import jsonlint from 'jsonlint'; import CodeMirror from 'codemirror'; import jsonToAst from 'json-to-ast'; import {expression, validate, latest} from '@mapbox/mapbox-gl-style-spec'; CodeMirror.defineMode("mgl", function(config, parserConfig) { // Just using the javascript mode with json enabled. Our logic is in the linter below. return CodeMirror.modes.javascript( {...config, json: true}, parserConfig ); }); CodeMirror.registerHelper("lint", "mgl", function(text, opts, doc) { const found = []; const {parser} = jsonlint; const {context} = opts; parser.parseError = function(str, hash) { const loc = hash.loc; found.push({ from: CodeMirror.Pos(loc.first_line - 1, loc.first_column), to: CodeMirror.Pos(loc.last_line - 1, loc.last_column), message: str }); }; try { parser.parse(text); } catch (e) {} if (found.length > 0) { // JSON invalid so don't go any further return found; } const ast = jsonToAst(text); const input = JSON.parse(text); function getArrayPositionalFromAst (node, path) { if (!node) { return undefined; } else if (path.length < 1) { return node; } else if (!node.children) { return undefined; } else { const key = path[0]; let newNode; if (key.match(/^[0-9]+$/)) { newNode = node.children[path[0]]; } else { newNode = node.children.find(childNode => { return ( childNode.key && childNode.key.type === "Identifier" && childNode.key.value === key ); }); if (newNode) { newNode = newNode.value; } } return getArrayPositionalFromAst(newNode, path.slice(1)) } } let out; if (context === "layer") { // Just an empty style so we can validate a layer. const errors = validate({ "version": 8, "name": "Empty Style", "metadata": {}, "sources": {}, "sprite": "", "glyphs": "{fontstack}/{range}.pbf", "layers": [ input ] }); if (errors) { out = { result: "error", value: errors .filter(err => { // Remove missing 'layer source' errors, because we don't include them if (err.message.match(/^layers\[0\]: source ".*" not found$/)) { return false; } else { return true; } }) .map(err => { // Remove the 'layers[0].' as we're validating the layer only here const errMessageParts = err.message.replace(/^layers\[0\]./, "").split(":"); return { key: errMessageParts[0], message: errMessageParts[1], }; }) } } } else if (context === "expression") { out = expression.createExpression(input, opts.spec); } else { throw new Error(`Invalid context ${context}`); } if (out.result === "error") { const errors = out.value; errors.forEach(error => { const {key, message} = error; if (!key) { const lastLineHandle = doc.getLineHandle(doc.lastLine()); const err = { from: CodeMirror.Pos(doc.firstLine(), 0), to: CodeMirror.Pos(doc.lastLine(), lastLineHandle.text.length), message: message, } found.push(err); } else if (key) { const path = key.replace(/^\[|\]$/g, "").split(/\.|[\[\]]+/).filter(Boolean) const parsedError = getArrayPositionalFromAst(ast, path); if (!parsedError) { console.warn("Something went wrong parsing error:", error); return; } const {loc} = parsedError; const {start, end} = loc; found.push({ from: CodeMirror.Pos(start.line - 1, start.column), to: CodeMirror.Pos(end.line - 1, end.column), message: message, }); } }) } return found; });