#include const int relayCount = 4; const int relayPin[relayCount] = {3, 4, 5, 6}; const int btnPin[relayCount] = {7, 8, 9, 10}; byte relayState[relayCount] = {HIGH, HIGH, HIGH, HIGH}; //high -> relay off byte buttonState[relayCount] byte lastButtonState[relayCount]; String receivedCom; String statusToSend; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); Serial.setTimeout(5); for (int i = 0; i < relayCount; i++) { pinMode(btnPin[i], INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(relayPin[i], OUTPUT); relayState[i] = EEPROM.read(i); digitalWrite(relayPin[i], relayState[i]); } } void loop() { while (Serial.available()) { receivedCom = Serial.readString(); //FORMAT: 0123 -> toggles all relays | 12 -> toggles only relay with the index 1 and 2 Serial.flush(); } for (int i = 0; i < relayCount; i++) { buttonState[i] = digitalRead(btnPin[i]); if ((buttonState[i] == LOW && buttonState[i] != lastButtonState[i]) || (receivedCom.indexOf(String(i)) >= 0)) { receivedCom.replace(String(i), ""); relayState[i] = !relayState[i]; } if (receivedCom == "off") { relayState[i] = LOW; } if (receivedCom == "on") { relayState[i] = HIGH; } digitalWrite(relayPin[i], relayState[i]); EEPROM.update(i, relayState[i]); lastButtonState[i] = buttonState[i]; statusToSend += relayState[i]; } Serial.println(statusToSend); statusToSend = ""; receivedCom = ""; }