CREATE TYPE node_type AS ENUM ('marker', 'restaurant'); CREATE EXTENSION postgis; CREATE TABLE nodes( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, node_type NODE_TYPE NOT NULL, coordinates GEOMETRY(POINT,4326) NOT NULL ); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION check_linked_restaurants() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ BEGIN -- Check if the node is being updated from 'restaurant' to a different type IF OLD.node_type = 'restaurant' AND NEW.node_type <> 'restaurant' THEN -- Check if the node still has linked restaurants IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM restaurants WHERE node_id = THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Cannot change node type from "restaurant" as it still has linked restaurants'; END IF; END IF; RETURN NEW; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER check_linked_restaurants_trigger BEFORE UPDATE OF node_type ON nodes FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION check_linked_restaurants(); CREATE TABLE restaurants( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, node_id INTEGER REFERENCES nodes(id) NOT NULL, address VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, price SMALLINT CHECK ( price >= 0 AND price <= 10 ) NOT NULL ); CREATE FUNCTION check_node_type() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ BEGIN -- Check if the node referenced by the foreign key is of type 'restaurant' IF (SELECT node_type FROM nodes WHERE id = NEW.node_id) <> 'restaurant' THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'The referenced node has not type "restaurant"'; END IF; RETURN NEW; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER enforce_node_type BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON restaurants FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION check_node_type(); CREATE TABLE images( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, url VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE users( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, uuid UUID NOT NULL, avatar_id INTEGER REFERENCES images(id), UNIQUE(uuid) ); CREATE TABLE restaurant_ratings( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, restaurant_id INTEGER REFERENCES restaurants(id) NOT NULL, user_id INTEGER REFERENCES users(id) NOT NULL, note VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' ); CREATE TABLE meals( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, restaurant_rating_id INTEGER REFERENCES restaurant_ratings(id) NOT NULL, user_id INTEGER REFERENCES users(id) NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, rating SMALLINT CHECK ( rating >= 0 AND rating <= 10 ) NOT NULL, price DECIMAL(12,2) CHECK (price >= 0) NOT NULL, price_currency VARCHAR(1) CHECK (TRIM(price_currency) <> '') NOT NULL, note VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', date DATE NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE meal_images( image_id INTEGER NOT NULL, meal_id INTEGER NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT image_id_constraint FOREIGN KEY (image_id) REFERENCES images(id), CONSTRAINT meal_id_constraint FOREIGN KEY (meal_id) REFERENCES meals(id), PRIMARY KEY(image_id,meal_id) );