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* @file xmc_vadc.h
* @date 2017-06-24
* @cond
* XMClib v2.1.16 - XMC Peripheral Driver Library
* Copyright (c) 2015-2017, Infineon Technologies AG
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,are permitted provided that the
* following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
* disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
* disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* Neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote
* products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
* To improve the quality of the software, users are encouraged to share modifications, enhancements or bug fixes with
* Infineon Technologies AG dave@infineon.com).
* Change History
* --------------
* 2015-02-15:
* - Initial <br>
* 2015-02-20:
* - Revised for XMC1201 device.<br>
* 2015-04-27:
* - Added new APIs for SHS.<br>
* - Added New APIs for trigger edge selection.<BR>
* - Added new APIs for Queue flush entries, boundary selection, Boundary node pointer.<BR>
* - Revised GatingMode APIs and EMUX Control Init API.<BR>
* 2015-06-20:
* - Removed version macros and declaration of GetDriverVersion API
* 2015-06-25:
* - BFL configuration in channel initialization fixed.
* 2015-07-28:
* - Clubbed the macro definitions for XMC13 XMC12 and XMC14
* - Clubbed the macro definitions for XMC44 XMC47 and XMC48
* - New APIs Created.
* - XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SetIndividualBoundary
* - XMC_VADC_GROUP_SetIndividualBoundary
* - XMC_VADC_GROUP_GetInputClass
* - XMC_VADC_GROUP_ChannelSetIclass
* - XMC_VADC_GROUP_ChannelGetResultAlignment
* - XMC_VADC_GROUP_ChannelGetInputClass
* - XMC_VADC_GROUP_SetResultSubtractionValue
* 2015-12-01:
* - Added:
* - XMC4300 device supported
* - Fixed:
* - XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_TriggerEvent API updated. OR operation removed.
* - XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_ClearEvent API updated. Multiple events triggering on clearing the event is fixed.
* - Wrong MACRO name defined in xmc_vadc_map.h file corrected for XMC4200/4100 devices.
* 2015-12-01:
* - New APIs Created.
* - XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanIsArbitrationSlotEnabled
* - XMC_VADC_GROUP_QueueIsArbitrationSlotEnabled
* - Fixed the analog calibration voltage for XMC1100 to external reference upper supply range.
* - Fixed the XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_StartupCalibration() for XMC1100.
* 2016-03-09:
* - Optimization of write only registers
* 2016-03-18:
* - Fixed XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SHS_IsConverterReady(): API checks the STEPCFG register for the ready bit instead of
* 2016-06-17:
* - New APIs added are:
* - XMC_VADC_GROUP_SetSyncSlaveReadySignal
* - XMC_VADC_GROUP_ChannelGetAssertedEvents
* - XMC_VADC_GROUP_GetAssertedResultEvents
* - XMC_VADC_GROUP_SetResultRegPriority
* - XMC_VADC_GROUP_SetSyncReadySignal
* - XMC_VADC_GROUP_GetSyncReadySignal
* - XMC_VADC_GROUP_GetResultRegPriority
* 2017-02-06:
* - Added new functions to remove channels from background request source, XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgroundRemoveChannelFromSequence() and XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgndRemoveMultipleChannels()
* 2017-06-24:
* - Added new function XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SHS_SetAnalogReference() for XMC1 family
* @endcond
#ifndef XMC_VADC_H
#define XMC_VADC_H
#include <xmc_common.h>
#include <xmc_scu.h>
#include <xmc_vadc_map.h>
* @addtogroup XMClib XMC Peripheral Library
* @{
* @addtogroup VADC
* @brief Versatile Analog to Digital Converter (VADC) driver for XMC microcontroller family.
* The XMC microcontroller provides a series of analog input channels connected to a cluster of Analog/Digital
* Converters using the Successive Approximation Register (SAR) principle to convert analog input values (voltages)
* to discrete digital values.
* \if XMC1
* The XMC1x is based on Sample & Hold converters, where a cluster contains 2 Sample&Hold units which share a common
* converter.
* \endif
* Each converter of the ADC cluster can operate independent of the others, controlled by a dedicated set of
* registers and triggered by a dedicated group request source. The results of each channel can be stored in a
* dedicated channel-specific result register or in a group-specific result register.<BR>
* The Versatile Analog to Digital Converter module (VADC) of the XMC comprises a set of converter blocks that
* can be operated either independently or via a common request source that emulates a background converter.
* Each converter block is equipped with a dedicated input multiplexer and dedicated request sources,
* which together build separate groups.
* \if XMC4
* @image html "vadc_overview_xmc4x.png"
* \else
* @image html "vadc_overview_xmc1x.png"
* \endif
* The VADC LLD is split into GLOBAL and GROUP related APIs.<BR>
* <B>GLOBAL: </B><BR>
* <UL>
* <LI>Global APIs act on the entire ADC module. Configures global configuration registers</LI>
* <LI>Allows configuration of the background request source of the VADC.</LI>
* <LI>The clock related configurations for the VADC module are configured in the Global APIs/</LI>
* <LI>The Global API names are prefixed by the \b XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_ and they accept ::XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_t as
* one of its arguments.</LI>
* <LI>Configures the background request source of the VADC. The APIs which act on the background related registers
* are prefixed by \b XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_Background</LI>
* <LI>Configures the sample and hold unit of the VADC. The APIs which act on the SHS related registers
* are prefixed by \b XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SHS_</LI>
* </UL><BR>
* <B>GROUP: </B><BR>
* <UL>
* <LI>Group APIs act on a VADC group. Configures the group configuration registers</LI>
* <LI>Configures the queue request source of the VADC. The APIs which act on the queue related registers
* are prefixed by \b XMC_VADC_GROUP_Queue</LI>
* <LI>Configures the scan request source of the VADC. The APIs which act on the scan related registers
* are prefixed by \b XMC_VADC_GROUP_Scan</LI>
* <LI>Configuration of the channels of each group are done by the API which have a prefix as
* \b XMC_VADC_GROUP_Channel.</LI>
* <LI>The Group API names are prefixed by the \b XMC_VADC_GROUP_ and they accept ::XMC_VADC_GROUP_t as
* one of its arguments.</LI>
* </UL><BR>
* @{
#if ((UC_SERIES == XMC42)||(UC_SERIES == XMC41) || (UC_SERIES == XMC43))
#define XMC_VADC_GROUP_AVAILABLE (1U) /* Defines the availability of group resource in a device*/
#define XMC_VADC_GSCAN_AVAILABLE (1U) /* Defines the availability of scan request resource in a device*/
#define XMC_VADC_QUEUE_AVAILABLE (1U) /* Defines the availability of queue request resource in a device*/
#define XMC_VADC_EMUX_AVAILABLE (1U) /* Defines the availability of external multiplexer support in a
#define XMC_VADC_BOUNDARY_AVAILABLE (1U) /* Defines the availability of boundary check support in a device*/
#define XMC_VADC_MULTIPLE_SLAVEGROUPS (1U) /* Defines the availability of synchronous request source in device*/
#define XMC_VADC_MAXIMUM_NUM_GROUPS (2U) /* Defines the maximum number of groups available in a device*/
#define XMC_VADC_BOUNDARY_FLAG_SELECT (1U) /* Defines the availability of boundary flags in a device*/
#define XMC_VADC_EMUX_CH_SEL_STYLE (1U) /* Defines the external multiplexer channel selection mode of
operation for a particular device*/
#define XMC_VADC_SHS_AVAILABLE (0U) /* Defines the availability of sample and hold module*/
#define XMC_VADC_SHS_FULL_SET_REG (0U) /* Defines the availability of sample and hold module*/
#define XMC_VADC_GROUP_SRCREG_AVAILABLE (1U) /* Define the availability of a source specific result register */
#define XMC_VADC_RESULT_PRIORITY_AVAILABLE (0U) /* Define the availability of a priority for result register */
#if (UC_SERIES == XMC44 || UC_SERIES == XMC47 || UC_SERIES == XMC48)
#define XMC_VADC_GROUP_AVAILABLE (1U) /* Defines the availability of group resource in a device*/
#define XMC_VADC_GSCAN_AVAILABLE (1U) /* Defines the availability of scan request resource in a device*/
#define XMC_VADC_QUEUE_AVAILABLE (1U) /* Defines the availability of queue request resource in a device*/
#define XMC_VADC_EMUX_AVAILABLE (1U) /* Defines the availability of external multiplexer support in a
#define XMC_VADC_BOUNDARY_AVAILABLE (1U) /* Defines the availability of boundary check support in a device*/
#define XMC_VADC_MULTIPLE_SLAVEGROUPS (1U) /* Defines the availability of synchronous request source in device*/
#define XMC_VADC_MAXIMUM_NUM_GROUPS (4U) /* Defines the maximum number of groups available in a device*/
#define XMC_VADC_BOUNDARY_FLAG_SELECT (1U) /* Defines the availability of boundary flags in a device*/
#define XMC_VADC_EMUX_CH_SEL_STYLE (1U) /* Defines the external multiplexer channel selection mode of
operation for a particular device*/
#define XMC_VADC_SHS_AVAILABLE (0U) /* Defines the availability of sample and hold module*/
#define XMC_VADC_SHS_FULL_SET_REG (0U) /* Defines the availability of sample and hold module*/
#define XMC_VADC_GROUP_SRCREG_AVAILABLE (1U) /* Define the availability of a source specific result register */
#define XMC_VADC_RESULT_PRIORITY_AVAILABLE (0U) /* Define the availability of a priority for result register */
#if (UC_SERIES == XMC45)
#define XMC_VADC_GROUP_AVAILABLE (1U) /* Defines the availability of group resource in a device*/
#define XMC_VADC_GSCAN_AVAILABLE (1U) /* Defines the availability of scan request resource in a device*/
#define XMC_VADC_QUEUE_AVAILABLE (1U) /* Defines the availability of queue request resource in a device*/
#define XMC_VADC_EMUX_AVAILABLE (1U) /* Defines the availability of external multiplexer support in a
#define XMC_VADC_BOUNDARY_AVAILABLE (1U) /* Defines the availability of boundary check support in a device*/
#define XMC_VADC_MULTIPLE_SLAVEGROUPS (1U) /* Defines the availability of synchronous request source in device*/
#define XMC_VADC_MAXIMUM_NUM_GROUPS (4U) /* Defines the maximum number of groups available in a device*/
#define XMC_VADC_BOUNDARY_FLAG_SELECT (0U) /* Defines the availability of boundary flags in a device*/
#define XMC_VADC_EMUX_CH_SEL_STYLE (0U) /* Defines the external multiplexer channel selection mode of
operation for a particular device*/
#define XMC_VADC_SHS_AVAILABLE (0U) /* Defines the availability of sample and hold module*/
#define XMC_VADC_SHS_FULL_SET_REG (0U) /* Defines the availability of sample and hold module*/
#define XMC_VADC_GROUP_SRCREG_AVAILABLE (0U) /* Define the availability of a source specific result register */
#define XMC_VADC_RESULT_PRIORITY_AVAILABLE (0U) /* Define the availability of a priority for result register */
#if (UC_SERIES == XMC14 || UC_SERIES == XMC13 || UC_SERIES == XMC12)
#define XMC_VADC_GROUP_AVAILABLE (1U) /* Defines the availability of group resource in a device*/
#define XMC_VADC_GSCAN_AVAILABLE (1U) /* Defines the availability of scan request resource in a device*/
#define XMC_VADC_QUEUE_AVAILABLE (1U) /* Defines the availability of queue request resource in a device*/
#define XMC_VADC_EMUX_AVAILABLE (1U) /* Defines the availability of external multiplexer support in a
#define XMC_VADC_BOUNDARY_AVAILABLE (1U) /* Defines the availability of boundary check support in a device*/
#define XMC_VADC_MULTIPLE_SLAVEGROUPS (1U) /* Defines the availability of synchronous request source in device*/
#define XMC_VADC_MAXIMUM_NUM_GROUPS (2U) /* Defines the maximum number of groups available in a device*/
#define XMC_VADC_BOUNDARY_FLAG_SELECT (1U) /* Defines the availability of boundary flags in a device*/
#define XMC_VADC_EMUX_CH_SEL_STYLE (1U) /* Defines the external multiplexer channel selection mode of
operation for a particular device*/
#define XMC_VADC_SHS_AVAILABLE (1U) /* Defines the availability of sample and hold module*/
#define XMC_VADC_SHS_FULL_SET_REG (1U) /* Defines the availability of sample and hold module*/
#define XMC_VADC_GROUP_SRCREG_AVAILABLE (1U) /* Define the availability of a source specific result register */
#define XMC_VADC_RESULT_PRIORITY_AVAILABLE (1U) /* Define the availability of a priority for result register */
#if (UC_SERIES == XMC11)
#define XMC_VADC_GROUP_AVAILABLE (0U) /* Defines the availability of group resource in a device*/
#define XMC_VADC_GSCAN_AVAILABLE (0U) /* Defines the availability of scan request resource in a device*/
#define XMC_VADC_QUEUE_AVAILABLE (0U) /* Defines the availability of queue request resource in a device*/
#define XMC_VADC_EMUX_AVAILABLE (0U) /* Defines the availability of external multiplexer support in a
#define XMC_VADC_BOUNDARY_AVAILABLE (0U) /* Defines the availability of boundary check support in a device*/
#define XMC_VADC_MULTIPLE_SLAVEGROUPS (0U) /* Defines the availability of synchronous request source in device*/
#define XMC_VADC_MAXIMUM_NUM_GROUPS (2U) /* Defines the maximum number of groups available in a device*/
#define XMC_VADC_BOUNDARY_FLAG_SELECT (0U) /* Defines the availability of boundary flags in a device*/
#define XMC_VADC_SHS_START_UP_CAL_ACTIVE (3U) /* Defines the need for SHS startup calibration activation for
XMC1100 devices */
#define XMC_VADC_CONV_ENABLE_FOR_XMC11 (*(uint32_t*) 0x40010500UL) /* Defines the additional errata setting for
XMC1100 device for effective working*/
#define XMC_VADC_EMUX_CH_SEL_STYLE (0U) /* Defines the external multiplexer channel selection mode of
operation for a particular device*/
#define XMC_VADC_SHS_AVAILABLE (1U) /* Defines the availability of sample and hold module*/
#define XMC_VADC_SHS_FULL_SET_REG (0U) /* Defines the availability of sample and hold module*/
#define XMC_VADC_GROUP_SRCREG_AVAILABLE (0U) /* Define the availability of a source specific result register */
#define XMC_VADC_RESULT_PRIORITY_AVAILABLE (0U) /* Define the availability of a priority for result register */
#define XMC_VADC_NUM_PORTS (16U) /* Defines the number of hardware ports that can be configured
as triggers and gating signals */
#define XMC_VADC_NUM_RESULT_REGISTERS (16U) /* Defines the number of result holding registers per ADC group */
#define XMC_VADC_NUM_CHANNELS_PER_GROUP (8U) /**< Defines the number of ADC channels per group */
typedef uint16_t XMC_VADC_RESULT_SIZE_t; /**< Type defined the converted result size to unsigned 16 bit integer */
typedef VADC_GLOBAL_TypeDef XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_t; /**< Type defined the device header file vadc global register structure
type to VADC type*/
typedef VADC_G_TypeDef XMC_VADC_GROUP_t; /**< Type defined the device header file vadc group register structure
type to VADC Group type*/
typedef SHS_Type XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SHS_t; /**< Type defined the sample and hold register structure*/
* Defines the return status after execution of VADC specific API's. Use @ref XMC_VADC_STATUS_t for this enumeration.
typedef enum XMC_VADC_STATUS
XMC_VADC_STATUS_SUCCESS = 0, /**< Returned when the API has been able to fulfill the callers request */
XMC_VADC_STATUS_ERROR /**< Returned when the API cannot fulfill the request */
* Defines the various service requests lines. Each group can raise up to 4 service requests independently. While
* all groups together have the possibility of raising 4 module wide service requests. Use @ref XMC_VADC_SR_t for this
* enumeration.
typedef enum XMC_VADC_SR
XMC_VADC_SR_GROUP_SR0 = 0, /**< Group specific Service Request-0 */
XMC_VADC_SR_GROUP_SR1, /**< Group specific Service Request-1 */
XMC_VADC_SR_GROUP_SR2, /**< Group specific Service Request-2 */
XMC_VADC_SR_GROUP_SR3, /**< Group specific Service Request-3 */
XMC_VADC_SR_SHARED_SR0, /**< Module Wide Common Service Request-0 */
XMC_VADC_SR_SHARED_SR1, /**< Module Wide Common Service Request-1 */
XMC_VADC_SR_SHARED_SR2, /**< Module Wide Common Service Request-2 */
XMC_VADC_SR_SHARED_SR3 /**< Module Wide Common Service Request-3 */
* Defines the mode of operation of a channel, when an ongoing conversion gets interrupted in between.
* Use @ref XMC_VADC_STARTMODE_t for this enumeration.
XMC_VADC_STARTMODE_WFS = 0, /**< An ongoing conversion completes without interruption */
XMC_VADC_STARTMODE_CIR, /**< An ongoing conversion can be interrupted and resumed later*/
XMC_VADC_STARTMODE_CNR /**< An ongoing conversion can be interrupted and never resumed */
* Defines the edge sensitivity of the trigger signal which can assert a conversion.
* Use @ref XMC_VADC_TRIGGER_EDGE_t for this enumeration.
XMC_VADC_TRIGGER_EDGE_NONE = 0, /**< No external trigger. Conversion request can be asserted by software */
XMC_VADC_TRIGGER_EDGE_FALLING, /**< The falling edge of the external trigger can assert conversion request */
XMC_VADC_TRIGGER_EDGE_RISING, /**< The rising edge of the external trigger can assert conversion request */
XMC_VADC_TRIGGER_EDGE_ANY /**< Both the edges can assert conversion request */
* Defines the external trigger input selection possibilities, to assert a conversion. Refer the VADC interconnects
* section of the reference manual for details of peripherals which can be used. Also refer xmc_vadc_map.h file for
* detailed definitions of the peripherals which can take the control of these enumeration items.
* Use @ref XMC_VADC_TRIGGER_INPUT_SELECT_t for this enumeration.
XMC_VADC_REQ_TR_A = 0, /**< Trigger select signal A */
XMC_VADC_REQ_TR_B, /**< Trigger select signal B */
XMC_VADC_REQ_TR_C, /**< Trigger select signal C */
XMC_VADC_REQ_TR_D, /**< Trigger select signal D */
XMC_VADC_REQ_TR_E, /**< Trigger select signal E */
XMC_VADC_REQ_TR_F, /**< Trigger select signal F */
XMC_VADC_REQ_TR_G, /**< Trigger select signal G */
XMC_VADC_REQ_TR_H, /**< Trigger select signal H */
XMC_VADC_REQ_TR_I, /**< Trigger select signal I */
XMC_VADC_REQ_TR_J, /**< Trigger select signal J */
XMC_VADC_REQ_TR_K, /**< Trigger select signal K */
XMC_VADC_REQ_TR_L, /**< Trigger select signal L */
XMC_VADC_REQ_TR_M, /**< Trigger select signal M */
XMC_VADC_REQ_TR_N, /**< Trigger select signal N */
XMC_VADC_REQ_TR_O, /**< Trigger select signal O */
XMC_VADC_REQ_TR_P /**< Trigger select signal P */
* Defines the external gating input selection possibilities, to gate the conversion requests. Refer the VADC
* interconnects section of the reference manual for details of peripherals which can be used. Also refer
* xmc_vadc_map.h file for detailed definitions of the peripherals which can take the control of these enumeration
* items. Use @ref XMC_VADC_GATE_INPUT_SELECT_t for this enumeration.
XMC_VADC_REQ_GT_A = 0, /**< Gating select signal A */
XMC_VADC_REQ_GT_B, /**< Gating select signal B */
XMC_VADC_REQ_GT_C, /**< Gating select signal C */
XMC_VADC_REQ_GT_D, /**< Gating select signal D */
XMC_VADC_REQ_GT_E, /**< Gating select signal E */
XMC_VADC_REQ_GT_F, /**< Gating select signal F */
XMC_VADC_REQ_GT_G, /**< Gating select signal G */
XMC_VADC_REQ_GT_H, /**< Gating select signal H */
XMC_VADC_REQ_GT_I, /**< Gating select signal I */
XMC_VADC_REQ_GT_J, /**< Gating select signal J */
XMC_VADC_REQ_GT_K, /**< Gating select signal K */
XMC_VADC_REQ_GT_L, /**< Gating select signal L */
XMC_VADC_REQ_GT_M, /**< Gating select signal M */
XMC_VADC_REQ_GT_N, /**< Gating select signal N */
XMC_VADC_REQ_GT_O, /**< Gating select signal O */
XMC_VADC_REQ_GT_P /**< Gating select signal P */
* Defines the condition for gating the conversion requests. It can be used to set the ENGT field
* of ASMR/BSMR/QMR register respectively for auto_scan/background_scan/queue request sources.
* Use @ref XMC_VADC_GATEMODE_t for this enumeration.
typedef enum XMC_VADC_GATEMODE
XMC_VADC_GATEMODE_BLOCK = 0, /**< External triggers are permanently blocked */
XMC_VADC_GATEMODE_IGNORE, /**< External triggers are unconditionally passed */
XMC_VADC_GATEMODE_ACTIVEHIGH, /**< External trigger is passed only if the gate signal is high */
XMC_VADC_GATEMODE_ACTIVELOW /**< External trigger is passed only if the gate signal is low */
* Defines the conversion result handling mode. Use @ref XMC_VADC_DMM_t for this enumeration.
typedef enum XMC_VADC_DMM
XMC_VADC_DMM_REDUCTION_MODE = 0, /**< Standard Data reduction mode*/
XMC_VADC_DMM_FILTERING_MODE, /**< Provide option to select Finite Impulse Response Filter (FIR) or
Infinite Impulse Response Filter (IIR)*/
XMC_VADC_DMM_DIFFERENCE_MODE, /**< Difference mode is selected*/
* Defines the conversion mode. It defines the resolution of conversion. Use XMC_VADC_CONVMODE_t for this enumeration.
typedef enum XMC_VADC_CONVMODE
XMC_VADC_CONVMODE_12BIT = 0, /**< Results of conversion are 12bits wide */
XMC_VADC_CONVMODE_10BIT = 1, /**< Results of conversion are 10bits wide */
XMC_VADC_CONVMODE_8BIT = 2, /**< Results of conversion are 8bits wide */
XMC_VADC_CONVMODE_FASTCOMPARE = 5 /**< Input signal compared with a preset range */
* Defines the output of a fast compare mode. Use @ref XMC_VADC_FAST_COMPARE_t for
* this enumeration.
XMC_VADC_FAST_COMPARE_LOW = 0, /**< Input lower than than programmed reference */
XMC_VADC_FAST_COMPARE_HIGH , /**< Input higher than than programmed reference */
XMC_VADC_FAST_COMPARE_UNKNOWN /**< Unknown, Conversion probably still ongoing */
* Defines the type of scan request source to be used. It can choose between auto scan and background scan request
* source methods. Use @ref XMC_VADC_SCAN_TYPE_t for this enumeration.
typedef enum XMC_VADC_SCAN_TYPE
XMC_VADC_SCAN_TYPE_GROUPSCAN = 0, /**< Auto scan mode of operation selected. Also called as Group scan*/
XMC_VADC_SCAN_TYPE_BACKGROUND /**< Background scan mode of operation selected. Also called as Global scan*/
* Defines the behavior of load event for the scan request source. Use @ref XMC_VADC_SCAN_LOAD_t for this enumeration.
typedef enum XMC_VADC_SCAN_LOAD
XMC_VADC_SCAN_LOAD_OVERWRITE = 0, /**< The old set of channels is discarded in favor of the new set
awaiting conversion */
XMC_VADC_SCAN_LOAD_COMBINE /**< The new set of channels are combined with the pending channels from
previous set */
* Defines the conversion classes that can be selected for each channel. The enumeration members holds the group or
* global classes. The conversion classes decides the properties of conversion, like resolution, sampling time etc
* Use @ref XMC_VADC_CHANNEL_CONV_t for this enumeration.
XMC_VADC_CHANNEL_CONV_GROUP_CLASS0 = 0, /**< Conversion property set-0 specific to the group */
XMC_VADC_CHANNEL_CONV_GROUP_CLASS1, /**< Conversion property set-1 specific to the group */
XMC_VADC_CHANNEL_CONV_GLOBAL_CLASS0, /**< Conversion property set-0, Module wide */
XMC_VADC_CHANNEL_CONV_GLOBAL_CLASS1 /**< Conversion property set-1, Module wide */
* Defines the references to boundary values used for limit checking feature. Each of these can be assigned as
* either an upper bound or a lower bound. Use @ref XMC_VADC_CHANNEL_BOUNDARY_t for this enumeration.
XMC_VADC_CHANNEL_BOUNDARY_GROUP_BOUND0 = 0, /**< Group specific Boundary-0 value */
XMC_VADC_CHANNEL_BOUNDARY_GROUP_BOUND1, /**< Group specific Boundary-1 value */
XMC_VADC_CHANNEL_BOUNDARY_GLOBAL_BOUND0, /**< Module wide Boundary-0 value */
XMC_VADC_CHANNEL_BOUNDARY_GLOBAL_BOUND1 /**< Module wide Boundary-1 value */
* Defines the voltage which the capacitor is charged to. Used in Broken wire detection feature. Use
* @ref XMC_VADC_CHANNEL_BWDCH_t for this enumeration.
XMC_VADC_CHANNEL_BWDCH_VAGND = 0, /**< Capacitor pre-charged to ground*/
XMC_VADC_CHANNEL_BWDCH_VAREF /**< Capacitor pre-charged to reference voltage*/
* Defines the criteria for event generation by the channel. Use @ref XMC_VADC_CHANNEL_EVGEN_t for this enumeration.
XMC_VADC_CHANNEL_EVGEN_NEVER = 0, /**< No event generated */
XMC_VADC_CHANNEL_EVGEN_INBOUND = 1U, /**< Event generated when the result is within the normal range */
XMC_VADC_CHANNEL_EVGEN_COMPHIGH = 1U, /**< Event generated when the result of fast compare operation is high */
XMC_VADC_CHANNEL_EVGEN_OUTBOUND = 2U, /**< Event generated when the result is outside the normal range */
XMC_VADC_CHANNEL_EVGEN_COMPLOW = 2U, /**< Event generated when the result result of fast compare operation is low */
XMC_VADC_CHANNEL_EVGEN_ALWAYS = 3U /**< Event generated always after conversion - unconditionally */
* Defines the reference voltage selection for conversion. Use @ref XMC_VADC_CHANNEL_REF_t for this enumeration.
XMC_VADC_CHANNEL_REF_INTREF = 0, /**< Internal VARef */
XMC_VADC_CHANNEL_REF_ALT_CH0 /**< External voltage available on Channel-0 of the perticular group */
* Defines the criteria for boundary flag assertion. Use @ref XMC_VADC_CHANNEL_BOUNDARY_CONDITION_t for this
* enumeration.
XMC_VADC_CHANNEL_BOUNDARY_CONDITION_ABOVE_BAND = 0, /**< Set Boundary condition criteria to assert above the band */
XMC_VADC_CHANNEL_BOUNDARY_CONDITION_BELOW_BAND /**< Set Boundary condition criteria to assert below the band */
* Defines the event which can lead to a global service request assertion. Use @ref XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_EVENT_t for this
* enumeration.
XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_EVENT_BKGNDSOURCE = VADC_GLOBEFLAG_SEVGLB_Msk, /**< Background scan request source event */
* Defines the power modes of a VADC Group. Use @ref XMC_VADC_GROUP_POWERMODE_t for this enumeration.
XMC_VADC_GROUP_POWERMODE_OFF = 0, /**< Group is powered down */
XMC_VADC_GROUP_POWERMODE_NORMAL /**< Group is powered up */
* Defines the status of a VADC group (also known as kernel). Use @ref XMC_VADC_GROUP_STATE_t for this enumeration.
XMC_VADC_GROUP_STATE_IDLE = 0, /**< Idle and can convert if requested */
XMC_VADC_GROUP_STATE_BUSY /**< Busy with an ongoing conversion */
* Defines the reference to sample time and conversion mode settings. Use @ref XMC_VADC_GROUP_CONV_t for this
* enumeration.
typedef enum XMC_VADC_GROUP_CONV
XMC_VADC_GROUP_CONV_STD = 0, /**< Settings pertaining to channels directly attached to VADC module */
XMC_VADC_GROUP_CONV_EMUX /**< Settings pertaining to channels connected to VADC via EMUX */
* Defines the request source arbiter behavior. Use @ref XMC_VADC_GROUP_ARBMODE_t for this enumeration.
XMC_VADC_GROUP_ARBMODE_ALWAYS = 0, /**< Arbiter runs all the time */
XMC_VADC_GROUP_ARBMODE_ONDEMAND /**< Arbiter runs only if a conversion request is asserted by any of the
request sources */
* Defines the EMUX mode of operation. Use @ref XMC_VADC_GROUP_EMUXMODE_t for this enumeration.
XMC_VADC_GROUP_EMUXMODE_SWCTRL = 0, /**< Perform EMUX in Software control mode*/
XMC_VADC_GROUP_EMUXMODE_STEADYMODE, /**< Perform EMUX in Steady mode (Use EMUX set value)*/
XMC_VADC_GROUP_EMUXMODE_SINGLEMODE, /**< Perform EMUX in Single step mode*/
* Defines the EMUX channel selection encoding scheme. Use @ref XMC_VADC_GROUP_EMUXCODE_t for this enumeration.
XMC_VADC_GROUP_EMUXCODE_BINARY = 0, /**< A linearly incrementing code serves are MUX-SEL */
XMC_VADC_GROUP_EMUXCODE_GRAY /**< The MUX-SEL is gray encoded */
* Defines the service request set used. Use @ref XMC_VADC_GROUP_IRQ_t for this enumeration.
typedef enum XMC_VADC_GROUP_IRQ
XMC_VADC_GROUP_IRQ_KERNEL = 0, /**< Refers to Group specific service request */
XMC_VADC_GROUP_IRQ_SHARED /**< Refers to Module wide service request */
* Defines the alignment of the converted result. Use @ref XMC_VADC_RESULT_ALIGN_t for this enumeration.
XMC_VADC_RESULT_ALIGN_LEFT = 0, /**< Always align result to left */
XMC_VADC_RESULT_ALIGN_RIGHT /**< Always align result to right */
XMC_VADC_RESULT_SUBTRATION_12BIT_LEFT_ALIGN = 0U, /**< Always align result to left */
XMC_VADC_RESULT_SUBTRATION_12BIT_RIGHT_ALIGN = 0U, /**< Always align result to right */
XMC_VADC_RESULT_SUBTRATION_10BIT_LEFT_ALIGN = 2U, /**< Always align result to left */
XMC_VADC_RESULT_SUBTRATION_10BIT_RIGHT_ALIGN = 0U, /**< Always align result to right */
XMC_VADC_RESULT_SUBTRATION_8BIT_LEFT_ALIGN = 4U, /**< Always align result to left */
XMC_VADC_RESULT_SUBTRATION_8BIT_RIGHT_ALIGN = 0U, /**< Always align result to right */
* Defines the request source arbitration priority. Use @ref XMC_VADC_GROUP_RS_PRIORITY_t for this enumeration.
XMC_VADC_GROUP_RS_PRIORITY_0 = 0, /**< Lowest priority for the request source*/
XMC_VADC_GROUP_RS_PRIORITY_1, /**< Second lowest priority for the request source*/
XMC_VADC_GROUP_RS_PRIORITY_2, /**< Second highest priority for the request source*/
XMC_VADC_GROUP_RS_PRIORITY_3, /**< Highest priority for the request source*/
* Defines the various modes for the boundary flag. Use @ref XMC_VADC_GROUP_BOUNDARY_FLAG_MODE_t for this enumeration.
XMC_VADC_GROUP_BOUNDARY_FLAG_MODE_DISABLED = 0, /**< Disable boundary flag*/
XMC_VADC_GROUP_BOUNDARY_FLAG_MODE_ENABLED, /**< Always enable boundary*/
XMC_VADC_GROUP_BOUNDARY_FLAG_MODE_ENABLED_ACTIVE_LOW, /**< Enable boundary flag when gate level is 0*/
XMC_VADC_GROUP_BOUNDARY_FLAG_MODE_ENABLED_ACTIVE_HIGH /**< Enable boundary flag when gate level is 1*/
* Defines the boundary select for Channel. Use @ref XMC_VADC_GROUP_BOUNDARY_FLAG_MODE_t for this enumeration.
XMC_VADC_BOUNDARY_SELECT_LOWER_BOUND = 0U, /**< Select the lower boundary*/
XMC_VADC_BOUNDARY_SELECT_UPPER_BOUND = 2U /**< Selects the upper boundary*/
* Defines the group indices. Use @ref XMC_VADC_GROUP_INDEX_t for this enumeration.
* Defines channel alias.
* All enum items are available for channels 0 and 1. Other Channels can accept only XMC_VADC_CHANNEL_ALIAS_DISABLED.
* Selection of the reference voltage that is required for conversions (VREF).
XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SHS_AREF_EXTERNAL_VDD_UPPER_RANGE = 0, /**< External reference, upper supply range, e.g. VDD >= 3.0V */
XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SHS_AREF_INTERNAL_VDD_UPPER_RANGE = 2, /**< Internal reference, upper supply range, e.g. VDD >= 3.0V */
XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SHS_AREF_INTERNAL_VDD_LOWER_RANGE = 3, /**< Internal reference, lower supply range, e.g. VDD < 3.0V */
* Defines the gain calibration selection.
XMC_VADC_SHS_GAIN_LEVEL_0 = SHS_CALOC0_CALOFFVAL0_Pos, /**< Select the calibration value for gain level 0 */
XMC_VADC_SHS_GAIN_LEVEL_1 = SHS_CALOC0_CALOFFVAL1_Pos, /**< Select the calibration value for gain level 1 */
XMC_VADC_SHS_GAIN_LEVEL_2 = SHS_CALOC0_CALOFFVAL2_Pos, /**< Select the calibration value for gain level 2 */
XMC_VADC_SHS_GAIN_LEVEL_3 = SHS_CALOC0_CALOFFVAL3_Pos /**< Select the calibration value for gain level 3 */
* Defines the Delta sigma loop.
typedef enum XMC_VADC_SHS_LOOP_CH
XMC_VADC_SHS_LOOP_CH_0 = SHS_LOOP_LPCH0_Pos, /**< Select Delta-sigma loop 0*/
XMC_VADC_SHS_LOOP_CH_1 = SHS_LOOP_LPCH1_Pos /**< Select Delta-sigma loop 1*/
* Provides the order in which the SHS should do the calibration
XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SHS_CALIBRATION_ORDER_POST_CONV = 0, /**< Calibration occur after conversion takes place */
XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SHS_CALIBRATION_ORDER_PRE_CONV /**< Calibration occur before conversion takes place */
* Provides possible routing values for the boundary flag.
XMC_VADC_BOUNDARY_NODE_COMMON_BOUNDARY_FLAG_0 = 0U, /**<Route the Group boundary flag to Common boundary flag 0 */
XMC_VADC_BOUNDARY_NODE_COMMON_BOUNDARY_FLAG_1, /**<Route the Group boundary flag to Common boundary flag 1 */
XMC_VADC_BOUNDARY_NODE_COMMON_BOUNDARY_FLAG_2, /**<Route the Group boundary flag to Common boundary flag 2 */
XMC_VADC_BOUNDARY_NODE_COMMON_BOUNDARY_FLAG_3, /**<Route the Group boundary flag to Common boundary flag 3 */
XMC_VADC_BOUNDARY_NODE_COMMON_SR_LINE_0, /**<Route the Group boundary flag to Common Service Request line 0 */
XMC_VADC_BOUNDARY_NODE_COMMON_SR_LINE_1, /**<Route the Group boundary flag to Common Service Request line 1 */
XMC_VADC_BOUNDARY_NODE_COMMON_SR_LINE_2, /**<Route the Group boundary flag to Common Service Request line 2 */
XMC_VADC_BOUNDARY_NODE_COMMON_SR_LINE_3 /**<Route the Group boundary flag to Common Service Request line 3 */
* Defines the ready signal selection
XMC_VADC_SYNCTR_EVAL_1 = VADC_G_SYNCTR_EVALR1_Msk, /**<Mask to set the EVAL1 bits of SYNCTR */
XMC_VADC_SYNCTR_EVAL_2 = VADC_G_SYNCTR_EVALR2_Msk, /**<Mask to set the EVAL2 bits of SYNCTR */
XMC_VADC_SYNCTR_EVAL_3 = VADC_G_SYNCTR_EVALR3_Msk /**<Mask to set the EVAL3 bits of SYNCTR */
/*Anonymous structure/union guard start*/
#if defined(__CC_ARM)
#pragma push
#pragma anon_unions
#elif defined(__TASKING__)
#pragma warning 586
* Structure initializing the VADC scan request source. Use type @ref XMC_VADC_SCAN_CONFIG_t for this structure.
typedef struct XMC_VADC_SCAN_CONFIG
uint32_t conv_start_mode : 2; /**< One converter is shared between the queue and scan request sources of the same
group. This field determines how scan request source would request for
conversion. Uses @ref XMC_VADC_STARTMODE_t */
uint32_t req_src_priority : 2; /**< Request source priority for the arbiter. If the Conversion start mode has been
selected as Cancel inject repeat/Never mode then this field would determine the
priority of scan request source. Uses @ref XMC_VADC_GROUP_RS_PRIORITY_t */
uint32_t src_specific_result_reg : 4; /**< Use any one Group related result register as the destination
for all conversions results. To use the individual result register
from each channel configuration, configure this field with 0x0 */
uint32_t : 4;
uint32_t : 4;
uint32_t trigger_signal : 4; /**< Select one of the 16 possibilities for trigger. Uses @ref
uint32_t : 1;
uint32_t trigger_edge : 2; /**< Edge selection for trigger signal. Uses @ref
uint32_t : 1;
uint32_t gate_signal : 4; /**< Select one of the 16 possibilities for gating. Uses @ref
uint32_t : 8;
uint32_t timer_mode : 1; /**< Decides whether timer mode for equi-distant sampling shall be
activated or not.*/
uint32_t : 3;
uint32_t asctrl;
uint32_t : 2;
uint32_t external_trigger : 1; /**< Conversions be initiated by external hardware trigger */
uint32_t req_src_interrupt : 1; /**< Request source event can be generated after a conversion sequence*/
uint32_t enable_auto_scan : 1; /**< Enables the continuous conversion mode. Conversion completion
of the last channel in a scan sequence will cause a load event. */
uint32_t load_mode : 1; /**< Selects load event mode. Uses @ref XMC_VADC_SCAN_LOAD_t */
uint32_t : 26;
uint32_t asmr;
typedef XMC_VADC_SCAN_CONFIG_t XMC_VADC_BACKGROUND_CONFIG_t; /**< Type defined the scan configuration
structure for background Request Source*/
* Structure initializing the VADC channel. Use type XMC_VADC_CHANNEL_CONFIG_t for this enumeration.
uint32_t input_class : 2; /**< Input conversion class selection.
uint32_t : 2;
uint32_t lower_boundary_select : 2; /**< Which boundary register serves as lower bound?
Accepts enum @ref XMC_VADC_CHANNEL_BOUNDARY_t */
uint32_t upper_boundary_select : 2; /**< Which boundary register serves as upper bound?
Accepts enum @ref XMC_VADC_CHANNEL_BOUNDARY_t */
uint32_t event_gen_criteria : 2; /**< When should an event be generated?
uint32_t sync_conversion : 1; /**< Enables synchronous conversion for the configured channel*/
uint32_t alternate_reference : 1; /**< Input reference voltage selection either VARef or CH-0.
uint32_t : 4;
uint32_t result_reg_number : 4; /**< Group result register number */
uint32_t use_global_result : 1; /**< Use global result register for background request source channels */
uint32_t result_alignment : 1; /**< Alignment of the results read in the result register.
uint32_t : 6;
uint32_t broken_wire_detect_channel : 2; /**< Source to be used to charge the capacitor for BWD feature.
uint32_t broken_wire_detect : 1; /**< Configures extra phase before the capacitor is sampled. */
uint32_t chctr;
uint32_t : 8;
uint32_t flag_output_condition_ch0 : 1; /**< Condition for which the boundary flag should change.
uint32_t flag_output_condition_ch1 : 1; /**< Condition for which the boundary flag should change.
uint32_t flag_output_condition_ch2 : 1; /**< Condition for which the boundary flag should change.
uint32_t flag_output_condition_ch3 : 1; /**< Condition for which the boundary flag should change.
uint32_t : 4;
uint32_t : 4;
uint32_t invert_boundary_flag_ch0 : 1; /**< Inverts boundary flag output.*/
uint32_t invert_boundary_flag_ch1 : 1; /**< Inverts boundary flag output.*/
uint32_t invert_boundary_flag_ch2 : 1; /**< Inverts boundary flag output.*/
uint32_t invert_boundary_flag_ch3 : 1; /**< Inverts boundary flag output.*/
uint32_t boundary_flag_output_ch0 : 1; /**< Enable the boundary flag output on the specific channel.*/
uint32_t boundary_flag_output_ch1 : 1; /**< Enable the boundary flag output on the specific channel.*/
uint32_t boundary_flag_output_ch2 : 1; /**< Enable the boundary flag output on the specific channel.*/
uint32_t boundary_flag_output_ch3 : 1; /**< Enable the boundary flag output on the specific channel.*/
uint32_t : 12;
uint32_t bfl;
uint32_t boundary_flag_mode_ch0 : 4; /**< Specify the basic operation of boundary flag 0
uint32_t boundary_flag_mode_ch1 : 4; /**< Specify the basic operation of boundary flag 1
uint32_t boundary_flag_mode_ch2 : 4; /**< Specify the basic operation of boundary flag 2
uint32_t boundary_flag_mode_ch3 : 4; /**< Specify the basic operation of boundary flag 3
uint32_t : 16;
uint32_t bflc;
bool channel_priority; /**< Only non priority channels can be converted by Background Request Source */
int8_t alias_channel; /**< Specifies the channel which has to be aliased with CH0/CH1 (which ever is applicable).
Force the value to \b(int8_t)-1 to bypass alias feature.
Uses @ref XMC_VADC_CHANNEL_ALIAS_t for configuration.*/
* Structure to initialize a queue entry. Use type @ref XMC_VADC_QUEUE_ENTRY_t.
typedef struct XMC_VADC_QUEUE_ENTRY
uint32_t channel_num : 5; /**< Channel number associated with this queue entry.<BR>Range:[0x0 to 0x7] */
uint32_t refill_needed : 1; /**< Conversion completed channel gets inserted back into the queue */
uint32_t generate_interrupt : 1; /**< Generates a queue request source event */
uint32_t external_trigger : 1; /**< Conversion requests are raised on an external trigger. */
uint32_t : 24;
uint32_t qinr0;
* Structure initializing a VADC queue request source. Use type @ref XMC_VADC_QUEUE_CONFIG_t.
typedef struct XMC_VADC_QUEUE_CONFIG
uint32_t conv_start_mode : 2; /**< One converter is shared between the queue and scan request sources of the same
group. This field determines how queue request source would request for
conversion. Uses @ref XMC_VADC_STARTMODE_t */
uint32_t req_src_priority : 2; /**< Request source priority for the arbiter.Uses @ref XMC_VADC_GROUP_RS_PRIORITY_t */
uint32_t src_specific_result_reg : 4; /**< Uses any one Group related result register as the destination
for all conversions results. To use the individual result register
from each channel configuration, configure this field with 0x0 */
uint32_t : 4;
uint32_t : 4;
uint32_t trigger_signal : 4; /**< Select one of the 16 possibilities for trigger.
uint32_t : 1;
uint32_t trigger_edge : 2; /**< Edge selection for trigger signal.
uint32_t : 1;
uint32_t gate_signal : 4; /**< Select one of the 16 possibilities for gating.
uint32_t : 8;
uint32_t timer_mode : 1; /**< Timer mode for equi-distant sampling shall be activated or not? */
uint32_t : 3;
uint32_t qctrl0;
uint32_t : 2;
uint32_t external_trigger : 1; /**< Are external triggers supported? */
uint32_t : 29;
uint32_t qmr0;
* Structure to initialize the global input class configuration. Configured parameters are sample time and
* conversion Mode.
typedef struct XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_CLASS
uint32_t sample_time_std_conv : 5; /**< Sample time for channels directly connected to VADC
<BR>Range: [0x0 to 0x1F] */
uint32_t : 3;
uint32_t conversion_mode_standard : 3; /**< Conversion mode for channels directly connected to VADC.
Uses @ref XMC_VADC_CONVMODE_t */
uint32_t : 5;
uint32_t sampling_phase_emux_channel : 5; /**< Sample time for channels connected via EMUX
<BR>Range: [0x0 to 0x1F] */
uint32_t : 3;
uint32_t conversion_mode_emux : 3; /**< Conversion mode for channels connected via EMUX to VADC.
Uses @ref XMC_VADC_CONVMODE_t */
uint32_t : 5;
uint32_t : 16;
uint32_t globiclass;
* Structure to initialize converter and arbiter clock configuration
typedef struct XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_CLOCK
uint32_t analog_clock_divider : 5; /**< Clock for the converter. <BR>Range: [0x0 to 0x1F] */
uint32_t : 2;
uint32_t msb_conversion_clock : 1; /**< Additional clock cycle for analog converter */
uint32_t arbiter_clock_divider : 2; /**< Request source arbiter clock divider. <BR>Range: [0x0 to 0x3] */
uint32_t : 5;
uint32_t : 17;
uint32_t globcfg;
* Structure to initialize the VADC Global functions
uint32_t boundary0 : 12; /**< Boundary value for results comparison*/
uint32_t : 4;
uint32_t boundary1 : 12; /**< Boundary value for results comparison*/
uint32_t : 4;
uint32_t globbound;
XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_CLOCK_t clock_config; /**< ADC clock configurations*/
XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_CLASS_t class0; /**< ADC input conversion configurations for GLOBICLASS[0]*/
XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_CLASS_t class1; /**< ADC input conversion configurations for GLOBICLASS[1]*/
uint32_t : 16;
uint32_t data_reduction_control : 4; /**< Data reduction stages */
uint32_t : 4;
uint32_t wait_for_read_mode : 1; /**< Results of the next conversion will not be overwritten in the
result register until the previous value is read*/
uint32_t : 6;
uint32_t event_gen_enable : 1; /**< Generates an event on availability of new result. */
uint32_t globrcr;
uint32_t module_disable : 1; /**< Disables the module clock.*/
uint32_t : 2;
uint32_t disable_sleep_mode_control : 1; /**< Set it to true in order to disable the Sleep mode */
uint32_t : 28;
uint32_t clc;
* Structure to initialize the group input class configuration. Configured parameters are sample time and
* conversion Mode.
typedef struct XMC_VADC_GROUP_CLASS
uint32_t sample_time_std_conv : 5; /**< Sample time for channels directly connected to VADC
<BR>Range: [0x0 to 0x1F] */
uint32_t : 3;
uint32_t conversion_mode_standard : 3; /**< Conversion mode for channels directly connected to VADC.
Uses @ref XMC_VADC_CONVMODE_t */
uint32_t : 5;
uint32_t sampling_phase_emux_channel : 5; /**< Sample time for channels connected via EMUX
<BR>Range: [0x0 to 0x1F] */
uint32_t : 3;
uint32_t conversion_mode_emux : 3; /**< Conversion mode for channels connected via EMUX to VADC.
Uses @ref XMC_VADC_CONVMODE_t */
uint32_t : 5;
uint32_t g_iclass0;
* EMUX related configuration structure.
uint32_t starting_external_channel : 3; /**< External channel number to which the VADC will
generate a control signal (needed to select the analog input in
the analog multiplexer)*/
uint32_t : 13;
uint32_t connected_channel : 10; /**< The Channel to which the EMUX is connected. */
uint32_t connected_channel : 5; /**< The Channel to which the EMUX is connected. */
uint32_t : 5;
uint32_t emux_mode : 2; /**< Selects the external multiplexer modes: Steady, Single Mode, step etc
uint32_t emux_coding : 1; /**< Select Binary or Gray coding. Uses @ref XMC_VADC_GROUP_EMUXCODE_t*/
uint32_t stce_usage : 1; /**< Use STCE for each conversion of an external channel */
uint32_t emux_channel_select_style : 1; /**< Selects the style of configuring the \b connected_channel
(Each bit represents the channel or entire field represents the channel number ) */
uint32_t : 1;
uint32_t : 2;
uint32_t g_emuxctr;
* Group Configuration Data Structures
typedef struct XMC_VADC_GROUP_CONFIG
XMC_VADC_GROUP_EMUXCFG_t emux_config; /**< External multiplexer related configurations */
XMC_VADC_GROUP_CLASS_t class0; /**< ADC input conversion configurations for GxICLASS[0]*/
XMC_VADC_GROUP_CLASS_t class1; /**< ADC input conversion configurations for GxICLASS[1]*/
uint32_t boundary0 : 12; /**< Boundary value for results comparison*/
uint32_t : 4;
uint32_t boundary1 : 12; /**< Boundary value for results comparison*/
uint32_t : 4;
uint32_t g_bound;
uint32_t : 4;
uint32_t arbitration_round_length : 2; /**< Number of arbiter slots to be considered */
uint32_t : 1;
uint32_t arbiter_mode : 1; /**< Arbiter mode - Select either Continuous mode or Demand based.
uint32_t : 24;
uint32_t g_arbcfg;
* Structure to initialize VADC Group result register.
uint32_t : 16;
uint32_t data_reduction_control : 4; /**< Configures the data reduction stages */
uint32_t post_processing_mode : 2; /**< Result data processing mode. Uses @ref XMC_VADC_DMM_t
For normal operation select
and data_reduction_control as 0*/
uint32_t : 2;
uint32_t wait_for_read_mode : 1; /**< Allow the conversion only after previous results are read*/
uint32_t part_of_fifo : 2; /**< Make the result register a part of Result FIFO? */
uint32_t : 4;
uint32_t event_gen_enable : 1; /**< Generates an event on availability of new result. */
uint32_t g_rcr;
* Structure to initialize the Stepper configurations
uint32_t sh_unit_step0 :3; /**< Select a Sample and hold unit for the stepper's step number 0.
uint32_t enable_step0 :1; /**< Should the step be added to the sequence */
uint32_t sh_unit_step1 :3; /**< Select a Sample and hold unit for the stepper's step number 1.
uint32_t enable_step1 :1; /**< Should the step be added to the sequence */
uint32_t sh_unit_step2 :3; /**< Select a Sample and hold unit for the stepper's step number 2.
uint32_t enable_step2 :1; /**< Should the step be added to the sequence */
uint32_t sh_unit_step3 :3; /**< Select a Sample and hold unit for the stepper's step number 3.
uint32_t enable_step3 :1; /**< Should the step be added to the sequence */
uint32_t sh_unit_step4 :3; /**< Select a Sample and hold unit for the stepper's step number 4.
uint32_t enable_step4 :1; /**< Should the step be added to the sequence */
uint32_t sh_unit_step5 :3; /**< Select a Sample and hold unit for the stepper's step number 5.
uint32_t enable_step5 :1; /**< Should the step be added to the sequence */
uint32_t sh_unit_step6 :3; /**< Select a Sample and hold unit for the stepper's step number 6.
uint32_t enable_step6 :1; /**< Should the step be added to the sequence */
uint32_t sh_unit_step7 :3; /**< Select a Sample and hold unit for the stepper's step number 7.
uint32_t enable_step7 :1; /**< Should the step be added to the sequence */
uint32_t stepcfg;
* Sample and hold Initialization structure
uint32_t shs_clock_divider :4; /**< The divider value for the SHS clock. Range: [0x0 to 0xF]*/
uint32_t :6;
uint32_t :10;
uint32_t analog_reference_select :2; /**< It is possible to different reference voltage for the SHS modules*/
uint32_t :20;
uint32_t shscfg;
XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SHS_CALIBRATION_ORDER_t calibration_order; /**< order in which the calibration should be taken up*/
* Detailed result structure
uint32_t result :16; /**< Result of the Analog to digital conversion*/
uint32_t data_reduction_counter :4; /**< Results reduction counter value*/
uint32_t channel_number :5; /**< Converted channel number*/
uint32_t emux_channel_number :3; /**< Converted external multiplexer channel number.
Only applicable for GxRES[0] result register*/
uint32_t converted_request_source :2; /**< Converted request source*/
uint32_t fast_compare_result :1; /**< Fast compare result if conversion mode is fast compare mode.*/
uint32_t vaild_result :1; /**< Valid flag is set when a new result is available*/
uint32_t res;
/*Anonymous structure/union guard end*/
#if defined(__CC_ARM)
#pragma pop
#elif defined(__TASKING__)
#pragma warning restore
* static inline functions
return((group_ptr == VADC_G0) || (group_ptr == VADC_G1) || (group_ptr == VADC_G2) || (group_ptr == VADC_G3));
return((group_ptr == VADC_G0) || (group_ptr == VADC_G1));
* API Prototypes
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* @param None
* @return None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Enables the VADC module.<BR>\n
* This API would ungate the clock to the VADC module (if applicable). Also this API would bring
* the VADC module out of reset state(if applicable), by asserting the appropriate registers.
* This API would invoke XMC_SCU_CLOCK_UngatePeripheralClock() and XMC_SCU_RESET_DeassertPeripheralReset()
* if needed. Directly accessed register is COMPARATOR.ORCCTRL (Refer to the errata for XMC1100).
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR>
* XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_DisableModule().
void XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_EnableModule(void);
* @param None
* @return None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Disables the VADC module.<BR>\n
* This API would gate the clock to the VADC module (if applicable). Also this API would put
* the VADC module into the reset state(if applicable) by asserting the appropriate registers.
* This API would invoke XMC_SCU_CLOCK_GatePeripheralClock() and XMC_SCU_RESET_AssertPeripheralReset() if needed.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR>
* XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_EnableModule().
void XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_DisableModule(void);
* @param global_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC module.
* @param config Pointer to initialization data structure
* @return None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Initializes the VADC global module with the associated configuration structure pointed by \a config.\n\n It
* enables the global access to registers by configuring reset and clock un-gating for selected devices. It
* initializes global class, boundary , result resources by setting GLOBICLASS,GLOBBOUND,GLOBRCR registers. It also
* configures the global analog and digital clock dividers by setting GLOBCFG register. Refer related API's to change
* the configurations later in the program.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR>
void XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_Init(XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_t *const global_ptr, const XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_CONFIG_t *config);
* @param global_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC module.
* @return None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Enables the VADC module clock.\n\n Call this API before any further configuration of VADC. It sets the DISR bit of CLC
* register to enable.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR>
__STATIC_INLINE void XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_EnableModuleClock(XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_t *const global_ptr)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_Enable:Wrong Module Pointer", (global_ptr == VADC))
global_ptr->CLC &= ~((uint32_t)VADC_CLC_DISR_Msk);
* @param global_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC module.
* @return None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Disables the VADC module clock.\n\n After this API call, no conversion will occur. Call
* XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_EnableModuleClock() to enable the VADC module later in the program.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR>
__STATIC_INLINE void XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_DisableModuleClock(XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_t *const global_ptr)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_Disable:Wrong Module Pointer", (global_ptr == VADC))
global_ptr->CLC |= (uint32_t) ((uint32_t)1 << VADC_CLC_DISR_Pos);
* @param global_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC module.
* @return None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Enables VADC module to sleep if a sleep request comes.\n\n
* It resets the EDIS bit of CLC register for enabling the sleep mode.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR>
* XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_DisableSleepMode().
__STATIC_INLINE void XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_EnableSleepMode(XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_t *const global_ptr)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_EnableSleepMode:Wrong Module Pointer", (global_ptr == VADC))
global_ptr->CLC &= ~((uint32_t)VADC_CLC_EDIS_Msk);
* @param global_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC module.
* @return None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Ignores the sleep mode request for the VADC.\n\n
* With the sleep feature enabled, the module will respond to sleep
* requests by going into a low power mode. It resets the EDIS bit of CLC register for enabling the sleep mode.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR>
* XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_EnableSleepMode().
__STATIC_INLINE void XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_DisableSleepMode(XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_t *const global_ptr)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_DisableSleepMode:Wrong Module Pointer", (global_ptr == VADC))
global_ptr->CLC |= (uint32_t) ((uint32_t)1 << VADC_CLC_EDIS_Pos);
* @param global_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC module.
* @param config Pointer to the data structure containing clock configuration data
* @return None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Configures the VADC clock.<BR>\n
* Sets up the clock configuration of the VADC module using the config structure pointed by \a config.
* The clock to the analog converter and to the request source arbiter is configured by setting the GLOBCFG register.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR>
* None
__STATIC_INLINE void XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_ClockInit(XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_t *const global_ptr, const XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_CLOCK_t *config)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_ClockInit:Wrong Module Pointer", (global_ptr == VADC))
/* Write the Clock configuration into the GLOBCFG register */
global_ptr->GLOBCFG = (uint32_t)(config->globcfg | (VADC_GLOBCFG_DIVWC_Msk));
* @param global_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC module.
* @param config Conversion class parameter structure
* @param conv_type configure the input call for either standard conversion or EMUX related conversion.
* @param set_num Conversion class set<BR>
* Range: [0x0, 0x1]
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Configures the ADC conversion settings like sample time and resolution.<BR>\n
* Sets up the conversion settings for vadc global resource associated with \a config structure. It configures the
* conversion class properties like sampling time and resolution for selected \a conv_type channels. It initializes
* the GLOBALICLASS register specified by \a set_num with the required settings.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR>
* None
void XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_InputClassInit(XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_t *const global_ptr, const XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_CLASS_t config,
const XMC_VADC_GROUP_CONV_t conv_type, const uint32_t set_num);
* @param global_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC global module
* @param config Pointer to result configuration data structure
* @return None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Initializes global result register.<BR>\n
* Initializes Global Result Register with specified settings configured in the \a config structure.\n\n This API
* results in configuration of GLOBRCR register. This helps in configuring the Data reduction mode, global result event
* , wait for read mode on the GLOBRES register.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR>
* None
__STATIC_INLINE void XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_ResultInit(XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_t *const global_ptr, const XMC_VADC_RESULT_CONFIG_t *config)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_ResultInit:Wrong Module Pointer", (global_ptr == VADC))
/* Configure GLOBRCR*/
global_ptr->GLOBRCR = config->g_rcr;
* @param global_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC module.
* @return None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Enables the startup calibration feature of the VADC module.\n\n It configures the SUCAL bit of GLOBCFG register to
* enable the startup calibration feature. After turning it on, it loops until all active groups finish calibration.
* Call XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_Enable() and XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_ClockInit() before calling this API in sequence. Calling the API
* XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_DisableStartupCalibration() can disable the calibration feature at runtime.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR>
* None
void XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_StartupCalibration(XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_t *const global_ptr);
* @param global_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC module.
* @return None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Disables the startup calibration feature of the VADC module.\n\n It configures the SUCAL bit of GLOBCFG register to
* disable the startup calibration feature. Calling the API XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_EnsableStartupCalibration() can enable the
* calibration feature at runtime.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR>
* None
__STATIC_INLINE void XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_DisableStartupCalibration(XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_t *const global_ptr)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_DisableStartupCalibration:Wrong Module Pointer", (global_ptr == VADC))
global_ptr->GLOBCFG &= ~((uint32_t)VADC_GLOBCFG_SUCAL_Msk);
* @param global_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC module
* @param group_number group number whose post calibration feature is to be disabled. <BR>
* Range[0x0 to 0x3] Accepts the enum ::XMC_VADC_GROUP_INDEX_t
* @return None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Disables the post calibration for a particular group specified as \a group_number.\n\n It configures the DPCAL0 bit
* of GLOBCFG register to disable the post calibration feature. Call XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_Enable() and
* XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_ClockInit() before calling this API in sequence. Calling the API
* XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_EnablePostCalibration() can enable back the calibration feature at runtime.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR>
* XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_DisablePostCalibration()<BR>
* None
__STATIC_INLINE void XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_DisablePostCalibration(XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_t *const global_ptr, uint32_t group_number)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_DisablePostCalibration:Wrong Module Pointer", (global_ptr == VADC))
global_ptr->GLOBCFG |= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)1 << ((uint32_t)VADC_GLOBCFG_DPCAL0_Pos + group_number));
* @param global_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC module
* @param group_number group number whose post calibration feature is to be enabled. <BR>
* Range[0x0 to 0x3] Accepts the enum ::XMC_VADC_GROUP_INDEX_t
* @return None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Enables the post calibration for a particular group specified as \a group_number.\n\n It configures the DPCAL0 bit
* of GLOBCFG register to enable the post calibration feature. Calling the API XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_DisablePostCalibration()
* can disable the calibration feature at runtime.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR>
* XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_DisablePostCalibration()<BR>
* None
__STATIC_INLINE void XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_EnablePostCalibration(XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_t *const global_ptr, uint32_t group_number)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_EnablePostCalibration:Wrong Module Pointer", (global_ptr == VADC))
global_ptr->GLOBCFG &= (~ (uint32_t)((uint32_t)1 << ((uint32_t)VADC_GLOBCFG_DPCAL0_Pos + group_number)));
* @param global_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC module.
* @param boundary0 Boundary-0 Value<BR>Range[0 - 4095]
* @param boundary1 Boundary-1 Value<BR>Range[0 - 4095]
* @return None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Programs the boundaries with \a boundary0 and boundary1 for result comparison.\n\n These two boundaries can serve as
* absolute boundaries. They define a range against which the result of a conversion can be compared. In the
* fast compare mode, the two boundaries provide hysteresis capability to a compare value. In any case, these boundary
* values entered here form a boundary pallete. There are dedicated upper and lower boundary registers GLOBBOUND0 and
* GLOBBOUND1 who will derive their values from this palette.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR>
* None
void XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SetBoundaries(XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_t *const global_ptr, const uint32_t boundary0, const uint32_t boundary1);
* @param global_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC module.
* @param selection The boundary value selected for \b boundary_value.
* @param boundary_value Boundary Value<BR>Range[0 - 4095]
* @return None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Programs either the boundary 0 or boundary 1 for result comparison.\n\n This defines a range against which
* the result of a conversion can be compared. In the fast compare mode, the two boundaries provide hysteresis
* capability to a compare value.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR>
* None
void XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SetIndividualBoundary(XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_t *const global_ptr,
const XMC_VADC_CHANNEL_BOUNDARY_t selection,
const uint16_t boundary_value);
* @param global_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC module
* @param emuxif The EMUX interface<BR>Range[0x0 - 0x1]
* @param group The VADC group which must be bound to the desired emux
* @return None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Binds a VADC \a group to an EMUX interface specified in \a emuxif.<BR>\n
* Selects which group's scan request source will control the EMUX interface (set of control select lines for the EMUX).
* By passing \b group it would configure that group's scan request source to control the EMUX select lines of the set
* \b emuxif.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR>
* None
void XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BindGroupToEMux(XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_t *const global_ptr, const uint32_t emuxif, const uint32_t group);
* @param global_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC module.
* @return uint32_t Complete global result register value GLOBRES
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Retrieves the complete result from the global result register associated with the \a global_ptr.\n\n This API audits
* the result register GLOBRES for the validity of the data. If the validity is assured, data is first read
* the global result register, cached locally next and subsequently returned to the caller.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR>
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_GetDetailedResult(XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_t *const global_ptr)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_GetDetailedResult:Wrong Module Pointer", (global_ptr == VADC))
* @param global_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC module.
* @return XMC_VADC_RESULT_SIZE_t 16 bit result register value.<BR>
* Range[0x0 - 0X0FFF]
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Retrieves the conversion result from the global result register associated with the \a global_ptr.\n\n This is a
* lightweight version of XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_GetDetailedResult(). The behavior is exactly the same, just that it is
* only the 16 bit numeric result returned back to the application instead of the complete GLOBRES register value.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR>
* XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_GetDetailedResult()
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_GetResult:Wrong Module Pointer", (global_ptr == VADC))
return ((XMC_VADC_RESULT_SIZE_t)global_ptr->GLOBRES);
* @param global_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC module
* @param compare_val Compare value which the result of a conversion will be compared against.
* <BR>Range[0x0 - 0X0FFF]
* @return None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Set compare value in the global result register for fast compare mode.\n\n The result of a conversion will directly
* be compared to the compare value entered as part of \a compare_val. The prerequisite is that the channel associated
* with this global register must select an ICLASS which has the conversion mode configured as fast compare mode. Call
* @ref XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_GetCompareResult() after this API to
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR>
* None
void XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SetCompareValue(XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_t *const global_ptr, const XMC_VADC_RESULT_SIZE_t compare_val);
* @param global_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC module
* @return compare high or low. Refer @ref XMC_VADC_FAST_COMPARE_t enum
* @return None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Determines the result of fast compare operation.\n\n This API returns the result of fast compare operation provided
* the valid flag in the global result register GLOBRES is set.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR>
* None
XMC_VADC_FAST_COMPARE_t XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_GetCompareResult(XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_t *const global_ptr);
* @param global_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC module
* @param event_type Desired event that must be manually asserted
* Use the enum ::XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_EVENT_t to create a mask to be used with this argument
* @return None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Manually asserts an event that can lead to an interrupt.\n\n This API manually asserts the requested event
* (Background request source event or a global result event) by setting the GLOBEVFLAG register with the specified
* \a event_type.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR>
* None
__STATIC_INLINE void XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_TriggerEvent(XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_t *const global_ptr, const uint32_t event_type)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_TriggerEvent:Wrong Module Pointer", (global_ptr == VADC))
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_TriggerEvent:Wrong Global Event",
global_ptr->GLOBEFLAG = event_type;
* @param global_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC module
* @param event_type Event that must be acknowledged
* Use the enum ::XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_EVENT_t to create a mask to be used with this argument
* @return None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Acknowledges an event that has been asserted manually or automatically.\n\n This API acknowledges the requested event
* by clearing GLOBEFLAG sticky flag.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR>
* None
__STATIC_INLINE void XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_ClearEvent(XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_t *const global_ptr, const uint32_t event_type)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_ClearEvent:Wrong Module Pointer", (global_ptr == VADC))
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_ClearEvent:Wrong Global Event",
global_ptr->GLOBEFLAG = ((uint32_t)(event_type << (uint32_t)16));
* @param global_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC module
* @param sr The service request to which the global result event is connected. Refer @ref XMC_VADC_SR_t enum
* @return None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Binds the global result event to one of the 4 shared service requests.\n\n This API binds the global result event
* to one of the 4 module wide shared service requests .Sets GLOBEVNP register with the corresponding \a sr line.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR>
* XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgroundSetReqSrcEventInterruptNode()
void XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SetResultEventInterruptNode(XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_t *const global_ptr, XMC_VADC_SR_t sr);
* @param global_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC module
* @param sr The service request to which the global request source event is connected. Refer @ref XMC_VADC_SR_t enum
* @return None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Binds the background request source event to one of the 4 shared service requests.\n\n This API binds the background
* request source event to one of the 4 module wide shared service requests. Sets GLOBEVNP register with the
* corresponding \a sr line.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR>
* XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SetResultEventInterruptNode()
void XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgroundSetReqSrcEventInterruptNode(XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_t *const global_ptr, XMC_VADC_SR_t sr);
* @param shs_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC Sample and hold module
* @param config Struct consisting of various SHS related configurations.
* @return None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Configure the basic SHS parameters.<BR>\n
* API would initialize the clock divider configuration, the analog reference selection and
* the calibration order for the Sample and Hold unit.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR>
* None.
void XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SHS_Init(XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SHS_t *const shs_ptr, const XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SHS_CONFIG_t *config);
* @param shs_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC Sample and hold module
* @param aref Analog reference used for conversions. Refer @ref XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SHS_AREF_t enum
* @return None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Selection of the reference voltage that is required for conversions (VREF).
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR>
* None.
__STATIC_INLINE void XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SHS_SetAnalogReference(XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SHS_t *const shs_ptr,
(shs_ptr == (XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SHS_t*)(void*)SHS0))
shs_ptr->SHSCFG |= (shs_ptr->SHSCFG & (uint32_t)~SHS_SHSCFG_AREF_Msk) | (uint32_t)aref;
* @param shs_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC Sample and hold module
* @param config Struct consisting of various step configurations.
* @return None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Configures the stepper sequence for the converter.<BR>\n
* Stepper of the SHS can be configured to take up a specific sequence of groups for conversion.
* The stepper sequence is configured using this API.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR>
* None.
__STATIC_INLINE void XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SHS_SetStepperSequence(XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SHS_t *const shs_ptr,
(shs_ptr == (XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SHS_t*)(void*)SHS0))
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SHS_StepperInit:Wrong config pointer",
shs_ptr->STEPCFG = (uint32_t) config->stepcfg;
* @param shs_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC Sample and hold module
* @return bool returns true if the analog converter is operable
* returns false if the analog converter is powered down
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Returns the converter status.<BR>\n
* Returns the ANRDY bit field of the SHSCFG register.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR>
* None.
__STATIC_INLINE bool XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SHS_IsConverterReady(XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SHS_t *const shs_ptr)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SHS_IsConverterReady:Wrong SHS Pointer",(shs_ptr == (XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SHS_t*)(void*)SHS0))
return((bool)((shs_ptr->SHSCFG >> (uint32_t)SHS_SHSCFG_ANRDY_Pos) & (uint32_t)0x1));
* @param shs_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC Sample and hold module
* @param group_num group number for which the accelerated mode needs to be enabled.<BR>Range: [0x0 to 0x1]
* @return None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Enables the Accelerated timing mode.<BR>\n
* This API is needed when a switch from compatible mode to accelerated mode of conversion is needed. In
* this mode the ADC module will convert the input depending on the value stored in the SST bit of the SHS0_TIMCFGx.
* This API would configure the accelerated mode in the SHS0_TIMCFG0 and SHS0_TIMCFG1 registers.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR>
* None.
void XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SHS_EnableAcceleratedMode(XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SHS_t *const shs_ptr,XMC_VADC_GROUP_INDEX_t group_num);
* @param shs_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC Sample and hold module
* @param group_num group number for which the accelerated mode needs to be disabled.<BR>Range: [0x0 to 0x1]
* @return None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Enables the Accelerated timing mode.<BR>\n
* This API is needed when a switch from accelerated mode to compatible mode of conversion is needed.
* This API would clear the accelerated mode in the SHS0_TIMCFG0 and SHS0_TIMCFG1 registers.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR>
* None.
void XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SHS_DisableAcceleratedMode(XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SHS_t *const shs_ptr,XMC_VADC_GROUP_INDEX_t group_num);
* @param shs_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC Sample and hold module
* @param group_num group number for which the accelerated mode needs to be enabled.<BR>Range: [0x0 to 0x1]
* @param sst_value Value of short sample time that needs to be configured.<BR>
* Range: [0x0 to 0x3F]
* @return None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Configures the Accelerated timing mode sample time.<BR>\n
* This API is needed when a switch from compatible mode to accelerated mode of conversion is needed. In
* Accelerated mode the ADC module will convert the input depending on the value stored in the SST bit of the
* SHS0_TIMCFGx. This API would configure the shot sample time either in SHS0_TIMCFG0.SST or SHS0_TIMCFG1.SST .
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR>
* None.
void XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SHS_SetShortSampleTime(XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SHS_t *const shs_ptr,
uint8_t sst_value);
* @param shs_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC Sample and hold module
* @param divs_value The clock divider value that is possible
* <BR>Range:[0x0 to 0xF]
* @return None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Configure Sample and hold clock divider value.<BR>\n
* API would initialize the clock divider configuration. This determines the frequency of conversion
* of the Sample and hold converter.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR>
* None.
__STATIC_INLINE void XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SHS_SetClockDivider(XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SHS_t *const shs_ptr, uint8_t divs_value)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SHS_SetClockDivider:Wrong SHS Pointer",
(shs_ptr == (XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SHS_t*)(void*)SHS0))
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SHS_SetClockDivider:Wrong divide factor selected",
(divs_value < (uint32_t)0x10))
shs_ptr->SHSCFG = (shs_ptr->SHSCFG & (~(uint32_t)SHS_SHSCFG_DIVS_Msk)) | (uint32_t)SHS_SHSCFG_SCWC_Msk;
shs_ptr->SHSCFG |= ((uint32_t)divs_value << SHS_SHSCFG_DIVS_Pos) | (uint32_t)SHS_SHSCFG_SCWC_Msk;
* @param shs_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC Sample and hold module
* @param gain_value gain value possible
* Range:[0x0 to 0x3]
* @param group_num The Group number for which the configurations applies
* @param ch_num The channel number for which the gain has to be configured
* @return None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Configure the gain value for SHS.<BR>\n
* API would set the gain factor for a selected channel.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR>
* None.
void XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SHS_SetGainFactor(XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SHS_t *const shs_ptr,
uint8_t gain_value,
uint8_t ch_num);
* @param shs_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC Sample and hold module
* @param max_calibration_time calibration time
* Range:[0x0 to 0x3F]
* @return None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Configure the Maximum calibration timing.<BR>\n
* API would initialize the Maximum time after which the calibration should occur. If no adc conversion
* occur during this duration then the calibration would run irrespective of conversions. The max time the
* converter can go without a calibration is set in this API.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR>
* None.
uint32_t max_calibration_time)
(shs_ptr == (XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SHS_t*)(void*)SHS0))
shs_ptr->CALCTR &= ~((uint32_t)SHS_CALCTR_CALMAX_Msk);
shs_ptr->CALCTR |= ((uint32_t)max_calibration_time << SHS_CALCTR_CALMAX_Pos);
* @param shs_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC Sample and hold module
* @param group_num The Group number for which the configurations applies
* @return None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Enable the Gain and offset calibration.<BR>\n
* Enable the gain and offset calibration for all the Sample and hold units.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR>
* XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SHS_DisableGainAndOffsetCalibrations()<BR>.
void XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SHS_EnableGainAndOffsetCalibrations(XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SHS_t *const shs_ptr,
XMC_VADC_GROUP_INDEX_t group_num);
* @param shs_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC Sample and hold module
* @param group_num The Group number for which the configurations applies
* @return None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Disable the Gain and offset calibration.<BR>\n
* Disable the gain and offset calibration for all the Sample and hold units.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR>
* XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SHS_EnableGainAndOffsetCalibrations()<BR>.
void XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SHS_DisableGainAndOffsetCalibrations(XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SHS_t *const shs_ptr,
XMC_VADC_GROUP_INDEX_t group_num);
* @param shs_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC Sample and hold module
* @param group_num The Group number for which the configurations applies
* @param gain_level The gain level whose calibration value has to read.
* @return None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Read the calibration value for the selected gain level.<BR>\n
* Each gain value has a offset calibration value, this API would return the offset calibration value of the
* selected gain level. This is applicable for all the channels in the group that use the particular gain level.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR>
* XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SHS_SetOffsetCalibrationValue()<BR>.
uint8_t XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SHS_GetOffsetCalibrationValue(XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SHS_t *const shs_ptr,
XMC_VADC_SHS_GAIN_LEVEL_t gain_level);
* @param shs_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC Sample and hold module
* @param group_num The Group number for which the configurations applies
* @param gain_level The gain level whose calibration value has to read.
* @param offset_calibration_value The offset calibration value to be set.
* @return None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Set the calibration value for the selected gain level.<BR>\n
* Each gain value has a offset calibration value, this API would set the offset value of the selected gain level.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR>
* XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SHS_GetOffsetCalibrationValue()<BR>.
void XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SHS_SetOffsetCalibrationValue(XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SHS_t *const shs_ptr,
uint8_t offset_calibration_value);
* @param shs_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC Sample and hold module
* @param group_num The Group number for which the configurations applies
* @param loop_select The delta sigma loop number for which the configurations applies
* @param ch_num Channel number for which the configurations applies
* @return None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Configures the delta sigma loop of the SHS.<BR>\n
* There are 2 Delta-Sigma loops that can be configured. This API would configure the loop (loop_select)
* with the appropriate group_num and channel_num.
* Configures the SHS_LOOP bit fields.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR>
* XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SHS_EnableSigmaDeltaLoop()<BR>.
void XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SHS_SetSigmaDeltaLoop(XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SHS_t *const shs_ptr,
XMC_VADC_SHS_LOOP_CH_t loop_select,
uint8_t ch_num);
* @param shs_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC Sample and hold module
* @param loop_select The delta sigma loop number for which the configurations applies
* @return None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Enable the selected Delta-Sigma loop.<BR>\n
* Configures the SHS_LOOP.LPENx bit field.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR>
* XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SHS_SetSigmaDeltaLoop()<BR>.
* XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SHS_EnableGainAndOffsetCalibrations()<BR>.
__STATIC_INLINE void XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SHS_EnableSigmaDeltaLoop(XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SHS_t *const shs_ptr,
XMC_VADC_SHS_LOOP_CH_t loop_select)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SHS_EnableSigmaDeltaLoop:Wrong SHS Pointer",
(shs_ptr == (XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SHS_t*)(void*)SHS0))
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SHS_EnableSigmaDeltaLoop:Wrong Delta sigma loop selected",
(loop_select == XMC_VADC_SHS_LOOP_CH_0)||(loop_select == XMC_VADC_SHS_LOOP_CH_1))
shs_ptr->LOOP |= (uint32_t)SHS_LOOP_LPEN0_Msk << (uint32_t)loop_select;
* @param shs_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC Sample and hold module
* @param loop_select The delta sigma loop number for which the configurations applies
* @return None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Disable the selected delta sigma loop.<BR>\n
* Configures the SHS_LOOP.LPENx bit field.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR>
* XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SHS_SetSigmaDeltaLoop()<BR>.
* XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SHS_EnableGainAndOffsetCalibrations()<BR>.
__STATIC_INLINE void XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SHS_DisableSigmaDeltaLoop(XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SHS_t *const shs_ptr,
XMC_VADC_SHS_LOOP_CH_t loop_select)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SHS_DisableSigmaDeltaLoop:Wrong SHS Pointer",
(shs_ptr == (XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SHS_t*)(void*)SHS0))
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_SHS_DisableSigmaDeltaLoop:Wrong Delta sigma loop selected",
(loop_select == XMC_VADC_SHS_LOOP_CH_0)||(loop_select == XMC_VADC_SHS_LOOP_CH_1))
shs_ptr->LOOP &= ~((uint32_t)SHS_LOOP_LPEN0_Msk << (uint32_t)loop_select);
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group.
* @param config Pointer to the initialization data structure
* @return None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Initializes the VADC group module with the associated configuration structure pointed by \a config.\n\n It
* initializes the group specified as part of the \a group_ptr. It initializes group conversion class, arbiter
* configuration , boundary configuration by setting GxICLASS,GxARBCFG,GxBOUND, registers. It also
* configures the EMUX control register if applicable. Refer related API's to change the configurations later in the
* program.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_InputClassInit()<BR>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_SetPowerMode()<BR>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_SetBoundaries()<BR>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_ExternalMuxControlInit()<BR>
void XMC_VADC_GROUP_Init(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr, const XMC_VADC_GROUP_CONFIG_t *config);
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group.
* @param config group related conversion class parameter structure
* @param conv_type Use direct channels or EMUX channels. Refer @ref XMC_VADC_GROUP_CONV_t enum
* @param set_num Conversion class set<BR>
* Range[0x0, 0x1]
* @return None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Sets up the conversion settings for vadc group resource associated with \a config structure. It configures the
* conversion class properties like sampling time and resolution for selected \a conv_type channels. It initializes
* the G_ICLASS register specified by \a set_num with the required settings.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR>
void XMC_VADC_GROUP_InputClassInit(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr, const XMC_VADC_GROUP_CLASS_t config,
const XMC_VADC_GROUP_CONV_t conv_type, const uint32_t set_num);
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC Group which must be set as a slave
* @param master_grp The master group number<BR>
* Range: [0x0 - 0x3]
* @param slave_group The slave group number<BR>
* Range: [0x0 - 0x3]
* @return None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Configures a VADC Group as a slave group.\n\n Conversion of identically numbered channels across groups can be
* synchronized. For example, when the trigger to convert CH-1 of Group-2 is received, it is possible to
* simultaneously request conversion of CH-1 of Group-0 and Group-3. Group-2 in this example is therefore the
* master group while Groups-0 and 3 are the slave groups. It uses the SYNCCTR register for the configuration settings.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_SetSyncMaster()<BR>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_CheckSlaveReadiness()<BR>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_EnableChannelSyncRequest()<BR>
void XMC_VADC_GROUP_SetSyncSlave(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr, uint32_t master_grp, uint32_t slave_group);
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC Group.
* @param power_mode Desired power mode
* @return None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Configures the power mode of a VADC group.\n\n For a VADC group to actually convert an analog signal, its analog
* converter must be turned on.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR>
* None
void XMC_VADC_GROUP_SetPowerMode(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr, const XMC_VADC_GROUP_POWERMODE_t power_mode);
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group.
* @return None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Configures a VADC Group as a master group.<BR>\n
* Conversion of identically numbered channels across groups can be
* synchronized. For example, when the trigger to convert CH-1 of Group-2 is received, it is possible to simultaneously
* request conversion of CH-1 of Group-0 and Group-3. Group-2 in this example is therefore the master group while
* Groups-0 and 3 are the slave groups.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR>
* None
void XMC_VADC_GROUP_SetSyncMaster(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr);
* @param group_ptr Pointer to the master VADC Group
* @param slave_group The slave VADC Group number
* <BR>Range: [0x0 to 0x3]
* @return None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Configures the ready signal for master group.<BR>\n
* This API would read the \b slave_group number and determine which EVAL configuration to apply for the given master
* slave set. Checks the readiness of slaves in synchronized conversions. Conversion of identically numbered channels
* across groups can be synchronized. For example, when the trigger to convert CH-1 of Group-2 is received, it is
* possible to simultaneously request conversion of CH-1 of Group-0 and Group-3. Group-2 in this example is
* therefore the master group while Groups-0 and 3 are the slave groups. Before the master can request its slaves
* for synchronized conversion, it has the option of checking the readiness of the slaves.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_IgnoreSlaveReadiness()<BR> XMC_VADC_GROUP_SetSyncMaster()
void XMC_VADC_GROUP_CheckSlaveReadiness(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr, uint32_t slave_group);
* @param group_ptr Constant Pointer to the master VADC Group
* @param slave_group The slave VADC Group number
* @return None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Clears the ready signal for master group.<BR>\n
* Ignores the readiness of slaves in synchronized conversions.This API would read the \b slave_group number and
* determine which EVAL configuration to apply for the given master slave set. Then clears the configuration if present.
* This API is called when the master should issue the conversion request without waiting for the slave to
* assert a ready signal. The ready signal is asserted by the slave group(s) when the conversion is completed
* in these channels.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_CheckSlaveReadiness()<BR> XMC_VADC_GROUP_SetSyncMaster()<BR>
void XMC_VADC_GROUP_IgnoreSlaveReadiness(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr, uint32_t slave_group);
* @param group_ptr Constant Pointer to the VADC Group waiting for ready signal
* @param eval_waiting_group The VADC Group which expects a ready signal to start it's conversion.
* @param eval_origin_group The VADC Group from which the eval_waiting_group will expect a ready signal
* @return None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Sets the ready signal in the eval_waiting_group .<BR>\n
* For Synchronized conversion all the slaves participating need to configure the ready signal.
* A slave group will also need to configure the ready signals coming from the other slave groups.
* A call to this API would configure the Sync.slave's EVAL Bits (GxSYNCTR.EVALy).
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_CheckSlaveReadiness()<BR> XMC_VADC_GROUP_IgnoreSlaveReadiness()<BR>
void XMC_VADC_GROUP_SetSyncSlaveReadySignal(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr,
uint32_t eval_waiting_group,
uint32_t eval_origin_group);
* @param group_ptr Constant Pointer to the VADC Group
* @return
* uint32_t EVAL bits for the group
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Get the Eval bits of the group.<BR>\n
* For Synchronized conversion the master's ready signal configuration must be copied onto the slaves.
* A call to this API would return the Sync EVAL Bits (GxSYNCTR.EVALy) which can be used to set in the slaves.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_CheckSlaveReadiness()<BR> XMC_VADC_GROUP_IgnoreSlaveReadiness()<BR>
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t XMC_VADC_GROUP_GetSyncReadySignal(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr)
uint32_t eval_mask;
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GROUP_GetSyncReadySignal:Wrong Group Pointer", XMC_VADC_CHECK_GROUP_PTR(group_ptr))
eval_mask = VADC_G_SYNCTR_EVALR1_Msk;
return( group_ptr->SYNCTR & eval_mask);
* @param group_ptr Constant Pointer to the VADC Group
* @param eval_mask mask to configure the eval bits
* Use XMC_VADC_SYNCTR_EVAL_t to create the mask.
* @return None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Set the Eval bits of the group.<BR>\n
* For Synchronized conversion the master's ready signal configuration must be copied onto the slaves.
* A call to this API would configure the Sync EVAL Bits (GxSYNCTR.EVALy).
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_CheckSlaveReadiness()<BR> XMC_VADC_GROUP_IgnoreSlaveReadiness()<BR>
__STATIC_INLINE void XMC_VADC_GROUP_SetSyncReadySignal(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr, uint32_t mask)
uint32_t eval_mask;
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GROUP_SetSyncReadySignal:Wrong Group Pointer", XMC_VADC_CHECK_GROUP_PTR(group_ptr))
eval_mask = VADC_G_SYNCTR_EVALR1_Msk;
group_ptr->SYNCTR &= ~(eval_mask);
group_ptr->SYNCTR |= mask;
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the master VADC Group
* @param ch_num Channel whose conversion triggers conversion in slave groups
* @return None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Sets up a channel for synchronized conversion.\n\n Conversion of identically numbered channels across groups
* can be synchronized. For example, when the trigger to
* convert CH-1 of Group-2 is received, it is possible to simultaneously request conversion of CH-1 of Group-0 and
* Group-3. Group-2 in this example is therefore the master group while Groups-0 and 3 are the slave groups.<br>
* Before the master can request its slaves for synchronized conversion, it has the option of checking the readiness
* of the slaves.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR>
* None
void XMC_VADC_GROUP_EnableChannelSyncRequest(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr, const uint32_t ch_num);
* @param group_ptr Pointer to the master VADC Group
* @param ch_num Channel whose conversion triggers conversion in slave groups
* @return None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Disable the synchronization request for the particular channel specified as ch_num. To enable the synchronization
* call the API @ref XMC_VADC_GROUP_EnableChannelSyncRequest().
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR>
* None
void XMC_VADC_GROUP_DisableChannelSyncRequest(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr, const uint32_t ch_num);
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group.
* @return retuns IDLE if converter is free else returns busy. Refer @ref XMC_VADC_GROUP_STATE_t enum
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Checks the live status of the analog to digital converter. The converter can either idle doing nothing or busy
* sampling + converting.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR>
* None
XMC_VADC_GROUP_STATE_t XMC_VADC_GROUP_IsConverterBusy(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr);
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group whose global boundary registers are to be programmed
* @param boundary0 Boundary-0 Value<BR>
* Range: [0x0 - 0x0FFF]
* @param boundary1 Boundary-1 Value<BR>
* Range: [0x0 - 0x0FFF]
* @return None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Programs the boundaries with \a boundary0 and boundary1 for result comparison.\n\n These two boundaries can serve as
* absolute boundaries. They defines a range against which the result of a conversion can be compared. In the
* fast compare mode, the two boundaries provide hysteresis capability to a compare value. In any case, these boundary
* values entered here form a boundary pallete. There are dedicated upper and lower boundary registers G_BOUND0 and
* G_BOUND1 who will derive their values from this palette.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR>
* None
void XMC_VADC_GROUP_SetBoundaries(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr,
const uint32_t boundary0,
const uint32_t boundary1);
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @param selection The boundary value selected for \b boundary_value.
* @param boundary_value Select the boundary value.
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Programs the boundary with \a boundary_value for result comparison.\n\n This defines a range against which
* the result of a conversion can be compared. In the fast compare mode, the two boundaries provide hysteresis
* capability to a compare value.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* None.
void XMC_VADC_GROUP_SetIndividualBoundary(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr,
const XMC_VADC_CHANNEL_BOUNDARY_t selection,
const uint16_t boundary_value);
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @param sr_num The service request number (0 through 3)
* @param type IRQ type (Kernel specific interrupt vs Module wide shared interrupt )
* @return None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Activates a Service Request line(manually trigger).<BR>\n
* VADC provides few SR lines for each group and a few more which is shared across all the groups.
* These SR lines can be connected to an NVIC node which in-turn would generate an interrupt.
* This API would manually trigger the given SR line. Could be used for evaluation and testing purposes.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR>
* None
void XMC_VADC_GROUP_TriggerServiceRequest(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr,
const uint32_t sr_num,
const XMC_VADC_GROUP_IRQ_t type);
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @param emux_cfg EMUX configuration structure
* @return None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Configures group EMUX parameters associated with the \a emux_cfg configuration structure.\n\n An external emux
* interface allows additional channels to be connected to a VADC group. The conversion properties
* of such channels can be different from the standard channels which are directly connected to the VADC group.
* This API configures conversion properties of channels connected via EMUX interface.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR>
* None
__STATIC_INLINE void XMC_VADC_GROUP_ExternalMuxControlInit(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr,
const XMC_VADC_GROUP_EMUXCFG_t emux_cfg)
uint32_t emux_config;
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GROUP_ExternalMuxControlInit:Wrong Group Pointer", XMC_VADC_CHECK_GROUP_PTR(group_ptr))
emux_config = ((uint32_t)emux_cfg.starting_external_channel << (uint32_t)VADC_G_EMUXCTR_EMUXSET_Pos) |
((uint32_t)emux_cfg.connected_channel << (uint32_t)VADC_G_EMUXCTR_EMUXCH_Pos);
group_ptr->EMUXCTR = emux_config;
emux_config = ((uint32_t)emux_cfg.emux_coding << (uint32_t)VADC_G_EMUXCTR_EMXCOD_Pos) |
((uint32_t)emux_cfg.emux_mode << (uint32_t)VADC_G_EMUXCTR_EMUXMODE_Pos)|
((uint32_t)emux_cfg.stce_usage << (uint32_t)VADC_G_EMUXCTR_EMXST_Pos);
emux_config |= ((uint32_t)emux_cfg.emux_channel_select_style << (uint32_t)VADC_G_EMUXCTR_EMXCSS_Pos);
group_ptr->EMUXCTR |= (emux_config | ((uint32_t)VADC_G_EMUXCTR_EMXWC_Msk)) ;
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @param boundary_flag_num The Boundary flag for which the interrupt node needs to be configured.
* Range: [0x0 to 0x3]
* @param node Service Request node Id
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Connects the boundary event to the SR line of VADC or to a common boundary flag.<BR>\n
* This API will connect a Service Request line(SR) to a boundary event. Hence to get a interrupt on this
* Service request line one has to enable the required NVIC node. A call to this API would configure the register bit
* field GxBFLNP.BFLxNP.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* None.
void XMC_VADC_GROUP_SetBoundaryEventInterruptNode(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr,
const uint8_t boundary_flag_num,
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @return
* uint32_t The complete GxALIAS register
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Returns the ALIAS values.\n The ALIAS value that is configured for Channel-0 and channel-1 are returned.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* None.
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t XMC_VADC_GROUP_GetAlias(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GROUP_GetAliasWrong Group Pointer", XMC_VADC_CHECK_GROUP_PTR(group_ptr))
return (group_ptr->ALIAS);
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @param conv_class conversion property to be extracted
* @return
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_CLASS_t The complete GxICLASSy register
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Returns the input class configuration values.\n
* This returns the sampling time configuration and resolution configured in the appropriate group input class
* \b conv_class. A call to this API would return the register GxICLASSy.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* None.
const XMC_VADC_CHANNEL_CONV_t conv_class)
XMC_VADC_GROUP_CLASS_t input_value;
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GROUP_GetInputClass:Wrong Group Pointer", XMC_VADC_CHECK_GROUP_PTR(group_ptr))
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GROUP_GetInputClass:Wrong conv_class selected",
input_value.g_iclass0 = (uint32_t) 0xFFFFFFFF;
input_value.g_iclass0 = group_ptr->ICLASS[(uint32_t)conv_class];
return (input_value);
* @param group_ptr Pointer to the VADC group
* @param config Pointer to Scan configuration
* @return None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Initializes the VADC SCAN functional block.<BR>\n
* The GROUP SCAN request source functional block converts channels sequentially starting with the highest numbered
* channel to the lowest. Channels must register themselves as being part of the the scan sequence.
* A call to this API will first disable the arbitration slot for queue (XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanEnableArbitrationSlot())
* and then it would configure all the related registers with the required configuration values.
* The arbitration slot is re-enabled at the end of init by invoking XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanDisableArbitrationSlot().
* A call to this API would configure the registers GxARBPR, GxASCTRL, GxASMR needed scan request source.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanEnableArbitrationSlot()<BR> XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanDisableArbitrationSlot()<BR>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanSelectTrigger()<BR> XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanSelectGating()<BR>
void XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanInit(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr, const XMC_VADC_SCAN_CONFIG_t *config);
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Enables arbitration slot of the scan request source.<BR>\n
* If the scan request source must have its conversion request considered by the arbiter, it must participate in
* the arbitration rounds. Even if a load event occurs the scan channel can only be converted when the arbiter comes
* to the scan slot. Thus this must be enabled if any conversion need to take place.
* A call to this API would configure the register bit field GxARBPR.ASEN1.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanDisableArbitrationSlot()<BR>
__STATIC_INLINE void XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanEnableArbitrationSlot(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanEnableArbitrationSlot:Wrong Group Pointer", XMC_VADC_CHECK_GROUP_PTR(group_ptr))
group_ptr->ARBPR |= (uint32_t)VADC_G_ARBPR_ASEN1_Msk;
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Disables arbitration slot of the scan request source.<BR>\n
* If the scan request source must have its conversion request considered by the arbiter, it must participate in
* the arbitration rounds. Even if a load event occurs the scan channel can only be converted when the arbiter comes
* to the scan slot.A call to this API will lead to all conversions request by scan to be blocked.
* A call to this API would configure the register bit field GxARBPR.ASEN1.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanEnableArbitrationSlot()<BR>
__STATIC_INLINE void XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanDisableArbitrationSlot(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanDisableArbitrationSlot:Wrong Group Pointer", XMC_VADC_CHECK_GROUP_PTR(group_ptr))
group_ptr->ARBPR &= ~((uint32_t)VADC_G_ARBPR_ASEN1_Msk);
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @return
* bool returns true if the arbitration is enabled else returns false.
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Returns the arbitration status of the scan request source.<BR>\n
* If the scan request source must have its conversion request considered by the arbiter, it must participate in
* the arbitration rounds. Even if a load event occurs the scan channel can only be converted when the arbiter comes
* to the scan slot. A call to this API would return the status of the arbitration slot of scan.
* A call to this API would read the register bit field GxARBPR.ASEN1.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanEnableArbitrationSlot(),<BR> XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanDisableArbitrationSlot()<BR>
__STATIC_INLINE bool XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanIsArbitrationSlotEnabled(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanIsArbitrationSlotEnabled:Wrong Group Pointer", XMC_VADC_CHECK_GROUP_PTR(group_ptr))
return ((group_ptr->ARBPR & (uint32_t)VADC_G_ARBPR_ASEN1_Msk) >> VADC_G_ARBPR_ASEN1_Pos);
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @param trigger_input Choice of the input earmarked as a trigger line
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Select Trigger signal for scan request source.<BR>\n
* A scan request source will raise conversion request only if there were either a request from application or
* occurrence of a hardware trigger. This API selects one of the 16 input lines as a trigger line. This is
* needed when a hardware trigger is needed for the conversion of the scan request source.
* Refer to the reference manual to determine the signal that needs to be connected.
* A call to this API would configure the register bit field GxASCTRL.XTSEL.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanSelectGating()<BR> XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanEnableExternalTrigger()<BR>
void XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanSelectTrigger(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr, XMC_VADC_TRIGGER_INPUT_SELECT_t trigger_input);
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @param trigger_edge Trigger edge selection
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Selects the trigger edge for scan request source.<BR>\n
* A scan request source will raise conversion request only if there were either a request from application or
* occurrence of a hardware trigger. This API selects one of the 4 possible trigger edges. This is
* needed when a hardware trigger is needed for the conversion of the scan request source.
* A call to this API would configure the register bit field GxASCTRL.XTMODE.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanSelectTrigger()<BR>
void XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanSelectTriggerEdge(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr, const XMC_VADC_TRIGGER_EDGE_t trigger_edge);
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @param gating_input Module input signal meant to be selected as gating input
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Select Gating signal for scan request source.<BR>\n
* Passage of the trigger input to the request source can be controlled via a gating signal. Any one of the 16 input
* lines can be chosen as a gating signal. Trigger signal can be given to the scan request source only
* when the gating signal's active level is detected. Additionally the GxASMR.ENGT has to be configured for
* the gating signal's active level. A call to this API would configure the register bit field GxASCTRL.GTSEL.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanSelectTrigger()<BR>
void XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanSelectGating(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr, XMC_VADC_GATE_INPUT_SELECT_t gating_input);
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @param mode_sel Select how the gating is applied to the scan request source
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Selects the gating mode of scan request source.<BR>\n
* Passage of the trigger input to the request source can be controlled via a gating signal.
* This API determines how the gating signal behaves, either active low or active high.
* If gating signal needs to ignored XMC_VADC_GATEMODE_IGNORE should be used as the \a mode_sel.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanSelectGating();
__STATIC_INLINE void XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanSetGatingMode(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr, XMC_VADC_GATEMODE_t mode_sel)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanSetGatingMode:Wrong Group Pointer", XMC_VADC_CHECK_GROUP_PTR(group_ptr))
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanSetGatingMode:Wrong mode selected", (mode_sel <= XMC_VADC_GATEMODE_ACTIVELOW))
/* Clear the existing gate configuration */
group_ptr->ASMR &= (uint32_t) (~((uint32_t)VADC_G_ASMR_ENGT_Msk));
/* Set the new gating mode */
group_ptr->ASMR |= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)mode_sel << VADC_G_ASMR_ENGT_Pos);
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Enables continuous conversion mode.<BR>\n
* Typically for a scan request source to generate conversion request, either a hardware trigger or a software
* request is a pre-requisite. Using autoscan feature it is possible to start the conversion once and allow the
* sequence to repeat without any further triggers. Once all channels belonging to a scan request source have
* been converted, a request source completion event is generated. Generation of this event can restart the scan
* sequence. Every request source event will cause a load event to occur. A call to this API would configure
* the register bit field GxASMR.SCAN.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanDisableContinuousMode()<BR>
__STATIC_INLINE void XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanEnableContinuousMode(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanEnableContinuousMode:Wrong Group Pointer", XMC_VADC_CHECK_GROUP_PTR(group_ptr))
group_ptr->ASMR |= (uint32_t)VADC_G_ASMR_SCAN_Msk;
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Disables continuous conversion mode.<BR>\n
* Typically for a scan request source to generate conversion request, either a hardware trigger or a software
* request is a pre-requisite. Using autoscan feature it is possible to start the conversion once and allow the
* sequence to repeat without any further triggers. Once all channels belonging to a scan request source have
* been converted, a request source completion event is generated. Generation of this event can restart the scan
* sequence. By invoking this feature the Autoscan mode of operations is disabled. A call to this API would configure
* the register bit field GxASMR.SCAN.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanEnableContinuousMode()<BR>
__STATIC_INLINE void XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanDisableContinuousMode(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanDisableContinuousMode:Wrong Group Pointer", XMC_VADC_CHECK_GROUP_PTR(group_ptr))
group_ptr->ASMR &= ~((uint32_t)VADC_G_ASMR_SCAN_Msk);
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Generates conversion request (Software initiated conversion).<BR>\n
* A conversion request can be raised either upon detection of a hardware trigger, or by software. This API forces
* the scan unit to generate a conversion request to the analog converter. It is assumed that the scan has already
* been filled up with entries. A call to this API would configure the register bit field GxASMR.LDEV.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* None.
__STATIC_INLINE void XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanTriggerConversion(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanTriggerConversion:Wrong Group Pointer", XMC_VADC_CHECK_GROUP_PTR(group_ptr))
group_ptr->ASMR |= (uint32_t)VADC_G_ASMR_LDEV_Msk;
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Aborts an ongoing scan sequence conversion.<BR>\n
* An ongoing sequence can be aborted at any time. The scan unit picks the pending channels one by one from a
* pending register and requests for their conversion. This API essentially clears the channel pending register thus
* creating an illusion that there are no more channels left in the sequence.
* A call to this API would configure the registers GxASMR, GxASCTRL, GxARBPR to achieve the sequence abort.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* None.
void XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanSequenceAbort(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr);
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @param ch_num The channel meant to be added to scan sequence
* <BR>Range: [0x0 to 0x7]
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Adds a channel to the scan sequence.<BR>\n
* Call this API to insert a new single channel into the scan request source. This will be added to the scan
* sequence. The added channel will be part of the conversion sequence when the next load event occurs.
* A call to this API would configure the register bit fields of GxASSEL.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanAddMultipleChannels()<BR>
__STATIC_INLINE void XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanAddChannelToSequence(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr, const uint32_t ch_num)
XMC_ASSERT("VADC_GSCAN_AddSingleChannel:Wrong Group Pointer", XMC_VADC_CHECK_GROUP_PTR(group_ptr))
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanAddChannelToSequence:Wrong Channel Number",
group_ptr->ASSEL |= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)1 << ch_num);
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @param ch_mask Mask word indicating channels which form part of scan conversion sequence
* Bit location 0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7 represents channels-0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7 respectively.
* To Add the channel to the scan sequence enable the respective bit.
* Passing a 0x0 will clear all the selected channels
* <BR>Range: [0x0 to 0xFF]
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Adds multiple channels to the scan sequence.<BR>\n
* Call this API to insert a multiple channels into the scan request source. This will be added to a scan
* sequence. The added channels will be a part of the conversion sequence when the next load event occurs.
* A call to this API would configure the register bit fields of GxASSEL.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanAddChannelToSequence()<BR>
__STATIC_INLINE void XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanAddMultipleChannels(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr, const uint32_t ch_mask)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanAddMultipleChannels:Wrong Group Pointer", XMC_VADC_CHECK_GROUP_PTR(group_ptr))
group_ptr->ASSEL = ch_mask;
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @param ch_num The channel being audited for completion of conversion
* <BR>Range: [0x0 to 0x7]
* @return
* bool returns true if the channel is pending conversion else returns false
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Determine if the channel is pending for conversion.<BR>\n
* This API will check if the Channel in question is awaiting conversion in the current arbitration round.
* When a load event occurs the scan sequence is pushed to a pending conversion register.
* From the pending register the channels are taken up by the converter. This API would return true
* if the channel is found in the pending register (GxASPND).
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanGetNumChannelsPending()<BR>
__STATIC_INLINE bool XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanIsChannelPending(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr, const uint32_t ch_num)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanIsChannelPending:Wrong Group Pointer", XMC_VADC_CHECK_GROUP_PTR(group_ptr))
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanIsChannelPending:Wrong Channel Number", ((ch_num) < XMC_VADC_NUM_CHANNELS_PER_GROUP))
return( (bool)((uint32_t)(group_ptr->ASPND >> ch_num) & 1U));
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @return <BR>
* uint32_t Returns the total channels pending for conversion.
* <BR>Range: [0x0 to 0x8]
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Returns the total number of pending channels.<BR>\n
* This API will read the pending channels register and will return the number of channels that are awaiting conversion.
* When a load event occurs the scan sequence is pushed to a pending conversion register.
* From the pending register the channels are taken up by the converter. When the API is called it would
* return the total number of channels pending (GxASPND).
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanIsChannelPending()<BR>
uint32_t XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanGetNumChannelsPending(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr);
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Manually asserts the conversion complete request source event.<BR>\n
* This API will set the request source event for scan. This will trigger a interrupt if the
* service node pointer for the scan has been configured.
* A call to this API would configure the register bit field GxSEFLAG.SEV1.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* None.
__STATIC_INLINE void XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanTriggerReqSrcEvent(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanTriggerReqSrcEvent:Wrong Group Pointer", XMC_VADC_CHECK_GROUP_PTR(group_ptr))
group_ptr->SEFLAG |= (uint32_t)VADC_G_SEFLAG_SEV1_Msk;
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Acknowledges the scan conversion complete request source event.<BR>\n
* This API will clear the request source event that occurred. This will clear a interrupt if it was raised.
* A call to this API would configure the register bit field GxSEFLAG.SEV1.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanTriggerReqSrcEvent()<BR>
__STATIC_INLINE void XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanClearReqSrcEvent(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanClearReqSrcEvent:Wrong Group Pointer", XMC_VADC_CHECK_GROUP_PTR(group_ptr))
group_ptr->SEFCLR |= (uint32_t)VADC_G_SEFCLR_SEV1_Msk;
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @return
* bool returns true if the service request event is raised.
* returns false if the service request event was not raised.
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Determines if the request source event is asserted.<BR>
* This API will get the status of the scan request source event. Will return a true
* if the event has occurred for scan. A call to this API would access the register bit field GxSEFLAG.SEV1.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* None.
__STATIC_INLINE bool XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanGetReqSrcEventStatus(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GSCAN_GetRSEvent:Wrong Group Pointer", XMC_VADC_CHECK_GROUP_PTR(group_ptr))
return( (bool)(group_ptr->SEFLAG & (uint32_t)VADC_G_SEFLAG_SEV1_Msk));
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @param sr Service Request Id
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Connects the scan request source event to the SR line of VADC.<BR>\n
* This API will connect a Service Request line(SR) to a scan request source event. Hence to get a interrupt on this
* Service request line one has to enable the required NVIC node. A call to this API would configure the register bit
* field GxSEVNP.SEV1NP .
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* None.
void XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanSetReqSrcEventInterruptNode(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr, const XMC_VADC_SR_t sr);
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Enables the trigger for scan request source.<BR>\n
* By using this API, the trigger signal will be activated for the scan request source. The trigger signal and trigger
* edge will be selected from the ASCTRL register. The Selection of a input will be done by
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanSelectTrigger(). A call to this API would configure the register bit field GxASMR.ENTR.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanSelectTrigger()<BR> XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanDisableExternalTrigger()<BR>
__STATIC_INLINE void XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanEnableExternalTrigger(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanEnableExternalTrigger:Wrong Group Pointer", XMC_VADC_CHECK_GROUP_PTR(group_ptr))
group_ptr->ASMR |= (uint32_t)VADC_G_ASMR_ENTR_Msk;
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Disables the trigger for scan request source.<BR>
* By using this API the trigger will be deactivated for the scan request source.
* This will just deactivate the H/W trigger for the scan request source. If any configuration were done
* to select the trigger input in GxASCTRL, it will be not be effected by this API.
* A call to this API would configure the register bit field GxASMR.ENTR.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanEnableExternalTrigger()<BR>
__STATIC_INLINE void XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanDisableExternalTrigger(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanDisableExternalTrigger:Wrong Group Pointer", XMC_VADC_CHECK_GROUP_PTR(group_ptr))
group_ptr->ASMR &= ~((uint32_t)VADC_G_ASMR_ENTR_Msk);
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @param channel_num channel number to be removed from the scan sequence.
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Removes a channel from the scan sequence.<BR>
* By using this API the it is possible to remove a single channel from the conversion sequence.
* The remaining channels will continue however they are.
* A call to this API would configure the register GxASSEL.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* None.
void XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanRemoveChannel(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr, const uint32_t channel_num);
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Enables the scan request source event .<BR>
* By using this API the request source event will be activated for the scan request source.
* Other configurations w.r.t service node pointer are not done in this API.
* A call to this API would configure the register bit field GxASMR.ENSI.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanDisableEvent(),<BR> XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanSetReqSrcEventInterruptNode()<BR>
__STATIC_INLINE void XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanEnableEvent(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanEnableEvent:Wrong Group Pointer", XMC_VADC_CHECK_GROUP_PTR(group_ptr))
group_ptr->ASMR |= ((uint32_t)VADC_G_ASMR_ENSI_Msk);
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Disables the scan request source event .<BR>
* By using this API the request source event will be deactivated for the scan request source.
* Other configurations w.r.t service node pointer are not done in this API.
* A call to this API would configure the register bit field GxASMR.ENSI.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanEnableEvent(),<BR> XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanSetReqSrcEventInterruptNode()<BR>
__STATIC_INLINE void XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanDisableEvent(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GROUP_ScanDisableEvent:Wrong Group Pointer", XMC_VADC_CHECK_GROUP_PTR(group_ptr))
group_ptr->ASMR &= ~((uint32_t)VADC_G_ASMR_ENSI_Msk);
* @param global_ptr Pointer to the VADC module
* @param config Pointer to initialization data structure
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Initializes the Background scan functional block.<BR>\n
* The BACKGROUND SCAN request source functional block converts channels of all VADC groups that have not
* been assigned as a priority channel (priority channels can be converted only by queue and scan). Background Scan
* request source converts the unprioritized channels. Unprioritized channels however can also be used with queue
* and scan. But a channel which is prioritized can not be used with background request source.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_BackgroundEnableArbitrationSlot()<BR> XMC_VADC_GROUP_BackgroundDisableArbitrationSlot()<BR>
* XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgroundSelectTrigger()<BR> XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgroundSelectGating()<BR>
void XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgroundInit(XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_t *const global_ptr, const XMC_VADC_BACKGROUND_CONFIG_t *config);
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group which may receive a
* conversion request from background request source
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Enables arbitration slot of the Background request source.<BR>\n
* If the Background request source must have its conversion request considered by the arbiter, it must participate in
* the arbitration rounds. Even if a load event occurs the Background channel can only be converted when the arbiter
* comes to the Background slot. Thus this must be enabled if any conversion need to take place.
* A call to this API would configure the register bit field GxARBPR.ASEN2.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_BackgroundDisableArbitrationSlot()<BR>
__STATIC_INLINE void XMC_VADC_GROUP_BackgroundEnableArbitrationSlot(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GROUP_BackgroundEnableArbitrationSlot:Wrong Group Pointer", XMC_VADC_CHECK_GROUP_PTR(group_ptr))
group_ptr->ARBPR |= (uint32_t)VADC_G_ARBPR_ASEN2_Msk;
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group which may receive a conversion request
* from background request source
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Disables arbitration slot of the Background request source.<BR>\n
* If the Background request source must have its conversion request considered by the arbiter, it must participate in
* the arbitration rounds. Even if a load event occurs the Background channel can only be converted when the arbiter
* comes to the Background slot.A call to this API will lead to all conversions request by Background to be blocked.
* A call to this API would configure the register bit field GxARBPR.ASEN2
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_BackgroundEnableArbitrationSlot()<BR>
__STATIC_INLINE void XMC_VADC_GROUP_BackgroundDisableArbitrationSlot(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GROUP_BackgroundDisableArbitrationSlot:Wrong Group Pointer", XMC_VADC_CHECK_GROUP_PTR(group_ptr))
group_ptr->ARBPR &= ~((uint32_t)VADC_G_ARBPR_ASEN2_Msk);
* @param global_ptr Pointer to the VADC module
* @param input_num Choice of the input earmarked as a trigger line
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Select Trigger signal for Background request source.<BR>\n
* A Background request source will raise conversion request only if there were either a request from application or
* occurrence of a hardware trigger. This API selects one of the 16 input lines as a trigger line. This is
* needed when a hardware trigger is needed for the conversion of the Background request source.
* Refer to the reference manual to determine the signal that needs to be connected.
* A call to this API would configure the register bit field BRSCTRL.XTSEL.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgroundSelectGating()<BR> XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgroundEnableExternalTrigger()<BR>
void XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgroundSelectTrigger(XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_t *const global_ptr, const uint32_t input_num);
* @param global_ptr Pointer to the VADC module
* @param trigger_edge Select the trigger edge
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Select Trigger edge for Background request source.<BR>\n
* A Background request source will raise conversion request only if there were either a request from application or
* occurrence of a hardware trigger. This API selects one of the 4 possible values for the trigger edge. This is
* needed when a hardware trigger is needed for the conversion of the Background request source.
* A call to this API would configure the register bit field BRSCTRL.XTMODE.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgroundSelectGating()<BR> XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgroundEnableExternalTrigger()<BR>
void XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgroundSelectTriggerEdge(XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_t *const global_ptr, const XMC_VADC_TRIGGER_EDGE_t trigger_edge);
* @param global_ptr Pointer to the VADC module
* @param input_num Module input signal meant to be selected as gating input
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Select Gating signal for Background request source.<BR>\n
* Passage of the trigger input to the request source can be controlled via a gating signal. Any one of the 16 input
* lines can be chosen as a gating signal. Trigger signal can be given to the Background request source only
* when the gating signal's active level is detected. Additionally the GxBRSMR.ENGT has to be configured for
* the gating signal's active level. A call to this API would configure the register bit field BRSCTRL.GTSEL.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgroundSelectTrigger()<BR>
void XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgroundSelectGating(XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_t *const global_ptr, const uint32_t input_num);
* @param global_ptr Pointer to the VADC module
* @param mode_sel Select how the gating is applied to the background scan request source
* @return
* None
* <b>Details of function</b><br>
* Selects the gating mode of background request source.<BR>\n
* Passage of the trigger input to the request source can be controlled via a gating signal.
* This API determines how the gating signal behaves, either active low or active high.
* If gating signal needs to ignored XMC_VADC_GATEMODE_IGNORE should be used as the \a mode_sel.
* A call to this API would configure the register bit field BRSMR.ENGT.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR>
* XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgroundSelectGating();
__STATIC_INLINE void XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgroundSetGatingMode(XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_t *const global_ptr,
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgroundSetGatingMode:Wrong Module Pointer", (global_ptr == VADC))
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgroundSetGatingMode:Wrong mode selected", (mode_sel <= XMC_VADC_GATEMODE_ACTIVELOW))
/* Clear the existing gate configuration */
global_ptr->BRSMR &= (uint32_t)(~((uint32_t)VADC_BRSMR_ENGT_Msk));
/* Configure the new gating mode*/
global_ptr->BRSMR |= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)mode_sel << VADC_BRSMR_ENGT_Pos);
* @param global_ptr Pointer to the VADC module
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Enables continuous conversion mode.<BR>\n
* Typically for a Background request source to generate conversion request, either a hardware trigger or a software
* request is needed. Using autoscan (continuous conversion)feature it is possible to start the conversion
* once and allow the sequence to repeat without any further triggers. Once all channels belonging to a Background
* request source have been converted, a request source completion event is generated. Generation of this event
* can restart the Background configure sequence. Every request source event will cause a load event to occur.
* A call to this API would access the register bit field BRSMR.SCAN.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_BackgroundDisableContinuousMode()<BR>
__STATIC_INLINE void XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgroundEnableContinuousMode(XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_t *const global_ptr)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgroundEnableContinuousMode:Wrong Module Pointer", (global_ptr == VADC))
global_ptr->BRSMR |= (uint32_t)VADC_BRSMR_SCAN_Msk;
* @param global_ptr Pointer to the VADC module
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Disables continuous conversion mode.<BR>\n
* Typically for a Background request source to generate conversion request, either a hardware trigger or a software
* request is a pre-requisite. Using autoscan feature it is possible to start the conversion once and allow the
* sequence to repeat without any further triggers. Once all channels belonging to a Background request source have
* been converted, a request source completion event is generated. Generation of this event can restart the Background
* sequence. By invoking this API the Autoscan mode of operations is disabled. A call to this API would configure the
* register bit field BRSMR.SCAN.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgroundEnableContinuousMode()<BR>
__STATIC_INLINE void XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgroundDisableContinuousMode(XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_t *const global_ptr)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgroundDisableContinuousMode:Wrong Module Pointer", (global_ptr == VADC))
global_ptr->BRSMR &= ~((uint32_t)VADC_BRSMR_SCAN_Msk);
* @param global_ptr Pointer to the VADC module
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Generates conversion request (Software initiated conversion).<BR>\n
* A conversion request can be raised either upon detection of a hardware trigger, or by software. This API forces
* the scan unit to generate a conversion request to the analog converter. It is assumed that the background scan
* has already been filled up with entries. A call to this API would set the register bit field BRSMR.LDEV.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* None.
__STATIC_INLINE void XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgroundTriggerConversion(XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_t *const global_ptr)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgroundTriggerConversion:Wrong Module Pointer", (global_ptr == VADC))
global_ptr->BRSMR |= (uint32_t)VADC_BRSMR_LDEV_Msk;
* @param global_ptr Pointer to the VADC module
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Aborts an ongoing background scan conversion(sequence).<BR>\n
* An ongoing sequence can be aborted at any time. The scan unit picks the pending channels one by one from a
* pending register and requests for their conversion. This API essentially clears the channel pending register thus
* creating an illusion that there are no more channels left in the sequence.
* A call to this API would configure the registers BRSMR, BRSCTRL, GxARBPR(if group is available) to abort the
* current scan sequence.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* None.
void XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgroundAbortSequence(XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_t *const global_ptr);
* @param global_ptr Pointer to the VADC module
* @param grp_num ID of the VADC group whose unprioritized channels have been assigned to background scan
* Request source
* @param ch_num The unprioritized channel meant to be added to the scan sequence
* <BR>Range: [0x0 to 0x7]
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Adds a channel to the background scan sequence.<BR>\n
* Call this API to insert a new single channel into the background scan request source. This will be added to the scan
* sequence. The added channel will be part of the conversion sequence when the next load event occurs.
* A call to this API would configure the register bit fields of BRSSEL.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgroundAddMultipleChannels()<BR>
__STATIC_INLINE void XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgroundAddChannelToSequence(XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_t *const global_ptr,
const uint32_t grp_num,
const uint32_t ch_num)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgroundAddChannelToSequence:Wrong Module Pointer", (global_ptr == VADC))
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgroundAddChannelToSequence:Wrong Group Number",((grp_num) < XMC_VADC_MAXIMUM_NUM_GROUPS))
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgroundAddChannelToSequence:Wrong Channel Number",
global_ptr->BRSSEL[grp_num] |= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)1 << ch_num);
* @param global_ptr Pointer to the VADC module
* @param grp_num ID of the VADC group whose unprioritized channels have been assigned to background scan
* @param ch_mask Mask word indicating channels which form part of scan conversion sequence
* Bit location 0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7 represents channels-0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7 respectively.
* To Add the channel to the scan sequence enable the respective bit.
* Passing a 0x0 will clear all the previously selected channels
* <BR>Range: [0x0 to 0xFF]
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Adds multiple channels to the scan sequence.<BR>\n
* Call this API to insert a multiple channels into the scan request source. This will be added to a scan
* sequence. The added channels will be a part of the conversion sequence when the next load event occurs.
* A call to this API would configure the register bit fields of BRSSEL.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgroundAddChannelToSequence()<BR>
__STATIC_INLINE void XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgndAddMultipleChannels(XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_t *const global_ptr,
const uint32_t grp_num,
const uint32_t ch_mask)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgndAddMultipleChannels:Wrong Module Pointer", (global_ptr == VADC))
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgndAddMultipleChannels:Wrong Group Number", ((grp_num) < XMC_VADC_MAXIMUM_NUM_GROUPS))
global_ptr->BRSSEL[grp_num] |= ch_mask;
* @param global_ptr Pointer to the VADC module
* @param grp_num ID of the VADC group whose unprioritized channels have been assigned to background scan
* Request source
* @param ch_num The unprioritized channel meant to be added to the scan sequence
* <BR>Range: [0x0 to 0x7]
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Removes a channel to the background scan sequence.<BR>\n
* Call this API to insert a new single channel into the background scan request source. This will be added to the scan
* sequence. The added channel will be part of the conversion sequence when the next load event occurs.
* A call to this API would configure the register bit fields of BRSSEL.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgroundAddChannelToSequence()<BR>
__STATIC_INLINE void XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgroundRemoveChannelFromSequence(XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_t *const global_ptr,
const uint32_t grp_num,
const uint32_t ch_num)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgroundAddChannelToSequence:Wrong Module Pointer", (global_ptr == VADC))
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgroundAddChannelToSequence:Wrong Group Number",((grp_num) < XMC_VADC_MAXIMUM_NUM_GROUPS))
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgroundAddChannelToSequence:Wrong Channel Number",
global_ptr->BRSSEL[grp_num] &= (uint32_t)~((uint32_t)1 << ch_num);
* @param global_ptr Pointer to the VADC module
* @param grp_num ID of the VADC group whose unprioritized channels have been assigned to background scan
* @param ch_mask Mask word indicating channels which form part of scan conversion sequence
* Bit location 0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7 represents channels-0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7 respectively.
* To Add the channel to the scan sequence enable the respective bit.
* Passing a 0x0 will clear all the previously selected channels
* <BR>Range: [0x0 to 0xFF]
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Removes multiple channels to the scan sequence.<BR>\n
* Call this API to insert a multiple channels into the scan request source. This will be added to a scan
* sequence. The added channels will be a part of the conversion sequence when the next load event occurs.
* A call to this API would configure the register bit fields of BRSSEL.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgroundAddChannelToSequence()<BR>
__STATIC_INLINE void XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgndRemoveMultipleChannels(XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_t *const global_ptr,
const uint32_t grp_num,
const uint32_t ch_mask)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgndAddMultipleChannels:Wrong Module Pointer", (global_ptr == VADC))
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgndAddMultipleChannels:Wrong Group Number", ((grp_num) < XMC_VADC_MAXIMUM_NUM_GROUPS))
global_ptr->BRSSEL[grp_num] &= (uint32_t)~ch_mask;
* @param global_ptr Pointer to the VADC module
* @param grp_num ID of the VADC group whose unprioritized channels have been assigned to background scan RS
* @param ch_num The channel being audited for completion of conversion
* <BR>Range: [0x0 to 0x7]
* @return
* bool returns true if the channel is pending conversion else returns false
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Determine if the channel is pending.<BR>\n
* This API will check if the Channel in question is awaiting conversion in the current arbitration round.
* When a load event occurs the scan sequence is pushed to a pending conversion register.
* From the pending register the channels are taken up by the converter. This API would return true
* if the channel is found in the pending register (BRSPND[\b grp_num]).
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgroundGetNumChannelsPending()<BR>
__STATIC_INLINE bool XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgroundIsChannelPending(XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_t *const global_ptr,
const uint32_t grp_num,
const uint32_t ch_num)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgroundIsChannelPending:Wrong Module Pointer", (global_ptr == VADC))
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgroundIsChannelPending:Wrong Group Number", ((grp_num) < XMC_VADC_MAXIMUM_NUM_GROUPS))
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgroundIsChannelPending:Wrong Channel Number",
return( (bool)(global_ptr->BRSPND[grp_num] & (uint32_t)((uint32_t)1 << ch_num)));
* @param global_ptr Pointer to the VADC module
* @return <BR>
* uint32_t Returns the total channels pending for conversion.
* <BR>Range: [0x0 to (0x8*number of groups)]
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Returns the number of pending channels.<BR>\n
* This API will read the pending channels register and will return the number of channels that are awaiting conversion.
* When a load event occurs the scan sequence is pushed to a pending conversion register.
* From the pending register the channels are taken up by the converter. When the API is called it would
* return the total number of channels pending (BRSPND[\b grp_num]).
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgroundIsChannelPending()<BR>
uint32_t XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgroundGetNumChannelsPending(XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_t *const global_ptr);
* @param global_ptr Pointer to the VADC module
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Manually asserts the conversion complete request source event.<BR>\n
* This API will set the request source event for background scan. This will trigger a interrupt if the
* service node pointer for the scan has been configured.
* A call to this API would configure the register bit field GLOBEFLAG.SEVGLB.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* None.
__STATIC_INLINE void XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgroundTriggerReqSrcEvent(XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_t *const global_ptr)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgroundTriggerReqSrcEvent:Wrong Module Pointer", (global_ptr == VADC))
global_ptr->GLOBEFLAG |= (uint32_t)VADC_GLOBEFLAG_SEVGLB_Msk;
* @param global_ptr Pointer to the VADC module
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Acknowledges the background scan conversion complete request source event.<BR>\n
* This API will clear the request source event that occurred. This will clear a interrupt if it was raised.
* A call to this API would configure the register bit field GLOBEFLAG.SEVGLB
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgroundTriggerReqSrcEvent()<BR>
__STATIC_INLINE void XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgroundClearReqSrcEvent(XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_t *const global_ptr)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgroundClearReqSrcEvent:Wrong Module Pointer", (global_ptr == VADC))
global_ptr->GLOBEFLAG |= (uint32_t)VADC_GLOBEFLAG_SEVGLBCLR_Msk;
* @param global_ptr Pointer to the VADC module
* @return
* bool returns true if the service request event is raised.
* returns false if the service request event was not raised.
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Determines if the request source event is asserted.<BR>
* This API will get the status of the background scan request source event. Will return a true
* if the event has occurred for background scan. A call to this API would configure the register
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* None.
__STATIC_INLINE bool XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgroundGetReqSrcEventStatus(XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_t *const global_ptr)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgroundGetReqSrcEventStatus:Wrong Module Pointer", (global_ptr == VADC))
return((bool)(global_ptr->GLOBEFLAG & (uint32_t)VADC_GLOBEFLAG_SEVGLB_Msk));
* @param global_ptr Pointer to the VADC module
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Enables the trigger for background scan request source.<BR>\n
* By using this API the trigger will be activated for the scan request source. The trigger signal and trigger
* edge will be selected from the BRSCTRL register. The Selection of a input will be done by
* XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgroundSelectTrigger(). A call to this API would configure the register bit field BRSMR.ENTR.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgroundSelectTrigger()<BR> XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgroundDisableExternalTrigger()<BR>
__STATIC_INLINE void XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgroundEnableExternalTrigger(XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_t *const global_ptr)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgroundEnableExternalTrigger:Wrong Module Pointer", (global_ptr == VADC))
global_ptr->BRSMR |= (uint32_t)VADC_BRSMR_ENTR_Msk;
* @param global_ptr Pointer to the VADC module
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Disables the trigger for background scan request source.<BR>
* By using this API the trigger will be deactivated for the background scan request source.
* This will just deactivate the H/W trigger for the background scan request source. If any configuration was done
* to select the trigger input in BRSCTRL will be not be effected. A call to this API would configure the register
* bit field BRSMR.ENTR.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgroundEnableExternalTrigger()<BR>
__STATIC_INLINE void XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgroundDisableExternalTrigger(XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_t *const global_ptr)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgroundDisableExternalTrigger:Wrong Module Pointer", (global_ptr == VADC))
global_ptr->BRSMR &= ~((uint32_t)VADC_BRSMR_ENTR_Msk);
* @param global_ptr Pointer to the VADC module
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Enables the background scan request source event .<BR>
* By using this API the request source event will be activated for the background scan request source.
* Other configurations w.r.t service node pointer are not done in this API.
* A call to this API would configure the register bit field BRSMR.ENSI.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgroundEnableEvent(),<BR> XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgroundSetReqSrcEventInterruptNode()<BR>
__STATIC_INLINE void XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgroundEnableEvent(XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_t *const global_ptr)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgroundEnableEvent:Wrong Module Pointer", (global_ptr == VADC))
global_ptr->BRSMR |= ((uint32_t)VADC_BRSMR_ENSI_Msk);
* @param global_ptr Pointer to the VADC module
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Disables the background scan request source event .<BR>
* By using this API the request source event will be deactivated for the background scan request source.
* Other configurations w.r.t service node pointer are not done in this API.
* A call to this API would configure the register bit field BRSMR.ENSI.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_BackgroundEnableEvent(),<BR> XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgroundSetReqSrcEventInterruptNode()<BR>
__STATIC_INLINE void XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgroundDisableEvent(XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_t *const global_ptr)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GLOBAL_BackgroundDisableEvent:Wrong Module Pointer", (global_ptr == VADC))
global_ptr->BRSMR &= ~((uint32_t)VADC_BRSMR_ENSI_Msk);
* @param group_ptr Pointer to the VADC group
* @param config Pointer to initialization data structure
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Initializes VADC QUEUE functional block.<BR>\n
* The QUEUE request source functional block converts channels stored in a queue. The first channel entered into the
* queue is converted first. A channel once converted, can be placed back into the queue if desired(refill).
* A call to this API will first disable the arbitration slot for queue (XMC_VADC_GROUP_QueueEnableArbitrationSlot())
* and then it would configure all the related registers with the required configuration values.
* The arbitration slot is re-enabled at the end of init by invoking XMC_VADC_GROUP_QueueDisableArbitrationSlot().
* A call to this API would configure the registers GxARBPR, GxQCTRL0, GxQMR0 to configure the queue request
* source.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_QueueEnableArbitrationSlot()<BR> XMC_VADC_GROUP_QueueDisableArbitrationSlot()<BR>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_QueueSelectTrigger()<BR> XMC_VADC_GROUP_QueueSelectGating()<BR>
void XMC_VADC_GROUP_QueueInit(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr, const XMC_VADC_QUEUE_CONFIG_t *config);
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Enables arbitration slot of the queue request source.<BR>\n
* If the QUEUE request source must have its conversion request considered by the arbiter, it must participate in
* the arbitration rounds. Even if a load event occurs the queue channel can only be converted when the arbiter comes
* to the queue slot. Thus this must be enabled if any conversion need to take place.
* A call to this API would configure the register bit field GxARBPR.ASEN0.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_QueueDisableArbitrationSlot()<BR>
__STATIC_INLINE void XMC_VADC_GROUP_QueueEnableArbitrationSlot(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GROUP_QueueEnableArbitrationSlot:Wrong Group Pointer", XMC_VADC_CHECK_GROUP_PTR(group_ptr));
group_ptr->ARBPR |= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)1 << VADC_G_ARBPR_ASEN0_Pos);
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Disables arbitration slot of the queue request source.<BR>\n
* If the QUEUE request source must have its conversion request considered by the arbiter, it must participate in
* the arbitration rounds. Even if a load event occurs the queue channel can only be converted when the arbiter comes
* to the queue slot.A call to this API will lead to all conversions request by queue to be blocked.
* A call to this API would configure the register bit field GxARBPR.ASEN0.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_QueueEnableArbitrationSlot()<BR>
__STATIC_INLINE void XMC_VADC_GROUP_QueueDisableArbitrationSlot(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GROUP_QueueDisableArbitrationSlot:Wrong Group Pointer", XMC_VADC_CHECK_GROUP_PTR(group_ptr));
group_ptr->ARBPR &= ~((uint32_t)VADC_G_ARBPR_ASEN0_Msk);
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @return
* bool returns true if the arbitration is enabled else returns false.
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Returns the arbitration status of the queue request source.<BR>\n
* If the queue request source must have its conversion request considered by the arbiter, it must participate in
* the arbitration rounds. Even if a load event occurs the queue channel can only be converted when the arbiter comes
* to the queue slot. A call to this API would return the status of the arbitration slot of queue.
* A call to this API would read the register bit field GxARBPR.ASEN1.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_QueueEnableArbitrationSlot(),<BR> XMC_VADC_GROUP_QueueDisableArbitrationSlot()<BR>
__STATIC_INLINE bool XMC_VADC_GROUP_QueueIsArbitrationSlotEnabled(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GROUP_QueueIsArbitrationSlotEnabled:Wrong Group Pointer", XMC_VADC_CHECK_GROUP_PTR(group_ptr))
return ((group_ptr->ARBPR & (uint32_t)VADC_G_ARBPR_ASEN0_Msk) >> VADC_G_ARBPR_ASEN0_Pos);
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @param input_num Choice of the input earmarked as a trigger line
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Select Trigger signal for queue request source.<BR>\n
* A queue request source will raise conversion request only if there were either a request from application or
* occurrence of a hardware trigger. This API selects one of the 16 input lines as a trigger line. This is
* needed when a hardware trigger is needed for the conversion of the queue request source.
* Refer to the reference manual to determine the signal that needs to be connected.
* A call to this API would configure the register bit field GxQCTRL0.XTSEL.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_QueueSelectGating()<BR> XMC_VADC_GROUP_QueueEnableExternalTrigger()<BR>
void XMC_VADC_GROUP_QueueSelectTrigger(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr,
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @param trigger_edge Choice of the trigger edge
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Select Trigger signal edge for queue request source.<BR>\n
* A queue request source will raise conversion request only if there were either a request from application or
* occurrence of a hardware trigger. This API selects one of the 4 trigger edges. This is
* needed when a hardware trigger is needed for the conversion of the queue request source.
* Refer to the reference manual to determine the signal that needs to be connected.
* A call to this API would configure the register bit field GxQCTRL0.XTMODE.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_QueueSelectGating()<BR> XMC_VADC_GROUP_QueueEnableExternalTrigger()<BR>
void XMC_VADC_GROUP_QueueSelectTriggerEdge(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr, const XMC_VADC_TRIGGER_EDGE_t trigger_edge);
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @param input_num Choice of the input earmarked as the gating line
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Select Gating signal for queue request source.<BR>\n
* Passage of the trigger input to the request source can be controlled via a gating signal. Any one of the 16 input
* lines can be chosen as a gating signal. Trigger signal can be given to the queue request source only
* when the gating signal's active level is detected. Additionally the GxQMR0.ENGT has to be configured for
* the gating signal's active level. A call to this API would configure the register bit field GxQCTRL0.GTSEL.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_QueueSelectTrigger()<BR>
void XMC_VADC_GROUP_QueueSelectGating(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr, const XMC_VADC_GATE_INPUT_SELECT_t input_num);
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @param mode_sel Select how the gating is applied to the queue request source
* @return
* None
* <b>Details of function</b><br>
* Selects the gating mode of queue request source.<BR>\n
* Passage of the trigger input to the request source can be controlled via a gating signal.
* This API determines how the gating signal behaves, either active low or active high.
* If gating signal needs to ignored XMC_VADC_GATEMODE_IGNORE should be used as the \a mode_sel.
* A call to this API would configure the register bit field GxQMR0.ENGT.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><BR>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_QueueSelectGating();
__STATIC_INLINE void XMC_VADC_GROUP_QueueSetGatingMode(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr, XMC_VADC_GATEMODE_t mode_sel)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GROUP_QueueSetGatingMode:Wrong Group Pointer", XMC_VADC_CHECK_GROUP_PTR(group_ptr))
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GROUP_QueueSetGatingMode:Wrong mode selected", (mode_sel <= XMC_VADC_GATEMODE_ACTIVELOW))
/* Clear the existing gate configuration */
group_ptr->QMR0 &= (uint32_t)(~((uint32_t) VADC_G_QMR0_ENGT_Msk));
/* Set the new gating mode */
group_ptr->QMR0 |= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)mode_sel << VADC_G_QMR0_ENGT_Pos);
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Generates conversion request (Software initiated conversion).<BR>
* A conversion request can be raised either upon detection of a hardware trigger, or by software. This API forces
* the queue unit to generate a conversion request to the analog converter. It is assumed that the queue has already
* been filled up with entries. A call to this API would configure the register bit field GxQMR0.TREV.
* \par<b>Note:</b><br>
* The conversion of queue entry will start immediately after the entry has been loaded into GxQINR0.
* This happens only if the queue entry has been loaded into the register without the need for the H/W trigger.\n
* If a H/W Trigger is selected while loading the entry, the conversion will occur in one of the 2 ways:
* <ul>
* <li> The H/W generates a trigger needed for the queue request source.
* <li> The Conversion is triggered manually by calling this API.
* </ul>
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_QueueInsertChannel()<BR>
__STATIC_INLINE void XMC_VADC_GROUP_QueueTriggerConversion(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GROUP_QueueTriggerConversion:Wrong Group Pointer", XMC_VADC_CHECK_GROUP_PTR(group_ptr))
group_ptr->QMR0 |= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)1 << VADC_G_QMR0_TREV_Pos);
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @return
* uint32_t returns the total number of channels.
* <BR>Range: [0x0 to 0x8]
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Returns the number of channels present in the queue.<BR>\n
* This API will return the queue buffer size. This buffer will be consisting of valid queue entries which
* will be converted when a trigger event occurs. All the entries that are loaded onto the GxQINR0 will
* be added to the queue buffer. Hence if an application needs to get the number of valid queue entries
* this API would provide the interface. A call to this API would access the registers GxQBUR0, GxQSR0 in order
* to determine the queue length.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_QueueInsertChannel()<BR>
uint32_t XMC_VADC_GROUP_QueueGetLength(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr);
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Aborts an ongoing conversion by flushing the queue.<BR>\n
* This API will flush the queue buffer. Ongoing conversion of the Queue request source will
* not be effected by this API. This would clear all the contents that are present in the queue buffer.
* A call to this API would configure the registers GxQCTRL0, GxQMR0, GxARBPR in order to abort
* the queue sequence.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_QueueRemoveChannel()<BR> XMC_VADC_GROUP_QueueFlushEntries() <BR>
void XMC_VADC_GROUP_QueueAbortSequence(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr);
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Flushing the queue Entry.<BR>\n
* This API will flush one entry in the queue buffer. Ongoing conversion of the Queue request source will
* not be effected by this API. This would clear all the contents that are present in the queue buffer.
* A call to this API would configure the registers GxQMR0. This is a Blocking API, i.e will only exit when
* all the entries are removed from the queue.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_QueueRemoveChannel()<BR> XMC_VADC_GROUP_QueueAbortSequence(0<BR>
__STATIC_INLINE void XMC_VADC_GROUP_QueueFlushEntries(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr)
/* Initiate flushing of the queue */
group_ptr->QMR0 |= (uint32_t)VADC_G_QMR0_FLUSH_Msk;
while( !((group_ptr->QSR0)& (uint32_t)VADC_G_QSR0_EMPTY_Msk))
/* Wait until the queue is indeed flushed */
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Clears the next valid channel in the queue buffer.<BR>\n
* A queue entry lined up for conversion can be removed and replaced by its successor. The call to this API will
* first check if a valid queue entry is present in the queue backup register if present would clear its valid flag.
* If no valid queue entries are present in the backup then the first channel
* present in the queue buffer would be cleared.
* A call to this API would configure the registers GxQCTRL0, GxQMR0, GxARBPR in order to clear a
* channel from the queue.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_QueueInsertChannel()<BR>
void XMC_VADC_GROUP_QueueRemoveChannel(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr);
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @param entry Details of the node being added
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Inserts a queue entry to the tail of the queue buffer.<BR>\n
* This API will insert a new channel into the queue buffer. The Queue will start conversion of
* the channels from the head of the buffer. This Insert will place the entry after the last valid entry.
* If no valid entries are present then this API will place the Queue entry at the head of the buffer.
* Then the successive call to the insert will place the new entry after the last entry.
* A call to this API would configure the register GxQINR0 for a single queue entry.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_QueueRemoveChannel()<BR>
__STATIC_INLINE void XMC_VADC_GROUP_QueueInsertChannel(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr,
const XMC_VADC_QUEUE_ENTRY_t entry)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GROUP_QueueInsertChannel:Wrong Group Pointer", XMC_VADC_CHECK_GROUP_PTR(group_ptr))
/* Insert the channel physically and get the length of the queue*/
group_ptr->QINR0 = entry.qinr0;
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @return
* int32_t Returns -1 if there are no channels for conversion
* Else would return the next valid channel for conversion.
* <BR>Range: [0x0 to 0x8]
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Returns the next entry in the queue request source for conversion.<BR>\n
* Identifies the channel in the queue lined up for conversion next.
* API will return a valid queue entry from the queue buffer. First checks for the valid channel entry
* in the backup register and returns if present. If the valid entry has not been found in the backup register
* then the queue buffer is searched for a valid entry. A call to this API would access the registers GxQ0R0,
* GxQBUR0 to determine the next channel.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_QueueRemoveChannel()<BR> XMC_VADC_GROUP_QueueInsertChannel()<BR>
int32_t XMC_VADC_GROUP_QueueGetNextChannel(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr);
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @return
* int32_t Returns -1 if there is no channel that have been interrupted.
* Else would return the channel that is interrupted.
* <BR>Range: [0x0 to 0x8]
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Identifies the channel whose conversion was suspended.<BR>\n
* When using cancel inject repeat mode the canceled conversion will be placed in the backup register.
* This API will return the valid queue channel number from the backup register. This happens when ever
* there is a high priority conversion interrupts the conversion of queue request source. This forces the channel
* to goto the backup register. A call to this API would access the register GxQBUR0 to determine the
* interrupted channel.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* None.
int32_t XMC_VADC_GROUP_QueueGetInterruptedChannel(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr);
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Manually asserts the conversion complete request source event.<BR>\n
* This API will set the request source event for queue. This will trigger a interrupt if the
* service node pointer for the scan has been configured.
* A call to this API would configure the register bit field GxSEFLAG.SEV0.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_QueueClearReqSrcEvent()<BR>
__STATIC_INLINE void XMC_VADC_GROUP_QueueTriggerReqSrcEvent(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GROUP_QueueTriggerReqSrcEvent:Wrong Group Pointer", XMC_VADC_CHECK_GROUP_PTR(group_ptr))
group_ptr->SEFLAG |= 1U;
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Acknowledges the conversion complete request source event.<BR>\n
* This API will clear the request source event that occurred. This will clear a interrupt if it was raised.
* A call to this API would configure the register bit field GxSEFCLR.SEV0.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_QueueTriggerReqSrcEvent()<BR>
__STATIC_INLINE void XMC_VADC_GROUP_QueueClearReqSrcEvent(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GROUP_QueueClearReqSrcEvent:Wrong Group Pointer", XMC_VADC_CHECK_GROUP_PTR(group_ptr))
group_ptr->SEFCLR = (uint32_t)VADC_G_SEFCLR_SEV0_Msk;
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @return
* bool returns true if the service request event is raised.
* returns false if the service request event was not raised.
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Determines if the request source event is asserted.<BR>
* This API will get the status of the queue request source event. Will return a true
* if the event has occurred for queue. A call to this API would acces the register bit field GxSEFLAG.SEV0.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* None.
__STATIC_INLINE bool XMC_VADC_GROUP_QueueGetReqSrcEventStatus(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GROUP_QueueGetReqSrcEventStatus:Wrong Group Pointer", XMC_VADC_CHECK_GROUP_PTR(group_ptr))
return(group_ptr->SEFLAG & (uint32_t)VADC_G_SEFLAG_SEV0_Msk);
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @param sr The service request line (Common SR lines, Group specific SR lines)
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Connects the event to the SR line of VADC.<BR>\n
* This API will connect a Service Request line(SR) to a queue request source event. Hence to get a interrupt on this
* Service request line one has to enable the required NVIC node. A call to this API would configure the register
* bit field GxSEVNP.SEVNP0.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* None.
void XMC_VADC_GROUP_QueueSetReqSrcEventInterruptNode(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr, const XMC_VADC_SR_t sr);
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Enables the trigger for queue request source.<BR>\n
* By using this API the trigger will be activated for the queue request source. The trigger signal and trigger
* edge will be selected from the QCTRL register. The Selection of a input will be done by
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_QueueSelectTrigger(). A call to this API would configure the register bit field GxQMR0.ENTR
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_QueueSelectTrigger()<BR> XMC_VADC_GROUP_QueueDisableExternalTrigger()<BR>
__STATIC_INLINE void XMC_VADC_GROUP_QueueEnableExternalTrigger(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GROUP_QueueEnableExternalTrigger:Wrong Group Pointer", XMC_VADC_CHECK_GROUP_PTR(group_ptr))
group_ptr->QMR0 |= (uint32_t)VADC_G_QMR0_ENTR_Msk;
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Disables the trigger for queue request source.<BR>
* By using this API the trigger will be deactivated for the queue request source.
* This will just deactivate the H/W trigger for the queue request source. If any configuration was done
* to select the trigger input in GxQCTRL0 will be not be effected. A call to this API would configure the
* register bit field GxQMR0.ENTR
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_QueueEnableExternalTrigger()<BR>
__STATIC_INLINE void XMC_VADC_GROUP_QueueDisableExternalTrigger(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GROUP_QueueDisableExternalTrigger:Wrong Group Pointer", XMC_VADC_CHECK_GROUP_PTR(group_ptr))
group_ptr->QMR0 &= ~((uint32_t)VADC_G_QMR0_ENTR_Msk);
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @param ch_num The channel being initialized
* <BR>Range: [0x0 to 0x7]
* @param config Pointer to initialization data
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Initializes the ADC channel for conversion.<BR>\n
* This API will do the channel related initializations. This includes configuration of the CHCTR settings
* and boundary flag settings. This must be called in the application in order to enable the conversion of
* a channel. After a request source has been initialized this API has to be called for each channel that
* has to be converted. A call to this API would configure the registers GxCHCTR GxBFL GxALIAS GxCHASS
* GxBFLC(depending on device) in order to configure the channel.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* None.
void XMC_VADC_GROUP_ChannelInit(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr, const uint32_t ch_num,
const XMC_VADC_CHANNEL_CONFIG_t *config);
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @param src_ch_num Channel which will be converted by \b alias_ch_num, when called by the request source.
* <BR>Range:[0x0 to 0x7]
* @param alias_ch_num This is the alias channel (Ch-0 or Ch-1)
* <BR>Range:[0x0, 0x1]
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Sets the Alias channel(\b alias_ch_num) to convert from the source channel(\b src_ch_num).<BR>\n
* When a alias configuration takes place the request source(queue/scan/background) will not call channel \b src_ch_num.
* The Request sources will call the channel \b alias_ch_num , this would invoke the conversion of
* the pin associated with \b src_ch_num. The configuration of the alias channel (\b alias_ch_num) will be used
* for the conversion.\n
* When an alias channel (Ch-0 or Ch-1) receives a trigger, it converts the aliased channel (\b src_ch_num).
* The properties of Ch-0 or Ch-1 (as indicated in \b alias_ch_num ) apply when \b src_ch_num is converted.
* A call to this API would configure the register GxALIAS.
* \par<b>Note:</b><br>
* Alias Channel (\b alias_ch_num) and the source channel (\b src_ch_num) cannot be the same.
* If they are, that alias feature is not used for the conversion. In order to Reset the alias
* feature that was previously selected this method can be used.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* None.
void XMC_VADC_GROUP_SetChannelAlias(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr,
const uint32_t src_ch_num,
const uint32_t alias_ch_num);
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @param ch_num Channel whose input was converted
* <BR>Range: [0x0 to 0x7]
* @return
* bool Returns true if there was violation w.r.t the specified boundaries.
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Determines if the result of the channel confines with the specified boundaries.<BR>\n
* An application may not necessarily always need to know the exact value of the converted result, but merely
* an indication if the generated result is within stipulated boundaries. Generation of Channel event can be subject
* to channel event generation criteria (Generate always, Never generate, Generate if result is out of bounds,
* Generate if result is within bounds). When interrupts are not enabled, this API can be used to determine the
* nature of the result. A call to this API would access the registers GxCHCTR and GxCEFLAG in order to determine
* if a violation has occured.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* None
bool XMC_VADC_GROUP_ChannelIsResultOutOfBounds(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr, const uint32_t ch_num);
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @param ch_num Channel whose input is to be converted
* <BR>Range: [0x0 to 0x7]
* @param ref Reference voltage
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Selects the reference voltage for conversion.<BR>\n
* An internal voltage reference (VARef) or an external voltage reference fed to Ch-0 can serve as a voltage reference
* for conversions. A call to this API would configure the register bit field GxCHCTR.REFSEL.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* None.
void XMC_VADC_GROUP_ChannelSetInputReference(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr, const uint32_t ch_num,
const XMC_VADC_CHANNEL_REF_t ref);
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @param ch_num Channel whose i/p is to be converted
* <BR>Range: [0x0 to 0x7]
* @param result_reg_num Result Register associated with this channel
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Selects the target result register.<BR>\n
* There are upto 16 result registers which a channel can choose from to store the results of conversion.
* This selects only the group related result registers. A call to this API would configure the register
* bit field GxCHCTR.RESREG.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* None.
void XMC_VADC_GROUP_ChannelSetResultRegister(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr,
const uint32_t ch_num,
const uint32_t result_reg_num);
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @param ch_num Channel whose conversion class is to be configured
* <BR>Range: [0x0 to 0x7]
* @param conversion_class conversion property to be associated with this channel
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Selects the conversion class registers.<BR>\n
* It configures the channel to have a particular conversion class properties like sampling
* time and resolution. A call to this API would configure the register
* bit field GxCHCTR.ICLSEL.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_ChannelGetInputClass().
void XMC_VADC_GROUP_ChannelSetIclass(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr,
const uint32_t ch_num,
const XMC_VADC_CHANNEL_CONV_t conversion_class);
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @param ch_num Channel whose result alignment is to be returned
* <BR>Range: [0x0 to 0x7]
* @return
* XMC_VADC_RESULT_ALIGN_LEFT if the result are aligned to the left
* XMC_VADC_RESULT_ALIGN_RIGHT if the result are aligned to the right
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Returns the channel result alignment.<BR>\n
* The results are aligned either to the left or to the right. A left aligned 10bit resolution has its LSB
* at bit2 where as a left aligned 8bit resolution starts at bit4. A call to this API would return the currently
* configured alignment value.
* A call to this API would read the register bit field GxCHCTR.RESPOS.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* None.
const uint32_t ch_num)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GROUP_ChannelGetResultAlignment:Wrong Group Pointer", XMC_VADC_CHECK_GROUP_PTR(group_ptr))
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GROUP_ChannelGetResultAlignment:Wrong Channel Number",
return ((XMC_VADC_RESULT_ALIGN_t)((group_ptr->CHCTR[ch_num] & (uint32_t)VADC_G_CHCTR_RESPOS_Msk) >>
(uint32_t)VADC_G_CHCTR_RESPOS_Pos) );
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @param ch_num Channel whose result alignment is to be returned
* <BR>Range: [0x0 to 0x7]
* @return
* XMC_VADC_CHANNEL_CONV_t Returns the configured input class for the \b ch_num
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Returns the channel's input class for conversion for the required channel.<BR>\n
* The sampling time and resolution can be taken from any of the 4 possible Input class registers.
* This API would return the input class register that is taken up by \b ch_num for conversion.
* A call to this API would read the register bit field GxCHCTR.RESPOS.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_ChannelSetIclass().
const uint32_t ch_num)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GROUP_ChannelGetInputClass:Wrong Group Pointer", XMC_VADC_CHECK_GROUP_PTR(group_ptr))
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GROUP_ChannelGetInputClass:Wrong Channel Number",
return ((XMC_VADC_CHANNEL_CONV_t)((group_ptr->CHCTR[ch_num] & (uint32_t)VADC_G_CHCTR_ICLSEL_Msk) >>
(uint32_t)VADC_G_CHCTR_ICLSEL_Pos) );
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @param ch_num Channel whose associated result register is to be found
* <BR>Range: [0x0 to 0x7]
* @return
* uint8_t returns the Group result register to which it is linked to.
* <BR>Range: [0x0 to 0xF]
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Returns the result register associated with this channel.<br>\n
* There are upto 16 result registers which a channel can choose from to store the results of conversion.
* This returns only the group related result registers. A call to this API would access the register
* bit field GxCHCTR.RESREG.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* None.
uint8_t XMC_VADC_GROUP_ChannelGetResultRegister(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr, const uint32_t ch_num);
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @param ch_num Channel whose channel event is to be asserted
* <BR>Range: [0x0 to 0x7]
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Manually asserts a Channel event.<BR>\n
* It is merely the channel event which is asserted. For this asserted event to lead to an interrupt, it must
* have been bound to an SR and that SR must have been enabled. It can potentially lead to an interrupt if the
* SR line is connected to an NVIC node. A call to this API would configure the register bit fields of GxCEFLAG.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_ChannelClearEvent().
void XMC_VADC_GROUP_ChannelTriggerEvent(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr, const uint32_t ch_num);
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @return
* uint32_t returns the asserted channel events
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Returns the Channel event flag register.<BR>\n
* The return is merely the channel events which are asserted.
* A call to this API would read the register bit fields of GxCEFLAG.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_ChannelClearEvent().
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t XMC_VADC_GROUP_ChannelGetAssertedEvents(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GROUP_ChannelGetAssertedEvents:Wrong Group Pointer", XMC_VADC_CHECK_GROUP_PTR(group_ptr))
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @param ch_num Channel whose channel event is to be acknowledged
* <BR>Range: [0x0 to 0x7]
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Acknowledges a Channel event.<BR>\n
* When a channel event is raised after the conversion of that channel, it has to be cleared. This API would clear
* the Channel event of a particular channel if it has occurred. A call to this API would configure the register
* bit fields of GxCEFCLR.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_ChannelTriggerEvent().
__STATIC_INLINE void XMC_VADC_GROUP_ChannelClearEvent(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr, const uint32_t ch_num)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GROUP_ChannelClearEvent:Wrong Group Pointer", XMC_VADC_CHECK_GROUP_PTR(group_ptr))
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GROUP_ChannelClearEvent:Wrong Channel Number", ((ch_num) < XMC_VADC_NUM_CHANNELS_PER_GROUP))
group_ptr->CEFCLR = (uint32_t)((uint32_t)1 << ch_num);
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @param ch_num Channel whose channel event is to be connected to a service request line
* <BR>Range: [0x0 to 0x7]
* @param sr The service request line to which the channel event is to be connected
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Binds a channel event to a requested Service Request line.<BR>\n
* The channel event is connected to a service request line. For an event to result in an interrupt, this service
* request line must be enabled in VADC and the NVIC node which this service request line is connected to must have
* interrupt generation enabled. A call to this API would configure the register bit fields of GxCEVNP0.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_ChannelTriggerEvent()<BR> XMC_VADC_GROUP_ChannelClearEvent()
void XMC_VADC_GROUP_ChannelSetEventInterruptNode(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr,
const uint32_t ch_num,
const XMC_VADC_SR_t sr);
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @param ch_num Channel whose channel event is being configured
* <BR>Range: [0x0 to 0x7]
* @param criteria The condition under which the channel may assert its channel event
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Defines the conditions under which a channel may assert its channel event.<BR>\n
* The channel event can be generated under the following conditions - Always, Never, Result Out of bounds and Result
* inside the boundaries. A call to this API would configure the register bit field GxCHCTR.CHEVMODE.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_ChannelTriggerEvent()<BR> XMC_VADC_GROUP_ChannelClearEvent()<BR>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_ChannelSetEventInterruptNode()<BR>
void XMC_VADC_GROUP_ChannelTriggerEventGenCriteria(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr,
const uint32_t ch_num,
const XMC_VADC_CHANNEL_EVGEN_t criteria);
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @param ch_num Channel whose channel event is being configured
* <BR>Range: [0x0 to 0x7]
* @param boundary_sel Select the upper/lower boundary configuration .
* @param selection The boundary value selected for \b boundary_sel.
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Configure the boundary selection for the given channel<BR>\n
* The channel event can be generated under the following conditions - Always, Never, Result Out of bounds and Result
* inside the boundaries. The boundary values to which results are compared can be selected from several sources.
* A call to this API would configure the register bit field GxCHCTR.BNDSELL or GxCHCTR.BNDSELU .
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* None.
void XMC_VADC_GROUP_ChannelSetBoundarySelection(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr,
const uint32_t ch_num,
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @param res_reg_num Result register which is intended to be initialized
* <BR>Range: [0x0 to 0xF]
* @param config Pointer to initialization data
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Initializes a Group Result Register.<BR>
* Various options needed for the working of the result result will be configured with this API.
* This would determine the result handling of the group registers. This API must be called after
* the channel Init (XMC_VADC_GROUP_ChannelInit())to initialize the result register that is selected for the channel.
* This API would also determine if the result register that is being configured has to a part of a FIFO buffer.
* In this API one can also configure the various result handling options line FIR/IIR filters and it order.
* Also configures the Data reduction to accumulate 2/3/4 results need to be done. This API will also configure
* the result event generation. A call to this API would configure the register GxRCR with the \b config .
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_AddResultToFifo()<BR> XMC_VADC_GROUP_EnableResultEvent()<br> XMC_VADC_GROUP_DisableResultEvent()<BR>
__STATIC_INLINE void XMC_VADC_GROUP_ResultInit(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr,
const uint32_t res_reg_num,
const XMC_VADC_RESULT_CONFIG_t *config)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GROUP_ResultInit:Wrong Group Pointer", XMC_VADC_CHECK_GROUP_PTR(group_ptr))
group_ptr->RCR[res_reg_num] = config->g_rcr;
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @param res_reg Register which is required to be a part of results FIFO
* <BR>Range: [0x0 to 0xF]
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Adds result register to Result FIFO.<BR>\n
* Sometimes, the rate of consumption of results by application software may not match the rate at which the
* results are produced. A Result FIFO thus helps a slow consumer to read out results without loss of data.
* When a result register is added to fifo, it is in fact chained to its higher numbered neighbor. For example, if
* Result Register-5 is to be added to FIFO, it gets chained to Result Register-6. Results are written to Register-6
* while the same can be read out of Register-5 leisurely by software.
* A call to this API would configure the register bit field GxRCR.FEN.
* \par<b>Note:</b><br>
* The FIFO is always read by the software with the lowest numbered result register.
* The hardware will write the results from the highest numbered result register.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* None.
void XMC_VADC_GROUP_AddResultToFifo(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr, const uint32_t res_reg);
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @param res_reg Result Register for which event generation is to be enabled
* <BR>Range: [0x0 to 0xF]
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Enables result event generation.<BR>\n
* Once the results of conversion are available, the result event (which is being enabled in this function)
* if connected to a service request line(Group or Shared service request) can lead to an interrupt. It is therefore
* not only necessary to enable the event, but also to connect it to a service request line. The
* service request generation capability must also be enabled and so should the corresponding NVIC node.
* A call to this API would configure the register bit field GxRCR.SRGEN.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_SetResultInterruptNode().
__STATIC_INLINE void XMC_VADC_GROUP_EnableResultEvent(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr, const uint32_t res_reg)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GROUP_EnableResultEvent:Wrong Group Pointer", XMC_VADC_CHECK_GROUP_PTR(group_ptr))
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GROUP_EnableResultEvent:Wrong Result Register", ((res_reg) < XMC_VADC_NUM_RESULT_REGISTERS))
group_ptr->RCR[res_reg] |= (uint32_t)VADC_G_RCR_SRGEN_Msk;
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @param res_reg Result Register for which event generation is to be disabled
* <BR>Range: [0x0 to 0xF]
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Disable result event generation.<BR>\n
* This would just disable the event. It would not alter anything w.r.t the SR line if it was configured.
* A call to this API would configure the register bit field GxRCR.SRGEN.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_EnableResultEvent().
__STATIC_INLINE void XMC_VADC_GROUP_DisableResultEvent(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr, const uint32_t res_reg)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GROUP_DisableResultEvent:Wrong Group Pointer", XMC_VADC_CHECK_GROUP_PTR(group_ptr))
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GROUP_DisableResultEvent:Wrong Result Register", ((res_reg) < XMC_VADC_NUM_RESULT_REGISTERS))
group_ptr->RCR[res_reg] &= ~((uint32_t)VADC_G_RCR_SRGEN_Msk);
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @param res_reg Result Register from which the result of conversion is to be read out
* <BR>Range: [0x0 to 0xF]
* @return
* uint32_t returns the complete result register GxRESy.
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Returns the result register completely (result of conversion as well as other info).<BR>\n
* The Result register will have information regarding the channel that is requesting the conversion,
* if the result is valid, if the fast compare bit, Data Reduction Counter, and the request source information.
* All these information will be returned back. And if the user is polling for the result he can use the
* result if the valid bit is set. A call to this API would return the complete register GxRES.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_GetResult().
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t XMC_VADC_GROUP_GetDetailedResult(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr, const uint32_t res_reg)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GROUP_GetDetailedResult:Wrong Group Pointer", XMC_VADC_CHECK_GROUP_PTR(group_ptr))
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GROUP_GetDetailedResult:Wrong Result Register", ((res_reg) < XMC_VADC_NUM_RESULT_REGISTERS))
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @param res_reg Result Register from which the result of conversion is to be read out
* <BR>Range: [0x0 to 0xF]
* @return
* XMC_VADC_RESULT_SIZE_t Result register values.
* <BR>Range:[ 0x0 to 0xFFF] (Result of single conversion. Accumulated results not considered for range)
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Returns the result of the conversion.<BR>\n
* This API will only return the result of the conversion and will strip out the other information that is present
* in the result register. A call to this API would access the register bit field GxRES.RESULT.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_GetDetailedResult().
const uint32_t res_reg)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GROUP_GetResult:Wrong Group Pointer", XMC_VADC_CHECK_GROUP_PTR(group_ptr))
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GROUP_GetResult:Wrong Result Register", ((res_reg) < XMC_VADC_NUM_RESULT_REGISTERS))
return ((XMC_VADC_RESULT_SIZE_t)group_ptr->RES[res_reg]);
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @param res_reg Result Register for which the compare value is being set
* <BR>Range: [0x0 to 0xF]
* @param compare_val The compare value itself
* <BR>Range: [0x0 to 0xFFF]
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Configures the compare value (relevant to the Fast Compare Mode).<BR>\n
* A channel input can be converted and its value stored in its result register. Alternatively, the channel input can
* be converted and compared against a compare value. This is the fast compare mode typically utilized by applications
* that are not interested in absolute converted value of an analog input, but rather a binary decision on how the
* input fares against a preset compare value. The channel should have had already chosen the correct ICLASS with
* the fast compare mode enabled. \b compare_val would be the compare value on which FCM bit in the result
* register will be set. The FCM bit will be set if the analog voltage is greater than the compare value.
* A call to this API would configure the register bit field GxRES.RESULT.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_GetFastCompareResult().
void XMC_VADC_GROUP_SetResultFastCompareValue(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr,
const uint32_t res_reg,
const XMC_VADC_RESULT_SIZE_t compare_val);
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @param res_reg Result Register for which the compare value is being set
* <BR>Range: [0x0 to 0xF]
* @return
* ::XMC_VADC_FAST_COMPARE_t If the input is greater or lower than the compare value returns the appropriate enum.
* if the valid flag was not set then it would return XMC_VADC_FAST_COMPARE_UNKNOWN.
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Determines the input is greater/lower than the compare value.<BR>\n
* This API determines if the input is greater/lower than the preset compare value.
* A call to this API would access the register bit field GxRES.FCM.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_SetResultFastCompareValue().
XMC_VADC_FAST_COMPARE_t XMC_VADC_GROUP_GetFastCompareResult(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr, const uint32_t res_reg);
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @param subtraction_val 12 bit subtraction value
* <BR>Range: [0x0 to 0xFFF]
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Configures the subtraction value (relevant to the Difference Mode).<BR>\n
* A channel input can be converted and its value stored in its result register. Alternatively, the channel input can
* be converted and subtracted with the value stored in GxRES[0]. This Difference Mode typically utilized by
* applications that are not interested in absolute converted value of an analog input, but rather a difference of
* converted values. Subtraction value will always be present in the GxRES[0] and thus this API would configure
* that register.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* None.
void XMC_VADC_GROUP_SetResultSubtractionValue(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr,
const uint16_t subtraction_val);
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @param res_reg Result Register for which the result event is being asserted
* <BR>Range: [0x0 to 0xF]
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Manually asserts the result event.<BR>\n
* The result event must necessarily be connected to a SR line. The SR in turn must have been enabled along with the
* corresponding NVIC node. Only then will the assertion of RES event lead to an interrupt.
* A call to this API would access the register bit fieldS OF GxREFLAG.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_ClearResultEvent().
__STATIC_INLINE void XMC_VADC_GROUP_TriggerResultEvent(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr, const uint32_t res_reg)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GROUP_TriggerResultEvent:Wrong Group Pointer", XMC_VADC_CHECK_GROUP_PTR(group_ptr))
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GROUP_TriggerResultEvent:Wrong Result Register", ((res_reg) < XMC_VADC_NUM_RESULT_REGISTERS))
group_ptr->REFLAG = (uint32_t)((uint32_t)1 << res_reg);
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @return
* uint32_t returns the asserted result events
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Returns the Result event flag register.<BR>\n
* The return is merely the result events which are asserted.
* A call to this API would read the register bit fields of GxREFLAG.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_TriggerResultEvent().
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t XMC_VADC_GROUP_GetAssertedResultEvents(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GROUP_GetAssertedResultEvents:Wrong Group Pointer", XMC_VADC_CHECK_GROUP_PTR(group_ptr))
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @param res_reg Result Register for which the result event is being acknowledged
* <BR>Range: [0x0 to 0xF]
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Acknowledges a Result event.<BR>\n
* When a Result event is raised after the conversion of that associated channel has produced a result and
* it has to be cleared. This API would clear the Channel event of a particular channel if it has occurred.
* A call to this API would access the register bit fields of GxREFCLR.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_ChannelTriggerEvent().
__STATIC_INLINE void XMC_VADC_GROUP_ClearResultEvent(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr, const uint32_t res_reg)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GROUP_ClearResultEvent:Wrong Group Pointer", XMC_VADC_CHECK_GROUP_PTR(group_ptr))
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GROUP_ClearResultEvent:Wrong Result Register", ((res_reg) < XMC_VADC_NUM_RESULT_REGISTERS))
group_ptr->REFCLR = (uint32_t)((uint32_t)1 << res_reg);
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @param res_reg Result Register for which the result event is being asserted
* <BR>Range: [0x0 to 0xF]
* @param sr The SR line to which the result event must be connected
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Binds a result event to a requested Service Request line.<BR>\n
* The result event is connected to a service request line. For an event to result in an interrupt, this service
* request line must be enabled in VADC and the NVIC node which this service request line is connected to must have
* interrupt generation enabled. A call to this API would access the registers GxREVNP0 GxREVNP1.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_TriggerResultEvent()<BR> XMC_VADC_GROUP_ClearResultEvent()
void XMC_VADC_GROUP_SetResultInterruptNode(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr,
const uint32_t res_reg,
const XMC_VADC_SR_t sr);
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @param res_reg Result Register which forms a part of FIFO
* <BR>Range: [0x0 to 0xF]
* @return
* uint32_t returns the Result register number which is the tail of the FIFO,\b res_reg is apart of this FIFO.
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Returns the the FIFO tail (register from where to read the results).<BR>\n
* The analog converter writes to the head of the FIFO. It is the head of the FIFO which is bound to the channel.
* Applications read the result from the tail of the FIFO. This API would return the result
* register from where a user can call the API XMC_VADC_GROUP_GetResult() to read the result stored in the FIFO.
* A call to this API would access the register bit field GxRCR.FEN.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_GetResultFifoHead()<BR>
uint32_t XMC_VADC_GROUP_GetResultFifoTail(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr, uint32_t res_reg);
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @param res_reg Result Register which forms a part of fifo
* <BR>Range: [0x0 to 0xF]
* @return
* uint32_t returns the Result register number which is the head of the FIFO,\b res_reg is apart of this FIFO.
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Returns the the FIFO head (register to which the results are written by H/W).<BR>\n
* The analog converter writes to the head of the FIFO. It is the head of the FIFO which is bound to the channel.
* Applications read the result from the tail of the FIFO. This API would just return the head of the FIFO
* from where the results are being added to the FIFO.
* A call to this API would access the register bit field GxRCR.FEN.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_GetResultFifoHead()<BR>
uint32_t XMC_VADC_GROUP_GetResultFifoHead(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr,const uint32_t res_reg);
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @param res_reg Result Register in question
* <BR>Range: [0x0 to 0xF]
* @return
* bool returns true if the \b res_reg is the FIFO head.
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Determines if the requested register is the head of a FIFO.<BR>\n
* The analog converter writes to the head of the FIFO. It is the head of the FIFO which is bound to the channel.
* Applications read the result from the tail of the FIFO.
* A call to this API would access the register bit field GxRCR.FEN.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_GetResultFifoHead()<BR>
bool XMC_VADC_GROUP_IsResultRegisterFifoHead(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr, const uint32_t res_reg);
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @param res_reg Result Register number<BR>
* <BR>Range: [0x0 to 0xF]
* @return
* bool returns true if the \b res_reg is the FIFO member, else false.
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Determines whether the specified register is a FIFO member or not.<BR>\n
* The analog converter writes to the head of the FIFO. It is the head of the FIFO which is bound to the channel.
* Applications read the result from the tail of the FIFO.
* A call to this API would access the register bit field GxRCR.FEN.
__STATIC_INLINE bool XMC_VADC_GROUP_IsResultRegisterInFifo(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr,
const uint32_t res_reg)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GROUP_IsResultRegisterInFifo:Wrong Group Pointer", XMC_VADC_CHECK_GROUP_PTR(group_ptr))
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GROUP_IsResultRegisterInFifo:Wrong Result Register",
return( (bool)(group_ptr->RCR[res_reg] & (uint32_t)VADC_G_RCR_FEN_Msk));
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @param res_reg Result Registers which need to be set for priority conversions
* Bit location 0..15 represents Result Register-0..15 respectively.
* To add the result register as priority.
* Passing a 0x0 will clear all the selected channels
* <BR>Range: [0x0 to 0xFFFF]
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Prioritize a Result register for group conversions.<BR>\n
* Applications that need to reserve certain result registers only for Queue and scan request sources should
* use this API. A call to this API would access the register bit fields of GxRRASS.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_GetResultRegPriority().
__STATIC_INLINE void XMC_VADC_GROUP_SetResultRegPriority(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr, const uint32_t res_mask)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GROUP_SetResultRegPriority:Wrong Group Pointer", XMC_VADC_CHECK_GROUP_PTR(group_ptr))
group_ptr->RRASS = (uint32_t)res_mask;
* @param group_ptr Constant pointer to the VADC group
* @return
* None
* \par<b>Description:</b><br>
* Get the priority of all Result register.<BR>\n
* A call to this API would access the register bit fields of GxRRASS.
* \par<b>Related APIs:</b><br>
* XMC_VADC_GROUP_SetResultRegPriority().
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t XMC_VADC_GROUP_GetResultRegPriority(XMC_VADC_GROUP_t *const group_ptr)
XMC_ASSERT("XMC_VADC_GROUP_GetResultRegPriority:Wrong Group Pointer", XMC_VADC_CHECK_GROUP_PTR(group_ptr))
#ifdef __cplusplus
* @}
* @}