CH3 : 3; /*!< [24..26] Lower timer trigger threshold channel 3 */
__IO uint32_t HYST_LO_CH3: 2; /*!< [27..28] Channel 3 lower hysteresis */
} bit; /*!< [29] BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4801C09C) Lower Counter Trigger Level Channel 4 & 5 */
struct {
__IO uint32_t CNT_LO_CH4 : 3; /*!< [0..2] Lower timer trigger threshold channel 4 */
__IO uint32_t HYST_LO_CH4: 2; /*!< [3..4] Channel 4 lower hysteresis */
uint32_t : 3;
__IO uint32_t CNT_LO_CH5 : 3; /*!< [8..10] Lower timer trigger threshold channel 5 */
__IO uint32_t HYST_LO_CH5: 2; /*!< [11..12] Channel 5 lower hysteresis */
} bit; /*!< [13] BitSize */
union {
__I uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4801C0A0) Lower Counter Trigger Level Channel 6 - 9 */
struct {
__I uint32_t CNT_LO_CH6 : 3; /*!< [0..2] Lower timer trigger threshold channel 6 */
__I uint32_t HYST_LO_CH6: 2; /*!< [3..4] Channel 6 lower hysteresis */
uint32_t : 3;
__I uint32_t CNT_LO_CH7 : 3; /*!< [8..10] Lower timer trigger threshold channel 7 */
__I uint32_t HYST_LO_CH7: 2; /*!< [11..12] Channel 7 lower hysteresis */
uint32_t : 3;
__I uint32_t CNT_LO_CH8 : 3; /*!< [16..18] Lower timer trigger threshold channel 8 */
__I uint32_t HYST_LO_CH8: 2; /*!< [19..20] Channel 8 lower hysteresis */
uint32_t : 3;
__I uint32_t CNT_LO_CH9 : 3; /*!< [24..26] Lower timer trigger threshold channel 9 */
__I uint32_t HYST_LO_CH9: 2; /*!< [27..28] Channel 9 lower hysteresis */
} bit; /*!< [29] BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4801C0A4) Upper Counter Trigger Level Channel 0 - 3 */
struct {
__IO uint32_t CNT_UP_CH0 : 3; /*!< [0..2] Upper timer trigger threshold channel 0 */
__IO uint32_t HYST_UP_CH0: 2; /*!< [3..4] Channel 0 upper hysteresis */
uint32_t : 3;
__IO uint32_t CNT_UP_CH1 : 3; /*!< [8..10] Upper timer trigger threshold channel 1 */
__IO uint32_t HYST_UP_CH1: 2; /*!< [11..12] Channel 1 upper hysteresis */
uint32_t : 3;
__IO uint32_t CNT_UP_CH2 : 3; /*!< [16..18] Upper timer trigger threshold channel 2 */
__IO uint32_t HYST_UP_CH2: 2; /*!< [19..20] Channel 2 upper hysteresis */
uint32_t : 3;
__IO uint32_t CNT_UP_CH3 : 3; /*!< [24..26] Upper timer trigger threshold channel 3 */
__IO uint32_t HYST_UP_CH3: 2; /*!< [27..28] Channel 3 upper hysteresis */
} bit; /*!< [29] BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4801C0A8) Upper Counter Trigger Level Channel 4 & 5 */
struct {
__IO uint32_t CNT_UP_CH4 : 3; /*!< [0..2] Upper timer trigger threshold channel 4 */
__IO uint32_t HYST_UP_CH4: 2; /*!< [3..4] Channel 4 upper hysteresis */
uint32_t : 3;
__IO uint32_t CNT_UP_CH5 : 3; /*!< [8..10] Upper timer trigger threshold channel 5 */
__IO uint32_t HYST_UP_CH5: 2; /*!< [11..12] Channel 5 upper hysteresis */
} bit; /*!< [13] BitSize */
union {
__I uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4801C0AC) Upper Counter Trigger Level Channel 6 -9 */
struct {
__I uint32_t CNT_UP_CH6 : 3; /*!< [0..2] Upper timer trigger threshold channel 6 */
__I uint32_t HYST_UP_CH6: 2; /*!< [3..4] Channel 6 upper hysteresis */
uint32_t : 3;
__I uint32_t CNT_UP_CH7 : 3; /*!< [8..10] Upper timer trigger threshold channel 7 */
__I uint32_t HYST_UP_CH7: 2; /*!< [11..12] Channel 7 upper hysteresis */
uint32_t : 3;
__I uint32_t CNT_UP_CH8 : 3; /*!< [16..18] Upper timer trigger threshold channel 8 */
__I uint32_t HYST_UP_CH8: 2; /*!< [19..20] Channel 8 upper hysteresis */
uint32_t : 3;
__I uint32_t CNT_UP_CH9 : 3; /*!< [24..26] Upper timer trigger threshold channel 9 */
__I uint32_t HYST_UP_CH9: 2; /*!< [27..28] Channel 9 upper hysteresis */
} bit; /*!< [29] BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4801C0B0) Overvoltage Measurement Mode of Ch 0-5 */
struct {
__IO uint32_t Ch0 : 2; /*!< [0..1] Measurement mode ch 0 */
__IO uint32_t Ch1 : 2; /*!< [2..3] Measurement mode ch 1 */
__IO uint32_t Ch2 : 2; /*!< [4..5] Measurement mode ch 2 */
__IO uint32_t Ch3 : 2; /*!< [6..7] Measurement mode ch 3 */
__IO uint32_t Ch4 : 2; /*!< [8..9] Measurement mode ch 4 */
__IO uint32_t Ch5 : 2; /*!< [10..11] Measurement mode ch 5 */
} bit; /*!< [12] BitSize */
} MMODE0_5;
__I uint32_t RESERVED1[2];
union {
__I uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4801C0BC) ADC2 HV Status Register */
struct {
uint32_t : 1;
__I uint32_t READY : 1; /*!< [1..1] HVADC Ready bit */
} bit; /*!< [2] BitSize */
} ADC2_Type;
/* ================================================================================ */
/* ================ ADC1 ================ */
/* ================================================================================ */
* @brief ADC1 (ADC1)
typedef struct { /*!< (@ 0x40004000) ADC1 Structure */
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x40004000) ADC1 Control and Status Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t PD_N : 1; /*!< [0..0] ADC1 Power Down Signal */
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t SOC : 1; /*!< [2..2] ADC1 Start of Conversion (software mode) */
__I uint32_t EOC : 1; /*!< [3..3] ADC1 End of Conversion (software mode) */
__IO uint32_t IN_MUX_SEL : 3; /*!< [4..6] Channel for software mode */
} bit; /*!< [7] BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x40004004) Global Control Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t DIVA : 6; /*!< [0..5] Divide Factor for the Analog internal clock: 0x00=Fadci
= Fadc, 0x01=Fadci = Fadc/2, 0x02=Fadci = Fadc/3, 0x02=...,
0x3F=Fadci = Fadc/64, */
uint32_t : 2;
__IO uint32_t ANON : 2; /*!< [8..9] Analog Part Switched On */
} bit; /*!< [10] BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x40004008) Channel Settings Bits for Exceptional Interrupt
Measurement */
struct {
__IO uint32_t CHx : 3; /*!< [0..2] Channel set for exceptional interrupt measurement (EIM) */
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t REP : 3; /*!< [4..6] Repeat count for exceptional interrupt measurement (EIM) */
uint32_t : 9;
__IO uint32_t TRIG_SEL : 3; /*!< [16..18] Trigger selection for exceptional interrupt measurement
(EIM) */
} bit; /*!< [19] BitSize */
} CHx_EIM;
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4000400C) Channel Settings Bits for Exceptional Sequence
Measurement */
struct {
__IO uint32_t ESM_0 : 8; /*!< [0..7] Channel Sequence for Exceptional Sequence Measurement
(ESM) */
uint32_t : 8;
__IO uint32_t TRIG_SEL : 3; /*!< [16..18] Trigger selection for exceptional interrupt measurement
(ESM) */
} bit; /*!< [19] BitSize */
} CHx_ESM;
__I uint32_t RESERVED0[2];
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x40004018) Measurement Channel Enable Bits for Cycle 1 -
4 */
struct {
__IO uint32_t SQ1 : 8; /*!< [0..7] Sequence 1 channel enable */
__IO uint32_t SQ2 : 8; /*!< [8..15] Sequence 2 channel enable */
__IO uint32_t SQ3 : 8; /*!< [16..23] Sequence 3 channel enable */
__IO uint32_t SQ4 : 8; /*!< [24..31] Sequence 4 channel enable */
} bit; /*!< [32] BitSize */
} SQ1_4;
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4000401C) Measurement Channel Enable Bits for Cycle 5 -
8 */
struct {
__IO uint32_t SQ5 : 8; /*!< [0..7] Sequence 5 channel enable */
__IO uint32_t SQ6 : 8; /*!< [8..15] Sequence 6 channel enable */
__IO uint32_t SQ7 : 8; /*!< [16..23] Sequence 7 channel enable */
__IO uint32_t SQ8 : 8; /*!< [24..31] Sequence 8 channel enable */
} bit; /*!< [32] BitSize */
} SQ5_8;
__I uint32_t RESERVED1;
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x40004024) Measurement Channel Data Width Selection */
struct {
__IO uint32_t ch0 : 1; /*!< [0..0] Data Width channel 0 */
__IO uint32_t ch1 : 1; /*!< [1..1] Data Width channel 1 */
__IO uint32_t ch2 : 1; /*!< [2..2] Data Width channel 2 */
__IO uint32_t ch3 : 1; /*!< [3..3] Data Width channel 3 */
__IO uint32_t ch4 : 1; /*!< [4..4] Data Width channel 4 */
__IO uint32_t ch5 : 1; /*!< [5..5] Data Width channel 5 */
__IO uint32_t ch6 : 1; /*!< [6..6] Data Width channel 6 */
__IO uint32_t ch7 : 1; /*!< [7..7] Data Width channel 7 */
} bit; /*!< [8] BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x40004028) Measurement Channel Sample Time Control 0 - 3 */
struct {
__IO uint32_t ch0 : 8; /*!< [0..7] Sample Time Control for Channel 0 */
__IO uint32_t ch1 : 8; /*!< [8..15] Sample Time Control for Channel 1 */
__IO uint32_t ch2 : 8; /*!< [16..23] Sample Time Control for Channel 2 */
__IO uint32_t ch3 : 8; /*!< [24..31] Sample Time Control for Channel 3 */
} bit; /*!< [32] BitSize */
} STC_0_3;
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4000402C) Measurement Channel Sample Time Control 4 - 7 */
struct {
__IO uint32_t ch4 : 8; /*!< [0..7] Sample Time Control for Channel 4 */
__IO uint32_t ch5 : 8; /*!< [8..15] Sample Time Control for Channel 5 */
__IO uint32_t ch6 : 8; /*!< [16..23] Sample Time Control for Channel 6 */
__IO uint32_t ch7 : 8; /*!< [24..31] Sample Time Control for Channel 7 */
} bit; /*!< [32] BitSize */
} STC_4_7;
__I uint32_t RESERVED2[4];
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x40004040) ADC1 Output Channel EIM */
struct {
__I uint32_t OUT_CH_EIM : 12; /*!< [0..11] ADC1 output result value EIM */
uint32_t : 4;
__IO uint32_t WFR8 : 1; /*!< [16..16] Wait for Read Mode */
__I uint32_t VF8 : 1; /*!< [17..17] Valid Flag */
__I uint32_t OF8 : 1; /*!< [18..18] Overrun Flag */
} bit; /*!< [19] BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED3[3];
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x40004050) Sequencer Feedback Register */
struct {
uint32_t : 8;
__IO uint32_t SQ_RUN : 1; /*!< [8..8] ADC1 Sequencer RUN */
__I uint32_t EIM_ACTIVE : 1; /*!< [9..9] ADC1 EIM active */
__I uint32_t ESM_ACTIVE : 1; /*!< [10..10] ADC1 ESM active */
__I uint32_t SQx : 3; /*!< [11..13] Current Active Sequence in Sequencer Mode */
uint32_t : 2;
__I uint32_t CHx : 3; /*!< [16..18] Current Channel */
} bit; /*!< [19] BitSize */
} SQ_FB;
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x40004054) ADC1 Output Channel 7 */
struct {
__I uint32_t OUT_CH7 : 12; /*!< [0..11] ADC1 output result value channel 7 */
uint32_t : 4;
__IO uint32_t WFR7 : 1; /*!< [16..16] Wait for Read Mode */
__I uint32_t VF7 : 1; /*!< [17..17] Valid Flag */
__I uint32_t OF7 : 1; /*!< [18..18] Overrun Flag */
} bit; /*!< [19] BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x40004058) ADC1 Output Channel 6 */
struct {
__I uint32_t OUT_CH6 : 12; /*!< [0..11] ADC1 output result value channel 6 */
uint32_t : 4;
__IO uint32_t WFR6 : 1; /*!< [16..16] Wait for Read Mode */
__I uint32_t VF6 : 1; /*!< [17..17] Valid Flag */
__I uint32_t OF6 : 1; /*!< [18..18] Overrun Flag */
} bit; /*!< [19] BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4000405C) ADC1 Output Channel 5 */
struct {
__I uint32_t OUT_CH5 : 12; /*!< [0..11] ADC1 output result value channel 5 */
uint32_t : 4;
__IO uint32_t WFR5 : 1; /*!< [16..16] Wait for Read Mode */
__I uint32_t VF5 : 1; /*!< [17..17] Valid Flag */
__I uint32_t OF5 : 1; /*!< [18..18] Overrun Flag */
} bit; /*!< [19] BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x40004060) ADC1 Output Channel 4 */
struct {
__I uint32_t OUT_CH4 : 12; /*!< [0..11] ADC1 output result value channel 4 */
uint32_t : 4;
__IO uint32_t WFR4 : 1; /*!< [16..16] Wait for Read Mode */
__I uint32_t VF4 : 1; /*!< [17..17] Valid Flag */
__I uint32_t OF4 : 1; /*!< [18..18] Overrun Flag */
} bit; /*!< [19] BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x40004064) ADC1 Output Channel 3 */
struct {
__I uint32_t OUT_CH3 : 12; /*!< [0..11] ADC1 output result value channel 3 */
uint32_t : 4;
__IO uint32_t WFR3 : 1; /*!< [16..16] Wait for Read Mode */
__I uint32_t VF3 : 1; /*!< [17..17] Valid Flag */
__I uint32_t OF3 : 1; /*!< [18..18] Overrun Flag */
} bit; /*!< [19] BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x40004068) ADC1 Output Channel 2 */
struct {
__I uint32_t OUT_CH2 : 12; /*!< [0..11] ADC1 output result value channel 2 */
uint32_t : 4;
__IO uint32_t WFR2 : 1; /*!< [16..16] Wait for Read Mode */
__I uint32_t VF2 : 1; /*!< [17..17] Valid Flag */
__I uint32_t OF2 : 1; /*!< [18..18] Overrun Flag */
} bit; /*!< [19] BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4000406C) ADC1 Output Channel 1 */
struct {
__I uint32_t OUT_CH1 : 12; /*!< [0..11] ADC1 output result value channel 1 */
uint32_t : 4;
__IO uint32_t WFR1 : 1; /*!< [16..16] Wait for Read Mode */
__I uint32_t VF1 : 1; /*!< [17..17] Valid Flag */
__I uint32_t OF1 : 1; /*!< [18..18] Overrun Flag */
} bit; /*!< [19] BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x40004070) ADC1 Output Channel 0 */
struct {
__I uint32_t OUT_CH0 : 12; /*!< [0..11] ADC1 output reset value channel 0 */
uint32_t : 4;
__IO uint32_t WFR0 : 1; /*!< [16..16] Wait for Read Mode */
__I uint32_t VF0 : 1; /*!< [17..17] Valid Flag */
__I uint32_t OF0 : 1; /*!< [18..18] Overrun Flag */
} bit; /*!< [19] BitSize */
union {
__I uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x40004074) Global Status Register */
struct {
__I uint32_t BUSY : 1; /*!< [0..0] Analog Part Busy */
__I uint32_t SAMPLE : 1; /*!< [1..1] Sample Phase Indication */
uint32_t : 1;
__I uint32_t CHNR : 3; /*!< [3..5] Channel Number */
uint32_t : 2;
__I uint32_t ANON_ST : 2; /*!< [8..9] Analog Part Switched On */
} bit; /*!< [10] BitSize */
union {
__I uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x40004078) ADC1 Interrupt Status Register */
struct {
__I uint32_t CH0_STS : 1; /*!< [0..0] ADC1 Channel 0 Interrupt Status */
__I uint32_t CH1_STS : 1; /*!< [1..1] ADC1 Channel 1 Interrupt Status */
__I uint32_t CH2_STS : 1; /*!< [2..2] ADC1 Channel 2 Interrupt Status */
__I uint32_t CH3_STS : 1; /*!< [3..3] ADC1 Channel 3 Interrupt Status */
__I uint32_t CH4_STS : 1; /*!< [4..4] ADC1 Channel 4 Interrupt Status */
__I uint32_t CH5_STS : 1; /*!< [5..5] ADC1 Channel 5 Interrupt Status */
__I uint32_t CH6_STS : 1; /*!< [6..6] ADC1 Channel 6 Interrupt Status */
__I uint32_t CH7_STS : 1; /*!< [7..7] ADC1 Channel 7 Interrupt Status */
__I uint32_t EIM_STS : 1; /*!< [8..8] Exceptional Interrupt Measurement (EIM) Status */
__I uint32_t ESM_STS : 1; /*!< [9..9] Exceptional Sequence Measurement (ESM) Status */
} bit; /*!< [10] BitSize */
} IS;
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4000407C) ADC1 Interrupt Enable Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t CH0_IE : 1; /*!< [0..0] ADC1 Channel 0 Interrupt Enable */
__IO uint32_t CH1_IE : 1; /*!< [1..1] ADC1 Channel 1 Interrupt Enable */
__IO uint32_t CH2_IE : 1; /*!< [2..2] ADC1 Channel 2 Interrupt Enable */
__IO uint32_t CH3_IE : 1; /*!< [3..3] ADC1 Channel 3 Interrupt Enable */
__IO uint32_t CH4_IE : 1; /*!< [4..4] ADC1 Channel 4 Interrupt Enable */
__IO uint32_t CH5_IE : 1; /*!< [5..5] ADC1 Channel 5 Interrupt Enable */
__IO uint32_t CH6_IE : 1; /*!< [6..6] ADC1 Channel 6 Interrupt Enable */
__IO uint32_t CH7_IE : 1; /*!< [7..7] ADC1 Channel 7 Interrupt Enable */
__IO uint32_t EIM_IE : 1; /*!< [8..8] Exceptional Interrupt Measurement (EIM) Interrupt Enable */
__IO uint32_t ESM_IE : 1; /*!< [9..9] Exceptional Sequence Measurement (ESM) Interrupt Enable */
} bit; /*!< [10] BitSize */
} IE;
union {
__O uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x40004080) ADC1 Interrupt Status Clear Register */
struct {
__O uint32_t CH0_ICLR : 1; /*!< [0..0] ADC1 Channel 0 Interrupt Status Clear */
__O uint32_t CH1_ICLR : 1; /*!< [1..1] ADC1 Channel 1 Interrupt Status Clear */
__O uint32_t CH2_ICLR : 1; /*!< [2..2] ADC1 Channel 2 Interrupt Status Clear */
__O uint32_t CH3_ICLR : 1; /*!< [3..3] ADC1 Channel 3 Interrupt Status Clear */
__O uint32_t CH4_ICLR : 1; /*!< [4..4] ADC1 Channel 4 Interrupt Status Clear */
__O uint32_t CH5_ICLR : 1; /*!< [5..5] ADC1 Channel 5 Interrupt Status Clear */
__O uint32_t CH6_ICLR : 1; /*!< [6..6] ADC1 Channel 6 Interrupt Status Clear */
__O uint32_t CH7_ICLR : 1; /*!< [7..7] ADC1 Channel 7 Interrupt Status Clear */
__O uint32_t EIM_ICLR : 1; /*!< [8..8] Exceptional Interrupt Measurement (EIM) Status Clear */
__O uint32_t ESM_ICLR : 1; /*!< [9..9] Exceptional Sequence Measurement (ESM) Status Clear */
} bit; /*!< [10] BitSize */
} ADC1_Type;
/* ================================================================================ */
/* ================ BDRV ================ */
/* ================================================================================ */
* @brief BDRV (BDRV)
typedef struct { /*!< (@ 0x40034000) BDRV Structure */
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x40034000) H-Bridge Driver Control 1 */
struct {
__IO uint32_t LS1_EN : 1; /*!< [0..0] Low Side Driver 1 Enable */
__IO uint32_t LS1_PWM : 1; /*!< [1..1] Low Side Driver 1 PWM Enable */
__IO uint32_t LS1_ON : 1; /*!< [2..2] Low Side Driver 1 On */
__IO uint32_t LS1_DCS_EN : 1; /*!< [3..3] Low Side Driver 1 Diagnosis Current Source Enable */
__I uint32_t LS1_DS_STS : 1; /*!< [4..4] Low Side Driver 1 Drain Source Monitoring Status in OFF-State */
__I uint32_t LS1_SUPERR_STS: 1; /*!< [5..5] Low Side Driver 1 Supply Error Status */
__I uint32_t LS1_OC_STS : 1; /*!< [6..6] External Low Side 1 FET Over-current Status */
__IO uint32_t LS1_OC_DIS : 1; /*!< [7..7] Low Side Driver 1 Overcurrent Shutdown Disable */
__IO uint32_t LS2_EN : 1; /*!< [8..8] Low Side Driver 2 Enable */
__IO uint32_t LS2_PWM : 1; /*!< [9..9] Low Side Driver 2 PWM Enable */
__IO uint32_t LS2_ON : 1; /*!< [10..10] Low Side Driver 2 On */
__IO uint32_t LS2_DCS_EN : 1; /*!< [11..11] Low Side Driver 2 Diagnosis Current Source Enable */
__I uint32_t LS2_DS_STS : 1; /*!< [12..12] Low Side Driver 2 Drain Source Monitoring Status in
OFF-State */
__I uint32_t LS2_SUPERR_STS: 1; /*!< [13..13] Low Side Driver 2 Supply Error Status */
__I uint32_t LS2_OC_STS : 1; /*!< [14..14] External Low Side 2 FET Over-current Status */
__IO uint32_t LS2_OC_DIS : 1; /*!< [15..15] Low Side Driver Overcurrent Shutdown Disable */
__IO uint32_t HS1_EN : 1; /*!< [16..16] High Side Driver 1 Enable */
__IO uint32_t HS1_PWM : 1; /*!< [17..17] High Side Driver 1 PWM Enable */
__IO uint32_t HS1_ON : 1; /*!< [18..18] High Side Driver 1 On */
__IO uint32_t HS1_DCS_EN : 1; /*!< [19..19] High Side Driver 1 Diagnosis Current Source Enable */
__I uint32_t HS1_DS_STS : 1; /*!< [20..20] High Side Driver 1 Drain Source Monitoring Status in
OFF-State */
__I uint32_t HS1_SUPERR_STS: 1; /*!< [21..21] High Side Driver 1 Supply Error Status */
__I uint32_t HS1_OC_STS : 1; /*!< [22..22] External High Side 1 FET Over-current Status */
__IO uint32_t HS1_OC_DIS : 1; /*!< [23..23] High Side Driver Overcurrent Shutdown Disable */
__IO uint32_t HS2_EN : 1; /*!< [24..24] High Side Driver 2 Enable */
__IO uint32_t HS2_PWM : 1; /*!< [25..25] High Side Driver 2 PWM Enable */
__IO uint32_t HS2_ON : 1; /*!< [26..26] High Side Driver 2 On */
__IO uint32_t HS2_DCS_EN : 1; /*!< [27..27] High Side Driver 2 Diagnosis Current Source Enable */
__I uint32_t HS2_DS_STS : 1; /*!< [28..28] High Side Driver 2 Drain Source Monitoring Status in
OFF-State */
__I uint32_t HS2_SUPERR_STS: 1; /*!< [29..29] High Side Driver 2 Supply Error Status */
__I uint32_t HS2_OC_STS : 1; /*!< [30..30] External High Side 2 FET Over-current Status */
__IO uint32_t HS2_OC_DIS : 1; /*!< [31..31] High Side Driver Overcurrent Shutdown Disable */
} bit; /*!< [32] BitSize */
} CTRL1;
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x40034004) H-Bridge Driver Control 2 */
struct {
__IO uint32_t LS3_EN : 1; /*!< [0..0] Low Side Driver 3 Enable */
__IO uint32_t LS3_PWM : 1; /*!< [1..1] Low Side Driver 3 PWM Enable */
__IO uint32_t LS3_ON : 1; /*!< [2..2] Low Side Driver 3 On */
__IO uint32_t LS3_DCS_EN : 1; /*!< [3..3] Low Side Driver 3 Diagnosis Current Source Enable */
__I uint32_t LS3_DS_STS : 1; /*!< [4..4] Low Side Driver 3 Drain Source Monitoring Status in OFF-State */
__I uint32_t LS3_SUPERR_STS: 1; /*!< [5..5] Low Side Driver 3 Supply Error Status */
__I uint32_t LS3_OC_STS : 1; /*!< [6..6] External Low Side 3 FET Over-current Status */
__IO uint32_t LS3_OC_DIS : 1; /*!< [7..7] Low Side Driver 3 Over-current Shutdown Disable */
__IO uint32_t HS3_EN : 1; /*!< [8..8] High Side Driver 3 Enable */
__IO uint32_t HS3_PWM : 1; /*!< [9..9] High Side Driver 3 PWM Enable */
__IO uint32_t HS3_ON : 1; /*!< [10..10] High Side Driver 3 On */
__IO uint32_t HS3_DCS_EN : 1; /*!< [11..11] High Side Driver 3 Diagnosis Current Source Enable */
__I uint32_t HS3_DS_STS : 1; /*!< [12..12] High Side Driver 3 Drain Source Monitoring Status */
__I uint32_t HS3_SUPERR_STS: 1; /*!< [13..13] High Side Driver 3 Supply Error Status */
__I uint32_t HS3_OC_STS : 1; /*!< [14..14] External High Side 3 FET Over-current Status */
__IO uint32_t HS3_OC_DIS : 1; /*!< [15..15] High Side Driver 3 Over-current Shutdown Disable */
__I uint32_t DLY_DIAG_TIM: 10; /*!< [16..25] Ext. power on/off diag timer result register */
__O uint32_t DLY_DIAG_SCLR: 1; /*!< [26..26] Ext. power diag timer valid flag clear */
__I uint32_t DLY_DIAG_STS: 1; /*!< [27..27] Ext. power diag timer valid flag */
__IO uint32_t DLY_DIAG_CHSEL: 3; /*!< [28..30] Ext. power on/off timer channel select */
__IO uint32_t DLY_DIAG_DIRSEL: 1; /*!< [31..31] Ext. power diag timer on / off select */
} bit; /*!< [32] BitSize */
} CTRL2;
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x40034008) H-Bridge Driver Control 3 */
struct {
__IO uint32_t ICHARGE_TRIM: 5; /*!< [0..4] Trimming of the internal driver charge current */
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t ICHARGEDIV2_N: 1; /*!< [6..6] ICHARGE Current divide by 2 not */
__IO uint32_t ON_SEQ_EN : 1; /*!< [7..7] Turn On SlewrateSequencer enable */
__IO uint32_t IDISCHARGE_TRIM: 5; /*!< [8..12] Trimming of the internal driver dis-charge current */
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t IDISCHARGEDIV2_N: 1; /*!< [14..14] IDISCHARGE Current divide by 2 not */
__IO uint32_t OFF_SEQ_EN : 1; /*!< [15..15] Turn Off Slewrate Sequencer enable */
__IO uint32_t DSMONVTH : 3; /*!< [16..18] Voltage Threshold for Drain-Source Monitoring of external
FETs */
uint32_t : 5;
__IO uint32_t DRV_CCP_TIMSEL: 2; /*!< [24..25] minimum cross conduction protection time setting */
__IO uint32_t DRV_CCP_DIS: 1; /*!< [26..26] Dynamic cross conduction protection Disable */
uint32_t : 3;
__O uint32_t SEQ_ERR_SCLR: 1; /*!< [30..30] Driver Sequence Error Status Clear */
__I uint32_t SEQ_ERR_STS: 1; /*!< [31..31] Driver Sequence Error Status */
} bit; /*!< [32] BitSize */
} CTRL3;
__I uint32_t RESERVED0;
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x40034010) Turn on Slewrate Sequencer Control */
struct {
__IO uint32_t DRV_OFF_t_4: 3; /*!< [0..2] Slew rate sequencer off phase 4 time */
__IO uint32_t DRV_OFF_I_4: 5; /*!< [3..7] Slew rate sequencer off phase 4 current */
__IO uint32_t DRV_OFF_t_3: 3; /*!< [8..10] Slew rate sequencer off phase 3 time */
__IO uint32_t DRV_OFF_I_3: 5; /*!< [11..15] Slew rate sequencer off phase 3 current */
__IO uint32_t DRV_OFF_t_2: 3; /*!< [16..18] Slew rate sequencer off phase 2 time */
__IO uint32_t DRV_OFF_I_2: 5; /*!< [19..23] Slew rate sequencer off phase 2 current */
__IO uint32_t DRV_OFF_t_1: 3; /*!< [24..26] Slew rate sequencer off phase 1 time */
__IO uint32_t DRV_OFF_I_1: 5; /*!< [27..31] Slew rate sequencer off phase 1 current */
} bit; /*!< [32] BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x40034014) Turn off Slewrate Sequencer Control */
struct {
__IO uint32_t DRV_ON_t_4 : 3; /*!< [0..2] Slew rate sequencer on phase 4 time */
__IO uint32_t DRV_ON_I_4 : 5; /*!< [3..7] Slew rate sequencer on phase 4 current */
__IO uint32_t DRV_ON_t_3 : 3; /*!< [8..10] Slew rate sequencer on phase 3 time */
__IO uint32_t DRV_ON_I_3 : 5; /*!< [11..15] Slew rate sequencer on phase 3 current */
__IO uint32_t DRV_ON_t_2 : 3; /*!< [16..18] Slew rate sequencer on phase 2 time */
__IO uint32_t DRV_ON_I_2 : 5; /*!< [19..23] Slew rate sequencer on phase 2 current */
__IO uint32_t DRV_ON_t_1 : 3; /*!< [24..26] Slew rate sequencer on phase 1 time */
__IO uint32_t DRV_ON_I_1 : 5; /*!< [27..31] Slew rate sequencer on phase 1 current */
} bit; /*!< [32] BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x40034018) Trimming of Driver */
struct {
__IO uint32_t LS_HS_BT_TFILT_SEL: 2; /*!< [0..1] Blanking Time for Drain-Source Monitoring of Low / High
Side Drivers */
uint32_t : 6;
__IO uint32_t LSDRV_DS_TFILT_SEL: 2; /*!< [8..9] Filter Time for Drain-Source Monitoring of Low Side Drivers */
__IO uint32_t LS1DRV_FDISCHG_DIS: 1; /*!< [10..10] Low Side 1 Predriver in overcurrent situation disable */
__IO uint32_t LS2DRV_FDISCHG_DIS: 1; /*!< [11..11] Low Side 2 Predriver in overcurrent situation disable */
__IO uint32_t LS3DRV_FDISCHG_DIS: 1; /*!< [12..12] Low Side 3 Predriver in overcurrent situation disable */
__IO uint32_t LS1DRV_OCSDN_DIS: 1; /*!< [13..13] Low Side 1 Predriver in overcurrent situation disable */
__IO uint32_t LS2DRV_OCSDN_DIS: 1; /*!< [14..14] Low Side 2 Predriver in overcurrent situation disable */
__IO uint32_t LS3DRV_OCSDN_DIS: 1; /*!< [15..15] Low Side 3 Predriver in overcurrent situation disable */
__IO uint32_t HSDRV_DS_TFILT_SEL: 2; /*!< [16..17] Filter Time for Drain-Source Monitoring of High Side
Drivers */
__IO uint32_t HS1DRV_FDISCHG_DIS: 1; /*!< [18..18] High Side 1 Predriver in overcurrent situation disable */
__IO uint32_t HS2DRV_FDISCHG_DIS: 1; /*!< [19..19] High Side 2 Predriver in overcurrent situation disable */
__IO uint32_t HS3DRV_FDISCHG_DIS: 1; /*!< [20..20] High Side 3 Predriver in overcurrent situation disable */
__IO uint32_t HS1DRV_OCSDN_DIS: 1; /*!< [21..21] High Side 1 Predriver in overcurrent situation disable */
__IO uint32_t HS2DRV_OCSDN_DIS: 1; /*!< [22..22] High Side 2 Predriver in overcurrent situation disable */
__IO uint32_t HS3DRV_OCSDN_DIS: 1; /*!< [23..23] High Side 3 Predriver in overcurrent situation disable */
__IO uint32_t CPLOW_TFILT_SEL: 2; /*!< [24..25] Filter Time for Charge Pump Voltage Low Diagnosis */
} bit; /*!< [26] BitSize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED1;
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x40034020) Charge Pump Control and Status Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t CP_EN : 1; /*!< [0..0] Charge Pump Enable */
uint32_t : 1;
__IO uint32_t CP_RDY_EN : 1; /*!< [2..2] Bridge Driver on Charge Pump Ready Enable */
uint32_t : 2;
__I uint32_t VCP_LOTH2_STS: 1; /*!< [5..5] Charge Pump Low Status */
uint32_t : 2;
__IO uint32_t VCP_LOWTH2 : 3; /*!< [8..10] Charge Pump Output Voltage Lower Threshold Detection
Level */
uint32_t : 5;
__IO uint32_t DRVx_VCPLO_DIS: 1; /*!< [16..16] Driver On Charge Pump Low Voltage Disable */
__I uint32_t VCP_LOTH1_STS: 1; /*!< [17..17] Charge Pump MU Low Status */
__IO uint32_t DRVx_VCPUP_DIS: 1; /*!< [18..18] Driver On Charge Pump Upper Voltage Disable */
__I uint32_t VCP_UPTH_STS: 1; /*!< [19..19] Charge Pump MU High Status */
__IO uint32_t DRVx_VSDLO_DIS: 1; /*!< [20..20] Driver On VSD Lower Voltage Disable */
__I uint32_t VSD_LOTH_STS: 1; /*!< [21..21] Driver Supply MU Low Status */
__IO uint32_t DRVx_VSDUP_DIS: 1; /*!< [22..22] Driver On VSD Upper Voltage Disable */
__I uint32_t VSD_UPTH_STS: 1; /*!< [23..23] Driver Supply MU High Status */
__IO uint32_t CPLOPWRM_EN: 1; /*!< [24..24] Charge Pump Low Power Mode Enable */
__IO uint32_t VCP9V_SET : 1; /*!< [25..25] Charge Pump 9 V Output Voltage Set */
__IO uint32_t VTHVCP9V_TRIM: 2; /*!< [26..27] Charge Pump Output Voltage 9V Trimming */
} bit; /*!< [28] BitSize */
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x40034024) Charge Pump Clock Control Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t DITH_LOWER : 5; /*!< [0..4] CP_CLK lower frequency boundary during dithering */
uint32_t : 3;
__IO uint32_t DITH_UPPER : 5; /*!< [8..12] CP_CLK upper frequency boundary during dithering */
__IO uint32_t F_CP : 2; /*!< [13..14] MSB of CP_CLK divider */
__IO uint32_t CPCLK_EN : 1; /*!< [15..15] Charge Pump Clock Enable */
} bit; /*!< [16] BitSize */
} BDRV_Type;
/* ================================================================================ */
/* ================ MON ================ */
/* ================================================================================ */
* @brief MON (MON)
typedef struct { /*!< (@ 0x50004000) MON Structure */
__I uint32_t RESERVED0[13];
union {
__IO uint8_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x50004034) Settings Monitor 1 */
struct {
__IO uint8_t EN : 1; /*!< [0..0] MON Enable */
__IO uint8_t FALL : 1; /*!< [1..1] MON Wake-up on Falling Edge Enable */
__IO uint8_t RISE : 1; /*!< [2..2] MON Wake-up on Rising Edge Enable */
__IO uint8_t CYC : 1; /*!< [3..3] MON for Cycle Sense Enable */
__IO uint8_t PD : 1; /*!< [4..4] Pull-Down Current Source for MON Input Enable */
__IO uint8_t PU : 1; /*!< [5..5] Pull-Up Current Source for MON Input Enable */
uint8_t : 1;
__I uint8_t STS : 1; /*!< [7..7] MON Status Input */
} bit; /*!< [8] BitSize */
} CNF;
} MON_Type;
/* ================================================================================ */
/* ================ CSA ================ */
/* ================================================================================ */
* @brief CSA (CSA)
typedef struct { /*!< (@ 0x48018000) CSA Structure */
__I uint32_t RESERVED0[3];
union {
__IO uint32_t reg; /*!< (@ 0x4801800C) Current Sense Amplifier Control Register */
struct {
__IO uint32_t EN : 1; /*!< [0..0] OPA enable */
__IO uint32_t GAIN : 4; /*!< [1..4] OPA gain setting */
uint32_t : 3;
__IO uint32_t VZERO : 1; /*!< [8..8] Current Sense Output Voltage Level to Ground */
} bit; /*!< [9] BitSize */
} CSA_Type;
/* -------------------- End of section using anonymous unions ------------------- */
#if defined(__CC_ARM)
#pragma pop
#elif defined(__ICCARM__)
/* leave anonymous unions enabled */
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
/* anonymous unions are enabled by default */
#elif defined(__TMS470__)
/* anonymous unions are enabled by default */
#elif defined(__TASKING__)
/* TBD. pragmas for anonymous unions */
#warning Not supported compiler type
/* ================================================================================ */
/* ================ Peripheral memory map ================ */
/* ================================================================================ */
#define SCU_BASE 0x50005000UL
#define PORT_BASE 0x48028000UL
#define GPT12E_BASE 0x40010000UL
#define TIMER2_BASE 0x48004000UL
#define TIMER21_BASE 0x48005000UL
#define CCU6_BASE 0x4000C000UL
#define UART1_BASE 0x48020000UL
#define UART2_BASE 0x48022000UL
#define SSC1_BASE 0x48024000UL
#define SSC2_BASE 0x48026000UL
#define PMU_BASE 0x50004000UL
#define SCUPM_BASE 0x50006000UL
#define CPU_BASE 0xE000E000UL
#define DMA_BASE 0x50014000UL
#define TIMER3_BASE 0x48006000UL
#define LIN_BASE 0x4801E000UL
#define MF_BASE 0x48018000UL
#define ADC2_BASE 0x4801C000UL
#define ADC1_BASE 0x40004000UL
#define BDRV_BASE 0x40034000UL
#define MON_BASE 0x50004000UL
#define CSA_BASE 0x48018000UL
/* ================================================================================ */
/* ================ Peripheral declaration ================ */
/* ================================================================================ */
#define SCU ((SCU_Type *) SCU_BASE)
#define PORT ((PORT_Type *) PORT_BASE)
#define GPT12E ((GPT12E_Type *) GPT12E_BASE)
#define TIMER2 ((TIMER2x_Type *) TIMER2_BASE)
#define TIMER21 ((TIMER2x_Type *) TIMER21_BASE)
#define CCU6 ((CCU6_Type *) CCU6_BASE)
#define UART1 ((UART_Type *) UART1_BASE)
#define UART2 ((UART_Type *) UART2_BASE)
#define SSC1 ((SSC_Type *) SSC1_BASE)
#define SSC2 ((SSC_Type *) SSC2_BASE)
#define PMU ((PMU_Type *) PMU_BASE)
#define SCUPM ((SCUPM_Type *) SCUPM_BASE)
#define CPU ((CPU_Type *) CPU_BASE)
#define DMA ((DMA_Type *) DMA_BASE)
#define TIMER3 ((TIMER3_Type *) TIMER3_BASE)
#define LIN ((LIN_Type *) LIN_BASE)
#define MF ((MF_Type *) MF_BASE)
#define ADC2 ((ADC2_Type *) ADC2_BASE)
#define ADC1 ((ADC1_Type *) ADC1_BASE)
#define BDRV ((BDRV_Type *) BDRV_BASE)
#define MON ((MON_Type *) MON_BASE)
#define CSA ((CSA_Type *) CSA_BASE)
/** @} */ /* End of group Device_Peripheral_Registers */
/** @} */ /* End of group TLE987x */
/** @} */ /* End of group (null) */
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* TLE987x_H */