99 Filter lists from around the web
gwarser edited this page 2022-02-11 11:51:20 +01:00

Import 3rd-party filter lists

Place a checkmark next to Import under the Custom section near the bottom of the Filter lists pane. Paste the URLs of the filter lists into the text area that appears below. These filter lists are automatically updated regularly.



FilterLists is a comprehensive website with filter lists from all over the web.

To import a filter list, click on the blue information button next to it. A new panel on the right side of the web page will open. Click on the blue Subscribe button on that panel. The asset viewer will open with a banner across the top. It will contain the name and the URL of the filter list. Click on the Subscribe button on the right side of the banner. The new filter list appends itself under the Custom section near the bottom of the Filter lists pane.