2 Legacy API
Ajay Ramachandran edited this page 2021-01-14 22:26:06 -05:00

These API endpoints are deprecated but still function. See the full API document at https://github.com/ajayyy/SponsorBlock/wiki/API-Docs/

GET /api/getVideoSponsorTimes


  videoID: string


  sponsorTimes: [[startTime: float, endTime float]], // Time in seconds
  UUIDs: string[] //The ID for this sponsor time, used to submit votes

Error codes:

404: Not Found

GET or POST /api/postVideoSponsorTimes


  videoID: string,
  startTime: float,
  endTime: float,
  userID: string //This should be a randomly generated UUID stored locally (not the public one)


  Nothing (status code 200)

Error codes:

400: Bad Request (Your inputs are wrong/impossible)

429: Rate Limit (Too many for the same user or IP)

409: Duplicate