var assert = require('assert'); var fs = require("fs"); var wd = require("../../wd-helper"); var config = require("../../config/specs"); var helper = require("../helper"); async function closeModal(wdKey) { const selector = wd.$(wdKey); await browser.waitUntil(async function() { const elem = await $(selector); return await elem.isDisplayedInViewport(); }); const closeBtnSelector = await $(wd.$(wdKey+".close-modal")); await; await browser.waitUntil(async function() { return await browser.execute((selector) => { return !document.querySelector(selector); }, selector); }); } describe("modals", function() { describe("open", function() { var styleFilePath = __dirname+"/../../example-style.json"; var styleFileData = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(styleFilePath)); beforeEach(async function() { await browser.url(config.baseUrl+"?debug"); const elem = await $(".maputnik-toolbar-link"); await elem.waitForExist(); await browser.flushReactUpdates(); const elem2 = await $(wd.$("nav:open")); await; await browser.flushReactUpdates(); }); it("close", async function() { await closeModal("modal:open"); }); // "chooseFile" command currently not available for wdio v5 it.skip("upload", async function() { const elem = await $("*[type='file']"); await elem.waitForExist(); await browser.chooseFile("*[type='file']", styleFilePath); var styleObj = await helper.getStyleStore(browser); assert.deepEqual(styleFileData, styleObj); }); it("load from url", async function() { var styleFileUrl = helper.getGeoServerUrl("example-style.json"); await browser.setValueSafe(wd.$("modal:open.url.input"), styleFileUrl); const selector = await $(wd.$("modal:open.url.button")); await; // Allow the network request to happen // NOTE: Its localhost so this should be fast. await browser.pause(300); var styleObj = await helper.getStyleStore(browser); assert.deepEqual(styleFileData, styleObj); }); // TODO: Need to work out how to mock out the end points it("gallery") }) describe("shortcuts", function() { it("open/close", async function() { await browser.url(config.baseUrl+"?debug"); const elem = await $(".maputnik-toolbar-link"); await elem.waitForExist(); await browser.flushReactUpdates(); await browser.keys(["?"]); const modalEl = await $(wd.$("modal:shortcuts")) assert(await modalEl.isDisplayed()); await closeModal("modal:shortcuts"); }); }); describe("export", function() { beforeEach(async function() { await browser.url(config.baseUrl+"?debug"); const elem = await $(".maputnik-toolbar-link"); await elem.waitForExist(); await browser.flushReactUpdates(); const elem2 = await $(wd.$("nav:export")); await; await browser.flushReactUpdates(); }); it("close", async function() { await closeModal("modal:export"); }); // TODO: Work out how to download a file and check the contents it("download") }) describe("sources", function() { it("active sources") it("public source") it("add new source") }) describe("inspect", function() { it("toggle", async function() { await browser.url(config.baseUrl+"?debug&style="+helper.getStyleUrl([ "geojson:example" ])); await browser.acceptAlert(); const selectBox = await $(wd.$("nav:inspect", "select")); await selectBox.selectByAttribute('value', "inspect"); }) }) describe("style settings", function() { beforeEach(async function() { await browser.url(config.baseUrl+"?debug"); const elem = await $(".maputnik-toolbar-link"); await elem.waitForExist(); await browser.flushReactUpdates(); const elem2 = await $(wd.$("nav:settings")); await; await browser.flushReactUpdates(); }); it("name", async function() { await browser.setValueSafe(wd.$(""), "foobar") const elem = await $(wd.$("modal:settings.owner")); await; await browser.flushReactUpdates(); var styleObj = await helper.getStyleStore(browser); assert.equal(, "foobar"); }) it("owner", async function() { await browser.setValueSafe(wd.$("modal:settings.owner"), "foobar") const elem = await $(wd.$("")); await; await browser.flushReactUpdates(); var styleObj = await helper.getStyleStore(browser); assert.equal(styleObj.owner, "foobar"); }) it("sprite url", async function() { await browser.setValueSafe(wd.$("modal:settings.sprite"), "") const elem = await $(wd.$("")); await; await browser.flushReactUpdates(); var styleObj = await helper.getStyleStore(browser); assert.equal(styleObj.sprite, ""); }) it("glyphs url", async function() { var glyphsUrl = "{fontstack}/{range}.pbf" await browser.setValueSafe(wd.$("modal:settings.glyphs"), glyphsUrl) const elem = await $(wd.$("")); await; await browser.flushReactUpdates(); var styleObj = await helper.getStyleStore(browser); assert.equal(styleObj.glyphs, glyphsUrl); }) it("maptiler access token", async function() { var apiKey = "testing123"; await browser.setValueSafe(wd.$("modal:settings.maputnik:openmaptiles_access_token"), apiKey); const elem = await $(wd.$("")); await; await browser.flushReactUpdates(); var styleObj = await helper.getStyleStore(browser); assert.equal(styleObj.metadata["maputnik:openmaptiles_access_token"], apiKey); }) it("thunderforest access token", async function() { var apiKey = "testing123"; await browser.setValueSafe(wd.$("modal:settings.maputnik:thunderforest_access_token"), apiKey); const elem = await $(wd.$("")); await; await browser.flushReactUpdates(); var styleObj = await helper.getStyleStore(browser); assert.equal(styleObj.metadata["maputnik:thunderforest_access_token"], apiKey); }) it("style renderer", async function() { const selector = await $(wd.$("modal:settings.maputnik:renderer")); await selector.selectByAttribute('value', "ol"); const elem = await $(wd.$("")); await; await browser.flushReactUpdates(); var styleObj = await helper.getStyleStore(browser); assert.equal(styleObj.metadata["maputnik:renderer"], "ol"); }) }) describe("sources", function() { it("toggle") }) })