CMSIS-RTOS2  Version 2.1.0
Real-Time Operating System: API and RTX Reference Implementation
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rtx_os.h File Reference

Data Structures

struct  osRtxThread_t
 Thread Control Block. More...
struct  osRtxTimerFinfo_t
 Timer Function Information. More...
struct  osRtxTimer_t
 Timer Control Block. More...
struct  osRtxEventFlags_t
 Event Flags Control Block. More...
struct  osRtxMutex_t
 Mutex Control Block. More...
struct  osRtxSemaphore_t
 Semaphore Control Block. More...
struct  osRtxMpInfo_t
 Memory Pool Information. More...
struct  osRtxMemoryPool_t
 Memory Pool Control Block. More...
struct  osRtxMessage_t
 Message Control Block. More...
struct  osRtxMessageQueue_t
 Message Queue Control Block. More...
struct  osRtxObject_t
 Generic Object Control Block. More...
struct  osRtxInfo_t
 OS Runtime Information structure. More...
struct  osRtxConfig_t
 OS Configuration structure. More...
struct  osRtxInfo_t.kernel
struct  osRtxInfo_t.thread
 < Thread Info More...
struct  osRtxInfo_t.thread.robin
struct  osRtxInfo_t.timer
struct  osRtxInfo_t.isr_queue
struct  osRtxInfo_t.post_process
struct  osRtxInfo_t.mem
struct  osRtxInfo_t.mpi
struct  osRtxConfig_t.isr_queue
struct  osRtxConfig_t.mem
struct  osRtxConfig_t.mpi


#define osRtxVersionAPI   20010000
 Kernel Information. More...
#define osRtxVersionKernel   50010000
 Kernel version (5.1.0) More...
#define osRtxKernelId   "RTX V5.1.0"
 Kernel identification string. More...
#define osRtxIdInvalid   0x00U
 Object Identifier definitions. More...
#define osRtxIdThread   0x01U
#define osRtxIdTimer   0x02U
#define osRtxIdEventFlags   0x03U
#define osRtxIdMutex   0x04U
#define osRtxIdSemaphore   0x05U
#define osRtxIdMemoryPool   0x06U
#define osRtxIdMessage   0x07U
#define osRtxIdMessageQueue   0x08U
#define osRtxObjectInactive   0x00U
 Object State definitions (except for Threads and Timers) More...
#define osRtxObjectActive   0x01U
#define osRtxFlagSystemObject   0x01U
 Object Flags definitions. More...
#define osRtxFlagSystemMemory   0x02U
#define osRtxKernelInactive   ((uint8_t)osKernelInactive)
 Kernel State definitions. More...
#define osRtxKernelReady   ((uint8_t)osKernelReady)
#define osRtxKernelRunning   ((uint8_t)osKernelRunning)
#define osRtxKernelLocked   ((uint8_t)osKernelLocked)
#define osRtxKernelSuspended   ((uint8_t)osKernelSuspended)
#define osRtxThreadStateMask   0x0FU
 Thread State definitions (extending osThreadState) More...
#define osRtxThreadInactive   ((uint8_t)osThreadInactive)
#define osRtxThreadReady   ((uint8_t)osThreadReady)
#define osRtxThreadRunning   ((uint8_t)osThreadRunning)
#define osRtxThreadBlocked   ((uint8_t)osThreadBlocked)
#define osRtxThreadTerminated   ((uint8_t)osThreadTerminated)
#define osRtxThreadWaitingDelay   (osRtxThreadBlocked | 0x10U)
#define osRtxThreadWaitingJoin   (osRtxThreadBlocked | 0x20U)
#define osRtxThreadWaitingThreadFlags   (osRtxThreadBlocked | 0x30U)
#define osRtxThreadWaitingEventFlags   (osRtxThreadBlocked | 0x40U)
#define osRtxThreadWaitingMutex   (osRtxThreadBlocked | 0x50U)
#define osRtxThreadWaitingSemaphore   (osRtxThreadBlocked | 0x60U)
#define osRtxThreadWaitingMemoryPool   (osRtxThreadBlocked | 0x70U)
#define osRtxThreadWaitingMessageGet   (osRtxThreadBlocked | 0x80U)
#define osRtxThreadWaitingMessagePut   (osRtxThreadBlocked | 0x90U)
#define osRtxThreadFlagDefStack   0x10U
 Thread Flags definitions. More...
#define osRtxStackMagicWord   0xE25A2EA5U
 Stack Marker definitions. More...
#define osRtxStackFillPattern   0xCCCCCCCCU
 Stack Fill Pattern. More...
#define osRtxTimerInactive   0x00U
 Timer State definitions. More...
#define osRtxTimerStopped   0x01U
 Timer Stopped. More...
#define osRtxTimerRunning   0x02U
 Timer Running. More...
#define osRtxTimerPeriodic   ((uint8_t)osTimerPeriodic)
 Timer Type definitions. More...
#define osRtxThreadFlagsLimit   31U
 Object Limits definitions. More...
#define osRtxEventFlagsLimit   31U
 number of Event Flags available per object More...
#define osRtxMutexLockLimit   255U
 maximum number of recursive mutex locks More...
#define osRtxSemaphoreTokenLimit   65535U
 maximum number of tokens per semaphore More...
#define osRtxThreadCbSize   sizeof(osRtxThread_t)
 Control Block sizes. More...
#define osRtxTimerCbSize   sizeof(osRtxTimer_t)
#define osRtxEventFlagsCbSize   sizeof(osRtxEventFlags_t)
#define osRtxMutexCbSize   sizeof(osRtxMutex_t)
#define osRtxSemaphoreCbSize   sizeof(osRtxSemaphore_t)
#define osRtxMemoryPoolCbSize   sizeof(osRtxMemoryPool_t)
#define osRtxMessageQueueCbSize   sizeof(osRtxMessageQueue_t)
#define osRtxMemoryPoolMemSize(block_count, block_size)   (4*(block_count)*(((block_size)+3)/4))
 Memory size in bytes for Memory Pool storage. More...
#define osRtxMessageQueueMemSize(msg_count, msg_size)   (4*(msg_count)*(3+(((msg_size)+3)/4)))
 Memory size in bytes for Message Queue storage. More...
#define osRtxErrorStackUnderflow   1U
 OS Error Codes. More...
#define osRtxErrorISRQueueOverflow   2U
#define osRtxErrorTimerQueueOverflow   3U
#define osRtxErrorClibSpace   4U
#define osRtxErrorClibMutex   5U
#define osRtxConfigPrivilegedMode   (1UL<<0)
 OS Configuration flags. More...
#define osRtxConfigStackCheck   (1UL<<1)
 Stack overrun checking. More...
#define osRtxConfigStackWatermark   (1UL<<2)
 Stack usage Watermark. More...


uint32_t osRtxErrorNotify (uint32_t code, void *object_id)
 OS Error Callback function. More...
void osRtxIdleThread (void *argument)
 OS Idle Thread. More...
void SVC_Handler (void)
 OS Exception handlers. More...
void PendSV_Handler (void)
void SysTick_Handler (void)
int32_t osRtxSysTimerSetup (void)
 OS System Timer functions (default implementation uses SysTick) More...
void osRtxSysTimerEnable (void)
 Enable System Timer. More...
void osRtxSysTimerDisable (void)
 Disable System Timer. More...
void osRtxSysTimerAckIRQ (void)
 Acknowledge System Timer IRQ. More...
uint32_t osRtxSysTimerGetCount (void)
 Get System Timer count. More...
uint32_t osRtxSysTimerGetFreq (void)
 Get System Timer frequency. More...


osRtxInfo_t osRtxInfo
 OS Runtime Information. More...
const osRtxConfig_t osRtxConfig
 OS Configuration. More...

Data Structure Documentation

struct osRtxMpInfo_t
Data Fields
uint32_t max_blocks Maximum number of Blocks.
uint32_t used_blocks Number of used Blocks.
uint32_t block_size Block Size.
void * block_base Block Memory Base Address.
void * block_lim Block Memory Limit Address.
void * block_free First free Block Address.
struct osRtxMessage_t
Data Fields
uint8_t id Object Identifier.
uint8_t state Object State.
uint8_t flags Object Flags.
uint8_t priority Message Priority.
struct osRtxMessage_s * prev Pointer to previous Message.
struct osRtxMessage_s * next Pointer to next Message.
struct osRtxObject_t
Data Fields
uint8_t id Object Identifier.
uint8_t state Object State.
uint8_t flags Object Flags.
uint8_t reserved
const char * name Object Name.
osRtxThread_t * thread_list Threads List.
struct osRtxInfo_t
Data Fields
const char * os_id OS Identification.
uint32_t version OS Version.
struct osRtxInfo_t kernel
int32_t tick_irqn Tick Timer IRQ Number.
struct osRtxInfo_t thread
struct osRtxInfo_t timer
struct osRtxInfo_t isr_queue
struct osRtxInfo_t post_process
struct osRtxInfo_t mem
struct osRtxInfo_t mpi
struct osRtxConfig_t
Data Fields
uint32_t flags OS Configuration Flags.
uint32_t tick_freq Kernel Tick Frequency.
uint32_t robin_timeout Round Robin Timeout Tick.
struct osRtxConfig_t isr_queue
struct osRtxConfig_t mem
struct osRtxConfig_t mpi
uint32_t thread_stack_size Default Thread Stack Size.
const osThreadAttr_t * idle_thread_attr Idle Thread Attributes.
const osThreadAttr_t * timer_thread_attr Timer Thread Attributes.
const osMessageQueueAttr_t * timer_mq_attr Timer Message Queue Attributes.
uint32_t timer_mq_mcnt Timer Message Queue maximum Messages.
struct osRtxInfo_t.kernel
Data Fields
uint8_t state < Kernel Info


volatile uint8_t blocked Blocked.
uint8_t pendISR Pending ISR (SV and SysTick)
uint8_t pendSV Pending SV.
uint32_t sys_freq System Frequency.
uint64_t tick Tick counter.
struct osRtxInfo_t.thread
Data Fields
thread run < Thread Info
volatile osRtxObject_t ready Ready List Object.
osRtxThread_t * idle Idle Thread.
osRtxThread_t * delay_list Delay List.
osRtxThread_t * wait_list Wait List (no Timeout)
osRtxThread_t * terminate_list Terminate Thread List.
thread robin
Data Fields
osRtxThread_t * curr < Thread Run Info

Current running Thread

osRtxThread_t * next Next Thread to Run.
struct osRtxInfo_t.thread.robin
Data Fields
osRtxThread_t * thread < Thread Round Robin Info

Round Robin Thread

uint32_t tick Round Robin Time Tick.
uint32_t timeout Round Robin Timeout.
struct osRtxInfo_t.timer
Data Fields
osRtxTimer_t * list < Timer Info

Active Timer List

osRtxThread_t * thread Timer Thread.
osRtxMessageQueue_t * mq Timer Message Queue.
struct osRtxInfo_t.isr_queue
Data Fields
uint16_t max < ISR Post Processing Queue

Maximum Items

uint16_t cnt Item Count.
uint16_t in Incoming Item Index.
uint16_t out Outgoing Item Index.
void ** data Queue Data.
struct osRtxInfo_t.mem
Data Fields
void * stack < Memory Pools (Variable Block Size)

Stack Memory

void * mp_data Memory Pool Data Memory.
void * mq_data Message Queue Data Memory.
void * common Common Memory.
struct osRtxInfo_t.mpi
Data Fields
osRtxMpInfo_t * stack < Memory Pools (Fixed Block Size)

Stack for Threads

osRtxMpInfo_t * thread Thread Control Blocks.
osRtxMpInfo_t * timer Timer Control Blocks.
osRtxMpInfo_t * event_flags Event Flags Control Blocks.
osRtxMpInfo_t * mutex Mutex Control Blocks.
osRtxMpInfo_t * semaphore Semaphore Control Blocks.
osRtxMpInfo_t * memory_pool Memory Pool Control Blocks.
osRtxMpInfo_t * message_queue Message Queue Control Blocks.
struct osRtxConfig_t.isr_queue
Data Fields
void ** data < ISR Post Processing Queue

Queue Data

uint16_t max Maximum Items.
uint16_t padding
struct osRtxConfig_t.mem
Data Fields
void * stack_addr < Memory Pools (Variable Block Size)

Stack Memory Address

uint32_t stack_size Stack Memory Size.
void * mp_data_addr Memory Pool Memory Address.
uint32_t mp_data_size Memory Pool Memory Size.
void * mq_data_addr Message Queue Data Memory Address.
uint32_t mq_data_size Message Queue Data Memory Size.
void * common_addr Common Memory Address.
uint32_t common_size Common Memory Size.
struct osRtxConfig_t.mpi
Data Fields
osRtxMpInfo_t * stack < Memory Pools (Fixed Block Size)

Stack for Threads

osRtxMpInfo_t * thread Thread Control Blocks.
osRtxMpInfo_t * timer Timer Control Blocks.
osRtxMpInfo_t * event_flags Event Flags Control Blocks.
osRtxMpInfo_t * mutex Mutex Control Blocks.
osRtxMpInfo_t * semaphore Semaphore Control Blocks.
osRtxMpInfo_t * memory_pool Memory Pool Control Blocks.
osRtxMpInfo_t * message_queue Message Queue Control Blocks.

Macro Definition Documentation

#define osRtxVersionAPI   20010000

API version (2.1.0)

#define osRtxVersionKernel   50010000
#define osRtxKernelId   "RTX V5.1.0"
#define osRtxIdInvalid   0x00U
#define osRtxIdThread   0x01U
#define osRtxIdTimer   0x02U
#define osRtxIdEventFlags   0x03U
#define osRtxIdMutex   0x04U
#define osRtxIdSemaphore   0x05U
#define osRtxIdMemoryPool   0x06U
#define osRtxIdMessage   0x07U
#define osRtxIdMessageQueue   0x08U
#define osRtxObjectInactive   0x00U
#define osRtxObjectActive   0x01U
#define osRtxFlagSystemObject   0x01U
#define osRtxFlagSystemMemory   0x02U
#define osRtxKernelInactive   ((uint8_t)osKernelInactive)
#define osRtxKernelReady   ((uint8_t)osKernelReady)
#define osRtxKernelRunning   ((uint8_t)osKernelRunning)
#define osRtxKernelLocked   ((uint8_t)osKernelLocked)
#define osRtxKernelSuspended   ((uint8_t)osKernelSuspended)
#define osRtxThreadStateMask   0x0FU
#define osRtxThreadInactive   ((uint8_t)osThreadInactive)
#define osRtxThreadReady   ((uint8_t)osThreadReady)
#define osRtxThreadRunning   ((uint8_t)osThreadRunning)
#define osRtxThreadBlocked   ((uint8_t)osThreadBlocked)
#define osRtxThreadTerminated   ((uint8_t)osThreadTerminated)
#define osRtxThreadWaitingDelay   (osRtxThreadBlocked | 0x10U)
#define osRtxThreadWaitingJoin   (osRtxThreadBlocked | 0x20U)
#define osRtxThreadWaitingThreadFlags   (osRtxThreadBlocked | 0x30U)
#define osRtxThreadWaitingEventFlags   (osRtxThreadBlocked | 0x40U)
#define osRtxThreadWaitingMutex   (osRtxThreadBlocked | 0x50U)
#define osRtxThreadWaitingSemaphore   (osRtxThreadBlocked | 0x60U)
#define osRtxThreadWaitingMemoryPool   (osRtxThreadBlocked | 0x70U)
#define osRtxThreadWaitingMessageGet   (osRtxThreadBlocked | 0x80U)
#define osRtxThreadWaitingMessagePut   (osRtxThreadBlocked | 0x90U)
#define osRtxThreadFlagDefStack   0x10U

Default Stack flag

#define osRtxStackMagicWord   0xE25A2EA5U

Stack Magic Word (Stack Base)

#define osRtxStackFillPattern   0xCCCCCCCCU
#define osRtxTimerInactive   0x00U

Timer Inactive

#define osRtxTimerStopped   0x01U
#define osRtxTimerRunning   0x02U
#define osRtxTimerPeriodic   ((uint8_t)osTimerPeriodic)
#define osRtxThreadFlagsLimit   31U

number of Thread Flags available per thread

#define osRtxEventFlagsLimit   31U
#define osRtxMutexLockLimit   255U
#define osRtxSemaphoreTokenLimit   65535U
#define osRtxErrorStackUnderflow   1U
#define osRtxErrorISRQueueOverflow   2U
#define osRtxErrorTimerQueueOverflow   3U
#define osRtxErrorClibSpace   4U
#define osRtxErrorClibMutex   5U
#define osRtxConfigPrivilegedMode   (1UL<<0)

Threads in Privileged mode

#define osRtxConfigStackCheck   (1UL<<1)
#define osRtxConfigStackWatermark   (1UL<<2)

Function Documentation

void SVC_Handler ( void  )
void PendSV_Handler ( void  )
void SysTick_Handler ( void  )

Variable Documentation

osRtxInfo_t osRtxInfo
const osRtxConfig_t osRtxConfig