import React from 'react' import Mousetrap from 'mousetrap' import cloneDeep from 'lodash.clonedeep' import clamp from 'lodash.clamp' import {arrayMove} from 'react-sortable-hoc' import url from 'url' import MapboxGlMap from './map/MapboxGlMap' import OpenLayers3Map from './map/OpenLayers3Map' import LayerList from './layers/LayerList' import LayerEditor from './layers/LayerEditor' import Toolbar from './Toolbar' import AppLayout from './AppLayout' import MessagePanel from './MessagePanel' import SettingsModal from './modals/SettingsModal' import ExportModal from './modals/ExportModal' import SourcesModal from './modals/SourcesModal' import OpenModal from './modals/OpenModal' import ShortcutsModal from './modals/ShortcutsModal' import SurveyModal from './modals/SurveyModal' import { downloadGlyphsMetadata, downloadSpriteMetadata } from '../libs/metadata' import * as styleSpec from '@mapbox/mapbox-gl-style-spec/style-spec' import style from '../libs/style.js' import { initialStyleUrl, loadStyleUrl } from '../libs/urlopen' import { undoMessages, redoMessages } from '../libs/diffmessage' import { loadDefaultStyle, StyleStore } from '../libs/stylestore' import { ApiStyleStore } from '../libs/apistore' import { RevisionStore } from '../libs/revisions' import LayerWatcher from '../libs/layerwatcher' import tokens from '../config/tokens.json' import isEqual from 'lodash.isequal' import Debug from '../libs/debug' import queryUtil from '../libs/query-util' import MapboxGl from 'mapbox-gl' import { normalizeSourceURL } from 'mapbox-gl/src/util/mapbox' function updateRootSpec(spec, fieldName, newValues) { return { ...spec, $root: { ...spec.$root, [fieldName]: { ...spec.$root[fieldName], values: newValues } } } } export default class App extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props) this.revisionStore = new RevisionStore() this.styleStore = new ApiStyleStore({ onLocalStyleChange: mapStyle => this.onStyleChanged(mapStyle, false) }) const keyCodes = { "esc": 27, "?": 191, "o": 79, "e": 69, "s": 83, "d": 68, "i": 73, "m": 77, } const shortcuts = [ { keyCode: keyCodes["?"], handler: () => { this.toggleModal("shortcuts"); } }, { keyCode: keyCodes["o"], handler: () => { this.toggleModal("open"); } }, { keyCode: keyCodes["e"], handler: () => { this.toggleModal("export"); } }, { keyCode: keyCodes["d"], handler: () => { this.toggleModal("sources"); } }, { keyCode: keyCodes["s"], handler: () => { this.toggleModal("settings"); } }, { keyCode: keyCodes["i"], handler: () => { this.changeInspectMode(); } }, { keyCode: keyCodes["m"], handler: () => { document.querySelector(".mapboxgl-canvas").focus(); } }, ] document.body.addEventListener("keyup", (e) => { if(e.keyCode === keyCodes["esc"]) {; document.body.focus(); } else if(document.activeElement === document.body) { const shortcut = shortcuts.find((shortcut) => { return (shortcut.keyCode === e.keyCode) }) if(shortcut) { shortcut.handler(e); } } }) const styleUrl = initialStyleUrl() if(styleUrl) { this.styleStore = new StyleStore() loadStyleUrl(styleUrl, mapStyle => this.onStyleChanged(mapStyle)) } else { this.styleStore.init(err => { if(err) { console.log('Falling back to local storage for storing styles') this.styleStore = new StyleStore() } this.styleStore.latestStyle(mapStyle => this.onStyleChanged(mapStyle)) if(Debug.enabled()) { Debug.set("maputnik", "styleStore", this.styleStore); Debug.set("maputnik", "revisionStore", this.revisionStore); } }) } if(Debug.enabled()) { Debug.set("maputnik", "revisionStore", this.revisionStore); Debug.set("maputnik", "styleStore", this.styleStore); } const queryObj = url.parse(window.location.href, true).query; this.state = { errors: [], infos: [], mapStyle: style.emptyStyle, selectedLayerIndex: 0, sources: {}, vectorLayers: {}, inspectModeEnabled: false, spec: styleSpec.latest, isOpen: { settings: false, sources: false, open: false, shortcuts: false, export: false, survey: localStorage.hasOwnProperty('survey') ? false : true }, mapOptions: { showTileBoundaries: queryUtil.asBool(queryObj, "show-tile-boundaries") }, mapFilter: queryObj["color-blindness-emulation"], } this.layerWatcher = new LayerWatcher({ onVectorLayersChange: v => this.setState({ vectorLayers: v }) }) } componentDidMount() { Mousetrap.bind(['mod+z'], this.onUndo.bind(this)); Mousetrap.bind(['mod+y', 'mod+shift+z'], this.onRedo.bind(this)); } componentWillUnmount() { Mousetrap.unbind(['mod+z'], this.onUndo.bind(this)); Mousetrap.unbind(['mod+y', 'mod+shift+z'], this.onRedo.bind(this)); } saveStyle(snapshotStyle) { } updateFonts(urlTemplate) { const metadata = this.state.mapStyle.metadata || {} const accessToken = metadata['maputnik:openmaptiles_access_token'] || tokens.openmaptiles let glyphUrl = (typeof urlTemplate === 'string')? urlTemplate.replace('{key}', accessToken): urlTemplate; downloadGlyphsMetadata(glyphUrl, fonts => { this.setState({ spec: updateRootSpec(this.state.spec, 'glyphs', fonts)}) }) } updateIcons(baseUrl) { downloadSpriteMetadata(baseUrl, icons => { this.setState({ spec: updateRootSpec(this.state.spec, 'sprite', icons)}) }) } onStyleChanged(newStyle, save=true) { const errors = styleSpec.validate(newStyle, styleSpec.latest) if(errors.length === 0) { if(newStyle.glyphs !== this.state.mapStyle.glyphs) { this.updateFonts(newStyle.glyphs) } if(newStyle.sprite !== this.state.mapStyle.sprite) { this.updateIcons(newStyle.sprite) } this.revisionStore.addRevision(newStyle) if(save) this.saveStyle(newStyle) this.setState({ mapStyle: newStyle, errors: [], }) } else { this.setState({ errors: => err.message) }) } this.fetchSources(); } onUndo() { const activeStyle = this.revisionStore.undo() const messages = undoMessages(this.state.mapStyle, activeStyle) this.saveStyle(activeStyle) this.setState({ mapStyle: activeStyle, infos: messages, }) } onRedo() { const activeStyle = this.revisionStore.redo() const messages = redoMessages(this.state.mapStyle, activeStyle) this.saveStyle(activeStyle) this.setState({ mapStyle: activeStyle, infos: messages, }) } onMoveLayer(move) { let { oldIndex, newIndex } = move; let layers = this.state.mapStyle.layers; oldIndex = clamp(oldIndex, 0, layers.length-1); newIndex = clamp(newIndex, 0, layers.length-1); if(oldIndex === newIndex) return; if (oldIndex === this.state.selectedLayerIndex) { this.setState({ selectedLayerIndex: newIndex }); } layers = layers.slice(0); layers = arrayMove(layers, oldIndex, newIndex); this.onLayersChange(layers); } onLayersChange(changedLayers) { const changedStyle = { ...this.state.mapStyle, layers: changedLayers } this.onStyleChanged(changedStyle) } onLayerDestroy(layerId) { let layers = this.state.mapStyle.layers; const remainingLayers = layers.slice(0); const idx = style.indexOfLayer(remainingLayers, layerId) remainingLayers.splice(idx, 1); this.onLayersChange(remainingLayers); } onLayerCopy(layerId) { let layers = this.state.mapStyle.layers; const changedLayers = layers.slice(0) const idx = style.indexOfLayer(changedLayers, layerId) const clonedLayer = cloneDeep(changedLayers[idx]) = + "-copy" changedLayers.splice(idx, 0, clonedLayer) this.onLayersChange(changedLayers) } onLayerVisibilityToggle(layerId) { let layers = this.state.mapStyle.layers; const changedLayers = layers.slice(0) const idx = style.indexOfLayer(changedLayers, layerId) const layer = { ...changedLayers[idx] } const changedLayout = 'layout' in layer ? {...layer.layout} : {} changedLayout.visibility = changedLayout.visibility === 'none' ? 'visible' : 'none' layer.layout = changedLayout changedLayers[idx] = layer this.onLayersChange(changedLayers) } onLayerIdChange(oldId, newId) { const changedLayers = this.state.mapStyle.layers.slice(0) const idx = style.indexOfLayer(changedLayers, oldId) changedLayers[idx] = { ...changedLayers[idx], id: newId } this.onLayersChange(changedLayers) } onLayerChanged(layer) { const changedLayers = this.state.mapStyle.layers.slice(0) const idx = style.indexOfLayer(changedLayers, changedLayers[idx] = layer this.onLayersChange(changedLayers) } changeInspectMode() { this.setState({ inspectModeEnabled: !this.state.inspectModeEnabled }) } fetchSources() { const sourceList = {...this.state.sources}; for(let [key, val] of Object.entries(this.state.mapStyle.sources)) { if(sourceList.hasOwnProperty(key)) { continue; } sourceList[key] = { type: val.type, layers: [] }; if(!this.state.sources.hasOwnProperty(key) && val.type === "vector" && val.hasOwnProperty("url")) { let url = val.url; try { url = normalizeSourceURL(url, MapboxGl.accessToken); } catch(err) { console.warn("Failed to normalizeSourceURL: ", err); } fetch(url) .then((response) => { return response.json(); }) .then((json) => { if(!json.hasOwnProperty("vector_layers")) { return; } // Create new objects before setState const sources = Object.assign({}, this.state.sources); for(let layer of json.vector_layers) { sources[key].layers.push( } console.debug("Updating source: "+key); this.setState({ sources: sources }); }) .catch((err) => { console.error("Failed to process sources for '%s'", url, err); }) } } if(!isEqual(this.state.sources, sourceList)) { console.debug("Setting sources"); this.setState({ sources: sourceList }) } } mapRenderer() { const mapProps = { mapStyle: style.replaceAccessToken(this.state.mapStyle, {allowFallback: true}), options: this.state.mapOptions, onDataChange: (e) => { this.layerWatcher.analyzeMap( this.fetchSources(); }, } const metadata = this.state.mapStyle.metadata || {} const renderer = metadata['maputnik:renderer'] || 'mbgljs' let mapElement; // Check if OL3 code has been loaded? if(renderer === 'ol3') { mapElement = } else { mapElement = } const elementStyle = {}; if(this.state.mapFilter) { elementStyle.filter = `url('#${this.state.mapFilter}')`; } return
} onLayerSelect(layerId) { const idx = style.indexOfLayer(this.state.mapStyle.layers, layerId) this.setState({ selectedLayerIndex: idx }) } toggleModal(modalName) { this.setState({ isOpen: { ...this.state.isOpen, [modalName]: !this.state.isOpen[modalName] } }) if(modalName === 'survey') { localStorage.setItem('survey', ''); } } render() { const layers = this.state.mapStyle.layers || [] const selectedLayer = layers.length > 0 ? layers[this.state.selectedLayerIndex] : null const metadata = this.state.mapStyle.metadata || {} const toolbar = const layerList = const layerEditor = selectedLayer ? : null const bottomPanel = (this.state.errors.length + this.state.infos.length) > 0 ? : null const modals =
return } }